As you surely know, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy has now arrived in stores and given the huge amount of collectibles present, we have decided to create a guide entirely dedicated to all the costumes that you can find in-game.
Before starting, we remind you that in the guide there may be minor spoilers related to the events of the game, so we advise you to continue reading this guide to collectibles only after you have finished Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Guide to all the costumes featured in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Chapter 1
Costume Rocket: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - During the first mission, in the early stages, you will slide down a metal ramp and arrive near a ravine. Here Rocket will state that where he is standing is a dead end and he will change direction. You continue towards the dead end on the right, but instead of going all the way, turn right, move on some blue metal plates and drop into the nearby cove to find a purple container with the costume.
Costume Groot: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - After entering the eye of the giant robot, continue for about ten minutes, until a cutscene begins in which Groot and Rocket will meet. After the cutscene, look to your right to find a hole where you can crouch. There you will find a purple container with the costume.
Chapter 2
Costume Starlord: Nova Lord - While following Nikki, you will be able to respond to some dialogue. At this stage, instead of following Nikki, look to your left to find a cove from which some yellow pipes emerge. Crouch and move on, until you find the costume in a purple container.
Chapter 3
Costume Gamora: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - After defeating the first group of enemies and reaching a crashed ship, reunite with the other Guardians but instead of following them to the main road, head right to find an optional path that leads to an opening in the wall. Crouch and proceed forward to enter a cave. Destroy the goo in the cave to access a new area with some enemies. After taking them out, destroy the gray slime and continue through a narrow opening until you come to a purple container with the costume inside, placed on a ledge.
Groot Costume: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse - After fighting two particularly powerful enemies (creatures with the body of a tiger and the face of a squid), you will have to order Groot to create a bridge to cross the waterfalls. After you cross the bridge, go left and destroy the gray slime, then use the blasters with the "Ice" element to freeze the waterfall in the cave and jump on it to find the chest with the costume inside.
Chapter 4
Costume Drax: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - In Lady Hellbender's throne room, to the left from where you entered, is a purple container with the costume inside.
Rocket Costume: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse - From the throne room, after getting off the elevator, you will find yourself in a dining room with many sleeping guards. Instead of going to the right and following the other Guardians, carefully climb over the wooden table and make your way to avoid tripping with bottles or enemies. Eventually you will reach an opening where you can crouch. Enter it and find a container with the costume inside.
Chapter 5
Costume Drax: Nova Corps - Shortly after starting the chapter, you will have to shoot an air vent and then order Rocket to go inside. Rocket will activate the energy grid and so you can open the mail on the left, which contains a purple container with the costume.
Groot Costume: Nova Corps - After you have fought several groups of Nova Corps enemies, you will arrive in a yellow-lit room with a forklift in the middle. The purple crate is behind the trolley.
Chapter 6
Costume Star-Lord: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - From where the Emporium is, turn around and look for the pipes (located on the right side of the platform with a tree covered in a pink sticky substance on it). Climb on the railing and jump down, following the red pipes, until you find a chest with the costume inside, hidden under a staircase.
Chapter 7
Costume Rocket: Nova Corps -After fighting the first two groups of enemies in the chapter, you will find yourself in a circular room lit in red where you will have to redirect the energy by firing at circuits with electric guns. You will find two side rooms where you can order Groot to raise a platform. Do it in the room to the left of where Rocket is, who will be fumbling with a computer, then climb up and reach an air duct where you can crouch, then continue until you come to some circuits. Shoot him with the blasters charged with electricity to open a door behind which is a chest with the costume.
Costume Gamora: Nova Corps - While you are looking for Ko-Rel and Nikki, you will come to an area where you will have to order Groot to create a bridge, after which you will have to go down three flights of stairs. Reach the lower floor to reach an electrified submerged area. Use your electric blasters to hit the nearby switch to cut off the current, then order Gamora to cut some pipes in the area to reveal a chest with the costume behind them.
Chapter 8
Costume Starlord: Bad-Lord - About 20/30 minutes from the beginning of the chapter, after escaping from the room where you will have an open confrontation with the main enemy of the game, a cutscene will start where Srax will dive into a particular red liquid. Follow it through a long tunnel, then turn right to find a pillar that Drax can place right at the exit of the tunnel you just came from. Climb up and you will find the chest with the costume on a small raised area.
Costume Drax: Cage Match - When you arrive in an area with various flying platforms placed in a huge golden hall full of people, you will have to overcome three different platforms - facing different enemies - until you arrive in a circular setting. After getting off the platform, look around and look for some crates placed on the ground; behind them is the trunk with the costume.
Chapter 10
Gamora Costume: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse - After meeting Mantis, you will enter a cave. After crossing the nearby river you will see a waterfall on your right. Walk through it and you'll immediately find yourself in a costume chest.
Rocket Costume: Hero of Halfworld - After encountering three Ogrodes (large enemies who will charge you head down), you will need to move some large crystals to continue. However, before doing so, check the opposite side of the area for a hole in the wall to send Rocket into. Sending it in will reveal a new crack in the wall that you can cross to reach an area where you can use the "Ice" type energy blasters to freeze some gas leaks. Then order Groot to raise the platform and move him until he reaches a ledge on which a container with the costume is placed.
Groot Costume: Annihilator, Vest of the Conqueror - Once in a dark cave that can be illuminated by Groot, follow the right wall until you see a crack in the wall that you can pass through. Behind it you will find the costume.
Chapter 12
Costume Drax: Thanos Imperative - After defeating the first group of enemies at the beginning of the chapter, you will find a pillar that Drax can move. Order it, then climb on it to reach a platform where the purple chest with the costume inside is placed.
Rocket Costume: The Smuggler - After facing a group of enemies, you will have to pass into a cove, but before entering it, look to the right and use your blasters the "Wind" element to break down a wall behind which the chest with the costume will be placed.
Groot Costume: The Impaler - When you get to a vending machine, you can order Gamora to cut some threads nearby so that she can swing along a ledge. Before you help Drax push away some rubble, to the left of where Drax is, you will see a colored wall to see that you can take down with the "Wind" element. Use your blasters and order Groot to create a bridge that will take you to a closed gate; shoot the panel above it and use the electric gun to open the door. In the next area, shoot the vent on the left and order Rocket to cross it to cut the electricity in order to pass a flooded area beyond which is a chest with the costume, placed on the right of the area.
Costume Gamora: Killer Casual - Much later in the chapter, after you've encountered various groups of enemies, you'll have to ask Drax to open a hole in the ground to slide down a slope. Once you reach the bottom, turn 180 degrees and you will find an opening in the rubble under which you can crouch. Go to the other side of the area to find a purple container with the costume inside.
Costume Star-Lord: Apocalypse-Lord - As you progress through the chapter, you will come to a sandy area where you have to order Drax to move a large pillar to proceed. After using the pillar to climb onto the ledge, look to your right to see a wall that Gamora can interact with. Use Gamora to perform a long jump that will make you cross a gap to your right that will take you to a new area. Here you will find a purple container with the costume inside.
Chapter 13
Costume Gamora: Black Vortex - After the first fight of this chapter, you will find a wall on which you can climb with the help of Gamora. Once you get on, you will immediately see the costume.
Groot Costume: Five O'clock Sprout - After swinging along a ledge, you will enter a cave. To the right of the entrance, in a corner, you will find a chest with the costume inside.
Costume Star-Lord: War-Lord - After unlocking the plasma element for Peter's blasters, you'll need to go through a cave and melt some ice along the way. At the end of the cave, after melting the ice on the ceiling and jumping on the dinosaur skeleton, look up to see more ice that you can shoot at. This will reveal a point of interest for Groot. Have him interact with it to raise a platform that will take you to a hidden raised area. Here, continue towards up to a small exit from the cave; before passing it, turn left to find a chest with the costume inside.
Rocket Costume: The Sting - Once in an area full of poisonous spores, advance into the area to a point where there are three large poisonous spores. Nearby you will find the costume.
Costume Drax: Monaco Katathian - Immediately after leaving a burning field, you will slide down a glacier. Once this is done, you will find several other poisonous spores on your left. Climb to a raised area nearby and you will find a chest with the costume inside.
Chapter 14
Costume Star-Lord: Team-Lord - In the course of the chapter, you will have to overcome a giant grate by pulling bars. When you are done, you will see that the way forward is on your right. However, before doing so, grab hold of the two ledges on the opposite side of the path that will take you through the story. Then turn around to find a purple container nearby with the costume inside.
Drax Costume: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse - After a cutscene where Lady Hellbender and Fin Fang Fu arrive, face the new group of enemies and leave. The area will be bombed, follow the main path of the area until Groot automatically creates a bridge, immediately after a right turn. You should immediately see the chest with the costume inside in the distance. Jump to a nearby platform, melt the frozen wall and then go to the chest.
Gamora Costume: The Chosen Daughter - After you face a large group of enemies, Gamora will cut some pipes to clear the way for all the Guardians. Once you pass the area, you should notice two large crates in front of you. Behind one of these will be a purple container with the costume inside.
Those written below are instead all the costumes that you will get once you have finished the adventure at least once.
Star-Lord: Gold-Lord
Star-Lord: Sleek-Lord
Star-Lord: Space-Lord
Star-Lord: City-Lord
Star-Lord: Sun-Lord
Rocket: Golden Guardians
Large: Golden Guardians
Drax: Golden Guardians
Gamora: Golden Guardians
This concludes our themed guide Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, the latest creature from Square Enix, specifically dedicated to all the costumes that you can get in game. Hoping to have been useful, we also remind you that on our pages there are several other guides dedicated to the game, including the complete guide for all the narrative choices that you can make during the adventure.