With two parts behind it, it opens the third and last week of the event dedicated to Mega Evolutions. In early September, the Megaraids invaded Pokémon GO, and we had to fight them to land Mega Pidgeot in gyms as well. We have gathered enough mega-energy to spend during the second week, to fight not only the raids but also the GO Rocket team and the other trainers alongside our mega. The ultimate goal was the arrival of Mega Houndoom in the raids, and we will have confirmation of the unlock in the next few days.
To conclude the event there is a week of conviviality with our enhanced Pokémon, from 8 on 22 September to 22 on 28 September. The Mega Evolutions, born from the friendship between the trainer and the Pokémon, will have to be our comrades - and as such they will gain renewed (temporary) strength.
A week dedicated to your partner
This is enough. Mega Evolve your favorite Pokémon and choose it as your companion Pokémon, cuddle it and take pictures with it (and if you like, share them on social networks with the hashtag #GOSnapshot). This can attract a Pokémon of your kind, who will have fun blasting your shot and appearing on the map later. Poffin will also have improved effectiveness in making your mate happier.
In line with previous weeks, once again field missions (including bonuses) can reward you with mega-energy for Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise and Beedril. For the latter you can get even greater quantities. Your mega-evolved friends (all of them, not just your partner) will gain enough strength to stay in that form for 12 hours instead of the usual 4 - but you can always stop Mega Evolution if you need someone else for a raid. Use it to your advantage!
It does not end here. In the wild Large Pokémon will appear - such as Doduo, Exeggutor form Alola, Pinsir, Lapras, Snorlax, Furret, Wobbufet, Mantine, Skarmory. Many of them are available in their own color variant, and will make its debut during that of Doduo, the two-headed Pokémon. Even the raids will be populated by Pokémon of important physical size: look at our guide at the bottom of the article, which will be updated accordingly.
Event search
It was also activated for the last week of the event a special research, which you can view in the Today bar of the search menu. It will reward you with useful items and mega-energy for your Pokémon. By completing it, you can unlock a Halloween themed quest, where you can meet Mega Gengar for the first time.

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Also this week will reward you with abundant Mega Energy for Beedrill, which is currently only obtainable in this way. The other Mega Evolutions available (Venusaur, Blastoise, the two forms of Charizard and Pidgeot) still have dedicated raids available, recently revamped for rewards that make the Mega Evolution feature more accessible.
A special event dedicated to the Paris fashion week, made of avatar and Pokémon items with special clothing items. This particular event will start on October 2nd, and the Pokémon it allows you to capture will no longer be obtained (barring future reruns of the event). We just have to wait to find out if Megaenergy is also sought after by Parisian high fashion.
Guide to Mega Evolutions GO Battle League Guide Raid Guide Guide to Giovanni Team Rocket Leaders Guide Guide to Eggs How to catch Ditto September 2020 event guide