Game Boy Advance
Fefnir Mini-games
Complete all missions with 100 points
Harpuia Mini-game
Use zet zaber from start to finish and finish the game with S rank
Leviathan Mini-game
Complete all missions with 100 points
Phantom Mini-game
Use buster shots from start to finish and finish the game with an S rank.
Ciel mini-game
Beat the game with S position in all missions
Copy-X mini-game
Using your previous save, finish the game again in Hard Mode
Hard mode
Complete the game once, highlight new game at the main menu, hold L and press Start
Ultimate mode
Collect all the secret disks, complete the game, then restart it by holding R and selecting new game at the main menu
Zero mini-game
Finish the game once

- WiiU
- gba
Exit date: 3 September 2004