In the Highlands of Hogwarts legacy Merlin's Trials are scattered around, small challenges with puzzles that you can try your hand at between one mission and another. There are almost one hundred of them, which we can divide into nine different types depending on the proposed puzzle. By completing them you will increase the capacity of your character's inventory and therefore the maximum number of pieces of equipment you can carry.
Below we will explain where to find the 95 Trials of Merlin and how to complete the 9 types of puzzles of this long secondary activity of Avalanche Software's action RPG.
How to complete Merlin's Trials

You will be able to face the Trials of Merlin after completing the main mission of the same name in Hogwarts Legacy in the initial stages of the game. Trials are scattered throughout the Highlands and are marked on the map and in the game world with theicon of a leaf. To easily locate them we suggest using Revelio in flight while on the flying broom, as well as using the maps found in the next section of this article.
To activate a Merlin's Trial you will need to use a Mallow leaf, an ingredient of Herbology. You can grow it in the Hogwarts greenhouse or in the Room of Requirement, but to do so you will have to purchase the relevant seeds to plant at the "Magic Turnip" shop in Hogsmeade. We advise you to start growing Mallow leaves as soon as possible given that Merlin's trials are almost 100.
By completing Merlin's trials you will increase the capacity of your inventory. In particular:
- Solve 2 Merlin's Trials to add 4 slots
- Solve 6 more Merlin's Trials to add 4 slots
- Solve 10 more Merlin's Trials to add 4 slots
- Solve 14 more Merlin Trials to add 4 slots
As mentioned at the beginning, Merlin's Trials are divided into nine different puzzle archetypes that are repeated several times. Once you understand the rules of a certain type it will really be child's play to complete all the associated tests.

Braziers above the pillars
To complete this challenge you will have to use magic A fire or a fire (the first is better, due to the greater range of action) to set fire to the three braziers scattered around the test site. If you have trouble identifying them, use Revelio. Once the first one is lit, all three pillars on which they are placed will begin to sink into the ground: when one of the braziers touches the ground the test will be considered failed and you will have to start over. The solution is not complicated: just set fire to the cauldrons starting from the one with the highest pillar down to the lowest one. By adopting this method it is just a matter of being quick and remembering the position of the braziers to complete this type of test.

Stones with green symbols
In this challenge you will see large rocks with small symbols lit up in green. To complete it you simply need to destroy them all with Break. Nothing more, there is no precise order to follow or time limits. The only problem that could occur is not being able to find one or more of the stones to destroy, but in this case you just need to use the Revelio magic to locate them.

Stone cubes and stone pillars with symbols
In this challenge you will find three stone cubes nearby with symbols carved on each side, resting on three stone pillars, also with symbols depicted on each side. What you will have to do is use the spell flipping (obtained by completing the second series of tasks of Professor Allum of Herbology) to rotate (vertically with respect to the face in front of you) so that the emblem depicted matches perfectly with the one on the pillar (any side is fine). In case the cube symbol is correct but the orientation is not, just move to the left or right side of the desired face and use Flipendo to rotate it horizontally.

Giant stone sphere
To complete this Merlin test you will have to move the nearby stone sphere into a stone basin, both of which are easily identifiable using Revelio. You can use Accio and Repulse to attract or throw the sphere in front of you, but probably the best spell is Wingardium Leviosa as it allows you to have perfect control of the object.

Bright butterflies and crystals
Once you activate one of these tests you will see three rocks with a rhombus-shaped hole in the center, with crystals inside, and bright butterflies nearby. To complete the challenge, approach the butterflies and use magic Lumos, so that they follow you and take them near the rocks to make them light the crystals inside them. Once all the crystals have been activated you will have completed the test.

Groups of spheres
Similar to the test with the giant sphere, you will have to place the three groups made up of five stone spheres inside the appropriate platforms using Accio or Wingardium Leviosa. Also in this case you can use Revelio to locate spheres and platforms if you are in difficulty.

Broken statues to be repaired
In this challenge you will simply have to repair the broken statues scattered around Merlin's trial site using the spell Repair.

Stone balls above the pillars
A very simple test, just use thebasic spell or Confringo to destroy all the stone spheres positioned above the small pillars scattered around the challenge site. The hardest part at most will be identifying them all, but if necessary you can use Revelio.

Stone pillars to jump
In this test you simply have to jump from one pillar to another without ever touching the ground or using the flying broom, you just need to find the optimal route, nothing particularly complicated. Sometimes the top of the pillars could be occupied by obstacles, as in the image above, which you just need to destroy with the basic spell.
Where to find all the Trials of Merlin
In total in the Highlands of Hogwarts Legacy there are 95 Trials of Merlin to face. Pinpointing their location is not particularly difficult, given that all you need to do is use the Revelio magic while aboard the flying broom or riding a Hippogriff to make all points of interest on the map appear in a large radius of action. In any case, below we have indicated the location of the evidence in each individual region of the game.
Ford Marsh - 4 Trials of Merlin

Forbidden Forest - 3 Trials of Merlin

Hogsmeade Vale - 5 Trials of Merlin

Northern Region of Hogwarts - 5 Trials of Merlin

Southern Region of Hogwarts - 15 Trials of Merlin

Hogwarts Valley - 16 Trials of Merlin

Feldcroft Region - 16 Trials of Merlin

Marine Marsh - 2 Trials of Merlin

Costa di Poicer - 10 Prove di Merlino

Lake Marunweem - 4 Trials of Merlin

Head of the Manor - 5 Trials of Merlin

Cragcroftshire - 5 Trials of Merlin

Clagmar Coast - 5 Trials of Merlin

We have also published other Hogwarts Legacy guides on our pages, including those on where to find all the Demiguise statuettes, how to get all the tokens in your house by identifying the Daedalus Keys, where to find all the fantastic animals, how to open the doors with animal symbols and numbers of Arithmancy puzzles and how to get Avada Kedavra and the other curses without forgiveness.