In cyberpunk 2077Like in any other CD Projekt game, it is possible to have relationships with other NPCs in the game. In this guide, we will explain how to have all the various relationships that the game will offer us, some of which are important both for the plot and for the trophies.
[Disclaimer] The following guide contains spoilers. Also some phrases may vary in the game.
- Characters available
- Alt Cunnigham
- Panam Palmer
- Meredith stout
- Kerry Eurodyne
- Judy Alvarez
- Arrogant
- JoyToy
Which characters can I approach?
In Cyberpunk 2077 you will have a wide choice of partners, among which you will find the various supporting actors who will help you during the adventure.
But be careful because each character will have their own specific sexual orientation, which you will need to keep in mind in order to start a relationship:

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- Alt Cunnigham - No sexual orientation, it will be possible to have a relationship with her in the main quest.
- Panam Palmer - Heterosexual, so you will need a male character.
- Meredith Stout - Heterosexual, so you need to have a male character.
- Kerry Eurodyne - Homosexual, being male, you must have a male character.
- Judy Alvarez - Homosexual, all you need is a female character.
- Rogue - Bisexual, so any choice will be fine.
- River Ward - Heterosexual, all you need is a female character.
- JoyToy / Prostitute - As long as you have money.
In total, the characters to approach are 7, of which only Panam, Judy and Rogue they will earn you a trophy linked to their romance, while the rest may be linked to some game endings.
In order to approach the various characters you will have to try to be as sweet as possible during the main and secondary missions. During the various dialogues, you will have to select the right phrases in order to be appreciated by your partner.
To make your life easier, however, later you will find everything you need to do to have the relationship you want. I remind you that it is possible in a run to have more than one relationship. For example, you can sleep with Rogue, Panam and Meredith.
Alt Cunnigham
There isn't much to say about Cunnigham. You will have a relationship with her in the main mission "Never Disappear". This report will be presented to you in the form of a reminder.
Panam Palmer
Panam is one of the first characters you will meet during the Cyberpunk adventure, more precisely in act 2. Once the romance with her is over, you will unlock the trophy "On the road".
Main Quest - Ghost Town
After bringing back the car of Panam, he will ask you if it will be possible to storm the lair of Nash's gang, his former business partner. Select “Ok, where is the hiding place.”, At this point Panam will thank you for helping her and take you to Nash's hiding place. Once the assault is complete, head to the bar with her, drink with her, and select the following lines of dialogue:
- [Drink] To your car
- Maybe we just take one room?
- That's not quite what I meant.
At this point Panam he will agree to take a room with you, but only to be able to rest. Once in the room, sleep in the single bed next to her.
Main Quest - Lighting Breaks
In this main mission, after having scanned the enemy area with the drone, after having attacked the plant and having passed the shooting phase inside the machine, while you are in the machine, select "Stay in the car. You're hurt, you wouldn't be much help out there".
Once in the camp and helped Mitch, come back from Panam and select "I have to find Hellman, will you help me?". When Panam replies, select “I'll help you get Kang Tao to pay".
You will unlock the objective where you have to catch Hellman. Go ahead and capture Hellman. Once captured, you will get acquainted with Saul, the chief of the Aldecaldo tribe. In the dialogue that follows, choose the option “It was not a Panam error”.
Side Quest - Riders on the Storm
In this mission, in which you will have to save Saul, there will be a lot of dialogue, so arm yourself with patience and try to follow the list of choices to be made:
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Cyberpunk 2077: Insulted and threatened for a "too low" rating
- "We are choom, that's why."
Once Panam takes you close to the car, select the following dialogue: - “Sly agree. Perfect for two "
- When Panam asks you to get into the car with her, answer in the affirmative.
- After saving Saul and escaping to certain death, you will hide in a shelter, sit on the sofa with Panam and Saul. During the dialogue, select the phrase "What a shit idea, Panam is right". Sauls will walk away and you will only rimmarete with Panam, at this point you will have a conversation with her,
- "[Grab the whiskey] To the Haboobs."
- "Happy with the rest, madame?" (From this moment you will speak with Panam)
- "I would be very comfortable if you took off your shoes."
- “[Touch Panam's thigh] I have a couple of ideas. “This choice is very important, in fact as the dialogue ends, the girl will block you, do not be afraid. Later, if you have followed the various steps correctly, he will open his heart to you.
- "So-so, my head hurts."
- "I thought you wanted to be with your family"
- When she reaches her bike "[Stop Panam] About last night".
Side Quest - With a Little Help From My Friends
- At the beginning of the quest, you will talk to Saul and Panam. When you participate, select as lines of dialogue: "You forbid Panam to do what?" and then “It seems that this discussion has been going on for a long time”.
- After Panam leaves the clan members and talks to you, select "Okay, I'm here" and join the convoy.
- When you find the card at the top of the control tower, Panam will want to talk to you, select "I missed you".
- Line of dialogue “Ok, let's get started”.
- "We must also start from something".
- "So far, you've done well."
- "Don't you feel any impulse?".
- "[Touch Panam's hand] next time, follow your instincts." This step is essential, as during the erotic scene he will tell you that he follows his instincts.
- When you sit around the bonfire, select "Worried about Saul?".
- "I think I'll take a little rest."
- "[Come closer] It's starting to get cold." After following these steps, a scene will open in which you and Panam will look at the stars.
Side quest - Queen of the Highway.
In order not to bugger the mission, LEAVE THE CAMP AND MAKE OTHER MISSIONS. While you wait for Panam, both she and Mitch will send you messages. It is important that you respond to Panam's messages, otherwise this mission will be bugged and you will not be able to complete it.
- When you are inside the Basilisk select "Has anyone ever turned it on?".
- “It is very welcoming”.
- After you have finished the shooting session inside the Basilisk, choose the option represented by the kiss with the dialogue line “[Let Panam touch you]. Oh, yes, let's do it ”. After this answer, you will get the erotic scene and the achievement of the trophy.
- To cement your reunion, when you return to the camp, kiss her to end her side quest.
Meredith stout
Meredith it will be unlocked in the “Recovery” mission. If you manage to complete the secondary objective that concerns her and you finish the mission assigned to you, she will send you a message in which you can get the related scene. So let's see how we can conquer it.
Main mission - Recovery

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- During the game's sixth main mission, "Recovery"In fact, you will have a secondary objective, which is to talk to Meredith. I RECOMMEND DO NOT ATTACK IT IF YOU WANT TO TRY IT WITH HER!
However, you can accept the chip he will give you, indeed I recommend it, as it will help you in the continuation of the mission. This choice will not alter the considerations she will have towards you. The dialogue choices to be made are: - "[Shake his hand] Right."
- "I just want to talk."
- "All alone".
- "I do not know him".
- "Let's make a deal".
- "It's not going to happen in any way."
- After the dialogue, go to Jackie and enter the plant. Once inside, talk to the gang and give him the chip previously entrusted to you by Meredith. The chip contains a virus that will make enemies have trouble shooting at you. In case you haven't accepted the chip, just take out Royce and steal the device. After escaping from hiding, Meredith will arrive in the car and congratulate you and take the device.
- After a while you will get a message from her. Here you will have to answer "I'm starting to like you too". She will tell you that she will be waiting for you in the No-Tell Motel on the first floor. Open the map and mark the location. Once in Meredith's room, enjoy the scene.
Kerry Eurodyne
Kerry is a character you will meet during your raids in Night City. In order to flirt with him you will have to carry out the missions that he will assign you during the course of the game.
Arrived at the secondary mission "Off the Leash“When you're with him, select any type of dialogue that appears to lead to flirtation.
Arrived at the secondary quest "Boat Drinks“, Kerry will ask you if you can help him in his mission, at this moment the dialogue line“ [Kiss him] ”will appear. Once the mission is over, talk to him and enjoy the scene.
Judy Alvarez
Judy is another character you will meet in Night City. With her, as mentioned earlier, you will need to have a female character to be able to have a relationship. During the game you will have to do a lot of side quests on your own. To unlock them you must have completed the main mission on behalf of the Voodoo Boys, otherwise Judy will never call you. Of these, two will be essential to having the relationship with her.
- In the secondary mission "Pisces“, Don't accept Maiko's payment and don't support her with her plan.
- During the side quest "Pyramid Song“, Accept the invitation to spend the night with her in her refuge. Go to the bathroom and kiss her. The next morning, talk to her in order to finish the side quest and start a relationship.
Rogue is another key character if you are a trophy perfectionist. In fact, if you manage to conquer it, you will get the trophy "Bushido and relaxation". You will also forge an alliance with her, which will unlock one of the many game endings. So let's see how to seduce her and start a relationship.
Side Quest - Chippin 'In
There is not much to say, this mission will appear in your diary after a long time, moving forward with the story. You just need to complete it to be able to move forward with the relationship.
Side Quest - Blistering Love
This mission will activate immediately after completing the one mentioned above, and will consist of a real date with Rogue. Follow the directions provided to arrive at an abandoned drive-in, where your future sweetheart will be waiting for you. At this point, you will have to try to conquer it with the following phrases:
- "Sure. Let's say I brought you here to go to bed ”.
- “I would do anything not to lose you”.
- "The only thing that matters is that I have returned to you ...".
- "[Kisses] More than I expected."
Once you kiss him, the quest will end. But she will reject you at the best.
River Ward
River is another supporting actor within the Cyberpunk universe. You can have a relationship with him if you are female. As with Judy, in order to have hope with him, you will need only two missions. In the first "The Hunt“, Which is a secondary one, you just have to flirt with him at the end of the mission.
In the last secondary that you will face on your own "Follow the River“, You will have two occasions to kiss him. Kiss him on both occasions. Talk to him the next morning so you can finish his side quest and have a relationship with him.
It is not a real relationship. In fact, walking around Night City, you will find a lot of clubs, inside which you will find the Joytoy, or gigolo or prostitutes. By following the instructions on the screen, both will activate the sex scene.
That said, the relationship guide ends in Cyberpunk 2077, as in previous games including The Witcher 3, the developers wanted to emphasize the relationships, so that they are functional to the plot. No free sex, indeed, every decision will determine your ending in this adventure.