Within Pokémon GO, it is possible to catch Pokémon Ditto. The monster, in addition to enriching the Pokédex, will serve us to be able to capture Mew. The research mission "A mysterious discovery" in fact requires Ditto! Unfortunately, things will be highly complicated, as it is a shape-shifting monster, and therefore it will not appear in its original form, but in disguise!
For more information, you can consult ours complete guide on Pokémon GO.
How to catch Ditto
As we said above, Ditto will not be found in its basic form, but only in a transformed version. Unfortunately, the only solution remains that of catch a Pokémon and hope it's him. But do we have to catch all the Pokemon to know if we have caught a Ditto? Of course not! Fortunately, Ditto will "hide", only in some Pokémon.
Another alarm bell to distinguish a Ditto from a normal Pokémon is its own difficulty in catching. Quite simply if a Pokémon has Low CP but difficult to capture (it already has red or yellow circles at the time of capture), most likely a Ditto!
The chromatic version of Ditto was released in Pokémon GO on the occasion of the Kanto Tour on February 20 (2021). Bad news, it is currently not possible to have it unless you have purchased the ticket for the event. This unlocked a special search, at the end of which a blue Ditto was waiting for you.
Pokémon that Ditto can transform into
They are all easily found Pokémon, and that will change over time, based on the availability of a chromatic version or not. In summary, this list is subject to constant changes based on future updates!
For this reason it is also difficult to predict how the color form of the Pokémon will be released to the public.
Moves by Ditto
Ditto is not a dangerous enemy, he just knows Transformation and Botta. The first allows you to transform into the enemy Pokémon and does no damage.
The Pokémon is never used in gyms, raids, or in PvP. While on the one hand it can take the opponent by surprise and create an opportunity to have some fun, on the other hand it is completely useless.
In any case, it remains indispensable for novices who want grab a Mew. In fact, one of the missions of this special research involves you to capture one - a feat that can be difficult and that still keeps several Trainers blocked. Ask your friends to warn you if they find a Ditto, as that specific Pokémon he was transformed into will be a Ditto for you too.
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