Level 1: first part
Level 1: Wario
Pest Control
Objective: Shoot the targets on the monster to take it down.
Strategy: Aim at the targets and you will automatically lock on, then press A or B to shoot. Playing Hooky:
Objective: Hook the guy and lift him from the tray.
Strategy: Aim towards the location where it is and lower. If you can't catch it, then move the wiimote towards you or away from you until you can (the wiimote will vibrate). At that point, lift it up.
Strange but true, the third level is the easiest of all.
Wario PI
Lens: Adjust the focus on the magnifying glass to clean the image by moving the wiimote towards the screen or away from it.
Strategy: Most of the time you just have to push it away from the screen at close range, but walk around it until it becomes very clear, then hold that position.
Other Notes: You will be able to see various objects, including your Mii, aliens and ice cream.
On the Ropes
Objective: Move the jump rope around to make the kids jump while holding the wiimote flat and moving the arm in a circular motion.
Strategy: Rotate your arm very quickly to make sure you get all the jumpers out in time.
Take a Stab at It
Objective: Skewer all the objects that are thrown at you on the spit, aiming at them so that they land on the sword.
Strategy: Focus on where the objects will fall and aim at them, starting naturally with the closest object.
Wokka Wokka!
Objective: Throw the food into the Chinese pot until it lands on the plate, shaking the top end of the wiimote.
Strategy: Keep shaking the wiimote for a while until it all flies away and ends up on the plate, thus moving on to the next cutscene.
Level 1: second part
Crowd Control
Objective: Get people out by pointing the stinking stick at them, using the pointer of the wiimote.
Strategy: Starting from the center, make bigger and bigger circles to force people to leave the screen. When most of them are out, deal with the few that are left.
Wario Fu
Objective: Controlling the guy with the pointer, move him around the screen to avoid the various dangers.
Strategy: For the first two levels, stay in the center of the screen so you can see the birds coming from the sides, allowing you to easily dodge in time. The third level is much more complex. It is best to stay still in the center and, when the birds appear, settle under them to avoid other falling objects.
Obstacles: Birds, falling objects (sticks and spiked balls), people.
You Can Pick Your Friends...
Objective: Point your finger using the wiimote and move it forward to insert it into the nose of your chosen one.
Strategy: Familiarize yourself with your stance, align yourself then slowly move the wiimote forward so that it fits snugly into one nostril. In the third level (two fingers) it will take a little longer to take the position.
Poster Child
Goal: Flatten the poster against the wall by pointing your hands against the edges.
Strategy: You will be able to see the main parts right away, so flatten these first, along with other small corners or areas caused by the wind. Otherwise, if you can't see where the poster is peeling off, swipe over the edges.
Other Notes: At the end of the level the poster head will come to life.
Shaving Scream
Objective: Shave by pointing the wiimote towards the face.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the beard to shave it. More advanced levels will include longer hairs on the chin or sides, but it will take the same amount of time to shave them. If you can't complete the levels, go over the stubborn corners to remove any remaining hair.
One In Hole
Objective: Move the hole under the characters to make them disappear. You will need to point and move the wiimote towards or away from the screen.
Strategy: Move the hole under each character until they fall, the only difficulty you might have is in controlling the hole, as it is not particularly stable.
Other Notes: Grass will grow in the spots you have completed.
Level 1: boss
Objective: Stop Wario from carrying out his plans to conquer the world using a giant fan.
Move the wiimote up and down to fan.
Strategy: In the first section, several Warioling will cross the overhang and come towards you: here, all you have to do is fan.
When facing Robowario, wait until he has fully emerged from the edge of the precipice and raised his hand, then quickly fan until he lowers it or is blown away. If you fan when his hand is down, he will block your attacks. After you blow it away, you're done. Later levels have Robowario attacking a little faster, so after he blocks, be ready to defend. A sweep will suffice to completely remove the fan.
Obstacles: Wariolings, RoboWario.
Level 2: first part
Level 02: Mona
Stage Fright
Objective: Using the wiimote pointer, turn on the light to find the boy.
Strategy: Quickly scan the screen with the light and, when you find it, keep it lit for a few seconds and you have completed this minigame.
Welcome Committee
Objective: Control the rocket by shaking the wiimote from side to side and try to hit the alien spaceship.
Strategy: For the first level, all you have to do is aim for the spaceship. The third level can be quite difficult: go around the bullets so that you can go around the ship and hit it from either side.
Obstacles: Bullets coming from the spaceship (only in the third level).
Keep Your Guy On The Ball
Objective: Keep the wiimote motionless to keep the panda balanced on the ball.
Strategy: Start the game by keeping the wiimote as horizontal as possible, otherwise you will fall immediately. If you start like this, all you have to do is move the wiimote in the opposite direction to the ball. The sprinting movements will only make you fall, so take it easy. At the third level this feature will be even more accentuated, so try to be even more precise and to make slow movements.
Other notes: When you are about to fall the panda makes a funny noise.
Fan boy
Objective: Shake the wiimote back and forth to keep the paper butterflies in the air.
Strategy: Keep a steady rhythm in your back and forth movements and the butterflies will stay in the air: if you go too slow or too fast, however, you will make them fall to the ground.
Objective: Shake the wiimote to remove debris from the object. Strategy: All you have to do is shake the wiimote from side to side (a few centimeters in each direction), until all the bugs or foam have been removed.
Other Notes: Each level will have a different ending animation.
Swat Team
Objective: Push the wiimote forward to smash the fly on the wall. Strategy: The first level is very easy, swat the fly and advance. In the second and third level the fly will move, so wait for it to stop in the center of the screen and smash it quickly.
If you wait too long, the fly will move and you will have failed the level.
Carrot Away
Objective: Pull the carrots out of the ground by lifting the wiimote.
Strategy: Quickly lift the wiimote, with a continuous movement of about 30cm, and the carrot will come out of the ground. If you fail, however, the character will fall to the ground but you can try again as many times as you want.
Runner's High
Objective: Complete the race holding the wiimote as a relay baton and run!
Strategy: Move your arm up and down as if you were running to direct the character towards the finish line. In later levels you will also have opponents to beat, and you will necessarily have to finish first.
Fired Up
Objective: Change the angle of the bouncing ball to make the survivors bounce towards the firefighters.
Strategy: In all levels you will have to make gradual taps. In the first level you just need to move slightly towards the fire team, and in the second, shake the bar at the top towards the one below. In the third level you will have two bars and two survivors, but you only need to use one bar: as soon as one of the two survivors approaches, that's the one you will use for the other. Bounce them directly towards the firefighters and not towards the other bar.
Dough Boy
Objective: Spin the pizza by twisting the upper end of the wiimote.
Strategy: Spin the pizza at a steady pace until it is completely formed. In later levels you will have to keep it in the air longer.
Up For Grabs
Objective: Take out the various objects: point at them and, when you have them hooked, pull back from the screen to take them out.
Strategy: Quickly aim the object and sprint back to pull the object out. The second and third level require two snatches, as the boy gets into a fight and in the second level you will have to throw a second umbrella when you are done with the first.
Level 2: second part
Come to Poppa
Objective: Move the wiimote up and down to inflate the balloon until it pops.
Strategy: In the later levels you will have to pump a lot more to make it pop, so go for it. Without a doubt, you should do it with one hand: in the following levels you will have to inflate very small balloons, so study your strategy well.
Closing Time
Objective: Close the shop doors by lowering the wiimote.
Strategy: In the first two levels, when everyone has left the shop, close the shutter (in the second level there is an old lady who will come in when everyone is leaving but don't mind). In the third level, as soon as everyone has gone out, close the shutter immediately, because two characters will try to re-enter and if they succeed you will have failed.
Over Easy
Objective: Turn the food by turning the wiimote face down.
Strategy: Of course you don't have to flip the wiimote in the air, just face down, in order to flip the food in the saucepan. If you don't do this quickly enough, the food will land in the same position as before.
Honeymoon Fall Out
Objective: Reach out and grab the arm of the falling girl.
Strategy: Move the wiimote towards the screen aiming quickly at his arm to retrieve it. If you wait too long you will not be able to catch her and she will fall towards her end. In the last level his arm will move and you will have to get closer to his general position, adjusting the aim when you are closer.
Universal puppet
Objective: Move the strings of the puppets by waving the wiimote to remove the watermelons.
Strategy: Move the wiimote in the direction you want to punch to hit the fruit. Fussing around works pretty well, although at the third level you'll have to be more precise.
Cupsy Daisy
Objective: Put the ball in the cup.
Strategy: All you have to do is lift the wiimote in an upward arching motion and the ball will fall into the cup. Escape Artist
Objective: Lower the helicopter to save 'Fronk' from the building.
Strategy: Place the helicopter on top of the passage and move it left and right until the ladder drops into the passage. When Fronk grabs it, pull him up and leave!
Five More Minutes
Objective: Press the top of the alarm to turn it off.
Strategy: Make sure you aim at the screen and raise your arm over the alarm clock, then lower the wiimote to stop the clock. Then you will have to position yourself higher and higher.
Tearful Reunion
Objective: Move the wiimote towards the island to make the person approach in the right timing.
Strategy: In the second and third level, wait for the water to stop gushing and move the wiimote towards the island.
Obstacles: Whales.
Hand Me Down
Objective: Pass the item you are holding from hand to hand.
Strategy: At the appropriate moment, move the wiimote from vertical to horizontal to pass the object to your hand. Pay attention to the timing, if you make a mistake you will drop the object.
Wet Your Whistle
Objective: Drink the water from the cup.
Strategy: Gradually move the water towards you, until you run out of it. If you go too fast you will reverse it and fail.
Level 2: boss
BOSS DEL LIVELLO: Toilet Training
Objective: Guide people into the bathrooms, males rather than females.
Strategy: Point the wiimote up, then move it to the right to bring the ladies to the bathroom and to the left for the men. People will descend from the top of the screen and take different paths, which will become more complicated as the levels progress. One mistake will be enough to fail.
Level 3: first part
Level 3: Kat & Ana
Cutting Edge
Objective: Cut the object.
Strategy: Swipe across the screen to eliminate the object. Do this quickly in the second level and, in the third, point the wiimote at the edge of the screen and move it quickly when the object falls across the screen and ends up in the hole.
On The Edge
Objective: Complete the drawing of lines.
Strategy: Using the pointer, follow the dark line and fill it in until you have completed it. In later levels you will have more spaces to fill, so be quick.
Serve Already!
Objective: Bounce the ball on the racket.
Strategy: You will have a second or two to position yourself in the center of the screen, and the shadow of the ball will show you where it will land. Have the ball bounce back to the end of the game. Keep it in the center and if you want you can push it up, saving yourself some bounces.
Paper Trail
Objective: Spin the paper airplane around the tree.
Strategy: Bring the plane under the leaves of the tree keeping it at some distance from the ground, holding it steady until you are done. As you progress through the levels it will go faster and faster, so keep your hand steady and avoid the tree. Just touch the leaves to fail.
Obstacles: Tree.
Piece of art
Objective: Throw the dart at the target.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote between your index finger and thumb, aim at the center and shoot towards the screen.
Frequent Flyer
Objective: The Samurai
Strategy: Quickly point the wiimote at the screen to pass the piece of paper. In later levels, wait for them to stand in front of you or stop before passing the slip.
Extreme Patty-Cake
Objective: Clap the hands of the person in front of you.
Strategy: Shoot the wiimote at the screen to make the person clap and send them flying. In the second and third level people will move their hands from time to time, wait for them to do so, then put them back and hit them.
Writer's Block
Objective: Scribble with the pen on the paper until the ink returns.
Strategy: Aim at the center of the page and shake as hard as you can until you start writing again.
Objective: Spin the wiimote in a circle to cook the meat to perfection.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote quickly: if you take too long you will burn the meat and fail. In the third level you have to roll it towards the village, so be quick.
Teeth Polithe
Objective: Put your teeth in the old woman's mouth.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the screen and, when you have found the right position, snap it towards it to plant your teeth. In the advanced levels the old woman will move left or right, and in the third she will open and close her mouth: at the beginning, however, it will be open, so if you are quick enough you will win without difficulty.
Cookie Rookie
Objective: Shape the dough.
Strategy: Aim at the center of the screen and move the wiimote towards it to make the impression. If you hit the edge and only cut half of it you will have failed, so aim carefully
Level 3: second part
A Moment of Reflection
Objective: Turn on the light on the head of the closest person.
Strategy: Move the mirror by moving the wiimote so that it reflects on the head of the closest person. Keep doing this until the game ends.
Saving Face
Objective: Aim at the lady's head and take a picture.
Strategy: You will be shown parts of his body, which you will have to photograph, sometimes rotating the wiimote to make a portrait.
Stick It Through 'Em!
Objective: Skewer the food.
Strategy: Swipe forward with the wiimote when the food is aligned. In the second and third levels they will stay aligned for a short period of time, so be quick.
Shear Terror
Objective: Shave the animal.
Strategy: aim at the center of the screen, then small movements will be enough to remove all the fur from each animal. Remember to shave the sides well too.
Fitting In
Objective: Raise your arm together with the others.
Strategy: Take your time in line and raise your arm when it's your turn. Use the vibration of the wiimote to help you. At the third level, keep it raised in the air because the line will turn around and you will have to lower it.
Objective: Aim at the object the animal wants.
Strategy: Aim at the object on the other side of the screen. Aside from the difference in animals and objects, there is no change in timing or difficulty.
Budget Dentistry
Objective: Make fillings in the patient's mouth.
Strategy: After aiming for one filling, wait until it is complete, then move on to the next one. It's easy to spot them, they sparkle with orange and yellow.
Objective: Get the ball out of the maze by moving the wiimote.
Strategy: Moving the wiimote will make the maze move, so do it in the direction you want to send the ball, but be quick, you won't have much time.
Simon Says
Objective: Copy the pose.
Strategy: All poses have the wiimote facing up, and you will only have to bend it slightly to proceed.
Code Dependency
Objective: Scan the objects with the barcode reader.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote to move the objects until the barcode is facing down. Read the code with the reader and you win.
Mall Tour
Objective: Strum the guitar in front of the crowd.
Strategy: Move the wiimote up and down in front of you until the crowd comes towards the screen, then onto the stage.
Level 3: boss
LEVEL BOSS: Driver's Ed
Objective: Drive the car to the finish.
Strategy: Drive using the wiimote as a steering wheel to the finish. You can hit the cows and the trees. The birds will block your view and you will not be able to pass over the monkeys. Try to always stay on the road.
Level 4: first part
Livello 4:Young Cricket
Broom Shtick
Objective: Keep the broom straight.
Strategy: Try to stay still: if the broom starts to move, move the wiimote in the opposite direction.
That's How I Roll
Objective: Roll the balls into the holes.
Strategy: By moving the wiimote you will move the screen, so shake it so that one ball goes into the nearest hole, then repeat the operation with the others. Make small gradual movements, if the balls start rolling it will be difficult to stop them and bring them back to the center of the screen.
Plane and Simple
Objective: Match the wood.
Strategy: Place the wiimote in front of you, then pull back and forth until all the wood is leveled. In later levels there will be more to equalize, so you need to be faster.
Logged in
Objective: Saw wood.
Strategy: Lower the wiimote to bring the saw closer to the wood so that it does not bend, then back and forth to saw it. In the following levels you will have to be faster, starting to saw slowly and accelerating more and more.
Anchor Man
Objective: Play tug of war.
Strategy: Pull back the wiimote to make the other team cross the line.
Castanet, First Chair
Objective: Hit the wiimote at the right time.
Strategy: Holding the wiimote in one hand, hit the tip with the other as they pass the note.
Meet The Eggheads
Objective: Guide the egg boy to his parents.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the egg boy to take control, then guide him calmly through the maze. If you touch the normal size you will lose control, and if you touch the edges you will have lost. Take your time and keep your hand steady.
Pink Eye
Objective: Destroy all white enemies.
Strategy: Target the enemies and shoot them down with the laser. As soon as you touch them they will be destroyed, so quickly sweep the screen to eliminate them all. The higher the level, the more kids you will save.
Geared For Landing
Objective: Rotate the gears to open the bridge for the plane.
Strategy: With the wiimote make a clockwise circle to raise it and a counterclockwise circle to lower it. When you see the plane move the bridge quickly to let it pass. At the second and third level a very fast fake plane may appear, which will disappear shortly after. If you see it, wait for the other one before you start moving, or you will have to do double the effort.
This Bites!
Objective: Get rid of the insects, or you'll get bitten.
Strategy: Turn your face from one side of the pillow to the other. If you never stop moving, the insects won't have a chance to land.
Suit of Armoire
Objective: Find the item in the drawer.
Strategy: Objects will appear above the drawers, but only one will enter. In the third level the drawers will be mixed up, so be careful where yours is. To open the drawer, point the wiimote at it and pull your arm back.
Level 4: second part
All wound up
Objective: Unroll the remote controls from the snakes' grip.
Strategy: Point the wiimote forward, then rotate it to unroll it from the snakes' grip. If you turn in the wrong direction it will only make things worse, so turn immediately in the opposite direction. In the third level always turn clockwise.
The Outcast
Objective: Find the intruder.
Strategy: Using the pointer, check the 9 objects and find the intruder. It is not very difficult and it will take you a few seconds to find it. When you have found it, point at it and press the A key.
Helping Hand
Objective: Collect the ones that fall.
Strategy: aim under the falling people to collect them. In level three there will be two, but one will have an umbrella that will slow down the fall, so take it last.
Sweeps Week
Objective: Clear the ice to get to the target.
Strategy: nothing complex, you just have to move the wiimote towards and away from the screen until you reach the target at the end.
Spring Cleaning
Objective: Clean up the mess with the vacuum cleaner.
Strategy: Here you will always have to point the wiimote at the screen and move it back and forth to clean. Give some simple sweeps to clean up all the chaos.
Volley, Y'All!
Objective: Hit the volleyball over the net.
Strategy: Follow the position of the ball and aim across the screen to move the palms so that it bounces back and forth. As the levels progress, you will have less time to react, since the ball will be placed there more quickly, so make sure you point to the screen and don't move the wiimote around.
Clean Your Plate!
Objective: Clean the plate by washing it with water.
Strategy: Moving the plate will make the water wash it, so if the dirt is on the left, shake it to the left. Subsequent levels have more dirt in various places. Aim for the center of the stain to clean it faster.
Smile And Nod
Objective: If the question is correct, nod with the wiimote.
Strategy: Read the question carefully and, if it is true, nod by moving the wiimote up and down, otherwise stay still. The questions are very simple, it is impossible to go wrong, also because you will have a lot of time to think about it.
Junk And My Trunk
Objective: Place the apple in the basket.
Strategy: Point at the apple with the pointer and move it on the screen or in the basket or towards the lady.
Level 4: boss
LEVEL BOSS: Block Party
Objective: Land the blocks on the stage and hold them there for three or four seconds.
Strategy: As the blocks fall, move the wiimote left or right, and place them next to each other or on top of each other. Make sure there are no gaps and that they remain stable. Always try to position them so as not to have difficulty arranging the next block as well.
Level 5: first part
Level 5: Ashley
Undercover Agent
Objective: Open the umbrella.
Strategy: In the first two levels all you have to do is press A when the indicator on the right is at the apex. In the third level you will have to lift the wiimote to pull up the umbrella, then press A to open it.
Cold Call
Objective: Pick up the receiver and answer the phone.
Strategy: When the phone rings, pick up the handset. In the third level, since it is a cell phone, press A to answer after picking up the receiver.
Spray It, Don't Say It
Objective: Shake the bottle and spray it to the crowd.
Strategy: Shake it up by placing your thumb on the sensor until the crowd appears, then point the wiimote at the screen and remove your thumb to spray.
Wiggle Room
Objective: Do the hula hop.
Strategy: Place the wiimote next to your side and rotate your pelvis making the wiimote do the same movement.
Carving Artist
Objective: Chisel the material.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote up and down to chisel the material, and continue until the sculpture is formed. The faster you move, the faster the sculpture will appear.
Sticky Shift
Objective: Change gear.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote up and facing you, then follow the instructions to change gear. Make quick, decisive movements so that the computer records them. If you can't, stop and repeat the operation.
Bone Appetit
Objective: When the dog is not looking, steal the bone.
Strategy: Keep your hand on the wiimote and, when the dog looks away, quickly lift it to steal the bone.
When there are two dogs, wait for both of them to look in another direction, then grab the bone.
You're fired!
Objective: Light the cannon fuse.
Strategy: The pointer controls the stick, then place it in the fire to light it and move it to the end of the cannon fuse to set it on fire.
Avoid the water, otherwise you will have to turn the stick back on. Once this is done you can light two miccie with the same flame.
In the Cards
Objective: Collect the right card.
Strategy: Pay attention to the card being named, and wait for it to appear in the center, then lift the wiimote. The later levels are more complex, so pay close attention and be quick to lift the wiimote when the card appears.
How the West Was Really Won
Objective: Draw your gun and fire when you hear 'DRAW!'
Strategy: You can cheat the CPU by drawing the weapon before it says DRAW and firing when it says so. Press A or B to shoot.
Shady Characters
Objective: Investigate the shadowed object and choose the correct one.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote in your hands to rotate the object and study its shape, and remember all the distinctive features. You have a few seconds before making your choice. In the last level you will have to choose between six objects, so things will get a little complicated.
Skip It
Objective: Jump rope.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote at your side and jump, or spin it up for a more realistic experience. Try to jump when the rope is close to your feet so you don't start too early, and remember that in later levels the rope will spin faster, so you'll have to keep a good time.
Level 5: second part
Shoot The Breeze
Objective: Shoot the cans on the shelves.
Strategy: Aim the viewfinder using the wiimote pointer and shoot with A or B, you will not be penalized if you make a mistake, so just shoot at will.
Shoot the robot in the chest until it falls.
Objective: Turn the die until the required number is obtained.
Strategy: You have to get a score with the die, so turn the wiimote in the required direction. Remember that the sum of two opposite sides of a die always equals seven, if you want to help yourself to know how the die is turned.
Marching Orders
Objective: Wave your arm and march with the others.
Strategy: Move your arm to advance the character, and stop when the others stop. Try to stay in the center of the group to avoid collisions (equivalent to failure).
Flask Me Later
Objective: Shake up the solution.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote raised and shake it from side to side to mix the solution until it completely changes color.
All Shook Up
Objective: Open all the bottles.
Strategy: Use the pointer to control the bottle opener, aim at the caps of each bottle and lift the wiimote vertically to remove them.
Pool Boy
Objective: Pocket at least one ball.
Strategy: Snap the wiimote forward to hit the white ball and send it crashing into another. In the following levels you will have to create a chain reaction between the balls to be able to pocket them, so try to make very accurate shots.
Secret Ingredient
Objective: Grate the ingredients.
Strategy: Move the wiimote from side to side to grate the object. In later levels the objects will be larger, so you'll have to grate faster.
Objective: Shake the bells in time.
Strategy: Starting at the far end, your hands will shake the bells in time. Wait until it's your turn and shake the wiimote with both hands, the required number of times. In this game, timing is very important.
Level 5: boss
BOSS DEL LIVELLO: Fresh Off The Grill
Objective: Remove the burger when it's ready.
Strategy: Observe the hamburger until the focaccia appears, then lift the wiimote to remove it from cooking. Pay no attention to the interference that will appear in the later levels, but focus only on the focaccia.
Level 6: first part
Level 6: Dribble & Spitz
Diddly Squat
Objective: Squat down whenever prompted.
Strategy: Holding the wiimote above your head, mate and stand up. Otherwise you can hold the wiimote in front of you and raise and lower it in sequence.
Up In Arms
Objective: Raise the handlebar the required number of times.
Strategy: Raise the wiimote in a quick, sharp motion to point it towards you, then lower it again. In later levels you will have to lift it more than once.
Clean Sweep
Objective: Sweep the leaves.
Strategy: Move the wiimote from side to side to sweep the leaves. Keep doing this until you have cleaned them all: at the third level there will be a lot of them, so go for it!
Eating For Two
Objective: Bounce the food from the pan into your mouth.
Strategy: Aim at the pan at the far end of the screen and move it slightly, so that any food that gets on it bounces into the mouth on the opposite side. In the following levels you will have to slightly vary the position to be able to center the mouth.
The Closer
Objective: Strike!
Strategy: Move the wiimote from side to side towards the screen to throw the ball. In later levels you will have to throw when the glove is in the box.
Stick It To The Man!
Objective: Hit people with a stick.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote up, then sprint it forward to strike. In the second and third level, wait for the thieves to appear before hitting them. In the third, after the two thieves, a very slow old man will arrive, so get ready to strike.
When In Rome...
Objective: Avoid touching other objects.
Strategy: In the first two levels you just need to move the wiimote to the side to avoid objects, while in the third you will have to hold it between the index finger and the thumb like a brush to be more precise.
Talk To The Can!
Objective: Use the spray to keep the animals away.
Strategy: Aim at the screen to check the bottle, then press A or B to spray. In the second level you will have to spray longer to eliminate the cockroaches, while in the third you will have to spray in the eyes of the bear.
Cut To The Chase
Objective: Cut the nails.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the screen to control the clippers, which will automatically hook onto the long nails if you aim closely enough, then press A or B to cut. Do the same with all the nails and you will have won.
Catch Of The Day
Objective: Take the food under the tray.
Strategy: Place the wiimote vertically and to the side then, when the food reaches the plate, pull it down firmly.
Bell Captain
Objective: Hit the bell.
Strategy: From a vertical position, strike forward to ring the bell. Timing is important in the second and third level, especially because in the third level, if you get it wrong, you will have failed.
Level 6: second part
Rally And Cry
Objective: Push back the ping pong balls.
Strategy: Swing the wiimote to swing the racket. All you have to do is hit the balls no matter where they go.
Soiled Reputation
Objective: hoe the earth.
Strategy: From the vertical position, perform a sharp ninety degree motion towards the screen to hoe once. Do this whenever you are asked.
Use Your Head
Objective: Score goals!
Strategy: With the wiimote above your head or in front of you, raise it even higher at the right time. In the second level you will have to wait for the ball to pass and, in the third, the ball will hit a defender and accelerate his run.
Unintelligent Life
Objective: confiscate the objects.
Strategy: Move the wiimote back and forth towards the screen to position the UFO over the object you need to pick up. In the third level there will be Fronk moving on the ground, try to block him to prevent him from getting in front of the object you need.
Spring training
Objective: Avoid the fireballs.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote from side to side to avoid the fireballs. Concentrate on the shadows they cast to understand where they will end, rather than wait for the last moment and risk not dodging them. Femme Brulee
Objective: Arrange the umbrella to prevent people from getting burned in the sun.
Strategy: Move the tip of the wiimote from side to side to shade people lying on the sand. The third level mole will appear and disappear often, so be ready to fix it as soon as it appears. If the characters are exposed to the sun for too long they will get burned and you will have failed.
Sprinkler System
Objective: Use the spoon to put the powder in the container.
Strategy: Using the wiimote to control the spoon, move it left and right, depending on the direction the powder falls. When you have some on the tip, move the spoon over the container and shake it to make it fall. In the last two levels the containers are smaller, so make sure you aim well before shaking off the dust. Just slip in some to win.
Stick A Fork In It
Objective: Skewer the food with the fork.
Strategy: Use the wiimote as a knife to stick the fork into the food. The table will move, but it will stop around the food.
Armed And Dangerous
Objective: Support the wrestling fight.
Strategy: Move the wiimote to pull the hands. Keep pulling back and forth until you are able to prevail over the opponent. As the levels increase in difficulty, the enemies will become more and more aggressive.
Level 6: boss
Objective: Complete the assault and defeat the enemy.
Strategy - For the assault course, you will have to avoid or jump over the wooden obstacles. Pull down the wiimote or crouch to avoid them, otherwise lift it to jump. If there are many sticks jump ahead of time in order to dodge them, take the time and dodge them all.
Once you get to the boss, you'll need to shoot him in the nostrils. On the first level, he won't shoot anything at you, while on the second and third level he'll throw bullets from his nostrils. You keep shooting and at the third level the boss will approach you and you will have to be even faster.
Obstacles: Wooden rods, projectiles.
Level 7: first part
Level 7: Penny
Boarder Patrol
Objective: Open the door using the key.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote until the door opens. In subsequent levels, hold it with two hands so that it rotates constantly until the end of the minigame.
Slice Of Life
Objective: Rotate the paper shredder to destroy the documents.
Strategy: Viewing the wiimote from the left, rotate the wiimote towards and away from you to make the paper shredder work, then continue until you have shredded the document. In later levels you will have to shred larger items.
Mixed Signals
Goal: Move the knob to tune the TV.
Strategy: Quickly move the wiimote to check if the image improves, then, once you have found the tuning band, adjust that area until the image is perfect. In the advanced levels you will have to be particularly precise, so find the area quickly so that you have more time to fine tune the signal.
Yes, You Can!
Objective: Open the jar with the can opener.
Strategy: Pull the wiimote towards you at a 45 degree angle, then back off. Repeat this operation to open the jar. In the last few levels you will have to do this several times, so hold on and make movements as constant as possible.
The Intern
Objective: Rearrange the stack of paper.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote vertically, then slam it up and down in a straight line on your hand until it is perfectly straight. If you shake it too much it will only create more confusion, so keep your hand steady and move in an absolutely straight line. You should also wait a few seconds to let the card settle, otherwise you will make even more mess.
Stir Crazy
Objective: Reshuffle the solutions.
Strategy: Move the wiimote in a large circle to quickly mix the solutions. In the later levels you will find larger containers, so you will need to be faster to be able to complete the level in time.
Community Service
Objective: Clean up the objects.
Strategy: Quickly move the wiimote up and down to clean. You won't be able to complete the level with one movement, so keep moving up and down, more and more as you progress through the levels.
Local News
Objective: Interview people by holding the microphone in their mouth.
Strategy: Point the microphone at respondents' mouths until they stop talking. As the text gets smaller and smaller it means that you are straying too far, so adjust yourself. The polar bear will turn its head to the left as it speaks, so be ready to shoot, and also keep an eye on the old lady's movements.
Get To The Point
Objective: Point the pencils.
Strategy: At the first level, spin the wiimote in a circle to make the tip. In the second, place the wiimote facing the screen, then rotate it to use the lever. In the third, point it at the screen to slide it into the electrical machine.
Mercury Rising
Objective: Shake the thermometer until the mercury reaches zero.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote to lower the temperature indicated by the thermometer. Continue to shake it vigorously for a few seconds, then stop to check the temperature and, if it hasn't dropped enough, resume shaking.
Objective: Pull up the zip.
Strategy: Use the pointer to grab the zip, then with wiimote move around the screen to complete the minigame. In the third level you will find a zigzagging lightning bolt, which you could easily miss when cornering, so take your time.
Level 7: second part
Spot On!
Objective: Hit the nail with the hammer.
Strategy: Raise and lower the wiimote to hammer the nail and drive it into the wood. You can do it faster if you are moving in a straight line. You can also do this well by making small movements.
Objective: Defend your goal against the imps.
Strategy: Using the wiimote pointer, fend off the incoming imps. But hit them gently, otherwise they will just return to the screen after bouncing, making your life much more complicated. In the third level you will have to score using a devil, it is nothing difficult, but to succeed you will have to hit him very hard and if you make a mistake you can always make another attempt when it bounces. Be careful not to score an own goal.
Cranky Robot
Objective: Charge the robot to give it energy.
Strategy: From the left, spin the wiimote so that after one turn it faces right, then quickly return it to its previous position. Use two hands so that you can perform all rotations in time.
Sure, You Can
Objective: Hit the ninja with the shurikens.
Strategy: move the wiimote towards the screen to throw a star in the middle of the trees. The ninja will jump from tree to tree getting closer and closer, about once every half second, so as soon as he lands on a tree, throw him a star and when he comes out you will be able to hit him.
Burning Sensation
Objective: Burn the germs using the magnifying glass.
Strategy: Control the magnifying glass with the pointer, and hold it over the germs so that the rays hit the germs and burn them as quickly as possible. You can also shake the wiimote to shake the glass on the third level, when there are two germs on the wall.
Now You're Cooking!
Objective: Turn on the stove.
Strategy: With wiimote pointing at the screen and facing left, rotate it counterclockwise 45 degrees to turn the throttle knob. Being an old stove, it will take several turns to get it on, so keep turning until the fire comes out. As the levels progress you will have to do more and more laps.
Hit Parade
Objective: Hit the enemies with the hammer.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote vertically, and then drop it to hit the points where the enemies are, which will appear more and more as the levels pass. Remember that each level can only have one enemy.
Objective: Collect all the garbage cans.
Strategy: Use the wiimote as a joystick to control the robot and approach the bins in front of you in an attempt to pick them up. In the second and third level the bins will roll away, and in the third there will even be a truck driving through the area that will KO you if you touch it, so be careful.
Obstacles: Pickup Truck (third level only)
Stay Tuned
Objective: Tune the guitar.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote to turn the peg and tune the guitar. Keep an eye on the pin as it will move towards the center and continue tuning until it stays there. Hold it in that position for a few seconds and you win.
Level 7: boss
BOSS DEL LIVELLO: Produce Stand-Off
Objective: Duel with the sword against the vegetable bandit.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote vertically and facing left to keep the sword raised. You will have to defend yourself from attacks and strike at the right moment. Move the controller to the side to move the sword, as enemies will come from the left, right, and center of the screen. Whatever their position, that's where they'll attack you, so you better step forward and move your sword in that direction. In the advanced levels there will be no arrows to help you and you will have to have much faster reactions. Eventually the sword will break and you will be told to push, so move the wiimote towards the screen to stun the enemy, then give them a vertical slash to knock them out.
Level 8: first part
Level 8: 9 Volts
Wiipeat After Me!
Objective: Copy the positions of the wiimote shown on the screen.
Strategy: Copy the 3D positions of the wiimote later, by turning or flipping the wiimote. You will be able to see what is coming, so you can prepare and speed up the process.
Super Mario Brothers
Objective: Collect two coins.
Strategy: Jump with the wiimote vertically to hit the blocks with the? and get the coins. Two will be enough to complete each level. In the second and third level Mario will move around the screen, so you have to calculate your jumps well to hit the? in the middle of normal blocks.
Light Tennis
Objective: Do not allow to score a point.
Strategy: Move the wiimote to control the bat on the screen and make sure you hit the ball, otherwise the enemy will score.
Animal Crossing
Objective: Fish in the river and catch a fish.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote facing the TV and wait for the fish to get close to the spool, and only when the water starts to spray pull the wiimote up to pull the fish out. And the later levels you will have to wait a little longer but eventually you can bring it up. Opening Night
Objective: Conduct the orchestra to end the song.
Strategy: Use the wiimote as a wand placed in front of the screen to make them sound. Continue to keep it pointed at the screen and gently move back and forth. If you start or stop too soon the band will stop playing and you will have to start over. In the more complex levels you will have to move faster.
WarioWare Twisted!
Objective: Rotate the wiimote as if you were playing twisted! on the GBA.
Strategy: On the first level, move him left and right twice so that his arm picks up and eats the kittens. In the second, rotate it around each side of the face to remove the stiff beard. Finally, on the third level, flip the wiimote to make the hat land.
Wario Land
Objective: Throw the enemy into another.
Strategy: Lift the wiimote to pull the enemy up, then sprint to the TV to throw it. In the third level, keep the enemy raised in the air, parry what comes at you, then throw it.
Game & Watch Octopus
Objective: Get the treasure.
Strategy: When the Game & Watch man is near the chest, raise the wiimote. In the second and third level he will hang around for a while before he gets close enough, so wait for him to have his hand in the chest before pulling up.
Balloon Fight
Objective: Wave your arms to fly over the stage.
Strategy: Wave your arms (or just move the wiimote up and down) to fly. The positions of the obstacles are random, especially the sparkballs, so if you fly around them try to pass over them and avoid the fish and Balloon Fighters in the more advanced levels.
Metroid Prime 2
Objective: Roll Samus into the barrel.
Strategy: Move your hand forward to roll Samus in that direction towards the barrel. In the second and third level you will also have to go to the sides. You will need some speed to knock him down, so take a good run.
Level 8: second part
Pikmin 2
Objective: As Empress Bulblax, roll and crash the Pikmin.
Strategy: Roll the wiimote to roll and crash the Pikmin. In the third level you will have to quickly roll from one side of the level to the other to destroy them both and complete the minigame.
Objective: Give the puppies a high five.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the screen to control the hand and move it under the dog, so as to touch its paw. Be careful because on the third level they might fake, so get ready to fix the position.
Super Mario Sunshine
Objective: Spray the water and put out the flames.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the window and hold it there for a second or two, then move on to the other windows.
Punch-Out !!
Objective: Count to ten after the KO.
Strategy: From a vertical position, aim the wiimote back and forth and count once. Repeat this as many times as required to complete the game.
Super Nostalgic Entertainment System
Objective: Insert the cartridge into the super nintendo.
Strategy: Push down the wiimote at the right moment to insert the cartridge into the old super nintendo console. It must be upright and go down in a straight line.
Laser Clay Shooting
Objective: Shoot the illuminated ducks.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the screen and press A or B to shoot. You can shoot all you want, the ammo is infinite, so strafe the ducks until they all fall to the bottom of the screen.
The Wind Waker
Objective: Using the leaf, fly to the platform.
Strategy: Aim for the exact spot where you want to land. Even if the wind is in your favor, you will not be able to get there if you sway too much, so point in the general direction and tap to accompany the push the wind gives you.
On the third level there are two platforms, but you should land on the closest one, which is undoubtedly easier to reach.
Brain Age
Objective: Draw a line between the numbers in the correct order.
Strategy: Point at the screen and quickly draw a line connecting the numbers in order. You don't have much time, so focus on where the numbers are on the screen and align them with each other.
The Ocarina Of Time
Objective: Take the Master Sword out of the base.
Strategy: With the wiimote in an upright position, pull it up to give a tug. At more advanced levels it will take more than a yank to pull the sword out.
One Hit Wonder
Objective: Score a home run.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote by your side, then hit the ball as it passes over the plate. Follow its shadow and hit it as soon as it reaches it.
Clu Clu Land
Objective: Head towards the exit while avoiding the enemies and black holes.
Strategy: Aim in the direction you want to go, then circle around the approaching enemies, keeping an eye on the purple swirls on the ground (they are black holes). In later levels everything will get faster and the line of enemies will be wider, so keep to the far sides of the screen to be able to pass (avoid the central area at all costs).
Sifty Character
Objective: Sieve the sand to free the object.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote from side to side to sift the sand until there is only one object left. In later levels there will be more sand to sift, so you'll have to move much faster.
Level 8: boss
LEVEL BOSS: Starwing
Objective: Play the Starwing levels, pass them and defeat the boss.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote pointer pointing left and tap it left and right or down and up to move it in those directions. Press A or B to shoot.
In the first level you will only have to cross the first planet of Starwing, Conreria, so avoid the buildings and shoot to take down the enemies. The boss is ROB armed with NES Zapper! Wait for him to stop shooting and shoot the green block next to him until you defeat him.
The second level is set in the open space, where you will have to avoid a lot of crosses and lines to reach the boss. Stay in the corners, where there are very few obstacles, and you will only have to make small movements and attack only the enemies that get in your way.
The third level is set on a frozen planet, where you have to avoid the giant blocks of ice that get in your way. Stay at the top of the screen, they are usually lower down and it will be easier for you to get through them. Enemies are also more complicated to take down, and will slip into every conceivable hole. After a long level, you will have to face ROB again, this time accompanied by four blocks. Use the same technique as before to defeat him.
Level 9: first part
Livello 9: Tiny Wario
Sucker Punch Objective: Punch the target.
Strategy: Keeping the wiimote next to your side, punch towards the screen in the first and third level. In the second, however, raise the wiimote as if you were giving an uppercut.
Party Crasher
Objective: Remove the tablecloth from the set table.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote with two hands, try to remain as still as possible and give a quick yank towards you. If you need it, you can do it by pulling immediately with a sharp motion. This way you will be less likely to overturn everything on the table.
He Who Smelt It...
Objective: Remove Wario's stench.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote from side to side to remove the stench: in the more advanced levels you will have to shake faster and longer.
Net profit
Objective: Catch the falling notes in the net.
Strategy: Throw the wiimote from one hand to the other to move the net and the bag with which you will have to take the notes.
A Tale Of One Kitty
Objective: Shake your tail and take the bird.
Strategy: Shake the wiimote to shake the tail. If you hold it in front of you, you can finish the game in less than a second.
Wario Hunting
Objective: Snap the traps placed for the Tiny Wario.
Strategy: When wario is under the chest, grab the wiimote and remove the stick. Do it as soon as he enters, otherwise he'll take the prize and sneak out.
It's a Me, Wario!
Objective: Knock on the door until it opens.
Strategy: With the wiimote in an upright position, move the upper extremity back and forth to knock on the door. As you progress through the levels you will have to knock more and more.
Roll Model
Objective: Roll out of the path of the spears.
Strategy: Rotate the wiimote to make wario roll out of the way: you can see the tip of the spears above you, so position yourself in a clear spot and stay there until they have fallen, then move on. The outer sides are usually free, so take shelter there if you want to be quiet.
Three's A Crowd
Objective: When the ninja appears, hit him with the sword.
Strategy: Swipe across the middle of the screen to take out the ninja. Be careful because in the second level there will be a fake ninja before the real one, which could appear at the top or at the bottom.
Ruude awakening
Objective: Wake up Wario by slapping him.
Strategy: Wave the wiimote across the screen to slap wario until he wakes up.
Other Notes: After he wakes up, you can keep slapping him, and he won't even get angry.
Wario's Gym
Objective: Do gymnastics.
Strategy: Move the wiimote to one side to perform a tension, and repeat the operation the number of times required. Just make a small movement to complete the game.
Level 9: second part
Bedside Manners
Objective: Use the stethoscope to find the hit point.
Strategy: Point the wiimote at the screen to check the stethoscope, and wario will nod more and more convinced as you get closer to the point that it hurts. Also use vibration to guide yourself to the finish line. As the levels progress, things will get complicated, Wario will be getting fatter and it will be difficult to find the approximate area in which to search.
Paper Wario
Objective: Tap the box to defeat the opponent.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote flat in one hand, and use the other to nudge it. Keep doing this until you've won: if you stop for even a second, the enemy will take advantage of the moment and beat you.
Wario's Pinheads
Objective: Knock the pin down with the ball.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote on your side and facing you, then swing it back and forth to hit the ball. In the more advanced levels the pin will be smaller and smaller, so your shot will have to be very accurate to be able to hit it.
Not the Face!
Objective: Defend yourself from bullets using the sword.
Strategy: Hold the wiimote up, and sway left or right to block the bullets coming towards you.
Chop Shop
Objective: Throw the objects into the car to polish them.
Strategy: Move the wiimote, in a horizontal position, to the left to insert the objects into the machine. The difficulty here is that the car doors don't stay open all the time, so as soon as you see them open, do a quick movement to make sure your object gets in.
Dead Ringer
Objective: Put the ring on your finger.
Strategy: Push the wiimote towards the screen to insert the ring. In later levels the finger will move, making it more difficult to hit the target. Wait for the middle finger to lift and sprint forward.
Climate Control
Objective: Arrange the creatures in their respective habitats.
Strategy: Move the lwiimote left and right to arrange the creatures that fall in the various habitats, cold or hot depending on the origin of the animals.
Safe Or Snack
Objective: Control the raft and get it safely to the island.
Strategy: tap the wiimote towards the island to move the raft: you can't fall, so hit it. In the more advanced levels there are sharks that must be avoided, so wait until the coast is clear, then advance.
Closing Night
Objective: Bow in front of the crowd.
Strategy: Keep the wiimote facing the screen, then tilt it forward to bow, and in the last two levels you'll have to pull it up to get up after the bow.
Level 9: boss
LEVEL BOSS: Wario Dance Company
Objective: Dance to the rhythm with the other dancers.
Strategy: Here you have to copy all the movements of the others, in time, otherwise it will be game over.
Level 10: first part
Level 10: Orbulon
It's a Wrap
Objective: Discard the mummy
Strategy: shake the nunchuk and wiimote from side to side to grab the mummy's bandages and uncover them until you have them all off. Thicker bandages in later levels will require faster movement.
Hare Raising
Objective: Follow the commands signaled by the flag.
Strategy: The nunchuk controls the white flag, while the wiimote controls the red one. When you raise or lower them, do it quickly and with very sharp movements, otherwise the CPU will not recognize them.
Chunky Salsa
Objective: Repeat the shocks.
Strategy: The person on the screen will shake the maracas and you will have to repeat the order. The timing with which you do it does not matter, as long as you keep the order of the movements.
Bridge Work
Objective: Move the bridges to let people pass.
Strategy: With the wiimote and nunchuk facing the screen, pull them up so they face you and the decks can descend. Focus on the people who have to pass and don't get confused.
Safe Cracker
Objective: Break the two locks on the safe.
Strategy: Shake the two controllers, still facing the screen, to rotate the safes and find the right combination.
Monkey Dance
Objective: Move your arms up and down to dance with the monkey.
Strategy: Wave your arms up and down rapidly at regular intervals, and keep doing it until the end of the level.
If you don't stretch them enough you will fail.
Buggin' Out
Objective: Catch the insect with pliers.
Strategy: Open the pliers by separating the controllers, then bring them back together to catch the insect.
Starved For Attention
Objective: Make gestures to the boat to come and rescue you.
Strategy: Shake the controllers by moving them away and approaching them quickly until the ship notices you and comes to pick you up. As you progress you will have to go faster and faster, especially to get you recovered from the spaceship in the third level.
Level 10: second part
Objective: Copy the clock hands.
Strategy: The nunchuk is the hour hand, the wiimote is the minute hand: position your arms like the clock that appears on the screen.
Bear Handed
Objective: Play jugglers.
Strategy: When an object approaches your hand, shake the controller to switch it to the other hand. In later levels you will have to manage more objects, so you will need excellent timing.
Tog Dog
Objective: Swim and save the baby.
Strategy: Place the nunchuk and wiimote in front of each other, then rotate them and let the dog swim.
Finishing Move
Goal: copy the positions of the hands.
Strategy: Copy the positions that are displayed on the screen.
Look, Ma! No Feet!
Goal: ride until you reach the finish line.
Strategy: With the controllers facing each other, spin them quickly to pedal along the path.
Stroke Of Genius
Objective: row to the island.
Strategy: Place the controllers in front of each other, then fan to start rowing. To change direction, in the second and third level, all you have to do is fan only one controller, thus moving only one oar.
Coming Unhinged
Objective: Open the box.
Strategy: Place the controllers in front of each other, then pull up one to open the box. In the second level wait for the firefly to come out, then close and in the third keep the bridge down until the horse has passed, then raise it and let the ship pass.
Monkey Crossing
Objective: Go from tree to tree until you reach dry land.
Strategy: Place the controllers facing each other and sprint them towards the TV to move from tree to tree. Alternate your movements and reach the island, passing through more and more trees as you progress through the levels.
Level 10: boss
Objective: Beat the boxer at his own game.
Strategy: always keep the controllers raised until the boxer lowers one arm and strike on that side. Keep doing this until you've knocked him out.
Solution summary
Solution summary
LEVEL 1: First part
LEVEL 1: Second part
LEVEL 1: Boss of the level
LEVEL 2: First part
LEVEL 2: Second part
LEVEL 2: Boss of the level
LEVEL 3: First part
LEVEL 3: Second part
LEVEL 3: Boss of the level
LEVEL 4: First part
LEVEL 4: Second part
LEVEL 4: Boss of the level
LEVEL 5: First part
LEVEL 5: Second part
LEVEL 5: Boss of the level
LEVEL 6: First part
LEVEL 6: Second part
LEVEL 6: Boss of the level
LEVEL 7: First part
LEVEL 7: Second part
LEVEL 7: Boss of the level
LEVEL 8: First part
LEVEL 8: Second part
LEVEL 8: Boss of the level
LEVEL 9: First part
LEVEL 9: Second part
LEVEL 9: Boss of the level
LEVEL 10: First part
LEVEL 10: Second part
LEVEL 10: Boss of the level

- Wii
Exit date: January 12 2007