After the opening cutscene and the discussion between Cress and his father, you will receive the amulet and in the meantime Chester will talk to his sister. As Cress leaves the house, his mother will give him two useful items (for healing). First dare to do is go and see Ami. Talk to her to get a Cress doll and then paralyze the shop with the clerk to get an apple, go back to Ami and you will receive another apple and a title. Exit the village to meet Master Tristan and then head south into the forest.
As soon as you enter go south, you will see a wild boar escape, first go down, go right and then go up to find a Life Bottle. Go back to the left and continue south until you find the water, then go right and you will see the wild boar again.
Go right until you have to go up and you will come to a large tree. There will be a Boss after the skit.
Boss: Boar (HP 175)
To easily eliminate this Boss, attack him with the Demon Fang (special move) and as soon as he charges, Chester will shoot an arrow that will block the Boss and you can hit him again with your sword.
After the battle you will hear the sound of a bell, make your way back to the village where you will find death and destruction. You will go back to your house and Chester will do the same. After the death scene of your parents you will rejoin your friend and after a dialogue you can act again, upstairs of your house there will be an excellent sword (in the room on the right), my advice however is to leave it there and come and get it later, leave the city and head north.
Passage to the North
As you enter you will notice a statue blocking the passage and a man. The man can sell you useful items, move the statue and take the path to the north, take the two items and then exit to the left. You will return to the Big Map, go North until you find a city.
As soon as you arrive you will know that your aunt is in the house on the top left, advance to the jester and then a little further on the left there will be a man who can sell you objects. Now go right and enter the inn, after the scene talk to the fire in the upper right to get a recipe (answer yes to the question). Check the objects and weapons and then go to find your aunt, after the dialogue they will ask you to sleep there and you say yes to continue, after the terrible scene you will be led to a dark castle and from there locked in prison without your amulet .
Escape to the sewers
First go in front of the hole on the wall and press the action button then walk until you hear a voice, go back to the hole and by pressing the action button you will start a scene at the end of which you will be in the other prison, examine the body dead and take the sword, then with it open the door of the prison.
Go right up for some cheese and then down and free the girl, talk to her to add her to you (a healer), go down, right and then up, use the sword and enter the sewers. Advance until you find an Apple Gel and a Lemon Gel at the top. Go back to the center and cross the bridge to find a save point, go up to the top right and you will find an intersection.
Go left to find a shield and then right to change area, take the apple and continue, in the next area go right twice for a Savory. Head up for a Rapier and then hard left for another save point (pass the bridge). Go left and up to find a chest with 1000 Galds, go back to the save point, save and head right up to deal with a Boss.
Boss: Thorny Devil (HP 220)
This Boss will have two snails as allies, it will not be very complicated even if flying will limit your attacks a little, focus on him and use the Swallow Dance if you have learned it, it is very useful to take down the enemy and hit him when it's on the ground. After killing him, eliminating the snails will be a joke. Finished the Boss continue until you are in a forest, go down to start a skit.
Trinicus D. Morrison
You will wake up in a bed and immediately afterwards you will talk to Mint who will give you a ricotta and the list of monsters. Exit and go left, after the scene you will reunite with Chester and soon after there will be a long scene and in the end you will decide to go to the Catacombs too, exit the house and you will find at the door a man who can sell you things. Now the time has come (if you haven't already) to go back to Toltus and take the sword from your home.
Outside Morrison's house go to the top left corner and press action to get a Gravity Stone, exit and go right to the Catacombs.
The Catacombs
Go up and cross the bridge, go to the ghost and defeat him to get a Melange Gel (the battle will not be easy, use the Swallow Dance. Continue and paralyze with Master Tristan to have a skill and a title, go up and you will be in the Catacombs. Go ahead and enter the first door, open the sarcophagus and beat the monster to get a Protect Ring.
So advance along the corridor in each room to get various objects, at the end go down and continue, go through the door and you will find two more, take the one below and advance to a Cheese, go back up and take the other door for a Saber. Go through the upper right door for a Chan Mail and then down and right to get a Fresh Milk, press action on the statue and a fight will begin.
Boss : Golem (HP 400)
Nothing difficult, hit him with the Demonic Swallow Dance and you will beat him in no time, after each attack back up to avoid his blows.
Now you can grab the Golem and take it left and down to the switch to open the door on the left, go right and go through the door for three items, then go left and grab the Raise Ruby.
Go back to the corridor with all the doors and enter the large one (now you can), use the teleporter and then left on the moving platform to get an item. Go back and take the dais at the top right, press the button and then use the dais at the top to get two more items, go back and take the dais at the bottom of the teleporter.
Unfortunately the ruby will fall on you then go down the stairs and take it, it will fall again, go up the stairs and go up to be able to fly, quickly go to the base of the teleport to get to another area that if touched will do you damage , take the ruby and then to the right a Lavender. Go back and go through the door at the top (go back the same way), save and advance until you are attacked by two Golems. Kill them and then go through the door, after the skit and the resurrection of Dhaos you will lose Chester and end up in the past.
The past
You will arrive in an unfamiliar area and after the skit you will see the broken arch of Chester and soon after you will be in a city: Belladem.
As soon as you enter on the left there is a shop, go north and another sequence will start, after the various clarifications you will understand that you are in the past and that a certain Claus in Euclid will be able to help you, after the sad night on the floor at in the morning you will have a Map and if you talk to the woman also a recipe, go out and go around the house on the left for two items, go to the gun shop and take the wall on the left, go to the secret passage and talk to the seller to get a new skill. Gear up well and then go to the North passage.
Passage to the North
It's the same as in the present but the monsters are much tougher so watch out, go out and go to Euclid.
To the right there is a hotel to rest, go around the hotel and behind the tree you will find two objects, to the left of the entrance there will be two more objects to take. the cook to get a recipe and then keep going for 2000 Gald. Nearby there are also two shops with weapons, items and armor, be equipped properly. To the right of the shop is a big house, go inside and there will be a long dialogue and eventually you will join Claus and earn a Collector's Book and Mint will take a title. Exit and go right, go to the trees and then right again to get a Charm Bottle.
Exit the city and go right, cross the bridge and enter the lonely house, this is Lone Valley.
Lone Valley and the Spirits of the Wind
Enter the house and after the dialogue you will receive an Opal Pact Ring and a task, exit the house and go north to Hamel.
Check the various shops as usual and then go left, talk to the cook on the street to get a recipe, the hotel is still on the left and the gun shop on the top right. Without the shopping you just have to go back to Lone Valley (compulsory shopping: The ax and a rope)
Return to Lone Valley
Go around the house for an object, then continue in the valley and destroy the rocks with your ax, advance again and then go right, you will see some strange fairies that you will have to eliminate to continue, immediately behind take the blue ribbon from the chest.
Eliminate another enemy and after the strange sentence, go up and save. Go ahead and watch out for Tornadoes, if you get too close they can hurt you. Go right then up and then all the way to the right, in the corner you will find an Apple Gel. Continue and after passing the two bridges and the dialogue enter the cave on the left. Go right and you will see a handle on a hole in the ground, use the action key to attach the rope and then go down and continue destroying the walls and then go left and then use the rope to go up. Kill the fairies and then left down for a Kite Shield and an Amber Cloak.
Go back to the cave go right and up, there will be stairs that will take you to an area with a green fog, go up and right, break the wall and then move the rock to the left and press the switch, go right and at the bottom use another rope and go down.
After the scene save and continue, go right to the rock, move it down and press it all the way, drag the rock left up and then push it into the liquid.
Go back to where the first rock was and go right to the next rock and move it so you can break the wall, push the rock up until you find an Emerald Ring. Put the rock in the hole to block the poisonous fumes. Go back to the first floor and you will see that the fairy is gone, take the Rune Bottle and exit.
Go right to find the fairies, talk to them and you will get the Elemental Orb and a title. Exit Lone Valley to the scene with Bart and then continue the journey.
Martel And The Forest Of Spirits
Heal yourself and then go to the forest where the wild boar was, as soon as you arrive take the treasures you know they find in the same spot as the first time and then go to the tree. Martel will arrive and after the speech and the attempts to save the tree, you will need to call Luna a super spirit to continue!
Venice, the city on the sea
Venice is located just north of Hamel, go there first and you will find it destroyed, talk to the girl who is nearby and she will explain the situation, visit the city to find a Protect Ring (right) and a half elf who will teach you magic if a half-elf is with you, a man in a boat will be able to sell you weapons and armor.
Take the boat to the south of the city to find the port and another shop. Now take Mayor Summer's boat, go inside and talk to the girl who will explain how to find Demitel. Upstairs talk to the mayor and then exit, go to the fountain and cross the bridge, below you will find a restaurant where a cook will learn a recipe. Go back to the place where you have the boat for the mayor and go right and for 1600 Gald you can go to the isolated island to the west.
The Isolated Island To The West
Leave the harbor and go straight to find a big house, enter and you will find many prisms in the room, open the curtains at the top and then go left, save and then go up to the second floor. Here is Demitel's study, open the chest in the corner and then in front of you look in the drawer and take the key.
Go down and back to the main room, go right and the first room will have a bunch of treasures to get, go out and up using the key to get to the courtyard, check the big tree and get ready for the fight.
Boss: Orcrot (HP 2050 - Weaknesses Wind - Fire)
It is not very difficult this Boss but he has a lot of HP, watch out for the apples that he will make you fall, hit him with the Swallow Dance to get over him soon.
After beating him, go back to the room with the prisms to adjust the light beam and open a new passage. Enter and go left for a doll and right for weapons. Go back and advance until you find Demitel, talk to him until you find out he is an imposter and then fight him.
Boss : Demitel (HP 2700 TP 1200)
This Boss is not very simple but you will not have big problems if you take care of his henchmen first and then all together you dedicate yourself to him using the normal and demonic Swallow Dance.
Enjoy the scene and then Arche will join you, go back to where you beat Demitel for items and then go back to Claus in Euclid. Collect the spells from the libraries then return to Belladem and talk to the Elf to learn a spell and a title.
Go back to Venice and enter the house near the fountain, an Elf will learn two more spells there, go to the port and talk to the captain to go to Alvanista and after a bargain he will take you for 800 Gald. After the skit a man will talk to you, go to the booth to talk to Meia a couple of times and after another skit go upstairs to collide with him.
Boss : Meia (HP 2400)
The Lighting Tiger Blade is essential but uses a lot of TP, as always the real key is the Demonic Swallow Dance combo. It will be simple and soon the Boss will give in.
Another strange scene and eventually the ship will arrive at Alvanista.
Alvanista The Royal City
You will be in the port of Alvanista, Claus will tell you a plan to save the prince and first rest at the hotel. Exit and go to the big part of the city, on the right there will be a restaurant where the cook will learn a recipe. Now visit the shops of the city and equip yourself properly, talk to the girl near the potion shop to find out where the Unicorn is, go down the stairs on the left to enter the Adventurers Guild.
Talk to the guy against the wall that for 6000 Gald will teach you a new secret technique, the man with blue hair will tell you a password for 1000 Gald (save him the password is Kikurin). Exit and head to the right side of town where you will find the weapons and armor shop.
Continue to the right and after the scene talk to the guy in the black hat to enter a race, win for prizes and a new title. At the bottom left you will find an accessories shop.
Leave the city and go to the lower left, cross the bridge and go to the mountains, go down south and enter the house and talk to the guy to learn the Phoenix Sword Rain.
When you feel ready go to sleep at the hotel, say yes and the plan will begin. After you are inside go ahead and wait for the guards to disappear to continue, go right to find the prince's room, he will call the guards and after the skit you will have to deal with a Boss.
Boss: Jahmir (HP 3400 TP 1500 - Light Weakness)
Ares (HP 2000 TP 0)
This is a tough battle because Ares will throw himself at you while Jahmir will stay away bombarding you with spells, use the Lighting Tiger Blade on Ares to take him out quickly (just think of him for now) while the others will attack him with their spells. their spells, another technique is to use spells against Jahmir to block his but I recommend eliminating Ares because after making him beat Jahmir it will be a joke.
After beating her there will be a scene and after the dialogue with the Court Wizard and the King you will receive some useful items, leave the King's room and go right, go down the stairs to return to the prince's room and talk to the girl to have two very strong spells.
Talk to the man behind the woman and the other man to learn about the three spirits. Exit and go down the stairs, there will be a boy with green hair that you can play with and win prizes, now you just have to go out and go to the Guild of adventurers.
Talk to the man with the red hat and after the explanation you can go to various places, the first in my opinion is Efreet the Spirit of Fire. Exit the city go right and down into a small harbor, if you go left and then down along the coast near the mountains you will find a lonely field. Talk to the man and you can take the Beast Swallow Kick technique for 12000 Galds.
Olive, The Village In The Desert
The trip to Freyland will cost you 320 Gald, you will arrive in a desert, look at the map and enter the village of Olive. Check out the various shops and in the restaurant talk to the cook for a recipe. Exit and go right into the desert and north around the mountains, you will see three oases, the first contains two treasures, the second a cook who will learn a recipe and the last two other treasures. Be careful because in these areas there is a Basilisk that in addition to having a lot of HP can also petrify you.
Cross the bridge and continue north, on the left there will be rivers and bridges, pass them and go south to find a camp. Here you will learn from a free Demon Spear man. Go back to the right and go up into a town, as soon as you arrive go ahead and then right, check the alley between the two houses and a man will sell you the Lighting Swallow Kick for 18.000 Gald. Go right and then down to find a gun shop. Now you can go back to Olive Village and go right into the burning sand cave.
Cave of Burning Sand and the Spirit of Fire
Go inside, go right and go through the door at the top. Pass the room and then go right and then go down the stairs and continue down to a Talisman and a Resist Ring. Head left and up for a Sorcerer Ring, with this you can hit objects from a distance. Go to the column and hit the switch on the wall, go through the door and get the treasures.
Continue down to the two screens and the door, go right and get the treasures, continue through the door through a Sorcerer Ring. Go back to where the save was and go left, go up and hit another switch, open the door and continue opening the door with the Lava key. Now shoot the columns and then continue to the Boss.
Boss: Efreer (HP 5500 TP 2200 - Water Weaknesses - Absorbs Fire and Wind
To beat him, and it won't be easy, get Arche to use Tornadoes to keep him away. Use the most powerful combos you have and keep him in a corner to beat him.
After defeating him you can call Efreet, open the chest for a new spell.
Cave of Spirits and The Spirit of the Earth
Cave of Spirits and The Spirit of the Earth
Now you need to get Gnome, go back to Alvanista and take the ship to Belladem. Go to Venice and after examining the harbor for treasures, leave it and cross the bridge to the south, continue right to the cave.
Enter, go right and cross the bridge, go to the door and say the password (Kikurin) and then put the combination which is 3-1-2-4. Go down the stairs and talk to the guy on the right and say yes, he will follow you. Go ahead and beat the enemies, go to the door on the left and go up, continue and cross the bridge. Save and activate the switch, go to the room above the save and you will see a chest and the Boss will attack you.
Boss: Gnome (HP 3400 - Wind Weaknesses
Claus's spells for this Boss will be very useful and also Arch with Cyclone. Attack him with Sword Rain and spells and very soon he will fall.
After beating him Claus will bond with him, open the treasure for a spell and then return to Venice to get to the island of Demitel.
Limestone Cavern and the Spirit of Water:
Go to the captain and be taken to the island, as soon as you enter go right and go down the stairs, cross the bridge and go down to find a switch, go up and go left, then go down the stairs.
You will enter the same room as before but the water will no longer be there. Go down the stairs, take the object and hit another switch. Go back to the first switch room and press it again. Go to the next room and inside the pool you will find an Aqua Cape.
Go ahead, go down the stairs and hit the switch. Go back upstairs and head up, save and then hit the farthest switch and advance, grab the treasures and go down the stairs, hit the switch and return to the save. Here you will see a hole, hit the first switch to make the water appear and start the battle with the Boss.
Boss: Undine (HP 6850 TP 3000 Weaknesses Fire, Lightning)
To beat the Boss it is essential to use fire spells, the Phoenix will be very useful but also the spells of Thunder or the Lighting Swallowa Kick. Use Efreet and Eruption with Arche and you will soon have the upper hand.
Now you can summon Undine, press the switch to be able to leave the cave. Examine the book for a weapon for Claus and then go out and go to Alvanista and then head to Morlia Mineshaft.
Morlia Mineshaft
Enter Morlia which is north of Olive and you will be blocked, go left and use the lever, go right and go down, go ahead and press the! to open the door. Go left and you will see the statue, put it in the right place to open a door, press the switch to unlock the door in the upper right and take the 2000 Galds and the objects.
On the third floor go right and get on the platform to fly, go down and then left, cancel the effect and go through the door, fly again and unlock the door on the right and continue. Go right and then down to get to level 4.
Go ahead and after two torches there will be a lever, follow the new passage and enter to the right, press the switch and take the potion. Go back and go through the door to the left, go left and hit the switches, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. Go back and head down and to the left and hit the switch to unlock two doors.
One is near the save and will allow you to comfortably exit the dungeon, go to the button room to press and take the statue through the door and put it in the hole to get to the fifth floor. Go right and then up and open the door. Press the switch and exit, go left up and take the stairs to get to the sexton. Watch out for the thorns on the floor, go up and go right then down and right again. Go through the door and press the farthest statue on the right. Press the button and then put the statue back on the button. Go back and use the teleporter and then go down and take the stairs that will take you to floor 7.
Save and then use the magic ring to light the torch and make a magic circle appear. Teleport and then head down to go back, reuse the teleporter and you will find yourself somewhere else. Grab the item and then back into the teleporter to get a magic, last teleporter with a room full of torches and a locked door.
Light the torches and go through the door, break the wall and go left, light the torch to go down and continue to level 8. Do not open the torch and instead press the switch and go through the door, press the button and return back, cross the dais and fly over the thorns, go down for some items and then go through the door to get to the ninth floor.
Go right and press the button to open the door, press the switch to the left for a shortcut and then go upstairs avoiding the thorns, open the chest and then press the switch and go back to the first room. Walk through the flames and through the door to get to the XNUMXth floor. Take the Turquoise from the chest and then press the two switches, go to the magic circle and read the obelisk, go to the circle on the left and put the various spirits in the right place. Go back to the obelisk and fight the Boss.
Boss : Maxwell (HP 7500 TP 400)
It will be a bit difficult because the Boss will fly and you will basically just have to use the Swallow Dance in all its forms, Arche will use Thunder Blade and Claus can call anyone.
Beat the Boss he will join Claus who will earn a title, go ahead and take all the items then return to Alvanista.
The Broken Rings
Talk to Lundgrom and then take the letter to Edward who lives in the lower left. He won't be there but his wife will explain a recipe. Go to the village of Olive and they will tell you that it is in the Oasis to the Southeast. 'man after the bridge and he will tell you that he is in the last oasis.
Go there and talk to the guy to find out that Edward is back in Olive, go there and talk to the man to find out he's in the hotel. Go there and talk to the owner who will ask you for five basilisk flakes, sleep at the hotel and the next morning you will meet Edward. Talk to him and then return to Alvanista for permission to go to Ymir.
Talk to Lundgrom and then sleep at the hotel and talk to him again, now go there, he is at the bottom left of the boat to Freyland.
Ymir The Forest of the Mirror of Water
You will be without Arche that cannot enter (for now), as soon as you enter the guards will block you, show your pass and you can pass, take the first bridge on the right and then upwards.
Go ahead and then go left, save and then go right, grab the various items along the way and then go back to the save point and go left. Always go straight up to get to the village of Elven (you will see Arche arrive).
Elven's Village
After the dialogue you can visit the various shops in the village. To the left of the restaurant, Brambert is waiting for you, talk to him and then enter the Treantwood Forest to retrieve the Black Stone.
Treantwood e Hiemdall
Continue until you can go right, now forward and right and then always forward to the end, go back a little and take the road on the right all the way. Bottom and then left and bottom. Go back a bit and then right and up to find the stone you were looking for.
After finding the Stone you will talk to Brambert and you will receive the rings and after the cutscene he will tell you to go to the Zodiac Tower. Leave Treantwood and return to Elven. A scene will start and after the amazing revelations you are ready for your new destination.
The Tower of the Zodiac and the Spirit of the Moon
This Tower is located at the bottom of Midgards town to the right. Second floor, go up the stairs and go left, examine the obelisk and listen for the sound. Go south and continue getting all the treasures and then go to the third floor. You will need to find the room with the statue and change the shade to unlock the door. Go down and through the first door for bread and the second door change the shade to unlock the door. Go to the fourth floor and take the way down to the obelisk. The first door has a Protect Ring and the second Beef. Go back to the obelisk and take the path to the left, the first door has objects while the second has the obelisk where you have to change the hue.
Fifth floor, go directly to the second door on the right for the melody, the other doors contain items.
Sixth floor, second door on the right for the melody and the others for objects.
Seventh floor, a little fairy will block you, talk to him and eventually Archie will learn a spell. Climb the stairs to Luna and you will have her without a fight. Go to Midgards.
Midgards Always At War
Look at the various stores first. Now enter the castle and enjoy the very long sequence and at the end talk to the researchers and leave the castle. Talk to Arche and then choose the first option to go talk to his father and then head back to Midgards quickly.
Cress will say that something happened at the gate of the castle and then a scene will start that will culminate with Edward's death, go to the hotel to rest and then join Claus and prepare for the offensive. You will all find yourself at the entrance to the Valhalla Fields.
The Battle of Valhalla
Here you will start in the lower left and starting by going to the right you will have to arrive in the upper right corner. You will have to get to the castle bridge and beat them the commander of the enemy troops, you will have a time limit of five days, remember that every time you rest you will lose eight hours.
Boss: Ishrantu (HP 5000 TP 500 Weakness: Earth)
Use Ray and Debris Fall to damage it and with Claus use Gnome, Maxwell or Luna. He's going to use Thunder Blade which hurts a lot.
After eliminating him go back to the castle and talk to the King for a small prize and after the informer arrives exit the castle and at the end of the scene you will be in an orange room. Talk to the Valkyrie and after the long dialogue and the various scenes you will have to fight, watch out because you will only have to rely on the magic of Arche and your Gungnir, no technique will be allowed to you. After a few fights you will need to meet with the commander.
Boss: Ishrantu (HP 5000 TP 500 Weakness: Earth)
It's like last time, use the magic of Arche and your sword.
After the battle you will receive a spell and you can go to the enemy's castle.
Final Battle
Eliminate the first enemy that welcomes you, advance until you find a treasure guarded by a Boss, it is a ninja.
Boss: Hanzo (HP 17500 Weaknesses: Light)
Eliminate it however you like and then grab the Derris Emblem from the chest. Keep going until our heroes have to flip a switch and once again a Boss will block the passage.
Boss: Seal Eye (HP 62600 TP 350 Weakness: Light)
There will be two so be very careful, use Aska and Ray and Wild Rain for Chester.
Now there is nothing that can separate you from the final battle, continue to the end and then prepare yourself for the battle with Dhaos.
Boss : Dhaos (HP 56000 TP 1000
Easy this first boss battle, Claus will use Pluto and Arche the Meteor Storm while Cress will do this Combo: Lightning Tiger Blade -> Beast Spear -> Swallow Dance -> Beast Swallow Kick.
After beating him there will be a scene and then you will face the real Dhaos.
Boss : Testa in Dhaos (HP 130000 TP 10000) Braccia in Dhaos (HP 130000 TP 10000)
Do the same things as before even if it will be longer and the Boss attacks dangerous.
After beating this form as well, you will collide with the final form.
Boss : Dhaos Finale (HP 160000 TP 10000)
Same strategy and use everything you can to eliminate the enemy from the face of the earth once and for all.
After beating him enjoy the long final sequence and do not miss the Credits because they will reserve some surprises.
Dhaos Castle
Go up the stairs and go left, go forward and get the various items, then go back to the entrance and go to the right of the stairs and up and take other weapons, back again and all the way to the right to find a button that will open the door for you. door close, grab the magic and left the weapons and then head down and leave the room.
Advance to the switch and press it to be able to pass the door, enter the first door to find a puzzle. The password is up, down, right, left, down, up and the door will open. Advance to the mirror and a scene will start, continue up the stairs in the next room and then other rooms ahead, in the doors to the right and left you will find objects and in the middle one you will have to solve another puzzle to unlock the door.
For this puzzle there are no tricks, you just have to press the button at the right time with Arche. Go through the door and go up the stairs, take the door down for two items and then continue up and take the stairs to the right, at the end go left and then down.
Press the statue in the hole and go down a floor, now press it on the button to unlock the statue, advance and leave a character on the button, advance until you reach a room with a locked door on the right. Go left and then up, beat the guardians there and get the Hand Mirror. Go back to where the mirror with the ghost was and continue to the room with the two mirrors. Check the mirrors to start a battle and then grab all the items. Exit and go right to find another mirror and then go right to the room with the puzzle (up, down, left, right, down, up), you will have the Golden Key.
Now go back to where you left the character and put Arche, she will fly on the broom and rejoin the group, go left and then down and open the door to the left. Grab the items and then go back two rooms and head down right, take the door on the right and save. Open the door using all four characters, advance killing all the enemies and finally beat the Boss.
Boss : Dhaos (HP 30 000 TP 5000)
Two fundamental rules, Arched eve to cast Indignation and Claus Luna. For the rest use the most powerful techniques you have and if Claus and Arche have Mystical Siboli it shouldn't be too difficult to beat the Boss. After beating him, he will disappear and you will return to Alvanista and talk to Lundgrom. Go to Edward's house and enter the library with the key you just received and after the explanations it's time for the Unicorn.
The Unicorn and the Tree
Go back to Alvanista and rest, Mint's dream and then go to Belladem and find Yggdrasill. Skit and then go back to Alvanista and there will be another scene on the boat. Go to the top floor of the Adventurers Guild and talk to the girl to find out where the Unicorn is.
Take the Valhalla road and go to the White Birch Forest. Go to the animal and when it escapes chase it. When you get to the River Arche he will go somewhere else and Mint will talk to the Unicorn. After Mint is in danger, take Cress and Arche and fight the enemy who once dead will leave you with his precious horn.
Go to the forest of spirits and witness the resurrection of the tree. After the scene, go to Venice and you will return to the present.
The Ancient City of Thor
Before going into the present you will have to finish all the Quests and things in the past (if you want clear).
In Venice, take the boat to Debitel Island and ask the captain to go to Thor. Use Undine to get there and once there go to the building a little further on. Grab the glittering object, exit and take the path below, save and enter the new building. Check the small car to the left of the door and use the card to open the lock. Go ahead and beat the enemies.
Take the Common Room key from one of the chests and open one of the doors, play the game again and then save when you are in the main Computer Room and face the Boss.
Boss: 4400R (4400 HP - Weaknesses: Water, Lightning)
Use Indignation and Luna and then the Swallow Dance Beast to get the better of the Boss.
After beating him the destruction will begin, there will be a goodbye scene and when they are gone run outside and you will meet a guy who will tell you to help him beat Dhaos in the future and in the end you will all go to the future, to the village of Toltus.
You will arrive in the city of Miguel, Cress's father. Visit all the shops in town for upgrades and then sleep at the hotel for a skit. Go to the restaurant and let the cook teach you a ricotta. Go to your house and you will find a gym where you have to beat five characters for a new title and you can also receive a new technique. Go back to the hotel and sleep for another dream, go out and head to Euclid.
Euclid in the future
Sleep at the hotel for another skit and again for a bow technique. Go to the castle and on the top floor in the lower left corner you will receive a recipe from a cook. Go to Venice as soon as you are ready by passing through the house of Arche and receive a useful item.
Once in Venice, go shopping to get stronger and then go to the restaurant for a recipe. Go to Alvanista's boat but it's dangerous to set sail and then Harrison will take you to his Laboratory and you will meet Stanley who will show you the technique of flying and tell you that to fly you will have to keep Volt's Summon. Go to the lower left of Miguel, pass some mountains and you will find the cave.
Volt Cave and the Spirit of Thunder and Lightning
Go ahead for a potion and then into the door for two Lavender, go left for two more items, equip the Shield Ring and return to the entrance. Go right and a skit will start and then go up and enter the cave where you will see the girl from before in distress.
Free it and then use the magic stick on the pipe to be able to open the door. Take the fragment and go down, go through the door on the right and after the dialogue there will be a Boss.
Boss: Ninja Lord (HP 8500 - Weakness: Light)
Use the Lightning Tiger Blade to hit them and then finitely with some combos.
After the battle, go down to find some generators, go right down to find a room with a switch, activate it and then go to the generators and activate them. Go through the door to find the others, do the same thing as before and clear the door, go up and use the switch then go back to the first generators and go left to find more.
Activate them and then go through the door and save, at the end of the passage there will be an "Emergency Exit", to unlock the door activate the generator furthest from the door. Pass it and get ready for the Boss.
Boss: Volt (HP 28000 TP 3000 - Weakness: Light, Earth)
Use Undine and Judgment and watch out when it flies away, use anti-flight techniques, don't use thunder spells that will heal it.
After eliminating him you can use Volt, make to exit and after the conversation you will have two useful items, you will also receive good weapons from the Boss to equip, exit and head to Euclid. Find Stanley at the Academy and you will receive the technique to fly, now you have to go to Alvanista.
Enter Alvanista from the south entrance and talk to the girl at the gate. Go to the castle and you will be blocked, a long scene will begin and at the end talk with the King and then with the apprentice wizards to better understand what you have to do.
The Eternal Flames of Odin
Enter the tower to the right of Olive, advance press the switches and continue inside the tower, advance to the end to find the Boss.
Boss: Flamberge (HP 45700 TP 1000 Weakness: Water)
The spells to use are Aska and Indignation, with Chester instead it's a good thing to use Wild Rain. No fire spells because they would heal the Boss. At the end of the battle you will have Flamberge and the Chaos Blade.
The Absolute Ice of Fenrir
Enter Friezkiel and continue north, you will find a Cathedral. Try to enter and after the speech Arche will break the door. Enter and at the altar examine the piece of glass, go to the red part of the altar to find a secret entrance.
Inside the ice cave, continue to the end to meet the Boss.
Boss: Fen Beast (HP 30000 Weaknesses Fire, Light)
It's a simple Boss, use Explode and Aska. The best techniques are Lightning Tiger Blade and Phoenix.
After beating him you will have the Vorpal sword and you will learn the Distortion Blade. Leave the cave and go to Hiemdall.
Creation and the Sword of Time
Go to the Elven Colony and go back the way where you got the Black Stone, you will find two Bosses to beat.
Boss : Origin (HP 45000 TP 3000) e Seraph (HP 12700 TP 3000)
Claus will have to use Shadow and Chester Sonic Blast (don't use light spells as they will help the enemy).
After defeating them you will absorb them and take the Sword of Time.
Go back to Alvanista and talk to Lundgrom then it's time to do away with Dhaos.
The Tower Of Eternal Darkness
As soon as you arrive, go to sleep at the hotel to see various skits, as soon as you come out a soldier will warn you of a floating castle. Head right and climb up to use the Sword of Time to be teleported to the Castle.
Solution Summary
Trinicus D. Morrison
Return to Lone Valley
Alvanista The Royal City
Cave of Spirits and The Spirit of the Earth
The Broken Rings
Dhaos Castle
Final Battle

- gba
- snes
Exit date: March 6 2006