Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game. There may be divergences from the Spanish version.
Episodio 1: Turnabout Countdown
Below, the days that make up the first episode of the game.
Process - Day One
You'll get Weapon's autopsy report right away, as well as a bomb in the shape of a stuffed animal. From the dialogue options, select "inside stuffed animal". You will get a pony tail and you can update the information about the bomb. So present the HH-3000 bomb as soon as "I saw that the bomb timer was going down" is said.
You will get a switch and a box to carry the bomb. Therefore report a positive emotion together with the phrase "It fell on top of me" and a negative emotion together with the phrase "Apollo came to save me".
Now introduce the pony tail as soon as you hear "I was watching from the gallery, along with Bum Rap Rhiny, so I tried to run but I was too slow". So highlight the rhino's tail.
Process - Second Day
You will first get the fourth diagram from the court, as well as the photo of the assault on Apollo. Try to put pressure on the witness as soon as you hear the phrase "Apollo was with me and we went to the ruins of the court together". When you reach the sentence "Apollo will look for Bum Rap Rhiny near the witnesses, where there was no debris" you will have to present the fourth diagram.
So examine the photo of the assault on Apollo, inside your inventory. Take a closer look at the trees and bandages. Then select "someone else" from the options. So show Candice Arme and also show the case of the bomb transport.
Select "Delete two lines". So introduce Ted Tonate. Select the "First to find body" option. Select "Analyze DNA". You will get the photo of the attack on the court. So present Arme's autopsy as soon as it says "He hit the debris with his head and died near the entrance to the court." You will then get the handwriting analysis, stained with blood. Present the handwriting analysis the moment it says "She wrote" L10015R, I was shocked ".
Select the "He saw it" option. Therefore, highlight the upper part of the partially incomplete letter - more precisely, the area immediately to the right of the number 5, where you will notice a reddish color.
Select the "Before the explosion" option. So present the HH-3000 bomb. Present the photo of the attack to the court. Present the case of the bomb transport. Select "I defend my opinion". Highlight the partially cracked display. Then present the previously missing switch.
Episodio 2: The Monstrous Turnabout
Below, the days that make up the second episode of the game.
Investigation - Day One
First, proceed to the garden of Kyubi manor. So show the lawyer badge. Talk to Nine-Tails Vale and Tenma Taro. You will get the legendary scroll of Yokai, as well as a spell from Tenma Taro. During the conversation, talk about "What Happened" and "The Eagle Man". You will then get the Nine-Tails flower.
Move to the detention center, first asking the reasons behind the arrest and then the reason. Proceed to Yokai Lane. Talk to Athena Cykes, then the client, then talk about the psychology topic. You will get a special edition newspaper.
Proceed to the Kyubi Manor Foyer. You will get the Crime Scene Diagram and Foyer Diagram. Have a conversation by examining the crime scene, then choosing the "Persuasion" option. Examine the following items: the side of the chair, the green piece of leather, the bedroom door, the table, the chair on the right.
Then turn twice to the right, examine the window, examine the golden tail, examine the glittering golden statue, thus obtaining a statue of the fox and the devil. Talk to get information on the details of the case, obtaining a photo of the crime. Talk about "Feathers and Traces", "Suspects", "The Persecution".
You will get the mask of the nine tails, talk about it, then you will also get the trick of the nine tails, talk about the death of Nine-Tails, therefore the killing of the man-eagle, obtaining more information on the mask of the nine tails.
Proceed to Yokai Lane. Talk about the following topics: "The accident", "Was it Tenma Taro?", "The great Nine-Tails", "Did you see Tenma Taro?". So make an update of the legendary scroll of Yokai. You will get Jinxie's deposition. You will then get the TV schedule. Talk about "Keep Jinxie Quiet" and "Your Alibi". So talk about the topics "Tenma Taro returned to life" and "Why join?". Turning to the bracelet, move it towards his right eye. You will perceive "in terms of tourism". You will also get a Nine-Tails cream. Talk about marriage to get the Nine Tails mask.
Video - Japanese Gameplay Trailer
Process - Day One
You'll get the Kyubi autopsy report right away. So make an update on the statue of Fox and Demon. As soon as you hear "The sudden pain caused the victim to awaken ..." present the statue of the Fox and the Demon. Then select "There are no fingerprints". Select "To wrap the statue". So update the file concerning the statue of the Fox and the Demon. As soon as you hear "The strange feathers made it sound ..." try to "press" to get the truth. You will get the threat letter.
So present the photo of the crime as soon as you hear "Mayor Tenma killed the eagle man while he was sleeping ...". Highlight the feathers on the bloodstain. As soon as you hear "I was still in my office ...", present the TV schedule and then present the Foyer diagram.
So as soon as you hear "The floor was making strange noises", try to press for truth, selecting the "Very important" option. So, as soon as you hear "Se Tenma Taro ...", introduce the legend of Yokai. Then select "He saw Tenma Taro". You will get the superstitions of the village.
Take a closer look at the demon on the fire wheel. Highlight the lamp that hangs from above. When you hear "... my legs", write down the sad emotion. So present the Nine-Tails flower.
Highlight the front door. Select "It was blocked from outside". Select "It was launched from within". Select the duct. Submit the special editions article.
Investigation - Second Day
Throw away unnecessary clues. So talk about the investigation, and about the ninth queues. Proceed to Wright's agency. Talk about "Our Defense" and "You and Athena". Talk about "Feathers and Tracks" and "What You Remembered". You will get the lost room key. So present the statue of the Fox and the Demon, as well as the letter of threats. Talk about the threat letter, then update the file for the letter. Proceed to Yokai. Talk about what you remembered and the forbidden room. Update the key to the forbidden room. Present the statue of the Fox and the Demon, then update its file.
Talk and ask "Did you see Tenma Taro" and "Chat about Jinxie". Submit the threat letter. You will get the "Color Me L'Belle" item. Move to Fox's room. Examine the table, then the orange object under the table. Update the file on the statue of the Fox and the Demon. Examine the fox statue, then the door. Turn right, examine the screen nearby.
Rotate to the back, examining the shapes near the central keyhole. Therefore, examine the shapes of the keys, in general, on the left and on the right. Examine the parchment on the pedestal, then the bottle of cream in the lower left, obtaining the hand cream. Examine the statue of Tenma Taro. You will get a statuette of the forbidden chamber. Examine the top right ventilation duct. Examine the bracket. Proceed to the Kyubi Manor Foyer.
Talk about thefts, then update the figure of the forbidden room. Talk about the treasure of the forbidden chamber, then talk about the sightings of Tenma Taro. Present the book on village superstitions. Talk about the sighting of Tenma Taro. Drop the superstitions of the villages.
Proceed to the detention center. Talk the chat about Jinxie, then ask for the "real" story. So talk about feathers and traces, therefore about the identity of Taro. Talk about the memories, then use the bracelet on the right arm holding the seal. You will feel "That's all he said". So ask what he remembers.
Process - Second Day
When you hear "I bet he stole it from the forbidden room ....", present the key to the forbidden room, then the hand cream. Examine the window on the far right. Present the article of the special edition, then present Florent L'Belle. As soon as you hear "In shock, I shot down the corridor to the right", immediately present what Jinxie said.

When you hear "What I saw up close was horrid," try to press for the truth. So select the murder weapon. Select "Very Important". When you hear "A statue had fallen to the ground ...", present the statue of the Fox and the Demon.
So when you hear "On the other side, my mortal enemy ..." write down the happy emotion. Therefore highlight the forbidden room. When you hear "The fantastic Nine-Tails came to save us," write down the unhappy emotion. "At the same time, you will also have to present the Nine Tails jewel, as well as the photo of the crime.
So also select "Yes, I can" and "L'Belle was disguised as Tenma". Introduce the Nine-Tails mask. As soon as you hear "And that would ruin Nine-Tails ...", try to press for the truth. So select the treasure of the lost chamber. As soon as you hear "The tragedy will repeat itself until Tenma Taro ...", introduce Azuki Kozo.
Select the following answers: "Sure", "Nine-Tails Mask", "White Hair", "Florent L'Belle", and "Couleur Me L'Belle". So present again the mask of the fantastic Nine Tails.
Episode 3: Turnabout Academy
Below, the days that make up the third episode of the game.
Investigation - Day One
Talk first about Themis Legal Academy, then about today's plans. So continue with the mock process. Now go to the exam. Turn to the right. Examine the body. Examine the book. You will get the Courte Planner. Examine the arrow, retrieving it. Examine the body. Examine the paper under the debris. You will get the Herald of Themis. Examine the purple object on the pedestal.
So talk about Juniper Woods, Constance Courte, and the fake trial. Talk about the performance, thus obtaining the costume. Now ask who won, then why he was there, then Constance Courte again. Retrieve the summary of the facts, the defense argument, the prosecutor's answer, ask how the body was removed, finally obtaining a script of the fake trial.
Proceed down the hall, talk about the murder, then talk about the academy. Move outward. Talk about Myriam Scuttlebutt. Use the bracelet to "catch" both hands. You will hear details about Junpier. You will get an "extra" Herald. Introduce the herald, then converse with Myriam, thus affirming that the end justifies the means.
Proceed to the classroom. Talk to Hugh O'Conner, trying to discover the body. Proceed to the maintenance area. Talk to Robin Newman, obtaining information on the killer. Move to the detention center. Talk about the script, the screwdriver, then the fake process script.
Process - Day One
You will receive a spike, an autopsy report, as well as the recorder. During the next conversation, we recommend that you "press" for the truth at the first and last sentence. So select "make her guilty". So, as soon as you hear "I'm sure it was Juniper ..." you can present the costume. You will also get the photo of the "flashing" costume. Then present the Herald of Themis.
During the sentence "I walked near the costume ..." go to highlight the happy emotion. So present the photo of the flashing costume. So when you hear "That's right, I put on my girl's clothes!", Highlight the unhappy emotion. When it is said "I felt like a diva ...", try to obtain additional information regarding this statement. Therefore highlight the bracelet.
Select "You are a girl". Introduce the recorder. Select "I heard it from Junie". Then present the "fake" process script. Update the recorder. When you hear the phrase "That's all - is there anything else you would like to ask?", Try to press for the truth. Then select "How did you prepare for the process?". When you hear the phrase "I haven't talked to anyone ...", present the court's plan. Select "The victim". Select "Scold O'Conner". You will get the photo of the school room.
Investigation - Second Day
You will need to choose the following options during the trial: "Why did you change lawyer?", "Why did you confess?", "Friendship of the three", "The day of the murder", "Meeting O'Conner". Move to the outside of the level.
You will therefore have to talk about "The level" and "The statues". Pass the exam. Turn to the left. Examine the white stone, recovering the white fragment. Examine the purple stone on the floor for the purple shard. Examine the judges' pedestal, changing perspective. Examine the purple stone. Update the purple shards. Turn to the left. Examine the pedestal of the purple statue. Examine the floor, locating the white stone. Update the white shards. Examine the purple stone (on the left). Upgrade the purple shards, obtaining Lady Justice.
Examine the window, then the flag, obtaining the "Hugh Shard". Examine the flag again, obtaining the school flag. Examine the statue of the lady of justice. So start talking, saying "Scuttling Scuttlebutt", getting some burnt fragments, then saying "The depths of despair", then "The technique of the photo". Throw away the Herald of Themis as well as its "Extra" version. You will then get the photos of the level. Move to the corridor.

You will move on to a conversation, and you will have to say "Why did he confess", then "Relationship with Blackquill", then "The Baker of Courte". So go on to say "The investigation inside the room of art", and then talk about the "Turn", obtaining the vocal analysis.
Now examine the envelope on the left, then the window on the left. Examine the clock, then present the photos of the level. So highlight the hanging wood, examine the white rope and the painting, as well as the bookcase and the painting on the floor. Then examine the table on the right, as well as the window. Move to the exam area. Ask "why did you confess?" and "The day of the crime", then "Now that the secret has been revealed".
So throw away the costume. Now talk about the infiltrator, presenting the photo taken by the camera as evidence. Talk about Courte's artistic sense, then update Lady Justice. You will get a diagram of the class. Introduce the recorder, and update it. Talk about "O'Conner's Suspicions". So use the bracelet to "feel" his scarf, sensing that it "causes no problems". Select the infiltrator, thus presenting the Courte plan. Talk about the O'Conner suspicions, then the O'Conner report. "Present the huge fragment, then talk about the" other "reasons.
Process - Second Day
Update the recorder. As soon as you hear "I was looking at her from above ...", place the photos. Select "His neck". Select "Move Body". Present the school flag. Select "Victim's Blood". When you hear "Juniper is innocent", try to "check" the statement. Therefore highlight the wood.
As soon as you hear "It means I have not lost! ...", write down the "happy" emotion. Then present the corridor diagram. As soon as you hear "All I had to do was ...", observe the unhappy emotion. So introduce Juniper trees.
Then select "Where they are easy to touch". Introduce Aristotle's averages. "Select" Pre-recorded ". Update the recorder. Highlight the golden statue. Introduce the speech analysis. As soon as you hear" But when did I say ... ", introduce the recorder.
When you hear "Completing the statue so fast ...", press to get the truth. Then select "Yes, I accept it" and "Crime scene". Highlight the central work area. Present the school flag. Highlight the black flag on the floor. Present the burnt fragments. Introduce the Goddess of Justice. Select "Direct us to the body". Then select "During the mock trial", "During the speech", "The white statue", "The statue of Wright". Select "Behind my head", present the arrow. Highlight the orb, then select "Test the sword for blood".
Episodio 4: The Cosmic Turnabout
Below, the days that make up the fourth episode of the game.
Process - Day One
You will get the space center diagram, the knife, as well as the bombing report. As soon as you hear "Just before the rocket launch ...", try to press for the truth. You will get the evacuation report. As soon as you hear "One on the second floor ...", press again. Moving on to "Fortunately ...", press again. You will get the launch pad lock. Press again on the rest of the things that will be said. You will get the video of the security room.
Select "Why the body was moved". Present the bombing report as soon as you hear "As always, I took the elevator ...". Present the "Space Center Diagram" as soon as you hear "With the capsule ...". Highlight the ladder.
You will get the data of the oxygen tank. Present the video of the security camera. Highlight the oxygen display. Select "The victim was carrying the defender".
Investigation - Day One
Talk about "The Case". Upgrade the knife. Talk about "The Miracle HAT-1", "The Space", "The Victim". Proceed to the entrance. Talk about "Yuri Cosmos", "The bombing" and "HAT-1". Move to the entrance area, then to the launch pad corridor. Talk about "The Crime Scene", "What Happened?" and "The witnesses". Move to the entrance area, examine the white rope. Examine the rotating object, then the door to the right. Retrieve the control room lock. Examine the area between the south and west doors. Examine the training area, then the grates, then the flashing object. Retrieve the bullet. Examine the white panel on the floor.
Go back, examine the two doors, then the fingerprint reader. Examine the plate next to the player on the left. Turn right, examine the mirror, table, switches, and open capsule. Turn left, examine the crack on the black screen, top right. You will get a bullet. Update the Space Center Pamphlet. You will then need to talk about the following conversation topics: "HAT-1" and "Launch Pad Design". Then present the Terran autopsy, obtaining the capsule of hope.
Move down the launch pad corridor. Talk about "bullet hole" and "fingerprint data". Update the lock of the first launch pad. Present the video of the vault, update it later. Moving on to Magatama, choose "Justice", present the evacuation report, then Candice Arme. Talk about "What You Cannot Say", "The Judge of Blackquill" and "Hunted for Seven Years". Then "Your surname", "the witness". You will get the Aura judgments. Say "Why do you hate lawyers". Move to the detention center. Talk about "The lighter". Throw away the irrelevant clues. Talk about "Your accidents", "The clayey ground" and "I'm fine".
Footage - Japanese Trailer
Process - Second Day
As soon as you hear "I hate to say it ...", press for truth. When you hear "Detective's Army ...", present the bullet hole. Update the oxygen tank data, obtaining a bullet from Arme's gun. Upgrade the bullet hole.
Select "No", then present the bullet. When you hear "We were still in the control room ...", present the bullet. Introduce Yuri Cosmos, then the bullet from the gun of Weapons.
When you hear "near the door of Launch Pad 1 ...", highlight the sad emotion. When you hear "but, when I tried to get one ...", highlight the surprise emotion. Highlight the corridor of the first launch pad. Introduce Solomon Starbuck. When you hear "And then, the detective ...", highlight the surprise emotion. Select "More surprises when Weapon returned". Highlight the left panel of the fingerprint reader. Highlight the happy emotion when you hear "I had no choice ...". Select "Switch to another zone". Select the space museum, highlight "2". Recover the lighter, updating it.
Episodio 5: Turnabout for Tomorrow
Below, the days that make up the fifth episode of the game.
Throw away unnecessary evidence. Move towards the entrance, then towards the entrance area. Talk about "The Assassin", then "Switch to Launch Pads". Examine the red object at the bottom left, then the fingerprint reader. Update the data regarding the locking system of the first launch pad. Move towards the entrance. Talk about "Swapping Launch Pads".
Moving on to Magatama, select "Save the astronauts", thus introducing Clay Terran. Select "The Miracle HAT-1". Introduce Simon Blackquill. Say "Swap the launch pads", "The spy", "Like seven years ago", "The capsule of hope".

Move to the space museum, getting the HAT-1. Say "Athena and the Space Center", "Sad Memory", "Young Athena". Present evidence of HAT-1, obtaining a bomb. Move to the robotic lab. Talk about the following topics: "What happened", "Seven years ago", "Clonco and Ponco", "Cykes and Simon". Move to the Wright Anything agency. Talk about "Pearls" and "Pearls Deliveries". Move to the detention center. Talk about "Seven Years Ago", then "The Trial Seven Years Ago". You will get the video of the seven year old child, a Katana, a photo of the crime. Talk about the date of the execution.
Select "Retry in the court". Talk about "Miles Edgeworth" and "The UR-1 Incident". You'll get photos of the seven-year-old boy, and Metis's autopsy. Talk about Simon Blackquill.
Examine the robot, the yellow box, the blue box, the robot hand, the table on the right. Upgrade the Capsule of Hope. Turn to the left. Examine the operating table, the red box on the right. You will get the emergency ladder. Examine the pink monitor on the left, getting the robot with the heart. Talk about Edgeworth's request, then about the dark moment of the Law. Talk about the day of the crime. Show the HAT-1. Talk about the mother's job. You will get the Moon Rock earring. Present the robot with the heart. Talk about "Seven years ago" and "Why you became a lawyer".
Update the video. When you hear "And the only person ...", try to press for the truth. Select "Bluff". Highlight the Robot part. Submit proof of HAT-1. Select "tear it apart". Update the crime photo.
When you hear "And then Metis fell ...", press to get more information. Then select "There is still something". Present the picture of the seven-year-old boy. Select "The victim moved". When you hear "But then I went to the robotic lab ...", highlight the happy emotion. When you hear "And when he did ...", highlight the unhappy emotion. Select "His emotions". Highlight the surprised emotion when it is said "I quickly went ahead and opened the door to the laboratory". Select "His testimony". Present the crime scene photo as soon as "Ponco attacked me" is said.
When you hear "I heard it ...", highlight Athena. Introduce the Katana. Select "Defender used another weapon". Present the knife. Present the robots with the heart. Select "Someone else", "Their face", "Metis Cykes", "His jacket", "The real problem".
Upgrade the knife. Present the video of the seven-year-old boy. Select "Killer brought him back" and "When the body was found". You will get the psychological profile of the ghost. During the following conversation, "press" on each sentence. Select "sure". Select the corridor of the space museum. Select the area inside the circle. Present the emergency ladder.
Present the psychological profile of the ghost. Introduce Bobby Fulbright. When you hear "I will not make you bad ...", press for the truth. Select "The number of prints". When you hear "Three prints on the lighter ...", present what Aura was saying. Use the bracelet on your left finger, feeling the emblem of the earth.
Examine this emblem, then select "The Master of the Prints". Update the lighter. When it is said "How dare you ...", highlight the sadness. Select "Your identity will be revealed". Present the knife when you hear "What reason would ghosts have ...". So present the capsule of hope. Introduce Phony Phanty's bomb. Highlight the white and yellow stone on the left. So present the Moon Rock earring.
Video Solution - Playlist
Click here for the playlist!
Video Solution - First Episode, First Day
Video Solution - First Episode, Second Day

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Exit date: October 24, 2013