In this guide dedicated to the DLC INTERmission di Final Fantasy VII we will show you where to find all Happy Tortoise posters. There are 6 posters to look for and by recovering them you can unlock them the Happy Huntress trophy. Whenever you find yourself in the vicinity of the posters you will hear a characteristic jingle that will signal the presence of the poster closest to you at that moment.
The first thing to do will be to talk to Tartagnan, but this will be the simplest part as it is an automatic main story passage that takes place during the Chapter 1. This character will tell you that there are 6 Happy Turtle posters scattered around and will also give you helpful hints for completing the objective.
Where to find the Happy Turtle Posters in Final Fantasy VII INTERmission? Here is the guide
Manifest 1
It is located in the central southern part of the residential area, inside a playground where there are some children. At the bottom there are some stacked cardboard boxes, throw them down and behind them, posted on the wall, is the poster.
Manifest 2
To the southeast of the residential area you can see a turtle-shaped balloon circling. Get as close as you can by climbing over the crate on the right, then throw your weapon to detonate it. You will see the poster fall to the ground, and at this point you just have to pick it up.
Manifest 3
Go to the motel northwest of the residential area to find a dog standing guard on the balcony. Go up the stairs and hide behind the crates every time the dog raises its muzzle. When he dozes, advance to the corner of the house right next to the dog. The poster hangs on that wall on the left.
Manifest 4
Move north from the previous area, to the north central part of the residential area. Sneak under a passage that leads to a courtyard where there are pallets, tires and bins. There are some cats with posters in their mouths. If you turn behind the bins you will see a cat that has let go and left the poster on the ground in front of him. When the cat escapes, you can collect the poster.
Manifest 5
To the east of the residential area, on the way to the train station, there is a clearing with people and a notice board. The poster is hanging right there.
Manifest 6
Go to the abandoned factory area passing by the train station. Enter the fenced area with the barbed wire and, after defeating some enemies, break the highest pile of crates in front of you. The poster hangs on the wall.
After completing the mission, you will receive a request to return to the one who gave you the assignment. By answering yes, you will arrive quickly from the sender, otherwise take the normal route. Talk to Tartagnan who will be happy with the find, but you will be more happy as you have obtained the Happy Huntress trophy.
That's all there is to know in this guide to the 6 Happy Turtle Posters in Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII INTERmission DLC, but you might also be interested in the guide to platinum and all the trophies of the main game!