Ominous Shadows make their first appearance in Persona 5 Striker. It is about Particularly strong people. For this reason, you will not be able to deal with them right away. Existand one strong enemy per prison but, being many levels above your own, vi adequate preparation will be required in order to defeat them.
To find out more about the title in question, you can consult ours complete guide.
- How to find powerful enemies
- The powerful enemies
- The Ominous Shadows
- Location Killer Bear (Babau)
- King of snakes position (Raja Naga)
- Location The First Witch (Lilith)
- Necromancer General Position (Nebiros)
- Position Messenger of the Sun (Yatagarasu)
- Warrior Knight Position (Eligor)
- Location Dark Sun (Mithras)
- Divine Punisher Position (Archangel)
How to find the powerful enemies
In the first instance, you will have to advance in the game up to arrive at 24 August, day to be about to start Osaka prison. You will be called to the Lavenza Velvet Room, who will ask you to track down some Very powerful shadows.
You won't unlock all of them at first, but instead you'll have to deal with them in a certain order, starting with Seth.
All powerful enemies
The powerful enemies in the table below are listed in order of appearance, along with some useful information on how to deal with them and which characters to use in battle.

If you still want information on how to use all party members and their general usefulness in the game, I refer you to our guide on this.
Also remember that to unlock the Reaper you must also complete first requests Past painful +.
Ominous shadows
Breaking down the evil shadows will help you not only to obtain useful Skill Cards and Accessories, but also to unlock bronze trophies "Who dares, wins"After defeating the first and"The boldest of all”After having cut them all down.

For more information on how to get platinum, I recommend that you take a look at ours trophy guide.
Furthermore, the last fight against Archangel will only be available after beating the final boss for the first time.
Position of the ominous shadows
To conclude, I leave you the precise locations of all the nefarious shadows, as they are not normally marked on the map.
Killer Bear (Babau)
You will find it near the checkpoint "Bunkamachi: East”Of Shibuya, reach the street and go to the upper left.
Snake King (Raja Naga)
Teleport to the checkpoint "West garden”And go to the clearing near the entrance to the cathedral to find it.
The First Witch (Lilith)
Start from the checkpoint "Sapporo clock tower”And follow the road to the upper left corner, you should find Lilith's shadow shortly thereafter.
Necromancer general (Nebiros)
Go to the checkpoint "Laboratory: north”And go to the first room on the right. You will find the shadow of Nebiros immediately there waiting for you.
Messenger of the sun (Yatagarasu)
Since Yatagarasu is located in the Kyoto Prison, whose main feature will be the portals that will teleport you to confuse you, it will be a little more difficult to reach it, but still nothing too complex.
Just start from checkpoint "Statue of the Pair of foxes", Continue to the left of the map, take the portal on the road that you will find always going straight, stop halfway in the corridor you will reach, turn right and take the portal that will be there, thus reaching the Mother fox sanctuary.
Here you will find Yatagarasu's shadow in the form of a drone.
Warrior Knight (Eligor)
Start from teleportation "Mount Cashiro”And go to the right on the map, after passing a first shadow" spider "you should find Eligor.
Dark Sun (Mithras)
To find Mithras you will not even have to make particular efforts, being reachable by always going straight from first checkpoint of the Abyss Prison up to the second room.
Divine Punisher (Archangel)
The last nefarious Shadow of the game, Archangel, will be reachable in the first room after the checkpoint "Way of desires". Remember that to unlock this particular battle you will have to beat the final boss of the game for the first time.