An increasingly insistent rumor, circulated through minor foreign newspapers, social media and many YouTubers, wants the arrival of a great news for Fortnite, much awaited by the players: la skin in Deadpool Oro, complete with dedicated missions to unlock it. Is it the truth? The short answer is no, none of this is true. This is not a simple rumor or a leak to be verified, but a fake news for sure.
Epic Games has in fact denied the arrival of Deadpool Gold within Fortnite: after all, let's remember, it has already released two alternative costumes for the Marvel hero, without forgetting all the classic paid cosmetic items typical of the battle royale. At this time, moreover, the attention of the developers is all directed to Astronomical, the event of Travis Scott (here all the official details).

It is therefore safe for today and for the rest of the week there will be absolutely no new challenges dedicated to Deadpool and the Deadpool Gold skin variant will not be introduced. Obviously it is not impossible that, at some point, Epic Games decides to return to the Marvel hero, but currently there is no official information on the matter.
Season 2 of Chapter 2 of Fortnite will continue for several weeks, as the developers have decided to postpone the arrival of the third Season. Still in terms of rumors, it seems that the development team is focused on creating a new swimming mechanic: the dataminers have in fact found a new animation, within the game files, which reveals the possibility of swimming underwater. Is it possible that Epic wants to add this novelty with Season 3?
Waiting for news, we can have fun with Fortnite in a slightly different way: have you ever played Fortnite's Monopoly? You can find it on Amazon.