Chapters 1-3
Chapter 1
After seeing two cutscenes, head to the right and talk to Kain and, after that, continue south, pressing the button on the left of the door and opening the chests inside the room; then take the nearby stairs and, at the end of the dialogues, exit to the left and keep following the road to some other scene.
Once outside, take a look at the building on the left, go up the tower and go to sleep; after further cutscenes, enter the town of Baron, check the jar to your right to retrieve a potion and finally enter the inn, where you will find another potion by the fireplace. Open three chests upstairs, buy some useful items at the shop, check the jars next to it and then climb the bridge until you reach the top of the aqueduct; here go down the central shaft, walking along the river, until you reach an invisible chest near a small lake.
Now get out of the city, get some experience killing some monsters and then go west, following the road between the mountains, thus reaching the cave; save your game and, after entering, continue along the cave for an intermission scene. Go down two ladders to retrieve a Tent, take the central path and collect a potion before meeting the first boss of the game: the Mist Dragon.
Get Cecil to attack and use Kain's Jump attack, avoiding to attack the dragon when "The dragon turned into mist" appears on the screen, as otherwise you will only waste shots and receive a deadly counterattack. After eliminating him, exit the cave, head to the city of Mist and watch the Shifty to continue the story.
Chapter 2
Head up right through the desert until you find an oasis and the city of Kaipo; once you enter you will be forcibly led to the inn, where you will have to face a mini boss and, once killed, the remaining enemies will commit suicide (make sure you take out the general first) and you can go to sleep. The next day, after buying items and equipment, leave town and kill some monsters until your summoner learns some new eats (level 6-7), then head to the water cave northeast of Kaipo; once inside follow the main road over a bridge and go down to find a tent and watch an intermission scene. Now retrieve the Iron Ring from the chest above, then go back into the water and head down to the left; walk in the middle of the waterfall to reach a secret room, where you can find some objects and finally go back to the dry land and continue into the next room.
Here go forward, go up the stairs on the left to retrieve a potion, go down and, a little further on, pick up the Ether on the left; continue down the road, save and, after the cutscene, open the chest next to you and then go to the next room. Go right at the fork to retrieve two items, enter the next room and go left to take a shortcut; open the crates on the left that you will find, collect the items to the south and then exit the cave. Now save your game and re-enter, following the road and going down the ladder until you reach a waterfall; save your game here and advance through the opening in the same to face the Octomammoth boss.
Try to inflict as much damage on him as quickly as possible and, once killed, watch the cutscene.
Chapter 3
Before entering the castle, go back to the desert, following the wall at the top right to retrieve 3 objects, then enter the aforementioned castle and go to the first floor; keep going up, open the chests on the street and, on the fourth floor, Edward will join your group. Once this is done, kill some monsters to level up the newcomer, then go back to Kaipo to rest and, from here, go to the cave to the northeast; Once inside, go right, go down the stairs and head under the bridge to retrieve a potion. Now go left and retrace your steps to collect a tent and a potion, then continue to the right and exit the room to the south; Get the Lamia Harp in the next room, then go up, cross the bridge and go right to reach the upper floor. Here enter the room, open the 3 chests and save the game; go back downstairs and then go down the first flight of stairs on the left until you reach the third underground floor, where you will meet a boss: Antlion
After defeating him, exit the dungeon using the object on purpose or Rydia's Warp magic, go back to Kaipo and, after delivering the Sand Ruby and seeing an intermission scene, face a battle using Edward and go to sleep; the next day talk to the old man, take Rosa in your party and head again to the Antlion cave with your hovercraft, but heading northeast to reach Fabul.
Chapters 4-6
Chapter 4
After you have made Rydua learn the new spells, go up the stairs, enter the first room you see and continue along the corridor until you reach a save point; use it, go back to the first screen and go right, through the next corridor. Open the chest, go up and face Mombomb, the boss of this area; destroy the two forms of this monster, keeping the life of your group always above 100 hp to avoid problems. Once she is dead, a new character will join your party and there will be nothing left to do but head to Mount Hobs; to do this, walk through the forest until you can go north or south, then take the road south and keep moving southeast until you reach Fabul. Stock up on potions and weapons, rest and then enter the castle, going up to the second floor and exiting using the south room to reach the right tower; here climb to the top and go to bed. After checking the remaining towers, go talk to the king and, when you answer "Yes", you will have to face various enemies in sequence; once defeated you will see a flashback of a battle and, when you regain control, return to the throne room. Position yourself on the platform you saw earlier, follow the secret passage to retrieve some items and finally leave Fabul and get on the ship.
Chapter 5
Once back at your character's controls, head to Mysidia, to the east and, after talking to everyone present, enter the large building, here Palom and Porom will join your party. After that, buy some equipment, get the 2 newcomers up to level 12 and finally go upstream Ordeals to the east; go up the path after entering until you meet Tellah. Once this is done, on the next screen, collect the Ether on the left and on the road and then keep moving forward, turning right and crossing the bridge; now rest, save your game and, after climbing the stairs you will have to face the boss Scarmiglione.
After defeating him, go back, heal and save, being careful not to cross the bridge; when you are back in strength try to overcome the aforementioned bridge and face the boss again. Use fire magic and slow him down, and when he is defeated, examine the statue on the other side of the bridge for a cutscene; in the battle following the scene don't attack a single time and then head south to Mount Ordeals, where in the forest you will find chocobos that will take you back to Mysidia.
Once in the city, talk to the elder, enter the unmarked building on the east side of the city and stand in the middle of the white circle to be transported away.
Chapter 6
Head to the inn, go upstairs and, after a battle against 2 guards, you will have to face a mini boss; take him out, spend the night at the inn and then buy some equipment from the shops. Once this is done, go to the door on the left side of the city, enter the sewers and turn right to collect some items, then enter the secret passage to the south and advance to the east; After that, collect the Ether from the chest and, on the next screen, enter the door and save the game at the nearby save point. Now go right to reach the exit, finding yourself at the back of Baron's castle, so turn until you find the entrance; advance to the main hall and get ready to face the boss Baigan.
Protect yourself using the various support spells and focus on the main body of the enemy to take it down in a short time; after you defeat him go to Cecil's room in the tower and use his bed. When you are ready, head to the throne room, where you will have to fight another boss: Cagnazzo.
Use lightning spells and keep the life of your characters high to easily defeat this enemy and, once eliminated, transport yourself away from the castle.
Chapters 7-9
Chapter 7
First of all go back to Baron, buy some weapons and head to the castle, opening all the chests in the treasure room and in the left tower; then visit the town of Mithril, south of Fabul, to buy some great equipment and then go to Troy, northwest of Baron. Reach the southeast corner of the city, walk along the river on the north bank and then climb up to get to a secret passage on the left; collect the items and open the chest, then leave the city and enter the castle of Troy. Advance until you reach the main hall, go right, go down the stairs to get some items and then go back and head to the crystal chamber; after asking for an explanation of what happens to the priest, go back once more to the main room, go left and talk to an old friend of yours.
Leave the castle now, go north until you find a small forest and, after discovering the chocobo village, ride a black one to reach the Magnetic cave; Once inside, cross the bridge, follow the road and, on the next screen, head northeast to find 2000 Gil and an Ether behind the white door. From here continue left, entering the door you will see to save and rest, then go forward, collect other items in the next room and go left passing through the rocks; open the chest, proceed until you are on the fourth floor underground and go right when you come to a crossroads to meet another save point. Save your game, enter the door and, after witnessing a flashback to a battle, get ready to face the castle boss: the Dark Elf.
Watch out for his Tornado attack, which will reduce your entire party to 1 HP of life, and keep your healing high so you don't have a problem with this enemy; after defeating him, exit the crystal room and use the emergency exit to leave the castle. Get on the chocobo, go back to the village and, from here, ride to Troy and rest; Once this is done, go to the castle to deliver the crystal you have just received and, after a few scenes, raid the treasury and finally get on the airship to be transported to another place.
Chapter 8
Start climbing on the left side to retrieve an armor, then head right to reach the second floor and, from here, the third; keep going up and on the fourth floor, take the road that goes up once you arrive at the crossroads. Enter each of the 3 doors that you will find in front of you to collect some useful objects, go back to the crossroads and take the road on the right to get to the fifth floor; enter the first door you will see to save the game at the save point, rest and get ready to face the 3 bosses Sandy, Cindy and Mindy a little further on.
Eliminate Cindy, the curator first, then Mindy and finally Sandy, paying attention to their reflect, and you will ensure victory in a short time; after killing them, go back to the save point and save your game, and remember to remove all equipment from Tellah. When you're ready, go up to the final floor, watch some cutscenes, and once you regain control of your character, talk to Kain and get ready for another boss: Barbariccia.
Like the Mist Dragon, this boss will turn into a whirlwind and counter your every attack, so be careful; frequently heal your party to repair the damage done by its Tornado and attack it with everything you have to kill it quickly. Once dead, board your airship, enter the secret passage south of Baron to reach the city of Agart and, once there, examine the well a little further on; throw a Magma Rock into it to watch some fireworks.
Chapter 9
To reach the underworld, fly over the hole and try to land, first making sure you have everything you need as, once you enter, you will never be able to go back; Now enter the castle and head into the main hall to find an inn and an item shop. Buy some resources, go to the throne room and, after a few cutscenes, you will have to face the boss consisting of Calco, Brina and Calcobrena.
Kill the blue dolls first (Calco) and then focus on the red ones and, if you are quick enough, you won't even have to fight the third form of this enemy (Calcobrena); after eliminating the dolls you will have to deal with Golbez, another boss. This battle is relatively simple, use Jump, summon Titan and have Cecil attack to defeat the enemy without problems; when you have finished this fight as well, explore the now open castle for chests and shops for weapons and armor, then return to the inn and look for the secret passage on the third floor to get some useful items. Once this is done, go down the stairs near the owner of the inn, go right, talk to the dwarf near the wall and enter another secret passage; go down at the first fork, take the right road at the second and, when you reach the stairs that go up, recover hp and mp from the nearby vessel and exit outside. Use a tent or a cottage to save and then enter the Tower of Babel, going right once you pass the initial hall and continuing forward until you go up to the next floor; continue to advance, entering the rooms and opening the chests to fight against particular monsters, until you reach the fourth floor and save at the save point you will find. Now cross the bridge, open the crates to find some objects and cross another bridge to go up to the fifth floor; from here, after exploring the area, go up to the seventh and go right to save. Once this is done, go left to face a mad scientist and his robot, Barnabas, who will self-destruct by killing a member of your party once you kill the scientist. The real battle begins now, as Barnabas will come back to life: simply use lightning spells and use a standard defensive strategy to achieve victory in a short time.
Now go back down to the fifth floor, take the upper road at the crossroads and open the door with the key you just received; defeat the goblin captains inside, watch some cutscenes and then exit the tower. After more cutscenes, head to Baron and talk to Cid's apprentices, who will modify a part of your Airship.
Chapters 10-12
Chapter 10
Go back to where you left the hovercraft, pull it up and, after transporting it southwest of Baron, put it back down and land; Before you go through the Eblan cave, explore the castle, passing the main hall and entering the secret passage just ahead to retrieve a chest. Continue through the secret passages to the left and right of the throne to reach other treasures, then go back outside and enter the left tower; before going anywhere else, place a square north of the door and walk right until you reach the chest to the east. Once this is done, fight the enemies that appear and then go up to the second floor, where you will find jars and crates full of objects; go to the left side of the room and enter the small opening to get to open the chest on the first floor. Then enter the tower on the right, go up to the first floor and collect the objects that are in the chests and jars behind the secret doors; explore the area to make sure you don't forget any treasures, then drop inside the hole to reach the chest downstairs.
Once this is done, follow the secret passage to get more items and finally leave the castle; save your game, rest, get on the hovercraft and use it to reach the caves. Once inside, go down until you find yourself in front of some stairs, then go to the right, going down once you reach the crossroads and then going up into the water to find some objects; then go back, go down the stairs and you will find yourself in a city. Buy the necessities from the shops, go up the stairs at the bottom and, once in the next screen, take the secret passage on the right side to retrieve a shuriken and continue on your adventure. Advance north collecting elixirs and other items on the road, then save in the room to the right and proceed up the road to witness a flashback; once finished, go up to arrive in front of an old building.
Chapter 11
Take the unicorn horn once you enter and go through the door, going down to the second floor below ground, where you will find a chest after the bridge; Defeat the four crazy ogres, collect the contents of the chest and go down to the third floor. With that done, go right, open a chest and keep going right to find a teleporter machine and a save point; save your game, rest and go down to the fifth floor. Here, ignore the first bridge in the center of the room and cross it to get to a series of three smaller bridges; grab the one in the center to open a chest containing 82000 gil, then go back and cross the aforementioned large bridge to witness a flashback of an old battle. Once finished Rubicane will appear: talk to him to start the fight with him.
Never use ice magic when he raises his cloak and try to avoid using too many physical attacks as he will fight back using Fira on your party; when you have killed him, walk into the crystal chamber, rest and then go out and go down to the sixth floor. At the fork go right to get a hi-potion, then go left and, after finding an airship half submerged in lava, exit and go back to the dwarf castle; enter the inn go down the stairs near the reception and enter the first door you will see.
Here you will meet an old friend of yours who will repair the airship for you and thus allow you to move anywhere in the underworld.
Chapter 12
After your party is roughly level 35, head to the town of Tomra, slightly southwest of the dwarf castle; once you have bought the necessary equipment, fly to an island in the southwest corner of the underworld, and enter the cave that you will find there. First, go right, then up, picking up the Phoenix Down and then continue left through the secret passage, picking up an Ether; Now go back and go down two squares and left for two more to reach the lower level. Walk along the road until it splits into 3, continuing to go down to get to the third underground level; here go left, down and then left again into a secret passage to get some items from chests. Resume the aforementioned passage, go up and open the chest to find a very powerful sword, after killing an enemy that will attack you; go back and climb to the gray square below you to be transported to another place.
Climb on the teleporter platform to the north, immediately go back to get the Rat tail in the chest, then open the chest to the south, use the teleporters a little further north to return to the world map and, from here, to the land of Summons; Once this is done, head to the house northwest of the point where you appeared to save and, subsequently, buy some weapons and some pieces of armor in the appropriate shops. Before going to the library, rest and save, then experience until Rosa learns Reflect magic (about level 38); when you are ready, enter the library and go down the stairs, going up the teleporter panel to face Asura.
Use Reflect on it, summon with Rydia and attack continuously until you have killed it; now save, rest and then go back and talk to the old man who was behind Asura to face Leviathan, the legendary serpent of the deep.
After killing him, leave the island, head to the cave located in the northwest corner of the underground continent and enter; first of all go to the right to find two chests, then go down to the second underground floor until you find the stairs to return to the first. Use the save point, rest and go through the narrow passage to retrieve the Elven Bow and then go back to where you came from; go down the new flight of stairs, follow the road, go down more stairs and, once on the lower level, advance until you find a house. Talk to your old friend, transport yourself out of the cave, re-enter and fully explore the whole area, using Float to overcome the most dangerous areas and opening all the chests you find; Once this is done, use the teleporter pad at the end of the aforementioned cave to exit.
Chapters 13-14
Chapter 13
At this point your party should be around level 40, but it would be best to reach level 45 before you move on, gaining experience in the Cave of Summons; when you are ready, go back to the dwarf castle and talk to the king. Now go back to Tomra with the pendant in your hand, heading for this to the sealed cave to the northwest; after entering thanks to the pendant, climb the rope and examine the door to enter the battle. After killing the door, collect the treasures inside the room, then go up another queue to the left and face other doors to advance; then go down to the floor below, going to the right of the entrance and picking up the sword for Cecil behind the second door you will see. Once this is done, save your game two doors ahead, rest and continue following the road and then exiting through the door to the south; descend using the rope to the lower level, save your game at the save point on the left and, once on the fourth underground floor, continue to advance until you are on the fifth.
Here cross the bridge, kill the trap door and retrieve the crystal and then face the boss of this level: the Demon Wall. This battle is a race against time: use Slow, summon Leviathan and attack as hard as you can trying to kill him as quickly as possible because, the closer he gets to you, the stronger he will become. After winning the fight, remove Kain's equipment and exit the dungeon using Rydia's Warp; Watch the cutscene that follows, then go back to the dwarf castle and talk to the king again.
When the umpteenth scene is over, board your newly equipped airship with the new parts, return to the opening from which you entered the underworld and exit again to the surface.
Chapter 14
Before you go to Mysidia there are two or three things you can do. First of all, go back to Eblan, take the hovercraft and fly to Mithril; Once this is done, use the aforementioned hovrcraft to reach the cave just southeast of where you are. Give the kid inside the Rat Tail to receive a piece of Adamantite and then return to the underworld using the Enterprise and head south of where you entered; land near the little house in the mountains, enter, go upstairs and talk to the sleeping dwarf, giving him the Adamantite. He'll take your Sword of Legend and get to work on it, so you can leave and come back here later; return to the surface and you will be able to face an optional boss at this point, although it may be too tough unless your party is level 47-50. If you feel like it, head back to Baron's castle, head into the tower to the east and turn its foundations to meet Odin.
As with the Demon Wall, use Blitz and summon Ramuh (or use Thundaga) repeatedly attacking him and killing him before he can use his special ability, which would cause the death of your entire party.
Once killed, return to Mysidia and, after a few cutscenes, you will get a third airship, with which you can go to the moon; explore the landscape and land near the cave in a small valley, where you will find some Namingways, one of which will sell you the best items in the game, which is why it is better to make some money before taking a trip up here.
To the northwest of the aforementioned valley you will find a cave in the center of a ring of mountains, the cave of Bahamut, another optional evocation that you can only get if you are at least level 50; east of Bahamut's cave you will find another one, called the Lunar Path, where you will have to fight to reach the person who called you to the moon. Enter the first cave, collect the objects in the trunks near the exit and then use the same to find yourself on the lunar surface, where you will have to walk until you enter another cave; Once this is done, follow the road to the next exit and then go left to reach the crystal palace.
Here you will find 3 roads: the right one will restore your MP, the left one your HP and the middle one will take you to meet FusoYa, who will join your group. Then return to your ship and head to Bahamut's cave; here you will immediately encounter Behemoths, some of the strongest monsters in the game. From the entrance, go down, pick up the Genji Gloves, go right and then enter the hidden passage along the north side of the wall to find a Genji Shield; then keep going down until you reach the second underground floor, recover the Genji Armor and the Genji Helm on the right. Defeat a Behemoth to be able to cross the next bridge and, after killing it, advance until you reach the third floor; kill 2 more behemoths here as before, then use Teleport to leave the cave, save and rest. Now it's time to go back inside and talk to the mighty Bahamut to confront him.
Make sure that every member of your party has Reflect on at all times, so that Bahamut's Mega Flare is pushed back; keep the casters busy with this task while attacking with Cecil and Edge. Also summon Leviathan and keep using this strategy until he's dead.
Once defeated, you will earn the most powerful summoning in the game and will be able to leave the cave and return to the planet you came from.
Chapters 15-16
Chapter 15
You will be left in the middle of Armageddon, and there will be nothing left to do but enjoy the cutscenes, in which you will still meet some of your old friends; once inside the giant, follow the road until you reach the chest, collecting the items as you advance and then heading towards the stomach. Collect various resources left and right, continue on the central road to continue and then fight a monster in the first box to receive an elixir; After that, rest, go up the stairs and get ready to face the Elemental Lords.
Use the "aga" spells (Thundaga, Firaga, etc) in area corresponding to their vulnerabilities to get rid of them quickly; you will first meet Scarmiglione, then Rubicante, Cagnazzo and finally Barbariccia. After you have killed them go back to the save point, save your game and rest; then continue to face the real core of the giant, namely the CPU, the Attack Node and the Defense Node.
First of all destroy the defensive node, then focus your attacks on the CPU, not attacking the attack node as, if not, the CPU will heal both of them for the maximum of their energy. When you have destroyed them, rest and prepare yourselves: it is time for the final battle.
Chapter 16
Before starting the last adventure of the game, return to the dwarf you gave the Adamantite to receive Excalibur, the most powerful sword in the game; Once this is done, return to the moon and head to the Crystal Palace to be transported to the Lunar Subterrane. Once there, go left through the secret passage then use the teleporter, open the door and, after killing the enemies, follow the road until you find a flying sword; Float your party and then examine it to face the White Dragon boss.
If you haven't used Float yet, do so immediately, as it will be the key to your victory; attack him and heal the damage inflicted by his tornado and, once killed, go back to the entrance and go down to the third underground floor. Here go through the exit, explore the secret passages to the right for some items and then use the aforementioned exit to go down to the lower level; keep going down collecting the objects on your way, then go to the right, enter the door and, in the next room, go up to the fork and exit using the other door you will find.
Once outside, fight two Behemoths to retrieve two items, go right, go down the stairs and enter the nearby door; now advance until you reach a large room, exit north, collect the various pieces of equipment from the chests and continue still further north. Then enter the room on the left, go down the stairs and keep going down to retrieve a cottage, until you reach a piece of land on the left; head towards it, cross an invisible bridge and climb onto a pad to be transported to a new area. Here, follow the path, kill the Behemoth in the next room and then save your game at the next save point; when you are ready go down and examine the sword to face Dark Bahamut.
Use the same tactic used earlier in the fight with Bahamut and, after killing him, go back to the invisible bridge and go up the two flights of stairs you came from; take the one on the right this time, enter the small door and then exit to the right, finding yourself on the seventh underground floor. Save the game in the first room you find, as in the next one you will have to face Plague.
At the start of the fight the bat will use Doom on your party, so you only have 10 turns to finish the battle before your party dies; attack him quickly and use Bahamut to kill him as soon as possible. After killing him, head to the next room to face another boss guarding a chest, Lunasaurus.
For this battle use only physical attacks and Bahamut, as your enemies will have Reflect active all the time; once this threat is eliminated, go back, save, rest and then follow the road and go down the stairs until you reach a door. Enter the final area, go right and continue until you find a crossroads; drop down to find another flying sword and face the boss, Ogopogo.
Use Bahamut and heal yourself using Curaja massively to resist his Tidal Waves, the same attack used by Leviathan; once killed and obtained the Masamune, continue along the road collecting all the objects you will find, until you reach the end and watch the movie that will introduce you to the battle with the final boss: Zeromus.
As might be expected, this battle is far from easy. It has several attacks per turn, and all of them cause a considerable amount of damage; use Curaja like never before, and Full Life if necessary, while having Cecil attack with his sword and Rydia with Bahamut. Continue using this tactic, paying attention to all the state spells it will inflict on you (like Bio, for example) and keep your characters' energy high until the end.
Once you've defeated Zeromus, sit back and enjoy the game's final cutscene.
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-14
Chapters 15-16

- gba
Exit date: June 2 2006