With the arrival of version 4.0 of Genshin impact, Hoyoverse has decided to give to all players Lynette, one of the new characters from the newly introduced Fontaine region. In this article we will give an overview of his abilities and offer you some tips for obtaining the best build possible.
Lynette is a 4 star character who uses the element anemo and uses swords. Her kit is fairly simple to understand and use, making her a viable option as a DPS sub and/or team support character, with the ability to emphasize one or the other role based on which weapons and artifacts you decide on to have them used. Furthermore, she is a free character and can be useful for some of the special mechanics of the Fontaine region, so it may be worth investing some time and resources into exploiting her potential.
Skill overview and talent priorities

NB: when we refer to the attack statistics we will use the values of the Talents at Lvl. 8, a level high enough for an advanced build and which at the same time does not require excessive amounts of resources. Furthermore, in Genshin Impact skill values are expressed as a percentage of the user's ATK, unless another specific attribute is indicated.
Unlike her magician brother (here's our guide to Lyney), Lynette doesn't boast interesting standard attacks and in principle you will never use them in battle, focusing instead on skill and celebration.
L'elemental enable by Lynette, "Enigmatic Simulation" immediately regenerates 25% of the character's maximum HP, but over the next 4 seconds he will lose 6% of his current HP every second. The ability has two variations depending on whether you activate it with a simple button press or a long press. In the first case, the character launches a rapid thrust, while with prolonged pressure she will first enter the "Thieving Shadow" state for a maximum of 2,5 seconds which allows her to move with greater speed and mark a nearby opponent. At the end of this effect, the character will perform the thrust on the marked enemy even if he is not in the immediate vicinity. Regardless of the variant of the skill, the jab has a scaling of 428%, a very high value. Note that, as we will see later, one of the Constellations bonuses allows you to use 2 Enigmatic Thrusts and with the "Sacrificial Sword" weapon you can even reach 3 charges, which means that the character with the right build can cause damage quite high in a short time by chaining several hits in a row.
Furthermore, the Enigmatic Thrust once every 6 seconds also releases a "Rising Blade", an additional blow that deals mediocre damage but has the advantage of having the Ousia polarity. Polarities are part of a new mechanic introduced with the Fontaine region linked to some exploration and combat dynamics. In general it's still extra damage, which doesn't do any harm.
Il Elemental Riot Lynette's "Sleight of Hand: Amazing Transmutation" deals Anemo damage upon activation and deploys a "Wicked Cat Box" on the field for 12 seconds that deals area-of-effect Anemo damage at regular intervals. It doesn't end there, because when the box comes into contact with the Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro element it absorbs it and fires "Vivid Shots" which inflict additional damage from the same element. In total the Wacky Box can generate up to 11 Anemo attacks and 5 Vivid Shots, which overall make themselves felt. This is not the only usefulness of this ability: in fact, the box also attracts the attention of surrounding enemies, which can be useful if you have a DPS in your team who is fragile or particularly susceptible to interruptions.
Moving on to passive skills, "Sophisticated Synergy" for 10 seconds after the activation of the Elemental Riot gives the whole team an 8%/12%/16%/20% bonus to ATK based on how many characters of different elements are present in the team . It is a useful passive but not to the point of being decisive when you have to choose how to compose the team. The other talent is "Ready-to-Use Props" which increases the damage of Elemental Blaze by 15% for its duration when the Wacky Box absorbs an element. The downside of this Elemental Riot that should be kept in mind is that it has an energy cost of a whopping 70 points, which means that large investments in the Energy Recharge attribute may be necessary.
Considering that we are talking about a 4 star character over time it is likely that you will unlock some of the Constellations by Lynette. The most useful ones, in our opinion, are the second and fourth level ones. "Boundless Mysteries" practically doubles the number of Vivid Blows launched by the Elemental Riot, while as previously mentioned "Tacit Agreement" guarantees an additional charge of the Enigmatic Simulation elemental skill. We also mention the last bonus, "Watchful Eye", which infuses Lynette's normal attacks with the Anemo element and increases their damage by 20%, making the character on paper a possible candidate as the team's main DPS based on the attribute Elemental Mastery for Whirlwind reactions, however in our opinion the game is not worth the candle given that there are certainly stronger and more interesting options in the Genshin Impact cast.
With regard to the Talent priority, the advice is to divide your hard-earned resources equally between Elemental Exuberance and Elemental Skill. The standard attacks are instead irrelevant, unless you have unlocked all the Constellations bonuses and aim to make Lyney an on-field DPS in all respects, although as previously mentioned in our opinion it is not the ideal role for this character.
The best artifacts for Lynette, how much Energy Recharge do you need?

As far as the best artifacts for Lynette are concerned, you have two options in our opinion, that is to emphasize her role as a support character for the team or the damage of her abilities.
The first option in our opinion is the best and in this sense the recommended set is "Emerald Huntress". The two-piece bonus increases the damage from Anemo by 15%, while the 4-piece increases the damage of the Whirlwind reaction by 60% and above all reduces the enemies' resistance to the element that triggered this reaction by 40% for 10 seconds The alternative, albeit less valid, is "Noblesse Oblige" thanks to the 20% bonus to damage from Elemental Blaze and the 20% bonus to ATK given to the whole team.
However, if you already have supporting Anemo characters, such as Kazuha and Sucrose, it might make sense to focus on a sub-DPS role for Lynette. In this case we have several valid options. Among these is the new set "Golden Company" introduced with Fontaine, which increases the damage of the character's Elemental ability (which as we have seen is already quite high) by 20% with the two-piece bonus, while the four-piece bonus increases this damage by another 25% and a further 25% when the character is not on the field. This last effect is canceled 2 seconds after the character returns to the field, a very narrow window of time but which still allows you to throw 2 Enigmatic Thrusts if you are quick enough. A valid one alternative is the evergreen "Emblem of Broken Fate" which increases Energy Recharge by 20% and Elemental Blaze damage by 25% of this stat.
As regards the statistics of the Artifacts, it is good to immediately talk about the quantity Energy Recharge required to activate Elemental Triumph with each squad rotation. In reality, establishing the ideal value is not simple as it can fluctuate from a minimum of 140% up to a massive 220%. There are many variables to take into consideration, such as how many Enigmatic Thrust charges the character has (you can reach three with the Constellations and the Sacrificial Sword weapon), whether the team has characters with Favonius weapons that generate particles, how many time spent on the field Lynette and in general how many particles are generated by the entire team. If you don't have clear ideas and a calculator in hand, you can aim for a middle ground, i.e. a value of around 180%, and then establish in the field whether it is sufficient for you or not. Or you can perform all the necessary calculations using the useful tools created by the Genshin Impact community, such as this page created specifically to calculate the ideal amount of Energy Recharge for each character.
In addition to Energy Recharge le other recommended statistics they are Rate / DMG from CRIT, ATK%, Anemo damage bonus to increase Lynette's personal damage by taking advantage of the excellent scaling of her skills. A few Elemental Mastery points certainly don't hurt, especially with the "Emerald Huntress" set, but it's not a priority. Consequently these are the main and secondary attributes of the Artifacts that we recommend:
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Chalice: Anemo damage bonus
- Crown: Tasso / DAN da CRIT
- Secondary Stats: Energy Recharge (up to desired value) > Rate / DMG from CRIT > ATK% > Elemental Mastery
The best weapons for Lynette

As far as weapons go, there are a number of viable options for Lynette. Among those a 5 stars we mention "Oath of Freedom" which increases the damage of normal attacks and the ATK statistic of the whole team and therefore ideal for a team support build. Or the "Jade Sword" which offers a decent bonus to HP and ATK as well as boasting a high bonus to the CRIT Rate.
Among the most accessible four-star swords, if you need a high amount of Energy Recharge the most valid options are the "Spada di Favonius" e la "Spada Sacrificiale". In particular, the second, in addition to a generous bonus to this statistic, practically allows you to obtain an additional boost to the character's elemental ability, thus also increasing his offensive potential.
If Energy Recharge is not a problem, we suggest the new weapon that can be crafted by blacksmiths "Finale of the Abyss" which offers bonuses to ATK with requirements that fit harmoniously with Lynette's kit. The "Wolf Fang" is also very valid, increasing the damage of skill and elemental blaze and providing an excellent amount of CRIT rate, however it can only be obtained with the Genshin Impact Battle Pass.
The best teams for Lynette

Considering her characteristics Lynette is a versatile character who can adapt to a huge number of different formations, so we don't have specific teams to recommend. In particular, once equipped with the "Emerald Huntress" you can insert it without problems into practically any team based on the elements Pyro, Electro, Cryo and Hydro which can gain advantage from the effects of this set.
Also take into consideration the specialty of the Stravagatto Box attract the attention of enemies for its 12 second duration, which can make life easier for DPS with low health or susceptible to enemy knockbacks, such as Brother Lyney or Ganyu, Yoimiya and Hu Tao.