God of war ragnarok he calls his sidequests "Favors". There are 47 of them. Completing every single Favor is necessary if wish you had 100% of the game. Some of these, in fact, will also give you trophies or you will be able to access areas that you otherwise could not reach.
Boons can also be completed after finishing the main storyline. No favor is lost. For this reason, we advise you to enjoy all the main storyline of God of War Ragnarok first and then complete the Boons. Especially since not all favors will be available the first time you go to various areas of the game. So you'll have to anyway do some backtracking.
From this point on you may run into God of War Ragnarok spoilers. So if you don't want to know details of the new Santa Monica adventure, stop your reading here.
In the service of Asgard
This God of War Ragnarok Favor will be given to you by Raeb. The only thing you need to have access to is the game area: Svartalfheim. As for the prizes:
- 500 PE per Kratos
- 125 XP per Atreus
- Ore of Nidavellir
What are the objectives to be achieved to complete this Boon?
- Destroy the Althjof Plant
- Destroy the Radsvinn Facility
- Destroy the Modvitnir Implant
There are two methods of obtaining this Boon in God of War Ragnarok. The first method is to talk to the dwarf Raeb, in Nidavellir. But in case you forget to do it, you will get it automatically after exiting the town, later having reached the great lake. Yes, because Mimir will give you the quest without having to go back to Raeb.
At this point you will have to destroy three Implants in the Bay of Plenty. It doesn't matter the order, the important thing is to do it.
Modvitnir plant
Let's start with this one because it will be the closest place once you reach Baia dell'Abbondanza. Then go west towards the beach. Climb the platform on the right e hit the switch to cross, then climb the tower. You will also find a Legendary Chest here. Use the jump rope on the other side, look down and to the right and you'll find Lore as well. Head back up, then throw your Ax at the crane to rotate it and clear the way. Go through the crane and climb up, here you will find a Mother Bergsra to defeat. Once done, you can destroy the implant.
The Radvinn plant
Go to the center of the Bay of Plenty, to the Watchtower and continue on this road to reach the Radvinn plant. You will find a lot of Grim and Nightmares, once you kill them, you can destroy the facility.
The Althjof plant
Go northwest of the Bay of Plenty to find the last plant you need to destroy. Climb the chain and you'll notice a Raven of Odin to take out. Go towards the wheel and lower the gate. Then send the elevator down, so that you can jump. Once on the other side, blow up the barrels with the blades.
Proceed and step onto a platform, where you can open a shortcut to the beginning and then open the gate which will give up more barrels which you can destroy to open up more paths. Choose the path to the left and climb the wall, then jump and smash the floor. You will deal with some Draugr and read the rune on the wall. Use your blades to take the elevator back up and then turn the wheel again for the gate.
Go up the shortcut and go through the elevator and the gate, then lower the chain for another shortcut. Climb up again and take out the Draugr and Grim, then destroy the Rig.
The weight of the chains
This God of War Ragnarok Boon begins automatically once you arrive at Lyngbakr Isle, in the middle of the Bay of Plenty.
Upon completion of this God of War Ragnarok Boon you will get:
- 1000 PE per Kratos
- 250 XP per Atreus
- Find the key on the island
- Take the key to the Watchtower
- Go back to the creature
- Liberate il Lyngbakr
- Arrive at Lyngbakr eye
Find the key on the island
Destroy the rocks throwing the Ax on the fire, then head up the ramp and destroy the Husk Nest. Keep moving forward to find more vessels on fire. Destroy another Husk Nest, then take the elevator down and throw your Ax at the contraption to freeze it. Climb the wall to the elevator, recall the weapon. Jump down. Defeat Mother Bergsra, then open the chest to get the key.
Take the key to the Watchtower
Go to the Watchtower which is on the south of the island. Climb the wall and use the key to open the door. Then interact with the gong.
Go back to the creature
In this phase you simply return north to Lyngbakr Island.
Liberate il Lyngbakr
Climb the chain and deal with the Draugr. Destroy the burning vessels to clear your way and break the links, then throw your Chain Axe. Continue on the new road, take out the enemies and climb the chain to find Lore on the right. Then turn around and scale the wall. Jump the hole to find an artifact on the ground.
Go back and go to the next area. Keep going straight until you have to go down using the catena to find the next link. Break it. Destroy the lair that emerges. Use the bombs to clear the rocks on the port.
Before returning to the boat, grab another bomb and go up the first street you opened and destroy the rocks. Then proceed and crawl into the hole to find a Raven of Odin. Now go back to the boat again and go to the port you opened. Break free from waves of enemies. Rope down, open the Legendary Chest you find, then break the chain.
Arrive at Lyngbakr eye
Break the gate and return to the boat. Now go back to Lyngbakr's eye.
Spirit of Rebellion
Spirit of Rebellion is a Boon from God of War Ragnarok that Durlin will give you. To complete the mission you must first have the Spear Draupnir. The prizes you will get are:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Freya
- 30 Slab of Laments
- Mountain Breaker
The objectives to be achieved are:
- Get the hammer
- Return to Durlin
To obtain this Boon you will need to speak to Durlin after obtaining the Draupnir Spear. you will find it near the Mystical Portal. In case you don't find it there, you will find it in a house in Nidavellir.
Get the hammer
Go to the Dragon Beach at the Bay of Plenty. Near the beach there are 3 geysers that you need to freeze to get the totem behind them. Once you do, you can also get the Norn Crate. There is also a rune to read near the chest. Once these two steps are complete, use the chain and go to the bridge. You crawl under the column to find a Yggrasil Fissure. Continue forward, towards the rune, read it to be able to move the hammer. Open the chest behind the hammer.
Return to Durlin
Return to the tavern in the city of Nidavellir and speak with Durlin to complete the Boon.
The lost treasure
Once you complete this God of War Ragnarok favor you will get:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Freya
- svefnthorn
- Treasure of Alberich (Jewel of Yggdrasil, 5000 Argent)
- Find the treasure in Alberich's Pit
- Finding the spirit of the son
- Find the treasure in Alberich Island
- Back to the father spirit
To get this Boon you have to talk to Spirit on Dragonshore, after obtaining the Draupnir Spear.
Find the treasure in Alberich's Pit
Swing over the bridge and follow the Alberich Pit road. Take care of enemies and use bombs to discover the Legendary Chest and to pave the way. At this point more enemies will arrive that you will have to take out. There will also be a Raven of Odin in this area to hit. You will find it on the left. Blow up more barrels e you will have a boss fight to defeat.
Know that this enemy will be really hard to hit, because he is very agile and will keep jumping. Also, if you'll be remote he will spit acid. To win you can use bombs, but be careful not to throw them too close, otherwise you will also take damage.
Once defeated, climb to the left so you can obtain a Fissure of Yggdrasil. Now turn around and throw a bomb on the space between you and the rest so it destroys the rocks. in front of you you will have a Legendary Chest. From here, if you go right you will also get a Treasure Map.
Finding the spirit of the son
Go north to the Isles of Alberich. You'll find a Norn Chest on the coast, which can be opened by ringing the bells. One is next to the crate, the other hangs to the left, on a crane. The last one is behind a fence and can be hit by throwing the Axe. Use the Draupnir Spear to climb and talk to the Spirit.
Find treasure on Alberich Island
Keep going and destroy the rock on the left to find Odin's Raven flying to the water bed. Now go down to the water wheel to see a rock that you will have to destroy with the Spear Draupnir. Now swing across the platform to find another Yggdrasil Fissure. If you swing to the right again you can get a new Treasure Map.
Climb on an edge to discover a new Odin's Raven, you will discover it on a rock. Use the Draupnir Spear to destroy the rock, then pull the chain to you and freeze the contraption. Then go back to the platform, freeze the geyser and go to the elevator. Kill enemies and climb to find a Legendary Chest.
Back to the father spirit
Return to the Dragon Isle. Next to the bones of the beast you can find the treasure hidden by the Maps that you have found. At this point, climb up and talk to the father spirit to complete the quest.
A Viking funeral
This God of War Ragnarok Boon will be given to you by Lunda. Know that to get this side quest you must have completed the main storyline first.
The goals are really simple:
- Go to the funeral
- Meet the group at Sverdsand
The prize you will receive will be only one: the "Funeral for a friend" trophy.
To initiate the "A Viking Funeral" Boon you'll need to talk to Lunda, no matter where. The important is initiate the conversation with the merchant once you complete the main storyline.
Go to the funeral
Go to Raeb's Tavern in Nidavellir. Interact with Brok after the initial conversation.
Meet the group at Sverdsand
Go to Sverdsand. You can access it in two ways: via one of the bridges of the Aurvangar Wetlands or after having obtained a Yggrasil Seed from Ratatoskr, so you can go to Torsolo and use the lift. Once you reach the location, you will have to just talk to Brok again, so as to conclude the Favor.
Cure for the Dead
Cure for the Dead is a God of War Ragnarok Boon that can be obtained from Mari. But before you can access her you will have to complete the sixth story mission. The rewards for fully are:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Freya
- 13 Slabs of Laments
- Fortune of Svartalfheim
The objectives to be achieved, however, are these:
- Finding objects
- Return to spirit
The Boon can be initiated by speaking to the ghost of Mari at Pilgrim's Landing, ie after gaining access to the Delta River. So complete the sixth main story mission first.
Finding objects
To complete the quest you will need to find three objects, all of which are found in Pilgrim's Landing. Climb up and use one of the arrow vaults to start a fire, then cut the chain for the lower deck. As soon as you pass this point you will find the first item.
Keep going and killing the enemies, then grab the second item from the water. There will be also a collectible Lore, next to. You can use it as a reference point.
At this point go to the right of the bridge to see a huge chandelier: drop it by breaking the chain. Push it to the right to light the brazier. Use an arrow to light the left brazier as well. Finally, move it to the left to activate the lower bridge and pass it to find it the item is a Legendary Chest. Not only that, there will also be a Raven of Odin on a rock, to the left.
Return to spirit
Once you have all the items, just go back to Mari to complete the quest.
Garden for the Dead
Garden for the Dead is a God of War Ragnarok Boon that you get from Astrid. To be able to gain access to side questsAT there will be a need to complete the sixth story mission.
Once you complete the objectives you will get:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Freya
- 13 Slabs of Laments
- Salvation of Svartalfheim
The objectives are:
- Destroy poisoned totems
- Return to spirit
Garden for the Dead can be started by Astrid's ghost in Noatun's Garden, which can only be reached after completing mission number 6 of the main storyline.
Destroy poisoned totems
There are as many as three poison totems on the island. Each of these will have a small vessel on fire that must be destroyed. For the totem that is in the north, you just need to stand behind the rocks to be able to hit the vessel. For the central totemInstead, you will see a hole in the structure. There you will find what you need to hit to destroy the totem. For the ultimate poisoned totem, you have to scale the structure nearby, so that you can cut the chain that holds the vessel you need.
Return to spirit
Go back to where you met the spirit and talk to him, so as to complete the quest.
Consciousness for the Dead
Conscience for the Dead is a God of War Ragnarok Boon obtained from Gunhild. Also in this case, it will be necessary to have completed the sixth main mission first.
Once completed, you will get:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Freya
- 13 Slabs of Laments
The objectives:
- Eliminate the Seidr Fanatics
- Talk to the spirit
Consciousness for the Dead can be initiated by speaking to Gunhild's ghost in Ruins on the Cliff. Accessible from the Mystical Portal of Freyr's Camp, by interacting with the Celestial Altar to change from night to day. Yes, because at night the road will be blocked. At this point, get on the boat and reach the location.
Eliminate the Seidr Fanatics
Take care of the enemies you encounter and then climb up. Jump between platforms and use one of Freya's arrows in combos with yours to clear the way and gain access to the chain, which you'll have to lower. Climb it and insert the rune in the right place (it's impossible to miss) to open the passage through the river. Go to Cascate della Dea and enter the cave: The Veiled Passage.
Arrive on the beach and use the bombs you find to destroy the wall and find a Norn Crate, then use a bomb again, in combo with rune arrows to hit the bells that are on the opposite wall. Now get back on the boat and go to the next beach.
Once you arrive destroy the barrier, take out the plants and climb the wall. On the right you will find Lore. Now keep going, to the next ledge, so you will also find a Raven of Odin.
Continuing you will find the Seidr Fanatics, take them out and continue. Near one edge you'll find a second group of Fanatics and a wooden barrier. If you decide to break it, you will find an artifact. The important thing is to make sure you've eliminated every Seidr Fanatic in the area.
Talk to the spirit
At the end of the tunnel you will find a chain that will take you back to Ruins on the Cliff, on the other side of the bridge. First of all, there will be a Lore collectible to your right, as well as another Raven of Odin on the river. Not only that, on the bottom edge you will also find a Legendary Chest, next to the bridge. To reach it you will have to use Rune Arrows and Blades of Chaos, because it will be blocked. Once all this is done, lower the bridge and go back to the spirit and talk to him.
the mysterious sphere
This favor of God of war ragnarok it will be given to you by Lunda. Be careful, however, in order to access this side quest it will be necessary to complete the sixth mission of the main storyline and return to Freyr's Camp.
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Freya
- Lunda's Lost Armor Set
The objectives:
- Find the globe
- Give the orb to Lunda
The favor can be initiated by speaking to Lunda at Freyr's Camp, you'll return there later.
Find the globe
Cross the Delta River and go to Noatun's Garden. Open the Chisel Door and you will find a chest with Lunda's Broken Armor. Keep going south and go to Ruins on the Cliff. Deal with enemies and climb. Go to the side room and get the plants. At this point you will find a chest with Lunda's Broken Belt.
Jump across platforms and use Freya's arrows combined with your Blades of Chaos to free the bramble and lower the chain. Now use it for climb up and use runes to open the passage into the river. Now go to the Goddess Falls and head to the quarry: The Veiled Passage.
Go to the beach and you will see the globe to your right. Take it. While you're here, you'll find some collectibles and some Lunda armor parts. But you can avoid exploring and go back.
Otherwise, use the bomb to destroy the ores to get the Norn Cache. Then use it again together with the rune arrows to hit the bells that you will find on the opposite wall.
Now get on the boat and go to the next beach that is going down. There, you'll see a red chest that contains Lunda's Broken Bracers. Break the barrier, destroy the plant and climb the wall, where you will find a lore collectible, to the right. In addition, you will also find a Raven of Odin. As in the previous Favor, you will have to face the Fanatics. And there will also be the wooden barrier that hides the artifact.
Give the orb to Lunda
At the end of the tunnel there will be a chain that leads back to Ruins on the Cliff, on the other side of the bridge. First though, you can also find a collectible on the right and a Raven of Odin on the river. There will also be a Legendary Chest on the bridge. To reach it you will have to use the arrows and the Blades of Chaos. At this point you will have to lower the bridge to then find Lunda's Lost Armor. From here you can return to Lunda.
Freya has no Peace
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Freya
- Mardoll
- Steel harmony
- Indumenti Regali di Vanir
The objectives:
- Reach the entrance to Freya's wedding shrine
- Explore the Shrine
- Leave the shrine
God of War Ragnarok's Boon can be initiated automatically upon reaching the Mystic Portal at Freya's Camp.
Reach the entrance to Freya's wedding shrine
With your boat, travel to the Deltra River and land at the Ruins on the Cliff. Take care of the enemies and then climb. Jump between platforms and use Freya's rune arrows together with the blades of chaos to free the bramble, thus lowering the chain. Now climb up and use the rune on the podium to open the passage into the river. Now go to Goddess Falls and get to the beach.
Take care of the enemies and climb again, at this point you will find Lore. Now climb the second wall and you will find a Raven of Odin. There will also be a Nornan Crate. There are also 3 braziers to light and you can use Freya's arrows. Where are? One to the right, one behind the waterfall and one on the edge to the left. When you're done, interact with the rock to continue.
Explore the shrine
Enter the shrine, where you will find a boss fight. Once you win, go to the right corner to find a treasure map, and lore on the wall. Now go to the boss location and throw your chain ax across the bridge. Then cross to create a road and set fire to the bramble, then cut the second chain.
Deal with the Nightmares in the next area, then read the Lore in the corner. Then keep going forward and you will see the gate in front of you will break due to a wave of enemies. Kill them and then take the artifact. Go ahead and cut the chain, so you have access to a Legendary Chest.
Deal with the enemies again and then talk to Freya on the balcony. Follow it and then use the rune. Go back to the middle area, kill the enemies and then go to the right gate to find the entrance. Use the Arrow Combo and Chaos Blades to light the torches in front of the gate at the same time. Go ahead and ignore the enemies, burn the bramble and keep going up. Kill the enemies and then talk to Freya again. Follow it again and use the rune. As you exit, you will find Lore on the stairs. He returns to the middle area again and read the runeword to create the bridge. Go through it to find Lore. Go back to the door to move forward.
Leave the shrine
Kill all Wulvers and leave the shrine. But watch out for two Drekis. Once defeated, interact with the boat to end the quest.
The smell of survival
To access this God of War Ragnarok Boon you will need to have completed the thirteenth story mission first.
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Atreus
- Access to the Crater
The objectives:
- Go after Helka
- Go to the Crater
To start The Smell of Survival you won't have to do anything in particular: simply leave Freyr's Camp after completing story mission number 13.
Go after Helka
Head towards the run and follow Helka's trail towards the Bosco di Barri Occidental. Take care of the enemies and use the Celestial Altar to clear your way. Follow Helka.
Go to the Crater
Interact with the wind once you reach the ledge to finish the quest.
Vanaheim – The Jungle
Return of the River
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Access to locked areas in the Crater
The objectives:
- Raise the dam
- Flood the Crater
This God of War Ragnarok Boon activates automatically when you approach the Jungle Dam.
Raise the dam
Go towards the dam, take care of the Gulons that you will find along the way, Burn the robot at the end of the road and take the elevator up. deal with the Seidr and Gulons Once at the top, then read the Lore point use the spear to open the way to the other side. You'll see Dreki attacking the fauna, which will start another Boon.
Flood the crater
Burn the Bramble then kill the Nokken and Seidr. Then use the crank to raise the gates so the water can flow. Now go back to see the river flowing again. This ends the Quest.
What's underneath
A little while ago we told you that another God of War Ragnarok favor would be unlocked during the Side Quest earlier. Here is the solution guide.
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Kratos
- 375 PE of Atreus
The objectives:
- Find the Dreki
- Kill the Dreki
This boon starts automatically when you get to a certain spot on the jungle dam.
Find the Dreki
Burn the Bramble, then kill the Nokken and Seidr. use the crank to raise gates so that the water flows. Use the spear to clear your way and climb up. Now use the chain to drop down. This way you will meet the Dreki.
Kill the Dreki
Face the creature and take it out.
Path of the dead
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Atreus
- 2 Dragon Claws
The objectives:
- Reach the dragon's territory
- Kill the dragon
This God of War Ragnarok Boon begins automatically once you see the dragon in the dam.
Reach the dragon's territory
Go towards the river ignoring the first coast on the right, you will also have to pass some high platforms. go into the small tunnel to the east to go to the docks point cross the gap and deal with the two ogres. here you will also find a raven of Odin on a red chest. Go ahead and cross the bridge, you will have to progress until you reach your boat again. go to the coast you skipped earlier and deal with the enemies point you will also find a Norn Chest.
At this point you have to hit three totems: one is next to the chest, one is on the celestial altar wall, it's the last one and behind some brambles next to a scalable wall. Now climb up to reach the next area. use the arrows and blades of chaos to burn the robi then pass through. At this point you will see a legendary chest. keep going forward until you see a climbable wall.
Kill the dragon
Once you climb the wall you will have to face the dragon. When you win you will have finished this favor.
Path of Destruction
The prices:
- 4500 PE of Kratos
- 1125 PE of Atreus
- Dragon's tooth
- Dragon's claw
The objectives:
- Follow the footprints
- Baiting the dragon
- Kill the dragon
This God of War Ragnarok favor starts automatically after you crawl into a hole in the wall where you will see some very large footprints facing the jungle. Before you can initiate this favor you will need to defeat the ogres and cross the bridge to reach the area.
Follow the footprints
Go into the hole in the center of the area. That's all.
Baiting the dragon
Raise walls by throwing your ax at the spinning object, then freeze the mechanism before it comes back down. On the wall next to it there will be a rune to read. There will also be a Legendary Chest that contains a Jewel of Yggdrasil. before opening the gate raise the wall again and freeze it in the right place. Now head outside and lure the Gulons into the platform. then pick up your ax and trap them inside. Now push the chain to make the elevator go up and send the dragon's enemies to come out.
Kill the dragon
Go outside and return to the dragon's nest. Follow the path that you will find on the left. At this point you will find the dragon.
Casualties of war: the mug
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Kinetic Resistance Charm
- Find the other half of the mug
This God of War Ragnarok favor starts automatically where you have taken half of the mug inside the dam.
Find the other half of the mug
The second half of the mug can be found inside Dreki's nest in the Plains. You'll have to kill enemies to access them.
Casualties of war: the toy
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Fossilized Guardian Amulet Enchantment
- Find the other half of the toy
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after taking half of a toy in the jungle, after flooding the Crater.
Find the other half of the toy
The second half of the toy can be found in the jungle section where you will fight the two Ogres, right next to the bridge.
Vanaheim The Chasms
Trembling quarry
The prices:
- 4500 PE of Kratos
- 1125 PE of Atreus
- Spell Amulet of Regenerating Essence
- Dragon's claw
- Find the source of the tremors
This God of War Ragnarok Boon is automatically active once you feel the tremors at the Chasms.
Find the source of the tremors
Go forward into the Sinkholes and open the gate near the dragon. Progress and kill all the enemies, then light the bramble above you so you can cross the chasm. Crawl and you'll meet the creature that's shaking everything: a dragon. Take out the beast.
Burning skies
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 the Atreus
- Dragon's claw
The objectives:
- Find your way to the dragon's nest
- Defeat the creature
This God of War Ragnarok Favor begins automatically once you encounter the dragon and destroy the two pillars.
Find your way to the dragon's nest
Before you can get to the dragon's nest, you'll need to get the river flowing again first. Which you will do in the "Return of the River" Boon. Once you've done that, you can use the Mystical Portal. Open the gate and then return to the boat. The next destination will be the beach where you can open the gate to move forward.
Defeat the creature
Take out the Draugr, then throw your spear into the rock's weak point and then avoid the dragon's flames. Continue forward and you will find another weak rock, use the spear again. Climb up and before you can open the Norn Chest there will be a fight. Now climb the wall to find the boss fight.
Casualty of war: the Hourglass
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Attuned Rune Gem Enchantment Amulet
- Find the other half of the hourglass
This God of War Ragnarok boon begins once you've taken half an hourglass.
Find the other half of the hourglass
The missing part of the hourglass can be found after the boss fight just defeated, the one from the previous favor. Thus ends the quest!
Vanaheim – The Plains
In the middle of the night
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Kratos
- 375 PE of Atreus
- Dragon's tooth
The objectives:
- Find the Dreki
- Kill the Dreki
This God of War Ragnarok favor starts automatically after you find the shop in the Dreki nest.
Find the Dreki
Before you can enter the Dreki's nest, you'll need to change the time and make the night come: so go to the Celestial Altar to make time pass.
Kill the Dreki
Go to the Dreki's nest to be able to face the beast.
At the light of the Sun
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Atreus
- Mark of the Hunter
- Amulet of Eir's Armament Attuned Runestone Enchantment Hunter's Enchantment
The objectives:
- Find evidence of the Soul Eater's activity
- Kill the Soul Eater
This God of War Ragnarok favor I start after interacting with an animal carcass.
Find evidence of the Soul Eater's activity
Go north to find another carcass next to a rock. Then you will find another one on the water. There will also be rocks covered in runes, attack them to awaken the Soul Eater.
Kill the Soul Eater
At this point, all you have to do is face the beast.
Per Vanaheim
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Atreus
- 75 Slab of Laments
- Rond of the Nine Realms
The objectives:
- Reach Birgir
- Save Birgir
- Make Birgir go through the Mystical Portal
This God of War Ragnaok boon starts automatically after completing the side quest called the Smell of Survival.
Reach Birgir
Go west and then all the way north to a cave where you will have to swing to reach it. Scale the wall and go to the celestial altar to change the time of day from morning to evening. at this point a gate will be accessible, kill the enemy you meet and then open it. Follow the path ignoring the red chest on the left, at least for now, otherwise you will encounter an optional Boss Fight. Sneak through the hole to face the dragon.
Save Birgir
After defeating the dragon, climb the wall to find Birgir.
Make Birgir go through the Mystical Portal
Interact with the mystical portal that is near where you saved your character. This will finish the Quest.
Nocturnal predator
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 750 PE of Atreus
- Mark of the Hunter
- Gale's flame
The objectives:
- Get the bundle
- Return to the signet plaque
This God of War Ragnarok favor Can be started by getting one of three bundles.
Get bundles
To complete this favor you will need to get three bundles that you will find on the animals in the central area of the plains. they can be obtained by attacking them with chaos blades or by pressing the R2 button.
Return to the Signet plaque
Head back to the signet plaque in the center of the plain and you'll have a Boss Fight.
Casualties of war: the brooch
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos,
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Crest of Desperate Heroism Enchantment Amulet
- Find the other half of the brooch
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after you find a plains pin destination.
Find the other half of the brooch
The other half of the brooch is found in the SE area of the Celestial Altar, across the chasm. But before you can get the item you have to defeat a boss. Once eliminated, take the brooch to complete the side mission.
Casualties of war: the parchment
The prices:
- 500 PE of Kratos
- 125 PE of Atreus
- Stunning Fang Amulet Enchantment
- Find the other half of the parchment
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after taking a half scroll in the plains.
Find the other half of the parchment
Go to the cave to the south to a rock that you must destroy using your Spear. Climbing a wall you will find the celestial altar and you will also find another rock that must be destroyed by the Spear. Destroy the rocks and enter the air to find the second half of the scroll.
The Secret of the Sands
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Kratos
- 375 PE of Atreus
- Remove the storm
- Find a way to reach the aching creature
- Follow the aching creature underground
- Destroy Hafgufa's links
- Open the cage on the surface
This God of War Ragnarok favor starts by talking to Sindri in the Canyon shop, after the fourth main quest. But he can also start automatically when you reach Alfheim.
Find a way to reach the aching creature
Go to the Barren. Once there go left towards a cave. Enter it and go down.
Follow the aching creature underground
Keep going down and use the purple crystal to destroy the hive material. Take care of the waves of enemies then scale the wall and turn around. From here, you'll need to destroy more hive material to continue and find some lore on the wall. Keep climbing and go to the zipline so you can grab onto the wall.
Proceed to the Norn chest to open a shortcut, but ignore it for now, as you'll need to open a gate to continue. Throw your ax at the purple crystal to destroy the hive material again, then climb again. You'll come to the other side of the shortcut so you can open the door. At this point you can open the Norn chest by hitting the three bells quickly.
Continue into the cave and fight off the waves of enemies, then crawl. At this point you will have to clear the area by setting fire to the vessels, as well as you will still have to hit the purple crystals. Now you can climb up and eventually swing the giant lantern with your ax and destroy the last crystal. Fight the enemies and then scale the wall.
Destroy Hafgufa's links
Once you get to Hafgufa, you'll need to destroy two caches and hive material.
Open the cage on the surface
Continue forward and you will come out of a hole, in front of you you will find a Norn chest. Destroy the hive material and climb up. And go northwest to reach the cage and release the Hafgufa and break the storm.
Song of the sands
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Kratos
- 375 PE of Freya
- Stops the storm in the Forgotten Sands
- Find the cave entrance to the Hafgufa
- Reach the Hafgufa
- Destroy the Hafgufa's connections
- Open the cage
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after entering the Forgotten Sands in Alfheim.
Find the cave entrance to the Hafgufa
Go north of the cave and go down.
Reach the Hafgufa
Destroy the stone and grapple to the right. Keep climbing through the area until you reach quite dense hive material, which can be broken by splitting the crystals with the axe. Destroy the nest and continue forward. Take care of the enemies and then read the rune on the wall. Drop down to clear the dense hive material to continue.
Go to the next room and take out the enemies, then scale the wall. Before continuing, turn around and use the ax to destroy the material, then continue the climb to find a Legendary chest. Continue to the next area and go down to reach the Hafgufa.
Destroy the Hafgufa's connections
Destroy the Hive Materia and cross the gap that has been created, then use the sonic arrows and your ax to cut through the first set of material. Grapple to the next point and go remove the second set of material, then go back and destroy the third and final set.
Open the cage
Go through the new passage, kill the Bergsra and take both the artifact and the Legendary Chest. Climb up and use the purple crystal again to destroy the hive material. Go to the surface and immediately west to destroy the hive cage.
The elven sanctuary
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Freya
- Explore the elven sanctuary
- Find clues to elven history
- Leave the shrine
This God of War Ragnarok favor begins after speaking with the elves Beyla and Byggivir at Freyr's Camp.
Explore the elven sanctuary
Go to the Barrens and use the rune in the west to open the gate. Go to the Forgotten Sands and then go to the elven shrine to the northeast. Climb the entrance and you will see an artifact immediately after.
Find clues to elven history
Go to the bookshelf where you will find Lore in front of you, as well as a scroll and the lost pages on the table. Climb to the left side and you'll find more Lore. Still keep climbing and on the right side a Treasure Map and a Legendary Chest. Finally, take the book from the plinth.
Leave the shrine
When you try to leave the shrine, you'll start a boss fight. Defeat her to be able to exit and finish the quest.
Dono di Freyr
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Freya
- Calling the storm
- Investigate the Freyr monument
- Investigate Freyr's gift
This God of War Ragnarok boon begins after you interact with the Freyr statue and destroy the hive material. Go back and use the sonic arrows to open the hive and then destroy the material you find inside. Walk up the path to get the light crystal. Then head up the right ramp and place the crystal in the right spot. Now head to the bridge on the left and remove the crystal, then destroy the dense hive material. Repeat the operation after going on the illuminated bridge.
Investigate Freyr's gift
Go down and collect Freyr's Gift, also read the Lore. This ends the side quest.
The door to the desert
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Freya
- Take the keys from the desert
- Open the door to the desert
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after taking the first two keys from the Forgotten Sands.
Take the keys from the desert
Search the crystals found around the desert for the keys.
Open the door to the desert
Go north to the Desert Gate, and then prepare for the boss fight. Once done, take the loot and do the favor.
Odin's eyes
In this case, for the prizes, we refer you to another article that we have already written, you can find it at this link. But together with those that will be listed, there will also be:
- 10.000 PE of Kratos
- 2.500 PE of Atreus
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after killing the first Raven of Odin. They are 46 and you will find them around the entire game map, you will understand that you are close to one of these because of the metallic sound they will make. Once the quest is complete you will need to travel to Niflheim to collect your rewards. When you've done that, there will be a boss fight that you must defeat to finish the quest.
The broken prison
The prices:
- 3000 PE of Kratos
- 1000 PE of Freya
- Explore the dungeon
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after you reach the Raven Tree in Niflheim, after completing the main story.
Explore the dungeon
Go to the dungeon and deal with the enemies. Then go down one floor using the Draupnir Spear. Pull the chain to lower the lever and go to the next floor. Now continue to a destroyed room, and grab the corner of the locked room with the Norn Crate.
There will be a seal to break next to it and a gate to open in the main area. Go back and there will be a second seal. Yes, you will find him inside a prison cell with a Dark Elf. Pull the chain on this floor to move the second bar and throw the Spear. At this point lower both bars to gain access to the lower floor. Deal with the enemies and destroy the last seal to get the Norn chest in the center. Open the gate and listen to the conversation.
Once done, go back inside the dungeon by raising the two bars. Open the chest and when both bars are at the top, grab onto it and climb up where you will find a Legendary Chest and there will also be a relic. This way you will complete the quest.
The Crucible and The Ultimate Challenges
We group these two favors of God of War Ragnarok because to complete them it will be necessary to complete the Muspelheim Challenges.
Piece of seed #1
The first piece can be found inside a Legendary Chest inside Modvitnir's Rig in Svartalfheim.
Piece of seed #2
This piece can be found in Alberich Hollow, on the Dragon Beach side. You will be required to use the Draupnir Spear which you will only get after the tenth storyline mission. You will have to climb the golden chain that you will find on the beach, then throw the spear at the wall, so you can scale the wall and reach Alberich Hollow. Inside you will find a Legendary Chest, which you will reach using bombs.
Once you have all the seed, travel to Muspelheim using the Mystical Gate. There will be a Norn Chest in the center of the arena, but if you open it, you will be forced to complete 6 challenges. There will be three swords in the area that have two challenges each to complete. After completing the challenges you will receive a Legendary Chest.
Challenge #1
This challenge is quite simple: you have to defeat 16 enemies within 180 seconds.
Challenge #2
For this challenge you will have to defeat 15 enemies without taking damage.
Challenge #3
To complete this challenge you will have to be fast. Yes, because you will have to defeat 21 enemies that regenerate quickly.
Challenge #4
In this challenge you will have to eliminate enemies to get orbs to throw into a crack. There will be two waves, the first being 60 seconds long and requiring 6 points. The second will take 150 seconds and requires 15 points. A big enemy will drop a 2 point orb, normal enemies only 1 point.
Challenge #5
You will have to kill Bergsra without the enemies around being more than 4.
Challenge #6
You'll need to keep enemies out of an area. There will be 3 waves. The first ring will have a 35 second wave. The second wave will have 2 rings for 60 seconds, the third wave 3 rings for 90 seconds.
This ends the Crucible's favor. Return to the Norn Chest to get the Flames of Chaos. But let's move on to The Latest Challenges.
Each sword will have new challenges to complete. Start from the northernmost one (the one on the left) to start the first one:
Challenge #7
For this challenge you will have to kill at least 20 enemies within 150 seconds
Now go to the sword in the center for the eighth challenge.
Challenge #8
This challenge will force you to take damage but you will heal if you attack. Take out 22 enemies.
As for the favor The Last Challenges, you will have to make combinations with the swords that activate the challenges you have already faced, so as to unlock the others. Here are the various combinations and what they unlock.
- Spada a sinistra + spada al centro: sfida di resistenza
- Right sword + center sword: boss rush
- Left sword + right sword: Guardbreaker
- Sword right + sword left: ghost
- Sword in the center + sword to the left: ring of fire
- Spada to the center + spada to the right: sfida finale
Challenge #9 – Resistance
Kill 99 enemies without dying
Challenge #10
To finish this challenge you will have to kill enemies to increase a timer that will start from 30 seconds. Take out 22 enemies.
Sfida #11 – Boss Rush
You will have to take out 5 elite enemies, facing them 1 at a time, without pausing.
Challenge #12 – Guardbreaker
You will have to kill the minions before you can attack the elite.
Sfida #13 – Ghost
You will have to face the Fire Ghost.
Challenge #14 – Ring of Fire
You will have to eliminate 15 enemies while staying inside the circle.
Challenge #15
You have to survive waves of enemies for 300 seconds.
After completing this last challenge, you will have completed the favor.
Defend your worth
The prices:
- 4000 PE of Kratos
- 4000 PE of Freya
- Armor of the Queen
- The Roar of the Queen
- Rond of Obliteration
- The True Queen
- Defeat the Valkyrie Queen
To start this God of War Ragnarok favor you will need to have finished the main story. Know that you can also wait before attacking the boss in the area, since the fight will only start after you hit the boss. Defeat the Valkyrie to end the favor.
Animal instincts
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 250 PE of Freya
- Enchantment Amulet Elemental Evasion Token
- Bilskirnir crunch
- Destroy Raider Camps Kol
- Back to the wolves
Destroy Raider Camps Kol
Go to the four Kol Raider Camps around the Lake of Nine to clean up. They are located in the south, west, east and center.
Back to the wolves
Once you've done everything, head back to your wolves to complete the boon.
The Curse of Sigrun
The prices:
- 1500 PE of Kratos
- 375 PE of Freya
- Find clues about Sigrun's past
- Open the treasure door
- Discover the secrets of Sigrun's treasure
This God of War Ragnarok favor begins after you reach Midgard's Derelict Outpost.
Find clues about Sigrun's past
Go to the Outpost by moving the crane species. Take care of the enemies, read the Lore and then move to the next crane. Continue forward and there will be a chain that you can use to lift a new crane, but you will also find Odin's Raven. Here you will have to repeat the same operation as before: lift the crane and then deal with the enemies, then turn around to destroy some stones. Go forward and drop down the opening you just created to reach an Artifact.
Continue until you find a new crane, which will take you to the lower level before you can turn it. Climb up and you'll find more Lore and a Legendary Chest. Climb again and you will find the first half of the Fjoturlund Vault Key. Now move away from the outpost, you will find another Raven of Odin, based on a destroyed boat. Head to the other side of the lake, to the rowers.
Enter and deal with the enemies. Here you will also find a Norn chest, but before you can open it you will have to destroy some stones, so as to be able to hit the bell on the other side of the gate. The other two bells to hit are nearby, but know that timing to solve this little puzzle will be key. So hit the one on the left first, then the one behind the gate and then the one behind you.
Climb up and face the boss fight. Still keep climbing and pull the chain to see the ladder. Before I go down, you will have to see a Raven of Odin on a rock. Go down and you will find a Legendary Chest and Lore, and if you keep going down you will find an Artifact. Go ahead and take the second half of the key. Open the gate and go back to the beginning.
Open the treasure door
Go south to the Lost Treasure. Deal with the enemies, solve the small puzzle and open the Norn Chest. Throw the shield to the right and climb up on it. Destroy the ore to release a pillar, then move forward, where you'll find more enemies. Light the brazier on the wall and take the shield to the left.
Light the second brazier on the right, then climb and circle around the pillar and pull it to the left to block it with the shield. Go behind and pull the shield again so the gate is accessible. At this point use a rune arrow e your ax to freeze the gate before it closes. Open the Legendary Chest, then turn around and cut the chain to let Freya enter. Use a rune arrow to light the brazier and open the Norn Cache. Set fire to the bramble to open the treasurer.
Discover the secrets of Sigrun's treasure
Defeat the boss fight, then approach the entrance to read the lore. So as to conclude the side quest.
A light that guides
The prices:
- 750 PE of Kratos
- 200 PE of Freya
- A Light That Guides armor set
- Investigate the statue of Tyr
This God of War Ragnaok favor starts automatically after reading one of the runes of the four sites near the statue of Tyr. You will have to find some pieces so that you can get the final prize.
- Left Helmet and Armband: From the lake north of the Raider Stronghold, look for a dig spot.
- Right bracelet: immediately after the entrance for the rowers.
- Lancia: a est del Raider Stronghold.
Once you get everything you will have finished the side quest.
Through the realms
The prices:
- 1000 PE of Kratos
- 350 PE of Kratos
- Comfort food
This God of War Ragnarok boon starts automatically after taking the cookbook at the Eternal Bonfire.
- Find the Northern Squash
- Find the Prongfruit
- Find the Bantam Melon
- Find the Elven Hat
Find the Northern Squash: you will find the ingredient near the Eternal Bonfire, near a mural of a heart.
Find the Prongfruit: you will find it just outside The Forge, near a Norn Crate
Find the Bantam Melon: You will find it north of the Mystical Portal at the Sinkholes
Find the Elven Hat: You will find it west of the Forgotten Sands, you will have to crawl under a collapsed pillar to reach it
At this point you have to go back to the starting point and listen to Mimir's story to finish the quest.
And here is the guide to all side quests of God of War Ragnarok.