Turn around to find a chest, then press R1 to extract the gold and proceed to the stairs. As you go up, take out the first enemies using some of the simpler combos, then destroy all the generators that the bad guys are spawning from. After clearing up, go to the large staircase, take out the enemies that come down from there, and head to the room. Open the two chests to get some gold, then approach the statue, press R1 to push the sculpture against the wall and get a golden key. Go down the stairs and, about halfway, turn left. After a while you won't be able to go any further, but you will still find some chests containing some treasure. Go back to the bottom of the ladder and cross the bridge to the left, attack the enemies with the shield and kill them, then destroy the generators and open the chests on the upper left ledge, then take out all the enemies that are on the path and, finally, go up the stairs on the right to find a blue aura on the ground. Climb on it to be teleported to a platform in the middle of the lava. Once there, open the chest, teleport to the next stop and open the other chest with the gold, then climb to the umpteenth aura to appear in a large house. A few moments later Death will come, which you can send away using the Mana Blast (press R2). If you don't have enough mana, avoid death, then grab the food in the chests and teleport back to the starting area. Back on the main path, head down the road and get rid of the archers, then continue in the circular area, open the last chest containing gold and press R1 next to the switch, in order to open a door that leads to a purple lighthouse. which also represents the end of the level. Climb on it to exit. After that, distribute the points you have earned on the various attributes (Damage, Mana Regeneration and Health) and go to the next level.

Advance and take out the shielded enemies, then once you reach the pit, use the bullets to hit the switches on the other side of the gorge and raise a bridge. Destroy the generators and dodge the traps in the open area, watch out for the grates that will shoot something at you, then go past the giant stones as soon as they are raised from the ground. Grab the chests, retrieve the gold inside them and proceed through the passage. Advance until you are in the slightly larger room, then destroy the generators and, in the meantime, watch out for the rotating blades protruding from the walls. Open the chests, proceed to the next room and take out the enemies, then open all the chests to notice a force field in the corner of the room. Climb onto the raised platform in the center of the room and press R1 to use the switch, then advance on the teleporter to reach the next room. Once you reach your destination, destroy the generators and then wait until the mana has completely regenerated. Open the chest to retrieve a silver key, then get rid of the death, which will appear shortly after. Cross the corridor to return to the room before, advance into the force field and deactivate it using the key, then open the chest to upgrade your armor and that of any other playmates. Open the other chest to retrieve a magic key, then go back to the room where you found a key earlier and use the one you just recovered, the magic one, to deactivate the barrier. Advance through the passage and get rid of all the enemies, then dodge the acid pools, simultaneously taking out the enemies in the path. Open the chests to retrieve the gold and food, then exit the room and take out the baddies on the other side with ranged attacks, then hit the switch beyond the gorge on the left, so that another bridge appears. Go through it, get rid of the enemies with shields, then after destroying all the generators, head towards the exit of the level, which is at the end of the passage, entering it to access the next mission.
Immediately take the trunk on the right, then at the crossroads proceed on the dead-end road, hitting the pots of oil only when there are enemies nearby and you need to keep them away. Advance, take out the enemies and generators, then go back and at the crossroads go to the other side, continuing to take out the bad guys. Open the chest ahead and proceed to the gorge, then kill the enemies. Also hit the cauldron near the lever to keep the most dangerous baddies at bay, then hold R1 to bring down the drawbridge. Go through, open all the chests you find on the path and continue in your death trail, also destroying all the generators. In the next open area, do the same, then open the chest near one of the generators to make death appear, to be eliminated with the usual Mana. Take the silver key inside the container, then take out the death, subsequently raiding the other chests for food and gold, but also an upgrade for your weapons. Ignore the wooden door for now, and proceed on the path through the city, taking out the enemies that will come out of the houses and also collecting the entire contents of the chests on the way. Use the bullets to take out the snipers on the side of the road, then once in the open area, get rid of the number of baddies required for a magic key to appear. So concentrate on the generators, in order to block the appearance of the enemies, then after killing them all take the key. Advance on the path until you have reached the next open area and prepare to face the second of the seven sorrows of the emperor and the first of his evil advisers. It won't be hard to beat Scarecrow, the game's first boss. When he has made a series of enemies appear on the battlefield, initially focus only on the small insects, ignoring the Morbis, then start dealing with the Scarecrow. This villain is so slow that you shouldn't have any problem defending yourself from his attacks. Protect yourself from his blows, but pay much more attention to the enemies he will bring up, no doubt more dangerous than him. Use powerful combos and the pots of oil that surround the battlefield, knocking them over to cause damage to the evil creature and its henchmen. After that, take the golden key and proceed out of the battlefield, along the road that starts from there. You will find yourself, after a while, near the beginning of the level. Drop the bridge, then advance into the dead end street, kill all the enemies and reach the large wooden door to open it with the golden key and finally finish the level.

Advance on the grassy path, take out the pirates and destroy the generators, then grab the chest in the corner and turn towards the houses. Get rid of the pirates and generators here as well, then go to the back of the room, go past the guillotine and press the switch at the end of the corridor, so that a drawbridge goes down which you can continue on. Go left and advance to find several chests containing gold, then destroy all the generators and get the gold behind them, then go past the houses and proceed up the road. Continue to take out the pirates and, while you are at it, also eliminate Huas, then once you reach the field, defeat all the enemies and destroy the generators. The door will open, allowing you to access a path from which enemies will come, a little more difficult to eliminate than the others in the level. After taking them out, go ahead, defeat all the enemies to open the last gate, then raid all the chests inside and defeat the horde of bad guys before advancing to the level exit.

Get rid of the Huas as soon as you enter the level, eliminating the generators in the meantime, then go forward to the three chests, opening only the two sides. The one in the center, in fact, contains death, which is why it is not convenient to open it at all. Advance and cross the village continuing to kill pirates and Huas, then with the bullets take out the archers who are on the various interconnected platforms. After that, proceed until you see a teleporter, unfortunately enclosed by a barrier, and go beyond it. Go through the next room and eliminate the pirates inside, flip the switch on the corner and open the path to the portal and, from there, reach the teleporter. You will arrive in a square area completely surrounded by generators. Destroy them all, then proceed to the dock from which a drawbridge will rise. With that done, go left and take out all the enemies, then go to the circular area and mow down all the generators and baddies in their vicinity. After clearing a sweep, advance to the large catapult and press R1 to throw some burning wreckage at the pirate ship and bring down the drawbridge. Go back there and then get on the ship, take out the pirates, climb to the top of the stairs and then get rid of other enemies. Proceed to the back of the ship to find two treasure chests and another chest. Open them all to find gold and upgrades for your weapon, then destroy the nearby generators and then leave the ship. Go along the catwalk and take out the enemies until you have approached three chests, of which you only have to open the one in the center and the one on the right (guess who is in the first). Activate the last catapult to destroy the gate ahead, which you will need to enter to finish the level.
Proceed along the path in the middle of the forest, take out the skeletons and get rid of the generators, then keep going, kill the mud corpses, monsters and insects, then advance towards the big door, make sure you have made a clean sweep, then hold R1 to open the large wooden door. At this point, after opening it, go ahead and get rid of the Twisted Women who are clinging to the raised ledges on either side of the area, using Mana or special attacks. Collect some food from the cauldrons and trunks, then after clearing the area, open the door and keep going. Defeat all the enemies and open the treasure chests, then destroy the generators in the corner and keep moving forward, opening a few more chests containing food and gold. Get to the bottom, open the trunks on the corner to find other useful things, then proceed on the forest road, open the next door and destroy the enemies, not forgetting to retrieve the trunks under the Twisted Women. Open the next door and continue to mow down the hordes of enemies, including other Twisted Women, who will appear above the trunk of a tree. Open the chest to retrieve a magic key, then climb the teleporter to return to the starting area of the level. Retrace the entire area, opening all the doors again and defeating the enemies, then return to the area protected by the force field and use the magic key to enter and start the fight against the boss. The Twisted Man is much harder to beat than the Scarecrow and is able, with a simple blow, to take away at least half of your health. The presence of other enemies surrounding him, then, makes things even more complex. As soon as you see it, don't go up the stairs and stay low on the battlefield, then head to one end of the area. Destroy the generators in order to block the escape of the enemies, then take care of them and, only once you have made a clean sweep, you start thinking about the boss. As soon as possible, go up the stairs and turn your attention to the Twisted Man who, while very powerful, is also extremely slow. It will take time to attack you, and if you don't want to take damage, you will be forced to parry these blows. The most dangerous of them is the uppercut which, in addition to taking away half of your energy, also stuns you. The most difficult element of the battle is undoubtedly the last attack from the boss. If you stay away from him, he will suck you in close to him, making you vulnerable to his blows. You will therefore have to try to lure him to an area with a lot of food and keep attacking and hitting him until you have completely eliminated him. At this point, you can head to the portal to kill the level and move on to the next.

Exit to access the large open area at the beginning of the level, grab all the chests and destroy the generators, then proceed to the large boulder. Hold R1 to push the stone away, then go past it and up the hill to reach a small camp. Get rid of the Aesataes and open the chest to find an upgrade for your weapon, then after killing all the enemies, immediately retrieve the magic key that will appear there. Go down the hill and go right, then use the key and go forward. Keep moving forward, defeating the Morbis and druids that will come against you, also destroying all the generators before moving on to the next area. Once you no longer have a chance to move forward, clean up the area, taking out the usual generators first, then the enemies. After that you will have to push the small rocks in front of the energy lines in order to connect them to the stone. As soon as you have pushed them all, the boulder will fall and form a bridge that you can cross. Do this, then take the gold from all the chests on the right. Keep moving forward and get rid of the enemies as you climb to the top of the mountain. You will find another camp on the side of a hill, which you will obviously have to reach. Eliminate all the bad guys, raid the trunks, then drop down and continue on the path. Destroy all the generators and enemies you encounter until you get to another group of stones. You will find here many more enemies than you have faced in the energy lines area, so try to thin them out by throwing some Mana at them. Destroy all the generators again, then after clearing up, push all five rocks between the various energy lines. Once you have solved the "puzzle", go up on the boulder that has fallen and cross this temporary bridge to reach the portal, with which you can exit the level and move on to the next.

This level consists of a single fight, the one against a boss, a very bad stone golem. You can't hurt the giant creature until all the Morbis on top of the pillars surrounding the battlefield are dead. You can safely ignore all the other enemies. In order for the Morbis to be attackable, you will need to lure the golem near one of the pillars, so that it hits it and the pillar collapses as a result. After that, hit the Morbis, constantly throwing the Mana you have at them. With each creature killed, the golem will weaken more and more, which will allow you, as soon as you have killed them all, to destroy it without any problem in the blink of an eye. The level will end instantly as soon as you have definitely killed him.
The level will start on a small and tight lot. Get rid of all the imperial soldiers and proceed to the larger area, then go to the right, advance on the other very, open the chest at the bottom to find a magic key and then eliminate all the guards who will try to pass themselves to a better life . Also destroy the generators, then continue towards the docks on the left, on which you will find, still inside a trunk, a couple of magic keys. After getting all three keys, deactivate the force field and then head into town. Shatter the generators and enemies on both sides of the staircase, then climb up the crima, grab the gold from the trunks on the far right, then enter the city. Destroy the generators and other enemies that will swoop down on you as you move up from floor to floor in the city. Once you get to the highest one, immediately eliminate the imperial archers, trying to fend off their insidious arrows in the meantime. Here too, tear apart the generators and open the chest to find some gold. After making a clean sweep, make your way to a teleporter and climb onto it to be taken to a large room containing numerous chests, all filled with gold and food. Also take the upgrade for your weapons that you find in the chest in the middle. Go back from the teleporter, then proceed through the corridors to a large circular room. Use the Mana to get rid of the enemies that will come at you and climb the stairs on both sides of the barrier to destroy the generators and thus prevent the entry of other groups of bad guys into the room. After clearing up, open the chest at the top to find some food, then go down and take out the sorcerers, using the special attacks you have. When you have eliminated them, the energy barrier will drop, allowing you to proceed to the exit of the level and thus move on to the next one.
Destroy all the generators in the first room, the ones from which men with shields come out, then pull the three levers to deactivate the force fields surrounding the two chests and thus reveal the presence of a teleporter. Do not open the chest in the center, which contains death, and take the gold from the other. After making a clean sweep, teleport to the next room, inside which there will be several generators, all of course to be destroyed. Do this, then teleport again to reach the next room. Once you get to the kitchen, go ahead and keep getting rid of the enemies while simultaneously destroying the generators near the fireplace. In this way, you will bring up yet another teleporter, on which you will have to climb to reach the highest ledge, on which you will find gold. Take it, then go back to the kitchen, cross the room and push the stack of crates to open a secret passage that you will have to use to get to another teleporter. Climb on it to appear, shortly after, in the palace gardens, where you will have to face several mud corpses. Destroy the gates to find some chests, then open them all to retrieve the magic key and quickly exit the area. Go through the barrier ahead and then hop on the teleporter to reach the last room. Turn the wheel to the left of the entrance to raise a ladder and let more muddy corpses into the room. Also turn the wheel to the right of the entrance to drop a platform to floor level. Get rid of all the enemies, including the sorcerers, then go up to the top floor, open the chests containing gold and turn the last wheel, the one next to the giant face, to open the exit of the level and thus be able to access the next one.

Advance into the first room and concentrate on the generators, but be careful of the four statues in the corners of the room, which will come back to life as soon as you destroy a generator. Then, take apart both the generators and the statues, then go up the stairs and destroy the generators that are up here as well. Ignore the lieutenants for the moment, then reach one of the levers on either side of the staircase and hold R1 to make it go up. Do the same with the one on the other side, too, so you can enter the final room and face, after a few fairly quiet levels, another fight with one of the emperor's seven pains, called the Grand Magistrate. The battle, however, will not be overly difficult. The first thing you will have to do as soon as you enter the room is to open the chest on the side to retrieve an upgrade for your weapons. After that, dodge or parry the blows that will come from the creature's fingertips. You will have to pay much more attention, however, to the spells cast by the Grand Magistrate, which cannot be parried at all. So try to counter as soon as possible, in order to stun him, then advance towards him and use the most powerful moves you have to send him to the ground (do not waste the Mana, if possible). At the death of the creature, in fact, death will appear, against which you will have to use the Mana. After getting rid of the dark reaper, reach the throne and push it to one side, to enter the hole behind it and proceed to the exit of the level, from which you can, as usual, move on to the next one.

Immediately jump on the teleporter to reach the area behind the force field, destroy the generators and throw the enemies at the spikes scattered around the area. Advance through the dungeon retrieving the gold from the chests and proceed until you find yourself in a large room full of enemies. Take them all out, perhaps even throwing them into the holes on the floor, to deactivate the force field and finally be able to move forward. Proceed on the main path and, once you reach the bottom of the stairs, destroy the generators. As you head to the final part of the level, keep raiding the chests, but paying close attention to the holes from which spikes protrude, which can be really dangerous. Once in the large room, open the chest at the back and take the magic key, then climb on the teleporter to reach the area behind the force field in the previous room. Open all the chests to recover gold and food, then press the switch to deactivate the barriers and thus be able to return to the room where you had taken the key, from which you can also exit the level.
Press the switch near the entrance to the level to open the gate ahead, destroy the generators and then advance into the dungeon. Get rid of the other generators as you go inside, stopping only after you find a number on which there is a switch. Shoot some bullets at it to activate it and lower the bridge over the wall, then proceed towards the structure. Open the two side chests (the one in the center contains death), then cross the bridge and take out the soldiers and generators in the back of the room while trying to dodge the poisonous gas leaking from the floor. Pull the lever on the wall to open a gate on the opposite side of the passage, then go back and destroy the generators. Look for the other switch to open the gate that will allow you to return to the other side of the bridge, then proceed in the passage and get rid of the enemies and generators, then pressing the nth switch, in order to open another door on the opposite side. of the bridge. Once in the new room, go past the enemies and teleport to the next area, then go through the corridor and get rid of the imperial soldiers in the circular room. Teleport as soon as you have defeated them to reach an area where you will see trolls and imperials fighting each other. Wait until their numbers have dwindled to attack and exterminate them, then head upstairs from the corridor and destroy more generators, later teleporting to the area where only the trolls are. Use the fire to defeat them, then after making a clean sweep proceed to the chamber inside which is the sixth pain. The first thing you'll need to do is reach the back of the room and retrieve the weapon upgrade from its chest. After doing this, you can turn your attention to the great troll. It will not be a very difficult battle, as the creature does not have particularly insidious special attacks. Use all the mana you have to kill the smaller trolls while attacking the larger one. Keep doing this until you have defeated him, which will allow you to access the exit and move on to the next level.
Cross the bridge and destroy the generators and trolls that crowd the area, then use the launch attacks to smash the machinery on the higher ledges. After destroying them all, you can get your hands on a silver key. Take it, then proceed on the main path until you meet some gargoyles. You can also ignore them if you like. After that, whatever you choose to do, head to the teleporter behind them to appear near the large statue of a woman. Destroy the generators and go upstairs, then use the silver key on the switch on the left to light the torch in the statue's hand. Return to the teleporter, then once you arrive at your destination, continue on the main path. Go past the soldiers who are fighting the trolls, opening the chests in the area at the back of the area. Retrieve the golden key from one of them, then return to the statue using the teleporter and flip the right switch to light the torch in the sculpture's hands. Open the chests at the bottom, grab the magic key, then teleport back to the statue's vicinity. Use the key on the switch in the middle, run away to reach the main path and then proceed to the area where you found the magic key to exit the level and access the next, the penultimate one.
Head to the open area and get rid of the trolls, then go up the stairs and take out the gargoyles, later destroying the generators as well. Open the chests and follow the path to reach a room containing some crystals. Take out all the enemies and then, after making a clean sweep, hold R1 next to the stones to activate them. When you have activated all of them, a door will open that will allow you to access the next part of the level. Climb to the top of the staircase in the previous area, destroy the generators and get rid of all the enemies before activating the new group of crystals. Then get rid of the trolls, retrieve the food in the back of the room and, after activating all the stones, proceed on the path that has just opened. Get rid of another trio of generators, which are behind the crystals, then climb to the top of the stairs to take out the Imperial soldiers. Once here, destroy both the generators and the trolls, then activate another group of crystals so you can reach the final room. Here too, all you have to do is activate the stones, which will reveal the exit and allow you to access the last level.

In this last level, you only have to do one thing: fight the final boss. The only way to damage it is to shoot at it with the four ballista. You will have to be very careful, however, as you do so, both of the devastating fireballs that it will throw at you, and of the lava rain that will fall on you. First, open the chest to retrieve an armor upgrade, then head right, get rid of the trolls and head to the first ballista. Press the switches on the weapon, then after loading it, press R1 to launch a giant arrow inside the cauldron. Use the lever to raise the nearest bridge, then go forward, destroying the generators and, once you get to the second ballista, do the same as before. Go up another bridge, then go forward, get rid of the creatures and use the third ballista to damage the boss. Push the two nearby stones to bring up a teleporter, with which you can reach the last ballista. Use the weapon to deal the final blow to the creature and end the game.
Solution summary

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Exit date: not available