PlayStation 2
Fun weapons
In the menu screen, select 'Special' and leave the cursor on the word EXIT and enter these codes. When you start or load a new game the weapons should be in your inventory:
L1, R1, Right, L2, Triangle, Right, L1, Right, L3, R1
Give Jubei a Racket
Right, Triangle, Left, L3, L1, Triangle, Square, R2, Square, R2
Give Ohatsu a piggy bank
Triangle, R3, Triangle, Right, R1, L3, Triangle, L1, Right, L3
Give Roberto some boxing gloves
L2, Square, Triangle, R1, R1, R3, Left, Square, L1, Triangle
Give Soki a steel bar
R2, R3, Square, Left, Left, Right, L2, Left, R2, Left
Date a Tenkai un microfono
Street Fighter Costumes (only for the EUROPEAN / SPANISH VERSION of the game)
In the main menu screen, select 'Special' and enter the following codes to unlock the Special 3 (Street Fighter) costumes
Square, L1, R1, R3, Left, Triangle, R1, Square, Triangle, L2
Unlock Jubei Cammy's outfit
L2, L2, L3, Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L1, L2, Square
Unlock Ohatsu's Chun-Li outfit
Left, R3, Right, Left, R3, L1, L2, R1, Right, R3
Unlock Roberto's Guile dress
R1, Square, R1, Left, Triangle, R2, R3, Right, Left, L2
Unlock Soki's Ryu's outfit
L2, R2, Left, Right, R3, Left, L1, Square, Square, Triangle
Unlock Tenkai's Ken outfit

- ps2
Exit date: March 17 2006