Enter the Castle
After the initial dialogue exit right, here is the castle entrance, go down and go right to get the blue flying cube. Go right and jump over the platforms and then left to get the second relic. Press A to allow your colleague to lower the bridge.
Andate a destra ed entrerete nel cortile del castello dove batterete due zombie. Uscite a destra e nella piccola stanza andate a destra ancora.
In the first room kill the enemies and then right and go down to get the Tome and then left to get a short sword. Equip them both and then go left and drop down.
Destroy the wall on the left and get the steak and then exit to the right. In this room you can save and heal yourself, done everything go left. Go back upstairs and exit to the top right, break the column and then you will be chased by enemies, escape by breaking the column and going right. Eventually jump for a steak and stay there until the Behemoth breaks the wall on the right and then exit.
Here take the Ax and kill the zombies, exit right. Here you will have the knife, a secondary weapon. You can throw them far away so make good use of them. To the right you can save if times, jump up and exit to the left. Here, beat the skeletons and you will receive a spell for Charlotte. Exit to the left. Go left and jump on the statue for a Cube, drop down and press A and then jump and push the statue left until your colleague can jump smoothly.
Press X to switch characters and jump upstairs. Head right to get Charlotte's first spell, the fire beams (if you haven't already got them from the skeletons). Exit to the left.
Eliminate i nemici e prendete l’ascia per Johnathon, uscite a sinistra e subito saltate di sopra per trovare un’ascia ed il libro degli spiriti. Tornate giu’ e andate a sinistra per uscire, qui ci sara’ una stanza warp che vi fara’ finire in altri posti. Tornate indietro e andate in basso a destra, ci sara’ una scena e dopo aver accettato la missione andate a destra nella prossima stanza.
Another chat with Vincent your portable shop. Buy the map and what you want (the shurikens are great). Go back to Wind and you will have the lizard's tail, another scene and then go down and go left jumping on the button that will allow you to go downstairs. Go to the platform above and then to the left, go through the hole and enter the room on the left and after the dialogue enter the picture.
The City of the Mist
After the dialogue, go right and then right again after the warp. Kill the enemies and then in the next room to the right take the Tiara and exit to the top right. Here kill the skeletons and then exit top left, left again for a dress (remember where this room is) and then go back and head right and then down. Grab the armor and then exit to the lower left.
Go right and you'll have to fight Andras. Exit right again and grab the white flower and then head right and save. Exit up, beat the enemy and then more armor, go right and exit up. Here you fight Zacchino and Forneus and then go left and exit. Kill the enemies and exit to the right.
More enemies and then go down until you get to the bottom, destroy the floor on the left and then fight the wizard downstairs. Go down and exit left, the skeleton bartender will give you a potion to heal you (the blue one) and then go left and take the cakes as weapons. You will need to find five of them for a sub mission. Go back to the room before and break the wall to the right and then exit to the right.
This room is the bakery, take the paper plane and then go right. Hit the cash register and then the candlestick for an item. Go back and climb up. Exit right and get the powerful magic, exit left and then up. Grab the sword and exit to the right.
Go right and grab the sandals, exit down and then beat the enemies and drop down and then go right.
Here you fight the usual enemies from first and then above to get the armor and the potion. Go right and exit. Take out the enemies and then head right and then up one warp point to the left. Go right and grab the item and then drop down and exit right. Get the Dual Crash and then two rooms to the left and exit down.
Andate a sinistra fino a trovare parecchi nemici, scendete e poi uscite, prendete i soldi dalla borsa e poi andate a sinistra e salvate. Uscite a destra e qui usate i vostri personaggi per risolvere l’enigma (e’ banale), uscite a destra.
Here other enemies to kill and then a warp room at the top and to the right as well. Exit at the bottom right and take the Cube and then exit right. Kill the enemies and exit right, right sncora to save and then up and exit right twice.
More enemies to take out and then right to get an item and then down and exit right. Right again after killing Zacchino and after killing everyone, go to the top left and grab the money.
Smash the ceiling above the platform to continue. Grab your shoes and go down, exit right and in the next room go up. In the new room, kill the enemies, in the upper right room you will get a warp and in the lower one a save point. Exit up and then left to the Boss.
Boss : Dullahan Hp: 600 Exp: 500 Sp: 40
After taking out the Boss you will have some dialogue, exit left and take the Cube. Left again and fight the enemies here and then break the floor right above the first platform. Exit down and grab the dress, then exit up. Go left and use the link to move the block.
Andate in alto e poi a destra da li e passate al compagno per prendere il mantello. Uscite in alto a sinistra e poi prendete gli occhiali ed uscite a destra. Andate in basso e uscite a sinistra, ancora a sinistra e qui dopo aver ucciso i due nemici andate in basso. Uccidete tutti e poi andate a sinistra e prendete l’ascia. Uscite in alto e poi muovetevi e scambiate con il vostro partner per avere le Moonwalkers.
Uscite a sinistra e poi in basso. Qui altri nemici e poi andate a sinistra e poi in alto, fate un salto per prendere il fiocco e la spada lunga nei due angoli. Scendete ed uscite a sinistra. Ancora a sinistra e poi avanzate fino al Cubo, prendetelo e poi premete il carrello a sinistra e saltateci sopra. Uscite a sinistra per due volte.
Qui combattete otto nemici e poi a sinistra per avere un incantesimo. Uscite a destra e poi ancora a destra. Scnedete in basso, uccidete tutti e poi prendete l’incantesimo e la mazza. Uscite in basso ed entrate nella stanza warp, ancora a sinistra cosi da lasciare il quadro.
The Castle after the Mist
Go right for two rooms and accept the mission you will find there, go back to the room where you got the dress, you will find a sack of meat, take off Johnathon's weapon and punch the meat to make it fall. Go back to Wind who will give you the Bullet Punch, a weapon that will allow you to attack twice in turn.
Andate nel punto di salvataggio che si trova nella stanza dopo quella dove il Behemoth vi inseguiva e poi con l’altro personaggio prendete l’abilita’ ed uscite a destra. Prendete la lancia ed entrate nella porta del Boss a destra.
Boss : Behemoth Hp: 800 Exp: 1000 Sp: 45
After killing Behemoth, exit to the right, go down and break the wall under the bars, enter the room to get a fighting knife, fast and with a good range. Go back and drop, exit left twice and then take out the enemies including a golem. Go left and exit down.
Eliminate i nemici qui e pois cendete ed uscite a sinistra, andate in basso e ancora a sinistra per due schermate. Prendete la forma offensiva e poi andate a destra per tre stanze e poi uccidete i nemici prima di andare ancora a destra per due volte. Andate in basso per la mappa e poi in alto per uscire a destra.
Destroy the enemies and then smash the floor where the golem was to go down, grab the energy and then go back, head right and exit down. Kill the enemies and then go down and exit left, here fight an invisible enemy and then go left and get the Cestus. Go back to the previous room and go up the corridor and then exit to the right. Kill the bats and then save to the right, drop down and go left into the warp room and then drop down again and head right.
Here, beat the Zombie Dragon and grab the weapon he will drop you and then go right, drop down and right again. Lots of enemies to kill here, do it and then head right until you break the pipe for boiled fish. Exit up and then grab the potion and exit right.
Go right again and get the bandana and then left two rooms where you got the potion. Exit left and left again to get a spell. Break the floor and exit, get the MP Max and then go back, go right and exit up.
Here again up to get the armor and then exit and go left, kill everyone always on the left and then top left. There will be a dialogue and then left to the warp room and then up and exit to the right.
Kill the five enemies here and then go to the right, at the bottom take the Don Quixote and then save to the right. Go up and exit to the right and again to the right there will be the Boss door.
Boss : Keremet Hp: 666 Exp: 2000 Sp: 50
Dopo averlo ucciso uscite a destra e poi qui distruggete le larve. Prendete la pietra volante per avere la Partisan e andate a destra due volte poi in alto e ancora a destra. Combattete la Grande Armatura e poi andate a destra e in alto per l’oggetto. Rompete il muro a destra per un Dual Crush, un potentissimo attacco.
Now go back to the room with the three archer skeletons and then exit to the lower right. Kill the enemies and then go right and drop onto the dais and then disturb the floor for a robe. Go left for a suit and then go back to the right twice. Kill the enemies and then head right into the save room and then drop left into that warp. Go down and exit right to enter the portrait.
Sand Cemetery
Here we are in the desert, exit right into the warp room and then go right again to find the mummies. Eliminate them and then always to the right until you meet the Sand Worm that you have to kill, take the vitality and then exit to the right.
Here, kill the skeletons and then head right for an item and top right to save. Go down and exit to the right killing everyone and then while waiting for the traps continue. Kill the enemies and head up for a spell and 2000 gold and exit right twice and then down. Here, kill the two enemies and then drop down and go left.
Here kill the enemies and take the healing magic from them and then left to fight a lot of enemies, grab the money from the bag and then go to the upper right and get the Dual Crash. Break the Pharaoh statue for some money and then go back and exit right.
Kill the Mimic and then grab the super potion above and exit to the right. Watch out for the stone and then exit down and jump over the stones, kill the enemies and then right take the MP Max. Drop down and exit left.
Andate a sinistra uccidendo tutti e poi torverete una stanza warp ed una di salvataggio. Andate in alto e ancora a sinistra e qui occhio alla trappola del raggio se volete prendere l’oggetto, andate a sinistra e prendete il bracciale ed i soldi poi uscite a sinistra.
Left killing everyone and then up and then right until you fall below. Right again to a scene with dialogue and then right until you can jump high into the small gap for a new knife. Get off and exit right.
Go right and take the Bahg Nahk before going back, now go top left and left again killing everyone until you are in a room with thorns and columns to avoid, exit left. Take the pumpkin pie here and above the crystal necklace. To the left you can save and then go down and exit to the left. Go left up to the warp and then left again killing everyone and at the end exit up and then to the left you will find the Iron Ball, a secondary weapon while up a super potion. Go right and exit up.
Kill the enemies here and then climb up and exit right and kill everyone until you find a crossbow as a secondary weapon and then jump on the lamp to activate the button. Go right and exit down and then down again for a Tonic. Take the right and exit down. Here, kill the ghosts and then kill the Super Ghost for a sub mission. Go right and get the necklace and lower right for another item.
Go back two rooms and exit up this time. Here, beat the skeleton archers and then head up and left. The lower left room is a warp while the upper left you can save, in the middle one you will find the Boss.
Boss :Astarte Hp: 1500 Exp: 3000 Sp: 50
After taking it out go left and then down, kill the enemies here and then drop down and go left and then grab the Force Gauntlet and push the block that blocks your way. Go down and then right twice, exit down and grab the Royal Sandals. Go back to the portrait and go back to the Castle.
The Castle after the Cemetery
Go back to Wind and then go left and exit top left twice. Here kill the enemies and then left again for a spell. Head up and then exit left, fight the enemies here and then left for a warp, then head up and left again.
Continue left to a room full of enemies, guards (you will have to kill ten to finish a sub mission) and other enemies. Then go up for a spell and down for a Poncho, a potion and a tonic. At the bottom, go right for another Tome and then exit at the bottom left.
More enemies to kill and then head down the stairs and jump onto the dais for two more items. At the bottom of the stairs go right for an HP Max and then go left and then lower left to find a long corridor full of enemies. Go back to Wind for the rewards and to get more missions and then go to the room after the shop and exit to the top right using a double jump.
Go left and then have Lilith follow you and go straight to Wind to finish a mission. Then go back to the room before Lilith and go right. Break the lower left wall for an MP Max and exit to the right. Right again for a knife and then left for two rooms and up to find a bright block. Push it with your characters and you can go up, go right and get Nebula and then go back and exit right.
Kill the grubs and then head right until you can exit below. Go right twice to a huge room, go right and press the button and then go back three rooms until you find a long room, jump on the dais and go left, double jump to get the weapon. Climb upstairs and jump to the right for an armor. Climb upstairs and exit to the right.
Kill everyone and then exit right and then up until you find a dress. Go down two rooms and go left two and then exit up. Take out the skeletons here and then you'll have a warp on the left and a save room on the right. Break the ceiling and go up to the top left, grab the armor and the MP Max and then exit down and go left to find a portrait, enter.
La Nazione dei Pazzi
Go right and kill the Coppelias for some Diamonds which you will need for a sub mission. Go right and exit up, here kill everyone and get the Jokers that will leave the Clown Killers because you will need them for the mission. Exit left to the warp and then exit up and go right four times, right again to save and then head down for 2000 coins, right again.
Continue to the right until you enter the building where you will find a Hat at the top, continue up and then go right and before exiting take the potion on the left. Go up and then left to save, exit up.
Fight the enemies and take the HP Max to the right, go up to the left and into the next room up again but this time to the right. Exit up to find 2000 coins and then go left and up, go right twice and then go up and left. Kill everyone and then go up and to the left you will find a Tonic, still up and to the left there will be some boots, in the middle of the screen you will find a white block, hit the enemy on the left for a Caviar. Exit at the top left.
Andate ancora a sinistra fino a trovare il Dual Crash Vulcano, proseguite a sinistra fino ad attivare la stanza warp e poi tornate indietro e andate a destra ed uscite in basso. Uccidete i nemici e poi a sinistra fino a prendere l’MP Max poi tornate indietro di una stanza e scendete e poi andate a destra quattro volte.
Break the wall on the right for an item and then go back until you can drop down. Go down to get the Critical Art and then on the right there will be a warp while on the left you can save. Exit down to the Boss battle (grab the gear to start it).
Boss : Legion Hp: 2000 Exp: 4000 Sp: 50
Beat the Boss go right and kill the Medusa, go right twice and then get the tonic and exit down to get the MP Max. Go back to the Boss room and go left and kill the enemies for a Sword of the Boomerang type paradise, exit left twice.
Kill the enemies and head up to get the HP Max and then go back to the Boss and exit down. To the right and left take the Spaghetti and the Carbonara (I'm not kidding). Continue down and take the warp rooms to the top and then exit left twice, kill the enemies and head down for an item.
Andate a sinistra e poi in basso per della zuppa, sinistra ed uscite in basso. Andate a sinistra e poi in basso e a destra un paio di volte. Uccidete il Dragone Bianco e poi scendete in basso e sinistra. Giu’ ancora uccidendo tutti e poi prendete la spilla ed uscite a destra. In basso salvate e poi a sinistra due volte e giu’ e destra.
Kill the enemies and then lower right and double jump for the Battle Jacket. Exit at the bottom and then make your way until you find the Granta weapon, exit to the right until you return to the Castle.
The Castle after the Pazzi
Go to the warp room on the right and then exit and take the upper right exit. Continue eliminating everyone and then go right until you see a wall with a spring. Go upstairs and then use your partner to push up, if you have all the items and relics active (push cube, force gloves) then exit right twice.
Kill the skeletons and then right and up again, go down and take the warp to the right and then up to the left you can save. Go to the bottom left and after the dialogue you will see it with the Boss.
Boss : Stella Hp: 2500 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
After beating Stella there will be another dialogue and then you can go back to Wind for another scene. Equip all three of Nun's pieces and then talk to Wind and accept all of his missions. Complete the ones you can and then at the end of it all you need to have only the Poison VS Poison mission. Go back to where you beat Stella and exit left, another scene and use the gear, exit left.
Now you will have a nice motorcycle ride and you will have to avoid obstacles by jumping at the right time or by crouching down to avoid being hit. Eventually you will destroy the wall and then go to the middle of the room and hit the ceiling until you find a breaking point, go inside and grab the boots after beating the enemies.
Exit to the left and then climb the water mechanism and take the stake. Break the wall on the left and enter. The breaking point is under the platform, take the Viking helmet and go back. At the top right there will be a warp while at the bottom there will be a save. Exit up and grab the weapon and then go back and exit left to enter the forest.
The Forest Of Terror
To the right there will be a warp room, go right twice, kill the frogs for a spell and then right again until you meet three enemies and then disturb the walkway in front of the exit in the upper left for a Cream. Exit there and go left and then go up two platforms and exit right.
Kill the killer bees and get the bread. Don't sell it because it's for a mission and then go back and exit to the top right. Kill the harpies and then exit right. Exit at the top and then at the top left you can save. Exit left and then left again and go up two platforms and exit right.
Tornate indietro e andate in alto a destra per una mazza (sotto missione) e poi prendete Tristano&Isotta e tornate nella stanza di mezzo piu’ in basso ed uscite a destra. Uccidete i corvi e poi ancora a destra e poi in alto e destra ancora. Uccidete altri due corvi blu e poi passate l’uscita in basso a sinistra, uccidete i nemici e poi tornate indietro e prendete la porta a sinistra in mezzo, uccidete tutti e andate ancora a sinistra.
Go down and then destroy the lower left bell and exit left. Kill the Treant and head right twice. Kill the monsters here and then grab the HP Max. Exit to the right and keep going until you find the Moldy Covers which if beaten will leave the Amanita you need for a sub mission.
At the top of the room there will be a warp and then exit at the top and to the right you will have the room to save while at the top you can continue. On the right here you will find some shin guards and go back to the room first and go up to the right and continue to the right until you can exit up and then go left and get the armor.
Go back and head down to continue and then down again for a jewel. Exit to the left and then press the tombstone and go down, go right into the darkness to exit and continue up to the top. Go left twice and destroy the bell and grab the weapon. Go right to the end and then down. Break the wall left for a food box and then right to save. Go back one room and go right for the Boss.
Boss : Dagon Hp: 1800 Exp: 6000 Sp: 55
After beating him, swim up and then to the right, grab the item and then exit to the right. Use the warp to the start and return to the castle.
Castello dopo la Foresta
Andate a destra e poi in basso a sinistra, andate a sinistra e poi trasformatevi in rospo per passare il cunicolo e prendete 2000 monete. Andate a destra tre volte e poi usate il sistema d’acqua e ancora a destra fino a trovare una piattaforma vicino al mulo di destra. Doppio salto per distruggere il muro e poi prendete l’HP Max.
Tornate indietro e andate in basso a destra, premete il pulsante per le fiamme e poi tornate da Wind. Ora dovreste avere solo una sotto missione, usate l’abilita’ di rana nei posti visitati a precedenza e poi dopo aver fatto tutto riparlate con Wind e poi andate nella stanza warp piu’ a destra dove avete battuto Stella. Uscite a sinistra e poi in alto a destra, sarete nella stanza con l’ingranaggio, andate a destra ed usate l’abilita’ rana per proseguire. Uscite a sinistra e poi andate in alto a destra per prendere un incantesimo di tuono.
On the other side take the HP Max and then go left and up. Kill everyone and then exit left and get the Pink Coat of Arms. Exit top right and then exit top left. Go to the upper left corner for a cloak and then middle right for a warp room. Exit to the top right and right you will find a room to save. Advance and after talking to the Boss you will fight.
Boss : Death Hp: 4444 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
Get the dialogue and then head left and hit the glowing statue to activate the elevator. Exit left and then take the spell and exit right. Go down until you get to the last part of the elevator and then head up twice and then left.
Go up to get the cap and then down to get the veil, go back to the elevator and back to the bottom again. Take the elevator to the top and go up once. Exit left three times and then top left for a warp. Grab the HP Max at the back of the room. Exit below.
The bottom room will allow you to save, exit left and when you can jump on the button for a shortcut and then exit right three times and then up and left. Kill everyone and then left and up and then after you have eliminated everyone go right. Exit up and then upper left to find a spell, exit up.
Here kill the two flame demons and then left and when you can lower left and then right and exit top right. Kill the Guardian here to get the Final Sword. Exit to the right and into the upper right room save and the lower room warp. Exit up for some dialogue and then exit left for the Boss. After the usual dialogues you will see it with himself.
Boss : Sisters Hp: 2500 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
After winning more dialogues and then saving, exit the room and go back there, talk to the sisters again and there will be another fight.
Boss : Whip Memory Hp: 5000 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
It will be safe to beat him, I recommend you level up a lot or have the Holy Mail to avoid 50% of the attacks. After beating him, go back to Wind for another scene. After finishing the sub missions, go back to the sisters and go left.
Troverete una stanza con cinque ritratti, entrate in quello piu’ a destra per proseguire.
The Dark Academy
To the left will be the warp, advance to the left and beat the Dead Warriors who will leave the very powerful Samurai Armor. Exit to the left killing everyone until you get to the save room. Exit the bottom left and then left and right in the middle to get a spell. Exit left and then top right.
Qui occhio al Minotauro (vi lascera’ una splendida ascia ed un anello) e andate a destra e prendete l’armatura d’oro. Andate a sinistra quattro volte e poi usate la trasformazione in Gufo ed uscite in alto. Eliminate i nemici e poi andate in basso a sinistra.
Kill the ghouls and then go left and take the HP Max and exit right. Now go out downstairs and break the bell and take the fire whip. Exit lower left and then right, into the new room, go upper left and then left for a loaf. Right, up and left up for a battle and then left again and here after beating the enemy sword break the ceiling and become an owl to get a Dual Crush. Exit down and then left.
Here you fight three dragonflies and a demon. Break through the second platform for some milk and then exit left. Kill the enemy and then left again and then middle right. Here take the MP Max and then manage and go right down and then right again, kill everyone and then down left. Now go right, bottom right, left, top right and then right again.
Here kill the three witches and then to the right you can save. Exit to the bottom left and then to the left and fill the wall to the right, continue until you find the boots and then to the left, bottom left and left again, kill everyone and then in the top right you will find a warp. Exit in the middle right and then look around the room, you will need four sacred items to complete the mission. Exit left three times.
Kill the two black bodies and then left killing everyone until you find a platform at the top to break, do it for a steak and then in the lower left you can save while in the upper right and right again you will find some money and bread. Exit left and then head down right to the Boss.
Boss : The Creature Hp: 4000 Exp: 5000 Sp: 60
After defeating him, exit right twice and return to the castle.
La CittĂ Perduta
Now with your transformation into an owl you can have fun wandering around the castle finding the secret places and finishing the latest quests received. When you are ready, go back to the room with the five portraits and take the one on the far left to arrive in the new world.
Qui uscite a sinistra per una warp e poi proseguite a sinistra fino a trovare un Dodo, occhio perchè uscirà casualmente nella stanza e dovrete essere veramente veloci per prenderlo, usate gli Shuriken o l’incantesimo Stop per facilitarvi il lavoro. Tutto questo sempre se volete finire una sotto missione. Proseguite a sinistra uccidendo tutti e poi uccidete Quetzalcoatl e prendete la magia occhio per occhio.
Go right twice and then pass the sand and drop down. Fight Laura and then go right and exit down. In the upper left you can save while in the lower left there will be a warp room. Go right to the Tonic and then down.
Kill the enemies and then take the curry down, always exit down and then head right for a Super Potion and back up four times and left twice. Exit down and then right for a Helmet. Down again killing everyone until you find a room in the upper right where you can save.
Become an owl and fly to the top left to get the Griffin Relic. Exit at the bottom right and then right. Continue to the right until you find the Princess Tiara. Exit left and then down, go right after killing ghosts to another room with boulders.
Transform into an owl and enter the narrow passage to the right by taking the Dual Crush Meteor. Go back to the beginning of the room and fly left for a Book of the Dead. Exit right twice.
Exit to the left until you find the Platinum Corset. Exit to the right until you find a bunch of enemies and then head down. Still to the right and right again you will find a warp room and soon after you can save. Exit left and head up twice and then left until you find the money bag. Head up to get a bracelet and then right twice and exit up.
Go left to kill everyone and then up to get the MP Max. Go right until you find three Demon Heads to kill and then in the top right you will find 2000 more coins. Exit top left and then left until you find a save room in the top left. Fly over the column for an MP Max and an HP Max and then exit up and then right to the button that will open a shortcut. Exit left twice and then down, left the Boss door.
Boss :Mummia Hp: 4500 Exp: 5000 Sp: 60
After beating him go left to a room with pictures, to the left again a warp and then an Armor. Go back to Wind to finish the missions and then go to the portrait room and take the second from the left to continue.
Thirteenth Street
On the left a warp and then a train that you have to move. Push it and then at the moment of maximum effort get help from your colleague to solve the problem. Exit up and then kill the monster and grab the shogun headdress and to the left the Kugelhopf. Go back down and to the left. Left save and then up and left two more times.
Go up and kill everyone and then in the top left there will be an object. Exit to the right and fight the Ghouls and finally the Ghoul King. Go right for a cloak and then left twice and break the floor to find a cart. Exit down and break the right wall below. Exit left to find the HP Max.
Exit right twice and grab the items you find here. Go left, up, left and beat the three Allorumnas. Exit up and then left, eliminate everyone and then exit in the lower right. Here kill the Nyx that will leave the heart you need for a mission, grab the Super Potion and then head left twice and then down.
Kill the Vapula and then down again until you find a save room on the right, go left until you find the warp and then up. Here kill the enemies and then go left in the middle and take the samurai shin guards, exit left killing everyone and getting the coins and then go up to kill a Guardian and to the right you will find the HP Max. low.
Kill the enemies and then up and left twice, go up to the right and turn into an owl or frog, exit to the top right and kill all the Nyx. Go right and get the wedding dress, exit left and w break the floor on the left side, go down and get the Shaman's Ring.
Exit up and then left and down. In the upper left you can save while in the lower right there is a warp room. Exit down and then right. Kill everyone and then go right and get the MP Max. Exit right killing everyone, break the wall on the right after taking the item and grab the boots there. Go back to the left five times and then up two and to the left you will find the Boss.
Boss : Lupo Mannaro Hp: 4500 Exp: 6000 Sp: 60
Exit left twice after killing him for another room with the paintings. Go back to Wind and take the missions and finish them then go to the painting room and choose the second one from the right.
Heaven On Fire
Andate a sinistra per due volte, uccidete i nemici e a sinistra troverete una warp, uscite in basso a destra e poi in basso. Uccidete i Minotauri e poi andate a sinistra eliminando i nemici che vi vengono davanti fino a trovare in alto a sinistra la magia del veleno.
Go down and then left to take the Bakatwa. Go down a platform and to the left, take the golden shin guards. Exit to the left and at the top you will find some shoes, go down and go left twice and save, exit at the bottom.
Go right and then down again until you find the HP Max. Now up and left and after killing everyone use the skeletal tree and go left and up. Grab the MP Max and then right twice and down. Here you will find an ice cream, exit to the left.
On the left at the bottom you will find a ring, go down and then right, turn into an owl and take the tonic and then right until you find enemies. Go down and then right again to the room to save, do it and then down to the left you will have a warp. Use it to get to the upper waro and then go right and upper right, continue right until you save and then down.
Andate a destra fino a trovare in alto a destra degli spinaci e poi andate in basso ed entrate nella casa per del latte. Andate a destra per prendere la Grande Ascia e poi a destra e in basso. Uscite a destra due volte e salvate, andate in basso e poi a sinistra e in basso due volte. Prendete l’HP Max e poi uscite in alto e a destra due volte. Andate in alto e prendete l’MP Max e poi scnedete tre volte, due a sinistra e ancora in basso.
Go left after grabbing the bottom item and top left to find the third Tome. Go down and left until you can go down, enter the room on the left for the Boss.
Boss : Medusa Hp: 3500 Exp: 6000 Sp: 60
After defeating her, go left until you get the black whip and then right, exit lower right into the painting room and return to Wind.
The Castle After Paradise
Finish the missions and then go back to the painting room and after some dialogue there will be a battle.
Boss : Brauner Hp: 6000 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
After beating him more skits and then you will be transported to the steps of the Throne Room. Go around to get the many items that are hidden here and then enter the room on the left for another boss fight.
Boss: Dracula and Death
Hp: 6666 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
Hp:6666 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
Dopo aver battuto questi due ci sara’ la seconda parte della battaglia.
Boss: The Real Dracula Hp: 6666 Exp: 0 Sp: 0
After this other dialogue and save and you will have to go to the Devil's Lair. Go to the room to the right of the leftmost one in the castle, go down and on the top right you will have a warp. At the bottom right you can save and then on the left you will find the painting to continue.
The Demon's Lair
Go right and in the upper right you can save. Bottom right warp room. Wait for the doors to open and then head down to the left.
The Demon's Lair Level 1
Kill the enemies and then go left until you can go down right and then right killing everyone up to the Boss.
Boss: Balance Hp: 3000 Exp: 2000 Sp: 40
After winning, exit to the right a couple of times and then to the right there will be a warp while at the bottom left another level.
The Demon's Lair Level 2
Go left until you can exit to the bottom right and then right killing everyone up to the Boss.
Boss : Gergoth Hp: 3800 Exp: 2500 Sp: 50
After killing him, go right to the warp and then return to Wind. Take the missions and re-kill the Boss for a new spell and then go back using the warp room at the bottom right and then left and bottom left.
The Demon's Lair Level 3
Exit left killing everyone until you get to a room where you can get a Tome. Go down to the right and then right to the new Boss.
Boss : Zephyr Hp: 3210 Exp: 3210 Sp: 60
Dopo aver vinto uscite a destra e poi in basso a sinistra.
The Demon's Lair Level 4
Go left until you can go to the bottom right (kill everyone) and then right to the Boss.
Boss : Aguni Hp: 4000 Exp: 3500 Sp: 70
After killing him go right to find a warp and then return to Wind. Once the Great Sage is over Charlotte should cast spells faster and then go back and take the lower right warp and exit left and lower left.
The Demon's Lair Level 5
Kill the enemies and go left, continue as usual until you can go to the bottom right and then right to the end.
Boss : Abaddon Hp: 5000 Exp: 4000 Sp: 50
Head right to find the warp and then exit to the lower left.
The Demon's Lair Level 6
Kill the enemies and then to the left as always and then to the bottom right and then after the usual monsters the Boss.
Boss Trio of Zombies
Fake Trevor
Hp: 3800 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60
Fake Grant
Hp: 3800 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60
Fake Sypha
Hp: 3200 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60
After winning this tough battle, head right for the warp and bottom right to save. Go to Wind for the latest missions and rewards and then head back to the Lair and head left and lower left.
The Demon's Lair Level 7
Here you will see it with your Doppelganger.
Boss : Doppelganger Hp: 2000 Exp: 2000 Sp: 99
After killing him go left and get the last Dual Crush.
Well done you have defeated the evil once again and you will be able to see all the videos of the game.
Solution Summary
Enter the Castle
The City of the Mist
The Castle after the Mist
Sand Cemetery
The Castle after the Cemetery
La Nazione dei Pazzi
The Castle after the Pazzi
The Forest Of Terror
Castello dopo la Foresta
The Dark Academy
La CittĂ Perduta
Thirteenth Street
Heaven On Fire
The Castle After Paradise
The Demon's Lair

- ds
Exit date: March 9 2007