1. Prologue
2. Escape!
3. Protection
4. The Bandits of Borgo
5. Ancient Horrors
6. The Empire
7. Indomitable Heart
8. Casualties of War
9. Waterside Renvall
10. Trap!
11. Choose a Path
12. The Way of Eirika
13. Eirika: Old Distant
14. Eirika: Turning to Carcino
15. Eirika: Creeping Darkness
16. Eirika: Village of Silence
17. Eirika: Hamill Canyon
18. Eirika: The Queen of the White Dunes
19. Eirika: Burnt Sand
20. Eirika: Into Madness
21. The Path of Ephraim
22. Ephraim: Forte Rigwald
23. Ephraim: The Traitor
24. Ephraim: Nave Fantasma
25. Ephraim: Taizel
26. Ephraim: The Oath
27. Ephraim: Father and Son
28. Ephraim: Burnt Sand
29. Ephraim: Into Madness
30. The Gathered Twins
31. Gemini: River of Regrets
32. Gemini: The Two Faces of Evil
33. Gemini: Last Hope
34. Gemini: The Woods of Darkling
35. Final: The Sacred Stone
36. Campaign of the Creature
37. The Tome of Metis
1. Prologue
Send Seth to the enemy and get a fighter. Send Eirika towards the enemy, attack. Have it hit both remaining enemies. It should earn a level or two. You could die at this stage if you take two hits in a row. Be careful, at least hide in the woods. Don't use Seth because Eirika needs experience.
2. Escape!
Move Seth to the indicated location, and Eirika to attack as you take Franz and Gilliam to the fortress. When reinforcements arrive, send Eirika and Franz to take them out. Get Eirika or Seth to think about Breguet. Before you take care of the gate, you may need to spend some time in conversation. Move the cursor to an empty panel, press the A button, then Up, then A again. It should end your turn, but come back to touch you. Continue until all one hundred turns have been completed.
3. Protection
Send Vanessa to rescue Ross as Moulder approaches the mountains. Eirika should visit the village. Garcia should take care of the enemies on the other side. Seth will go to the village in the southwest corner. Go towards the enemies with the other units. Put Ross next to Moulder so Moulder can heal him. Take Eirika to visit the two villages to the north and have her talk to Ross. Send Vanessa to rescue Garcia. Get Ross to talk to him to recruit him. Buy an iron sword with Eirika from the armory and kill the enemies, if she is wounded heal her with Moulder.
5. Ancient Horrors
At the start of the fight, send Vanessa to the village to the southwest to get Lute. Have Lute exterminate the forces in the south. Use Ross to kill all the enemies and reinforcements to the northwest. He must reach level 10 before the end to get a promotion. When he reaches it use Gilliam or a knight in his place. Anyone can think of the boss.
6. The Empire
Ross should be promoted to pirate. His father, Garcia, is already a warrior, so you don't need any more. The pirate can also cross the water. Natasha is the only one who can recruit Joshua, and Joshua won't attack her. Send Lute to the village east of the starting position, move 3 or 4 characters up the slope to the west while luring the enemies to the east and eliminating them. When Joshua is the only one left, send Natasha to recruit him. Enemy reinforcements will come from the southeast, east, and northeast. Take them out quickly, don't kill Saar yet. You saw an arena, train the characters. In the arena in addition to training you can get gold. Train Dart, Eirika and someone who uses the spear (not Gilliam, he's slow). Observe the opponent. If you use Dart and the enemy has a sword, reset the GameBoy and re-enter with a character using the spear. If you use Eirika and the enemy has the spear, reset and enter with Dart. Once you've fought, heal yourself with Moulder or natasha (whoever you want to use for the rest of the game). You can use Joshua instead of Eirika and Garcia instead of Ross if you like. Train yourself until you have about 12.000 gold, once you are done with the arena go to defeat Saar.
7. Indomitable Heart
You have two strategies. The first is to remove all weapons from Orson (he is a traitor, he will abandon you shortly) and give them to others, without using them in battle. Choose a rider, Forde or Kyle. Send him with Ephraim to kill everyone, then throw them at the boss, Zonta. The second way is a variation of the first: send Orson (after removing all his weapons) to charge, to make him draw enemy fire while Ephraim and Kyle or Forde are out of range. When it's your turn again, withdraw Orson and attack the enemies who were angry with him. If Orson dies, however, the story will not be affected.
8. Casualties of War
Giant spiders threaten the village to the east. If you are quick you can finish the battle without having to save villagers. Hide the healers in the forest to prevent them from being in danger. Don't send level 20 characters to the front lines, unless all of your characters are weak. A good idea would be to use Gilliam, he has a good defense. When the spiders attack from the mountains, defeat every enemy and Novala at the end. Seth should take care of Novala.
9. Waterside Renvall
Send someone with an ax to the bridge to kill the soldiers. Get everyone over the bridge except for one unit. Send this unit to kill the enemies to the north. When all the units are over the bridge put them to the southeast, send Gilliam forward so that the enemy wastes ammo on him, he can also take care of the enemies in the area. Send another unit to think about the archers. Reach the castle and attack Murray.
10. Trap!
Use Colm in combat. Ephraim and his friend appear at the end of the first round. Send Eirika and a few knights to join Ephraim. Reinforcements arrive in Ephraim's starting area, keep them in that area. The others should go north and kill any enemies they find. One will leave a key, you can use it instead of Colm's abilities. Once you have killed the enemies on both sides, join the two squads in the center. Have Colm check the chests. Tirado is a general, similar to Gilliam. He has excellent defense, use Ephraim or Seth to finish him off.
11. Choose a Path
In this section you will have to decide how to continue the game. You can choose two different paths, that of Eirika and that of Ephraim. The former is perhaps the easier of the two. There are no characters that cannot be obtained in each of the two paths, but recruiting them in the path of Ephraim will be more difficult. The solution you are reading examines both paths, starting with Eirika's. If you prefer to choose the one from Ephraim, go to the related section.
12. The Way of Eirika
After the previous events, a new area becomes accessible, the Torre di Valni. It's a great place to acquire character levels. It is recommended to send only one character with a healer in the tower.
13. Eirika: Old Distant
Take Franz with you into battle. A new recruit will be Amelia, and she can be one of your best characters. Talk to her with Franz or Eirika to recruit her, but stay out of her range to avoid accidentally killing her. If you don't recruit her in time she will leave the field at some point, you will have another chance later. You will fight against mercenaries, not very strong. Send Tana to the village near the center, the pirates will try to attack her with poor results. Send some fighters to the corners and alternate the fights. Amelia appears in the southwest area. Once in the southeast corner, start gathering units around the boss, don't get too close. Hit him with sword-wielding people and finish him off with axes if necessary.
14. Eirika: Turning to Carcino
Bring a paladin, like Seth, with you. If you don't like paladins, bring Tana, but watch out for the arrows. Also bring supplies to heal yourself if you want to use the arena. This will be a tougher battle than we have faced so far. Recruitable characters start near your starting position. Once there, send Eirika to talk to Innes. Then have Innes talk to Tethys and Tethys to Gerik. Create a group with Gerik and some others near the bridges, beware of the incoming enemy, do not attack and do not get attacked. When she's within Gerik's range of motion, talk to her. As you do this, your other characters should clear the center of the map. Have Gerik's group go to the southeast corner to take out the reinforcements, gather the groups in the center of the map. Open the doors with a key and use a knight, for his defense skills. It should sew people over the gate without taking too much damage. Inside is the arena, useful for training new units like Marisa and Gerik. Amelia is too weak and should acquire levels in the Tower of Valni. When you get to the boss, Pablo, don't enter his attack range, create a group of all your strongest units and one or two healers, send them inside to fight with Pablo.
15. Eirika: Creeping Darkness
Bring some flashlights and a thief with you. You will fight some undead. Divide your party in two, on one side Eirika with a thief and some medium units and on the other stronger units. Send Eirika along the passage to the south and the other group to the east. Eliminate enemies along the way. When Eirika reaches the bottom of the map, send the rogue to the ladder species to the chest, and Eirika to recruit The Arachel, then have The Arachel talk to Dolza to recruit him. Gather the groups in the center of the map, at the starting position of L'Arachel. Use the thief for the chest here and the one to the northeast, then exit the castle by eliminating the remaining enemies.
16. Eirika: Village of Silence
Another area infested with monsters, bring a bishop. Start southwest, send weaker units to gain levels. Make your way up and take out reinforcements if they come. Once in the central part of the map send Saleh and a few other units to the small area with the two houses, send Saleh to the westernmost one to recruit Ewan, you'll gain levels in the Tower of Valni later. Send other stronger units to the front line and kill the monsters. Be sure to think about reinforcements before moving on to the boss, Maelduin. It has a bow, don't get too close. Send a general or a unit with high defenses two spaces away from him, skip your turn and let him hit you with the bow, on the next turn hit him with weaker characters.
17. Eirika: Hamill Canyon
Bring many strong units. Amelia only appears to be recruited if you haven't recruited or killed her previously. The party starts in the center of the map as the enemies arrive from the east. They will receive reinforcements from the forts so send a unit to one of them. Send the strongest units to the east and the others split into two groups around the mountains for a pincer attack. Gather the characters near the enemy base. If you want, you can keep Eirika and some with axes in the field to recruit Cormag. Be careful not to get attacked. If you haven't recruited Amelia before, send Franz or Eirika to recruit her now, she appears near the enemy camp. Eliminate the reinforcements that come from the forts, you can try to kill Aias, even if he uses a lot of weapons and is a difficult opponent: you can also buy the item you would receive as a reward later.
18. Eirika: The Queen of the White Dunes
Take Arachel with you. It will be a long battle. Send L'Arachel with a few units over the east door. You can open the door and send the Arachel to Rennac to recruit him, kill the enemies first. Meanwhile, divide the other units into two groups. Send one over the north door and the other over the west door. Eliminate some enemies and gather the groups near the opposing camp. Rennac should have a pass that can be used near the inverted “L” shaped grassy area to the west to discover a secret shop. Reinforcements will appear from the south, when you are ready enter the throne room and kill the guards, send spearmen to kill Carlyle. then use Eirika for the throne.
19. Eirika: Burnt Sand
Bring many magicians, their movements will not be affected by the sandstorm. Bring fewer knights (or none of them). The fight will be tough. Your units start near the pyramid, while Ephraim's units start in the southwest area. Spread your units to kill the enemies, but don't challenge the bosses yet. When Ephraim's units arrive, visit the village and send them to support Eirika. Those who use the ax will be very useful, many enemies are about to live with it. Care for your units properly. When you're done killing the enemies, including reinforcements, look for the treasures hidden in the sand. Once ready, send suitable fighters to take on the bosses: someone with an ax against Valter (the one to the south), and someone with a spear or sword against Caellach (to the north).
20. Eirika: Into Madness
Take Rennac with you, it will be useful for recovering treasures. At first split the squad into two groups, send one with Rennac up the stairs to kill the enemies, and the other to the west and around the castle, to the northwest gate. Fight to make your way, gather the groups in the center of the map, use Rennac for the chests. Send some units to the room below, in the center of the map, kill the reinforcements. Once finished, go up to the boss area and kill the guards, then join the troops against Orson, who uses the ax is ideal to take him down.
21. The Path of Ephraim
After the previous events, a new area becomes accessible, the Torre di Valni. It's a great place to acquire character levels. It is recommended to send only one character with a healer in the tower.
22. Ephraim: Forte Rigwald
Take Franz and a thief with you. The group starts in the northwest area. Do not move Lair from where it is or it will be attacked. Move the forces down, take out the enemies and round the corner. If you fall asleep, the effect will last for a couple of rounds. Place a unit a few spaces away from Amelia and wait for the enemies to slaughter them. Then send Franz to speak with Amelia to recruit her. Protect Amelia, enemies will come from the south. You'll get them levels later, at the Torre di Valni. Send a few units and your thief to the north area to find some chests and free Tana. Then move your units to the throne area, kill the enemies and unite the characters against Gheb, whoever uses the sword will be indicated for the fight.
23. Ephraim: The Traitor
Bring some strong units. This is going to be a tough battle. The group starts in the northeast area. Send a few units west to the village. Kill the enemies and go to the village to get a torch. Send the strongest units south, bring Ephraim near Duessel's location and talk to him. Cormag should appear to the southeast, stay where you are and wait for him to catch up with you, when he's near send Duessel to talk to Cormag. Kill some enemies, then gather your forces in the center of the map. If you succeed, take out the enemy boat, get a secret book to increase skills. Put some units near the bridge and let the enemies attack you, they will all die. Shop, then go to Beran, the boss. If you think you can beat him, put a character two spaces away from him and let him use the bow, then send all units to kill him. Avoid using ranged combat units.
24. Ephraim: Nave Fantasma
At first you are on a ship. You must then clash with the enemy. Send the units, with a paladin, to rescue Ephraim. Leave some units behind to take care of reinforcements. Send the paladin with Ephraim to the easternmost ship, leave them here. Have Ephraim speak with Arachel whenever possible and Arachel with Dolza. When the units to the west have eliminated the reinforcements, send them east to rejoin the others. Stand on a ship, and wait for the enemies to destroy them.
25. Ephraim: Taizel
Bring strong units with you. The fight will be tough at first, easier later. Divide the forces into two groups, send one to the east and one to the west. Place the units east near the bridge to kill the incoming enemies, and slowly make the units go west to the other bridge. Defeat all reinforcements and enemies in the area, gather your forces in the center of the map. Send 4 or 5 units to the northwest house to recruit Ewan, you can give him experience at the Tower of Valni. Only Ewan can recruit Marisa: do not enter her range. Put Ewan behind the most defended unit, which should be attacked by Marisa. On your turn, move this unit back and send Ewan to talk to Marisa to recruit her. Make sure you make the most of the arena. When you are done, join your troops to face the cyclops, units using swords are indicated.
26. Ephraim: The Oath
Do not use knights of viverne or similar, bring pirates or berserkers with you. Start in the area to the north, while Gerik and Tethys are in the area to the east. Tethys can give Gerik an extra turn to attack the enemy. Gerik could turn into a hero, but he is not recommended, he is only level 10. Start by dividing the forces into two groups, send one to the east and one to the west. Go to the villages and get the items you need. Kill the enemies you encounter, stay at a distance and wait for Selena to waste her spells. Lure the enemies around her away to take them out, then send some strong units to finish her off.
27. Ephraim: Father and Son
Bring the Arachel and some strong units with you. Divide your forces in two. Send both groups forward to fight the enemies, also take care of the reinforcements. Make sure the Arachel is in the group to the east, use this group to lead the advance towards the eastern gate. Once through, get The Arachel to talk to Rennac to recruit him. After recruiting him, gather the groups above the room in the center, then send a couple of units with Rennac down to think about the chests. Meanwhile, take out the enemies at the top with the rest of the units. When you're done with the chests below, send Rennac's party to take care of the ones to the north, then east, into the small room. Place Rennac in the southeasternmost point to access a secret shop. Gather the troops to face Vigarde, the boss. He is a general, armed with a spear, use a paladin or some unit armed with an ax.
28. Ephraim: Burnt Sand
Bring magic experts with you, and few or no knights: the former will not have their moviemtni hindered by the sandstorm. Eirika's units start in the center of the map, yours in the southwest area. Send one unit to the village, to get a seal, then scatter the others around, to take out enemies while Eirika's units should stand still waiting for Ephraim's units to come to the rescue. Eliminate all but the bosses, when you are ready to face them use axed units against the southern boss, and the others against the northern one.
29. Ephraim: Into Madness
Take Rennac with you, spare Myrrh for the final fights. Split your forces in two, send one group with Rennac to the north, and the other group to the east. Eliminate every enemy on the road. When Rennac gets up, send him with two units to the chest behind two doors. After recovering the chest, gather the group in the center of the map and lure some enemies into the open. When you've cleared most of the enemies, send Rennac and a few units to think about the chests to the east, there are three of them. Kill the incoming reinforcements, gather the troops in the center to face the boss, Orson.
30. The Gathered Twins
Both Eirika and Ephraim will be promoted to high ranks, gaining better movement and stats. You can play with both twins, starting now.
31. Gemini: River of Regrets
Take Tana, a pirate or a berserker with you. Your group is in the southwest area. Go up to the bridge, cross it, have a person attack the tree with a ranged weapon to lower it, send some units with Tana. Send Tana to talk to Syrene, to recruit her. Save all the villagers. Send the group with Tana over the bridge to the north to reunite with the other forces, finish the enemies, send your units to the castle to the east. Stay at a distance, beware of the druids. Kill them all when they are released, then get ready to face Lyon. Use your strongest units in this fight.
32. Gemini: The Two Faces of Evil
Bring a variety of units with you, the fight will be simple. Start in the southwest area, an area with lava, if you wait for more than one turn you will take damage. There are eggs that will hatch when you get close, scatter your troops around the map to take out the eggs and enemies.
33. Gemini: Last Hope
This fight will be difficult, bring only the strongest characters, and Rennac if you want to take care of the treasures. Don't even try to defeat Riev, send your units around Mansel and wait for the thirteen turns to pass. If you still want to try to beat Riev, send all your strongest units to his position, abandon Mansel: but if he dies, you will lose the battle and have to start over. The fight with Riev will be very difficult, and reinforcements will continue to arrive.
34. Gemini: The Woods of Darkling
Bring only strong characters with you. The group starts in the southeast area. Send the units around the corner and divide them into two groups, send them on separate paths. Defeat all the monsters and join forces in the westernmost area of the map. Watch out for Riev, he will move, unlike other bosses. Keep a character with high resistance at the edge of his action area to attract him. Send all your strongest units against Riev to take him out, then heal and gather your forces, ready for Manakete. You should only use Eirika, Ephraim, and Seth. If you find any problems, retreat and start the fight again.
35. Final: The Sacred Stone
Take only the strongest characters with you. Divide the units into two groups, send them on separate roads. If you want the chests to the south, use Rennac too. Kill all the enemies and reinforcements, then gather your forces in the center of the map. Do not follow the central path towards Lyon, divide the forces back into two groups and encircle it, for a pincer attack. Only send strong characters. Next, you will have to fight the final boss, an extremely powerful demon. You should create three groups, sending one to the center, and two to the sides of the demon, to hit it simultaneously from multiple sides. After the fight, enjoy the conclusion.
36. Campaign of the Creature
This campaign can be run upon completion of the game. Go to the main screen and choose Extras, plus a map, to unlock the campaign. You will have to fight with numerous monsters, you will also have access to secret shops from the map. You can unlock ten characters by clearing the Tower of Valni and the Ruins of Lagdou. Some bosses are worth completing the campaign as well.
37. The Tome of Metis
This item can be found in Scorched Sand during the main campaign, it is hidden somewhere in the sand. It has the effect of improving the stats of a character wearing it by 5%. It might be recommendable for Ewan, Amelia, or Ross - as they can get 59 levels when they're at the top of their class, it will have a major impact on them.
4. The Bandits of Borgo
Move Neimi to the beginning, when the enemy's turn ends, Colm will appear. Talk to him with Neimi. Send Ross to kill the brigands from afar for experience. Use Moulder to cure him. Ross should kill everyone except the boss. Bazba uses an ax, attack him with Eirika or a knight.

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Exit date: May 23, 2005