Come il Viaggiatore di Genshin Impact, anche il Trailblazer di Honkai: StarRail can change the element and base class, with more options becoming available in future game updates. Currently, between the two versions available, the most popular is undoubtedly that of The Preservation path and the fire element. In this guide we will give an overview of his abilities and what they are migliori build regarding Light Cone, Relic and team.
This variant of the Trailblazer acts as a tank and shielder, providing shields to the entire team and attracting the attention of enemies. Not only that, his kit includes attacks and Ultimates that cause area damage that quickly deflate stamina bars and gives more than decent damage if you choose the right equipment.
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NB: whenever we talk about the values and statistics of Skill, Ultimate, Talents and so on we will always refer to those of the Traces developed at Lv. 9, or the maximum (ver. 1.x of Honkai: Star Rail) without Eidolon bonuses, in order to give an idea of the character's potential once developed.
The Fire Trailblazer's kit is all about his Talent"Treasure of the Architects" characterized by two distinct effects, one offensive and the other defensive. The first allows you to accumulate up to 8 stacks of "Magma Will" every time this character is hit. Once you reach at least 4 stacks, these will be consumed and l The next standard attack turns into an enhanced AoE strike with increased damage and break effect.
With the second effect, however, the character bestows shields to all team members every time he uses a normal attack, an enhanced one, the Skill or the Ultimate, basically every time he acts. The resistance of these shields is proportional to the DEF (defense) of the character. The scaling is not particularly high (we are talking about 5,8% of the DEF + 75,5), so don't expect absolute barriers capable of absorbing enormous quantities of damage, but considering that they are renewed at each character turn they are still excellent to block the opponent's offensive.
La Ultimate del Trailblazer colpisce tutti i nemici in campo con una potenza pari al 93,75% dell'ATK del personaggio più il 140% della sua DEF. Pompate quest'ultima statistica e vedrete dei numeri più che discreti a schermo. Non solo, una volta utilizzata l'Ultimate, il successivo attacco standard del Trailblazer sarà un colpo potenziato.
In this regard, theattacco base del Trailblazer di per sé non è niente di eccezionale, dato che colpisce un singolo nemico con una potenza pari al 130% dell'ATK del personaggio e aumenta di 1 gli stack di Magma Will. Tutt'altra storia la sua versione potenziata, che si attiva consumando 4 stack di Magma Will o dopo una Ultimate, che infligge danni da fuoco pari al 168,75% dell'ATK del Trailblazer su un singolo bersaglio e il 67,5% ai nemici adiacenti, se ce ne sono.
To complete the basic kit, the Skill increases the chance that the character will be targeted by enemy attacks and his resistance to damage by 48,75% for one turn, which is useful both for mitigating the damage of the whole team, accumulating stacks of Magma Will and quickly charging the energy for Ultimate.
It is also important to take into consideration the Eidolon bonuses del Trailblazer. In fondo sono completamente gratis e li otterrete avanzando nella storia principale di Honkai: Star Rail e dal Jeweler's Pagoda presso la Xianzhou Luofu in cambio di Strali (ricompensa di forzieri, missioni secondarie, ecc.). Tra i più importanti, c'è il primo, "Earth-Shaking Resonance", che aumenta la potenza dell'attacco base e potenziato rispettivamente del 25% e del 50% della DEF del personaggio, e il quarto, "Nation-Building Oath", che permette di iniziare ogni scontro già con 4 stack di Magma Will. Ottimo anche il sesto e ultimo bonus, che aumenta la DEF del Trailblazer del 10% ogni volta che usa Ultimate e attacchi base potenziati (fino a un massimo del 30%).
For Trace priorities to be developed, the advice is to immediately pump the Ultimate, followed by the Talent (to increase the resistance of the Shields) and the basic attack. The Skill, on the other hand, can be put in the background to save resources, given that the damage reduction bonus at each level up is quite negligible and is already excellent at the basic level.
It's also worth unlocking some as soon as possible bonus skills really useful, including "The Strong Defend The Weak", which reduces damage to all allies by 15% for one turn after using the Skill, and "Action Beats Overthinking", which increases the character's ATK by 15% and makes him recover 5 energy points if he is protected by a shield when his turn starts.
I Light Cone migliori per il Trailblazer (Fire)

Per quanto riguarda i migliori Lightcone per il Trailblazer del path The Preservation l'opzione migliore è "Moment of Victory". Questo equipaggiamento di rarità 5 stelle aumenta la DIF e l'Effect Hit Rate del 24%. Inoltre, quando il personaggio viene colpito ottiene un ulteriore bonus del 24% alla DIF fino alla fine del suo prossimo turno.
5-star Light Cones are clearly not available to everyone, but fortunately there is no shortage of valid alternatives among the 4-star ones. If you have purchased the Battle Pass it might be worth choosing the "This is Me!", which increases the bearer's DEF by 16% and converts 60% of this statistic into additional damage when using Ultimate. Also excellent is "Trend of the Universal Market" which offers the same bonus to DEF and also has a base chance 100% chance to inflict the Burn status on enemies attacking the bearer, which deals damage equal to 40% of DEF for two turns.
Alternatively we recommend "Day One of My New Life", which in addition to increasing the bearer's DEF by 16%, increases the damage resistance of the entire team by 8%. Less interesting, but still valid, is "Landau's Choice", which makes opponents more inclined to attack character and increases their damage resistance by 16%.
Relic and better stats for the Trailblazer (Fire)

Per quanto riguarda i migliori Relic Cavern per il Trailblazer di elemento Fire, la scelta ricade su un set completo di "Knight of Purity Palace". With the two-piece bonus it increases DEF by 15%, while the four-piece bonus increases the amount of damage that the shields it generates can absorb by 20%.
If you instead want to increase the character's damage at the expense of the efficiency of the barriers, you can mix two pieces from the aforementioned set with two from "Firesmith of Lava-Forging", which increases Fire damage by 10%.
As regards the Ornaments, we suggest two possible sets, but we specify immediately that both are not particularly convincing and we are sure that they will soon be replaced by better alternatives with the next updates. The first is "Belobog of the Architects", which increases the user's DEF by 15%, doubling this bonus when the Effect Hit Rate stat is 50% or higher. Unfortunately you will hardly be able to benefit from the second effect, since increasing the Effect Hit Rate requires sacrifices in terms of statistics such that the game is not worth the candle.
The alternative is "Fleet of Ageless" che aumenta del 12% gli HP massimi del portatore e, se la SPD raggiunge almeno 120, aumenta l'ATK di tutti gli alleati dell'8%. Ottimo per aumentare i danni della squadra, ma il bonus agli HP non è poi così utile.
Considerando quanto detto in precedenza, il consiglio per sfruttare il Trailblazer è quello di pump up the DEF as much as possible, sia per potenziare le barriere e le sue capacità da tank, ma anche per aumentare i danni inflitti gli avversari. Un altro attributo su cui vale la pena investire è SPD (velocità), il vero tallone di achille di questo personaggio, tanto robusta quanto lentto: in questo modo potrete attaccare e rinnovare gli scudi più frequentemente e agire a inizio battaglia prima del turno degli avversari.
Consequently for the primary statistics of Relic, we suggest DEF% for the "Body" and SPD for the "Feet". For the "Planar Sphere" we suggest Fire DMG Boost or alternatively DEF%. Finally, for the "Link Rope" it might be worth opting for Energy Regen Rate to cast the Ultimate more frequently, but considering that the energy cost is not particularly high, DEF% is fine in this case too.
More or less the same goes for the secondary statistics. Pump up DEF% and SPD as much as possible. If in the middle there is also some bonus to CRIT Rate, Effect RES and HP%, all the better.
Team migliori per il Trailblazer (Fire)

Come detto in precedenza, il Trailblazer di elemento Fire è un ottimo tank e per questo motivo potete piazzarlo benissimo in any team where shields could be useful. In short, you are spoiled for choice, there isn't really a specific team that we can recommend. Keep in mind in any case, that in many cases you will still need to have a healer alongside him when facing the Forgotten Hall and the bosses of the Simulated Universe, given that his barriers are useful, but do not have unlimited resistance.
That said, the Trailblazer has great synergy with Auction, dato che questo personaggio può buffare SPD e danni da Fire di tutta la squadra. Inoltre, considerando che userete spesso l'attacco standard potenziato, si accosta bene a personaggi che consumano un gran numero di Skill Point, come Seele e Qingque.
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