Just like the other chapters in the series, Bravely Default II also has more final and find original enough to amaze the player and confuse him. If you want to know immediately what to do to get them all, go ahead with this guide aimed at explaining all the steps necessary to obtain the true ending of the game and not the one with Edna.
First of all, I list all the endings in the game, so watch out for spoilers. For more information on the title, read ours complete solution.
- Bad End (Chapter 5)
- Secret End (Chapter 6)
- True End (Chapter 7)
- Secret ending (Prologue)
Bad End (Chapter 5) - Clash with Edna
The first ending is necessary to continue with the others and can be obtained by playing normally and reaching the end of Chapter 5. At the end of the dungeon you will have to face Edna, the younger sister of Adelle, now corrupted by the power ofOblivion of the Night. The battle is not too demanding on Normal but be very wary of the fairy's status changes and group attacks.

Once you have won the battle you will witness the sacrifice of Gloria who will use the power of the 4 Crystals to seal the Oblivion. Watch the credits, reload the game and you will find that what you did was just a prediction for the future. Congratulations, you got the first ending of the game! Too bad it's quite disappointing ...
Instead of confronting Edna again, stand back and go to get out, a scene will start where you decide to investigate to oppose the sad fate that awaits Gloria. Adelle will propose to visit Mag Mell, the hidden kingdom of fairies. Follow the instructions on the map and reach it, but meanwhile welcome to Chapter 6.
Secret End (Capitol 6) - Clash against the Oblivion of the Night
After talking to who Mag Mell is needed, step inside the Source of Knowledge and face the Oblivion of the Night. Unfortunately you will become aware of the fact that you will not be able to eradicate it permanently and you will witness the sacrifice of the fairy kingdom, which will remain blocked in time to prevent the spread of the monstrous creature.

This time it will be Adelle who sacrifices herself, remaining forever locked inside Mag Mell to atone for the sins of her sister Edna. Watch the credits one more time and reload to find that someone in the past might have been able to win. Exactly, it is Sir Sloan who was in possession of a certain Asterisk.
The true ending (Chapter 7) - The showdown against Oblivion
To access the final chapter you will need it to have obtained the class of the Valiant first, as explained in our guide but also have them all, so including the two optional ones Gambler e Alchemist. Next, save your game above the purple box at the bottom that will appear to access the Chapter 7. After getting acquainted with the queen of the fairies of 50 years before, you will visit the world beyond the ocean and find yourself inside the dungeon "Island of nowhere".

To access the final chapter you will need to have obtained the Valiant class first, as explained in our guide. After that, save your game above the purple box at the bottom that will appear to access Chapter 7. After getting acquainted with the fairy queen of 50 years ago, you will visit the world beyond the ocean and find yourself inside the dungeon. Island of nowhere.
At the bottom of the dungeon you will find the second save point and then you will finally face the Oblivion of the Night. Savor this moment because it will be really nice and once you win the victory enjoy the true ending of Bravely Default II.
After the credits, you will see another skit and then you will unlock the New game +, useful for replaying everything and having easy access to a secret ending that no one expected ...

Secret ending (Prologue) - Defeat Adam
Even if it seems impossible It is feasible to beat Adam during the Prologue. During your first game it is possible to go up to level 25 approximately and have a very good chance of winning this seemingly scripted battle. You will need 4 Handyman possibly level 12 to abuse Pushing and have access to all other skills just to be safe.
At this point in the game you will only have the Handyman, Black magician and White magician as actually usable classes. I recommend putting the White Wizard as a secondary class on Gloria and Adelle to have the right support presence.
If, on the other hand, you are in New Game + it will all be too easy and you will not even have to struggle, you will have access to everything from the old save.
Once Adam is defeated, you will see a short skit and some strange credits. Edna, the commander's right hand, will say that the plan has failed and will have to change the world. The game will warn you that to continue with the plot you will have to lose the battle and will not give you any rewards.