Over the years we have increasingly encountered interpretations of the New Game+ mode, or New Game+. In most video games, this is an option that allows you to restart the adventure following the conclusion of the main plot, in such a way as to allow you to maintain the progression accumulated up to that point and face the experience again at the maximum level. own potential. The New Game+ offered by Starfield, however, is a very different creature and follows completely different rules compared to tradition.
On this page we will explain everything you need to know about Starfield's New Game+ mode, including the complete list of things that are lost and those that are gained by restarting the protagonist's journey. Given the complexity of the topic covered, in the first part of the guide we will focus on a series of general information without giving any kind of spoiler, so that you can understand what you are getting into without ruining the surprise at the end. In the second, however, we will take a much deeper dive into the mechanics studied by Bethesda, but in order to better explain ourselves we will necessarily have to include very heavy spoilers regarding the narrative component of Starfield.
What is New Game+ and how does it work in Starfield

The very presence of one New Game+ mode in Starfield it was a real surprise. In addition to being the first Bethesda video game to put something like this on the table, it is usually very difficult to imagine the enormous worlds of the house - in which we usually strive to reach 100% completion - ready to bend to the rules of this particular modality. For those who don't know, in fact, the New Game+ usually takes the player back to the beginning of the adventure while keeping all the upgrades active, allowing him to experience the campaign again; in Starfield, however, this happens in a very particular way.
Starfield's New Game+ mode has been perfectly integrated into the narrative, it is intradiegetic, therefore its existence is closely linked to the direction taken by the main narrative thread. In essence, on a plot level it makes perfect sense that there is such a feature, although historically distant from Bethesda's creative philosophy. In this first section of the guide we will give you just the fundamental information regarding the so-called "Journey 2" without giving any kind of spoiler, after which we will dive deeper into the heart of the mechanics.

The New Game + mode only becomes available after completing the last main mission of Starfield, "Revelation". When you have completed all the story missions, you will have an option that allows you to install "the Armilla" on your ship and attempt a leap into the unknown. This means that, if you don't want to jump straight into New Game+, you can remove the Armilla from your ship at any time and continue the adventures you left unfinished. Furthermore, even after making the jump, you will always have an option not to go all the way, since - unlike other video games - you will lose almost everything you have accumulated during your travels.
Here, below, everything you need to know about Starfield's New Game+ mode without spoilers:
- The mode is available after completing the Revelation mission.
- The mode it does not start automatically, but must be initiated consciously by the player.
Let's see everything you keep and everything you lose by accessing the New Game +:
- Starting the New Game + if it maintains: All Traits, all Skills unlocked in the skill tree, all Powers obtained and the Frontier ship.
- Starting the New Game + gets lost: All. Literally. You will lose the accumulated Credits, all the Weapons, the Ships built or purchased, the Houses acquired, the Outposts built, the Navigation Data and therefore also all the Planets and Systems discovered.
You may be wondering, at this point, what what do you get that is so tempting choosing to sacrifice everything you have achieved during your journey. The answer lies in the next paragraph which, however, we warn you for the last time, contains very heavy spoilers regarding the main plot of Starfield.
Starfield's New Game+ in detail

Come on, it's always good to be 100% sure: below we will explain in detail how Starfield's New Game + mode works after completing it three times, so we advise you to continue only if you are willing to cash in very hard spoilers regarding the plot. Gamer forewarned is forearmed. The mode becomes accessible following the completion of Revelation: once the Armilla is installed on the ship, make any gravitational jump to finally reach the Unity and discover what lies beyond the limits of human progress. Once you reach the Unity, you will have two options:
- If you get close to the Unity (i.e. the large sparkling sphere in the center), you will start your new game as an Astral in an "alternate universe".
- If you move away from the Unity, back to the edge of the area (i.e. into the darkness), you will return to your ship and can continue exploring the "main universe".
By entering the large glittering sphere you will therefore move forward, into a new universe, effectively starting the New Game +. Let's make a small summary of everything that happens by choosing this path.
What is preserved in New Game Plus:
- All Traits - Most traits are fixed though.
- All Skills - You retain unlocked skills, as well as their level. Since there is no level limit, you can continue to acquire new and higher level skills.
- All powers obtained - All powers will still be present. Furthermore, in the New Game + the temples provide enhanced variants, such as "Sunburst II" or "Personal Atmosphere II".
- The Frontier - Whether you sold it or not, it will still be with you when you start your new game.
What is lost starting the New Game +:
- Everything, that is...
- Weapons
- Equipment
- Resources
- Credits
- ships
- Homes and Outposts
- Assignments - Dissertation sessions - Attendance
- Progress and discoveries in the Star Chart
- Scans

Becoming gods Astral, you will ascend to the state of creatures open to the existence of the multiverse and capable of living numerous alternative existences within the confines of the Colonized Systems. By preserving all the memories you have accumulated in your past life, you will be free to face again what you have experienced in the past and change the flow of events in your favor. This means that you will also get the "Astral" trait, which allows you to already know the future, therefore you will have the possibility to Skip the main mission completely and to disclose yourself directly to Constellation members. Before continuing, however, it is good to talk about everything you get by accessing the New Game +:
- Astral State: as Astrals, you will already know the progression of events, you will be able to skip the main plot, you will be able to access new dialogue options and even some additional missions.
- Guardian II: the adventure will begin on your Guardian II, the Astral ship that will be your home ship. By progressing through the New Game + cycles it is also possible to unlock upgraded variants of this ship.
- Astral Suit: this space suit is a unique piece - including helmet and suit - extremely strong and aesthetically beautiful; also in this case, every time you complete a "run" from Astrale you will obtain a more powerful and refined version of the space suit, namely the Materia suit.
- Access to the Astral Merchant: when you are in orbit you may encounter a mysterious captain, the Astral Merchant, who sells items that are impossible to obtain in any other way: these are legendary weapons with a unique appearance and characteristics that can only be obtained through this merchant special.
- Alternative Campaign: By reaching Constellation, you will have the option to reveal your identity and start a modified version of the campaign, in which the organization will provide you with all the support you need to reach the Unity again, skipping most of the main missions.
Ok, but how does this match ultimately work in New Game+? You will practically skip the campaign, although it is possible to choose to relive it by pretending not to be Astral and deceiving your Constellation companions. In the game world you will have access to several unique interactions: for example, you can go and talk to Aquilius (the Hunter) in the headquarters of the Sanctum Universum to confront him about his real identity as Astral. During Faction missions, you will have access to additional dialogue options [Astral] that demonstrate your knowledge of the future, but do not have a strong impact on gameplay. Let's give you an example: by tackling the Freestar Ranger mission, you will already be aware of the fact that Bob Hope is responsible for the attacks, but apart from the dialogue options you will be able to do almost nothing to conclude the mission ahead of time, which represents a missed opportunity on Bethesda's part.
That said, it is a very interesting interpretation of the New Game +, even if in some ways it clashes with the classic house experience: it is not easy to understand how many players will choose to give up a 100% completion - which usually sits at heart of Bethesda titles - to pursue a variation on the theme of this genre.