God of war ragnarok they have 6 Essences of Hel, these are nothing more than gashes that give you access to a resource. You will need to find them all to complete one of the game's Favors. No Essence of Hel is perishable, so you will have the opportunity to get them during the main storyline and free roam.
From this point on you may run into God of War Ragnarok spoilers. So if you don't want to know details of the new Santa Monica adventure, stop your reading here.
The Essences of Hel will start appearing on the game map during the twelfth mission of the main storyline. And know that you will need them for get 100% God of War Ragnarok. They are also obtainable in any order after the first two. But know that to close the open rifts you will have to face waves of enemies, so prepare your weapons.
Casa di Sindri
It will close automatically after mission number twelve.
Shining Retribution, Helheim
It will be in your way once you progress through the twelfth mission.
Terre Umide di Aurvangar, Svartlfheim
It is available on the coast, specifically on the right side of the Wetlands, climb the scaffolding to reach it.
Lo Strond, Alfheim
Directly south of the Mystical Portal, in the lower area.
Shining Retribution, Helheim
In front of the Mystical Portal.
Well of Urd, Midgard
On top of the hill leading up to Well of Urd.
And here's how to find all the Essences of Hel.