Let's find out how to overcome the new challenges of Fortnite Rise of Chaos of season 1 for this chapter 2, thanks to this guide
We have now reached latest challenges for this first season of Chapter 2. Although this is the last tranche of challenges, the same season has been extended until the beginning of February. Most likely, these two months will be filled with special events and will give many the opportunity to complete any outstanding challenges. Let's start ours now Fortnite Rise of Chaos challenge guide and let's find out how to overcome the last missions of season 1 of chapter 2.
Let's get over them all! - Rise of Chaos Challenge Guide | Fortnite chapter 2 season 1
Look for ammo boxes at Foschi Fumaioli or Siepi Evergreen
The first challenge in this guide to Fortnite's Rise of Chaos challenges, the latest in season 1 of chapter 2, involves look for ammunition boxes at Foschi Fumaioli or Siepi Evergreen (Holly hedges). Not exactly a difficult challenge in itself. The only difficulties you will encounter will be due to the various enemies who will rush into these places to complete the mission in turn. If you want to have a lot more time available to properly loot the place, we advise you to play in the brawl mode. Below we present the map with the two places indicated.
Flying in skydiving, cross the suspended rings at Foschi Fumaioli
The second challenge involves cross the rings suspended above Foschi Fumaioli. Obviously, to do this you will have to go through them while you are jumping off the Battle Bus. In fact, these rings will be at a fairly high height and you will not have time to loot the material needed to reach them from below. Then wait for the bus to pass near the town and then throw yourself headlong. Once landed, you can also complete the previous challenge.
Complete a Speedboat Time Trial
The third challenge in this guide to Fortnite's Rise of Chaos challenges, the latest in season 1 of chapter 2, involves complete a time trial on the speedboat. Passing the tests won't be a walk in the park, especially if your opponents are targeting you. That's why we recommend playing the brawl mode and trying the one next to Misty moors. However, below, we report the map with the places where you can find one of the tests.
Inflict damage on opponents from below
The fourth challenge involves inflict damage on opponents from below. Staying lower than your opponents will expose you more. All you have to do is keep yourself at a lower height than your opponent e hit it until you complete the challenge. If you want to complete the challenge quickly, we advise you to play in the brawl mode, equip yourself with a sniper rifle and, while remaining on the ground, try to snip opponents who will be on some construction.
He dances on a steel green bridge, one yellow and one red
The fifth challenge in this guide to Fortnite's Rise of Chaos challenges, the latest for Chapter 1 season 2, involves dance on three different steel bridges... I ponti green, yellow and red will be the goals of this particular challenge. Below we present the map with the three bridges indicated. Go over them and dance for a few seconds, paying attention to the various enemies nearby.
Eliminations with a shotgun
The sixth challenge involves eliminate opponents with a shotgun. This is a short range weapon. To use it to the fullest then you will have to get very close to your opponents and fire as soon as possible. This way with two well-aimed shots you can take home the first elimination. The ideal place to use this weapon at its best is obviously there Forest, but you won't always find enemies there.
Use a Zipline in different games
The seventh challenge in this guide to Fortnite's Rise of Chaos challenges, the latest for Chapter 1 season 2, involves use a Zipline in different games. These particular moving tools have been introduced for some seasons now and are very useful for moving over short distances or even for climbing up some mountains. Below we present the map with all the places where you can find a Zipline. Remember to use at least one in several games to complete the mission.

The line from Foschi Fumaioli to Corso Commercio represents several Ziplines connected to each other
Eliminations within 5 meters
The eighth challenge involves eliminate opponents within 5 meters of distance. Obviously, with such a meager distance, the advice we feel we can give you is that of use a shotgun to hit your opponent. Then change the shotgun to one machine gun and you can melt the last remaining life points in less than a few seconds. Obviously it won't be easy to get so close to your opponents, so be careful and try to do not expose yourself too much during the assault.
Search for chests in a single game
The ninth challenge in this guide to Fortnite's Rise of Chaos challenges, the latest for Chapter 1 season 2, plans to search for chests in a single game. As you all know, these objects are mainly found in the places characterized by a name on the map and obviously, the latter, will be targeted by many players. However, in the map there are lots of secondary places to look for them. Alternatively, you can play the brawl mode and launch yourself in a place in your half of the island far enough away from the safe.
Inflict damage on opponents while in the water
The latest challenge involves deal damage to opponents while in the water. Obviously the difficulty is not so much in aiming and shooting, as unable to move or repair yourself somewhere while you are in the water. So make sure you have good aim and that your enemy is not too far from you. Our advice is to also play for this challenge in the brawl mode, so that you can complete it in a single game without risking dying unnecessarily.
Good fun! - Rise of Chaos Challenge Guide | Fortnite chapter 2 season 1
That's all for this guide. I remind you that the challenges from the fourth onwards will be blocked and to unlock them you must first complete the previous ones. If you are left behind with the previous week's Swoop missions, I recommend you read our article by clicking here. In order not to miss further details on the game of epic Games and find out what awaits us during these Christmas holidays, keep following the pages of Holygamerz!