Please note:
The guide is based on the American version of the game, there may be differences with the Spanish one.
There are twenty wearable masks in the game, three of which will transform you into Goron, Deku and Zora. The masks will be delivered to you at the end of events, some of which will be mandatory to advance in the game, while others will be optional. Almost all the masks will have a limited use to a single purpose.
Mask of the Deku
You will get this mask after talking to the mask vendor at the beginning of the game. It will allow you to transform into a Deku.
Goron mask
Once you have obtained the Lens of Truth, go to the lower part of Goron Village to notice the entrance to a cave suspended in the air. Use the lens to see the invisible platforms to jump over to reach the entrance itself. Follow Darmani's spirit and make your way to his shrine at the top of the waterfall to receive the mask. Thanks to this mask you can transform yourself into a Goron.
Mask of the Zora
Once in the Marina Bay, check the water to the left of the Marine Laboratory to find a dying Zora. Drag it to Riva and play the Melodia del Ristoro. This mask will allow you to transform into a Zora.
Kafei mask
On the first day, visit the mayor's wife to get the mask. This mask, if worn, will allow you to talk to people about Kafei's disappearance.
Keaton Mask
Reach the Cronopoli inn at 2:10 pm. The postman will deliver a letter to Anju. Wait for the postman to come out and follow him outside. At 3:50 am, return to the inn wearing the Gorno Mask, talk to Anju to have the room key delivered to you. Put on Kafei's mask and talk to the girl. Reach the inn's kitchen during the night to have a letter delivered to you to post in one of the post boxes in Cronopoli. Wait 3 o'clock on the second day and follow the postman to the laundry, let him ring the bell and when the boy comes out to get the mail, sneak into the door behind him. Wait for the boy to come back to find out that it is Kafei himself, get the medallion and give it to Anju. Wait until midnight and reach the curiosity shop located in the west of Cronopoli, enter and wait for Sakon the thief to appear (you must not have saved the old lady from the bombs during the first night). At 12 pm on the third day, return to Kafei's house to find the merchant who will give you the mask.
Postman's hat
Follow all the steps described to get the Keaton Mask, then reach Kafei at the entrance to Sakon's Lair in Ikana Canyon. Solve the minigame to save Kafei and her mask. Return to Cronopoli and reach the post office to deliver the letter to the postman, follow him to the Lattosio Bar and wait for him to come out to get the Postman's Hat.
Mask of the Vigil
During midnight on the first day, reach the northern area of ​​Chronopolis and rescue the old lady of the bombs from Sakon. Go to the curio shop on the night of the third day to purchase the mask. With this mask you can listen to Grandma's stories at the inn without falling asleep.
Explosive Mask
Save the old lady of the bombs at midnight on the first day in the northern area of ​​Cronopoli. Wearing this mask and pressing the "B" button you will cause an explosion identical to that of bombs.
Mask of the Radiant Fairy
Once you have found the lost fairy inside Cronopoli, go to the sanctuary in the north of the city and talk to the fairy once she has appeared to get the mask. Wearing this mask inside the Temples, it will release sparks whenever you are close to a fragment of fairy.
Kamaro mask
During any night, reach the northern area of ​​the fields of Termina, climb one of the gigantic mushrooms to meet Kamaro. Play the Refreshment Melody to get the mask. With this mask you can teach the dance to the Rose Sisters.
Bremen mask
On one of the first two nights, go to the wash house and listen to what the man with the accordion has to say to get the mask. This mask will help you solve the dilemma of the owner of the chicken coop on the Romanì farm.
Rabbit Ears
Reach the chicken coop of the Romanì farm, put on the Bremen mask and be followed by all the chicks to turn them into chickens. Thanks to this mask you will be able to walk faster.
Don Gero mask
Put the little Goron of the Mountain Village to sleep, then light all the torches in the palace to make the huge chandelier spin on the ceiling.

Don the Goron Mask and hit the chandelier using the jump ramp located on the upper level. A leg of stone will fall, grab it and take it to the Goron stuck in the first area of ​​the mountain area and near the forge.
Porcina Mask
After completing the Swamp Temple, successfully complete the Royal Butler Deku minigame. Thanks to this mask you can find a mushroom in the area, where you will help the Hag disappeared in the forest.
Romani mask
Once you get the mega bomb from the Goron at the Village, blow up the boulder blocking access to the Romani Farm on the first day. Talk to the little girl outside the farm and believe her when she tells you her story. Reach her in the stable at 2 am to start a minigame in which you have to eliminate the aliens with the sound of arrows. The next day, talk to Cremia (the child's sister) and agree to escort her carriage at 6pm. Save Cremia from the onslaught of the bandits to receive the mask. Thanks to this mask you will have access to the Lattosio Bar at night.
Cape Mask
Once you have obtained all three transformation masks and the Romani one, go to the Lattosio Bar during the night of the first day. Talk to Toto, the fat Zora who is near the stage and agree to perform a soundcheck by positioning yourself from time to time under the corresponding lighthouse with a different mask. You will receive this mask from the Head of the Theater Company sitting at the counter. Thanks to this mask you will slow down the bandits during the chase to Cremia's carriage if you decide to do it a second time.
Mask of the Coppietta
To get this mask, help Kafei on her mission by following the steps described for the Keaton Mask and the Postman's Hat. Join Anju in her rooms at the Chronopolis inn just before the moon crashes on Termina.
Mask of Truth
Kill all the golden spiders in the spider house by the swamp.
Ghibdo mask
Once you have run the water into the Ikana Canyon river, wait for the girl to come out of the music box house and sneak inside. Go downstairs, approach the huge sarcophagus and wait for the possessed man to come out. Don't come close and play the refreshment melody. With this mask you can talk with the Gibdo present in the Ikana valley.
Garo mask
To get this mask, you will have to defeat the two Arro brothers in a horse race at their farm on the Via del Latte. With this mask you can access the Ikana Valley.
Captain's hat
Reach the edge of the Ikana cemetery, then play the Awakening Melody at the huge skeleton near the keeper's house. Defeat the new enemy to get the Hat inside a chest above the keeper's house. Thanks to this hat you can talk to the skeletons in the cemetery and in the spider house on the beach.
Stone Mask
Reach the central area of ​​the Pirate Fortress. Near the central turret, use the truth lens to see an invisible city guard. Talk to the man to get the mask. Thanks to this mask you will go unnoticed by the guards of each section of the game, where you will have to go unnoticed, like the Piratesse and the deku in the palace.
Mask of the Giant
You will get this mask automatically during the boss fight at the Stone Temple. Thanks to this mask you can become giants and continue in the battle with the boss himself.
Mask of Divine Pride
You will get this mask by delivering all the other twenty-three to the children who populate the moon. Thanks to this mask you can transform (only against the bosses) into an enhanced version of the adult Link, equipped with a two-handed sword capable of throwing powerful balls of energy.
Fragments of the heart
As with all chapters of the wonderful saga "The Legend of Zelda", even in Majora's Mask, there will be different fragments of heart throughout the game world. Some of these can simply be found along the way, while others will be given to the player as rewards for helping people or solving short missions. Once you have collected four heart fragments, the player will earn a heart that will add to the total that represents the vital meter, after which he will stumble into the inevitable "Game Over" screen. There are a total of fifty-three fragments and in the guide that follows, I'm going to list them all in chronological order of discovery.
First fragment
The first heart fragment is found on a platform at the foot of the Cronopoli clock tower. Deliver the lunar tear, obtained by observing Skull Kid through the telescope at the astrologer, to the deku present under the tower. Once you have the title deed, put on the deku mask (if you aren't already) and use the flower to launch yourself on the platform itself.
Second fragment
The second fragment is located inside the tavern in Cronopoli. Once you have obtained the deed of ownership from the deku present under the tower, visit the bathrooms of the tavern during the night (to enter during the night you must have obtained the key or use the flower present near the building to enter from the upper floor), it will exit a hand from the latrine, give him the deed of ownership to get the fragment as a prize. Clearly the reasons why the dark hand needs a piece of paper are clear enough and the title deed will be lost until the next time cycle.
Third fragment
Reach the northern part of Cronopoli, in deku form roll up to the top of the slide to the east, once at the top check the nearby tree to locate the fragment, then jump from platform to platform to reach it.
Fourth fragment
Reach the room of the Swordmaster in Cronopoli and located in the west. Get a "perfect" result in expert training to get the reward shard.
Fifth fragment
During the night, reach the west area of ​​Cronopoli to find the two Pink Sisters intent on dancing training. Put on the Kamaro mask and dance with the two sisters to get the fragment as a reward.
Sixth fragment
Enter the postman's office when he is inside. Put on the Rabbit Hood and play the little game with the postman himself. Press the button when the timer indicates ten seconds to get the shard as a reward.
Seventh fragment
In the northern area of ​​Cronopoli, transform into a deku and use the flower to fly over the fence on the left. Enter the hole, face and successfully overcome the challenges of the playground, deku for all three days (there will be a different one per day) to get the fragment as a reward.
Eighth fragment
Reach the entrance to the Via del Latte in the fields of Termina. Check the tall grass for some butterflies flying over a hidden hole. Drop into the hole to find an enemy who, if defeated, will give you a shard.
Ninth fragment
Reach the area near the entrance to the Montano Village in the fields of Termina. You will find a hole inside which you will have to defeat two Dodongos (the bombs will be remarkably handy) and receive the fragment.
Tenth fragment
Reach the astrologer inside his tower (you must have solved the mission of the Chronopolis Bomber band), look inside the telescope and wait for a flying deku to appear on the horizon, follow his movements until he enters inside of a hole right outside the gate that surrounds the tower you are inside. Reach the hole through the fields of Termina and enter it. Talk to the deku and give him one hundred rupees to get the shard.
Eleventh fragment
Reach the entrance to the Swamp to the South. Once there you will notice a tree with several bats flying around it. Eliminate the annoying birds and use the vine on the trunk to reach the top of the plant on which you will find the fragment.
Twelfth fragment
Inside King Deku's palace, face the labyrinth on the left avoiding being noticed by the guards (the Stone Mask will come in handy in this case), then pick up the fragment that is behind the bushes.
Thirteenth fragment
Once you get the camera from the Swamp boat ride, go to King Deku and take a picture of him. Go back to the owner of the stilt house and give him the photo you just took to get the fragment as a reward.
Fourteenth fragment
Go to the waterfall area, where the first game temple is located. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the one with the owl statue on top.

Put on the deku mask and use the flower to fly to a chest clearly visible from that position, inside you will find the fragment.
Fifteenth fragment
Once you have obtained the title of ownership of the deku flower under the Cronopoli tower, go to the stilt house of the boat ride in the Swamp and deliver the title itself to the deku present at the entrance. Use the flower to fly over the roof of the stilt house and collect the fragment.
Sixteenth fragment
Get to the dartboard at the swamp. During the game you will have to score 2.180 points, this means that you will have to hit every deku, raven and wolf and have saved at least six seconds after hitting every single target. You will get the shard as a reward for your achievement.
Seventeenth fragment
Once you have rescued the hag Koume and completed the first temple, go to the stilt house in the swamp and take a boat ride. During the tour you will have to face a small game proposed by the hag Koume who will fly around the boat carrying a target, hit it to get enough points, once you return to the stilts you will get the fragment as a reward.
Eighteenth fragment
Face the dartboard in the eastern part of Cronopoli, get fifty points by hitting all targets successfully to get the fragment as a reward.
Nineteenth fragment
Reach the inn of Sweetness and Love present in the eastern area of ​​Cronopoli. Play and successfully beat their games for all three days of the time cycle (there will be a different one per day). Once you complete the third day, you will get the fragment as a reward.
Twentieth fragment
In the fields of Termina there will be four holes in their respective cardinal points (the one to the west is blocked by a boulder). Inside these holes you will find stones of truth, choose one of the transformation masks you have obtained so far and play the song proper to the race (for example the Bossanova for the Zora) to change the color of the statue. Change the other three statues to the same color to get the shard.
Twenty-first fragment
Once you have obtained the title of the deku flower of the swamps, make your way to the mountain village. In the lower area you will find another deku, put on the deku mask and talk to him to exchange the swamp title with the mountain one, then use the flower to fly over the stone platform behind it and collect the fragment.
Twenty-second fragment
On the second night of the time cycle, go to the Ikana Cemetery, put on the Captain's Hat, then talk to the skeletons near a tomb, order them to open the tomb and throw yourself inside. Once in the catacomb, use the truth lens to see several invisible enemies, once you reach the wall with a crack use a bomb to blow it up. Face the knight and once defeated open the chest inside which you will find the fragment.
Twenty-third fragment
Reach the Ikana Cemetery during the third night of the game time cycle. Put on the Captain's Hat and talk to the skeletons circling a tomb, order them to open the tomb and go inside. You will find Dampei the cemetery keeper, target him so that your fairy can shed light on him, then guide him over all the mounds of earth so he can dig up to reveal three blue flames. Face and defeat the giant ghost to get the shard as a reward for your achievement.
Twenty-fourth fragment
Go to the maze game shop in the east of Chronopolis. Talk to the owner while wearing the Goron Mask and successfully navigate the maze to get a shard from the chest at the end.
Twenty-fifth fragment
Reach the waterfall in the second area of ​​the Bay, put on the Mask of the Zora and swim to the bottom of the waterfall to face and defeat a Like Like from which the fragment will come out.
Twenty-sixth fragment
Inside the marine research laboratory at the Bay, you will find two large fish inside an aquarium. Catch five fish with the empty bottles, then pour the contents over the grate of the aquarium itself to get the shard.
Twenty-seventh fragment
Once you have infiltrated inside the Pirate Fortress, you will notice a fragment of heart inside a cell, transform into a Goron to destroy the nearby barrels and find the button that will open the cell door, immediately run near it before it the door closes and pick up the fragment.
Twenty-eighth fragment
Talk to the owner of the cottage on the left behind the tomb of the Zora who gave you the mask. He will ask you for a photo of one of the Pirates of the fortress. Enter the fortress and take a photo of any of the women present. Go back to the owner of the house and give him the photo to get the golden seahorse to put inside an empty bottle. Reach the underwater area where the sea snakes are hiding, eliminate them and inside one of the caves you will find another seahorse, free the one inside your bottle to get a fragment as a reward.
Twenty-ninth fragment
Reach the Zora Village, then enter Mikau's room and use the hook to attach yourself to the tree in the upper area of ​​the room, read the diary and go to Japa's room. Talk to bassist Zora and take out your trusty guitar, play after the two song fragments learned in Mikau's diary (Y, Y, R, L, L, R, Y, L, X, X, Y, R, R , Y, X, R) to compose a new song. Go to Evan's room (the keyboard player) and play the newly composed song as regular Link to get the shard as a reward.
Thirtieth fragment
In Zora Village, enter Lulu's room, put on the Goron Mask and talk to the deku. Give him the title of ownership of the Mountain Village and use the flower to reach the small balcony above which you will find the fragment.
Thirty-first fragment
Confront and defeat, for the third time, the Beaver Brothers at their waterfall to get the fragment as a reward.
Thirty-second fragment
Once you have finished the Marine Temple, reach the area to the right of the Marine Laboratory in the Bay, you will find a boat with a sign in front of it, get on it to be transported to a group of small islands on which the fisherman will be. Use the chain hook to climb to the first islet and play the game of jumping to get the fragment as a reward.
Thirty-third fragment
Go up the cove to the Pirate Fortress and look for a spot to use the chain hook. You will reach some soft ground in which to plant a magic bean, use the Song of the Storm to grow the plant, then climb on it to reach a point where to use the Song of the Scarecrow, attach to it with the hook once it has appeared to reach a platform with the fragment.
Thirty-fourth fragment
Inside the Spider House at the Marina Bay, blast the cracked wall with a bomb. Once inside the house, you will find some skeletons, talk to them wearing the Captain's Hat, they will provide you with the right sequence of masks to hit in the last room of the house. Behind the newly opened door, you will find a chest containing the fragment.
Thirty-fifth fragment
Near the entrance to the Marina Bay at the fields of Termina, you will find a boulder blocking a hole. Once inside, hit the wasp nests on the ceiling, then swim to the bottom of the water, using the Zora Mask to collect the shard.
Thirty-sixth fragment
Once you have the Don Gero mask and completed the Temple of the Mountain, put on the mask and talk to the Frog who is in front of the blacksmith in the first mountain area. Go to the washhouse of Cronopoli and also talk to the frog present in that place. Do the same thing with the frogs present on a log in the swamp near the Deku Palace, the one of the Temple in the same area that will appear after defeating the mini-boss Gekko and the one in the Marine Temple that will appear after defeating the same mini boss. Reach the first frog again, put on the Don Gero Mask and talk to all five reptiles gathered to get a heart fragment.
Thirty-seventh fragment
Once you have completed the Mountain Temple, go to the area, where you found the frozen Grandfather Goron. The water will have thawed, use the Mask of the Zora to dive in and open one of the chests containing the fragment.
Thirty-eighth fragment
On the way to the Mountain Temple, you will notice a fragment on top of a suspended platform.

Approach the abyss and use the Lens of Truth to see some invisible platforms, once above the last of these, play the Scarecrow's Song, once it appears hook onto it with the hook to reach the fragment.
Thirty-ninth fragment
Make your way to Mamamu's dog ranch, put on the Mask of Truth and pick up each dog to hear what he has to tell you. Once you have identified the one competing for your family, participate in the Mamamu game by selecting that specific dog, bet enough rupees to be able to win one hundred and fifty or more to get even a fragment of heart.
XNUMXth fragment
Deposit at least five thousand rupees at the Chronopolis bank to get the shard as a reward.
Forty-first fragment
Once you have the Mask of the Vigil, put it on and go inside the Chronopolis inn. Reach Grandmother's room on the ground floor and listen to the second story, after this, answer "I don't know" to the question to get the fragment.
Forty-second fragment
Once you have the Mask of the Vigil, put it on and go inside the Chronopolis inn. Reach Grandmother's room on the ground floor and listen to the first story, after this, answer the question by selecting the first answer (the one above) to get the fragment.
Forty-third fragment
Once you have the Keaton Mask, go to one of the bushes that move when you attack them (you can find them in the northern area of ​​Chronopolis, on the Milk Road and in the Mountain Village once the Temple in the same area is completed). A Keaton (a three-tailed fox) will appear, answer his questions about the game world to get a fragment of heart.
Forty-fourth fragment
Once you have obtained the Postman's Hat, interact with one of the mailboxes present in Cronopoli to find the fragment inside it.
Forty-fifth fragment
Once you have obtained the Mask of the Coppietta, put it on and go to the office of the Mayor of Cronopoli to quell the fight and get the fragment as a reward.
Forty-sixth fragment
Once on top of Ikana Castle (the one in the first part of the area and not the Temple), activate the button by hitting it with an arrow, then jump on the columns to the right and use the deku flowers to reach the one with the fragment on top .
Forty-seventh fragment
Reach the entrance of the Sakon thief's lair, in front of it you will find a deku, talk to him wearing the Mask of the Zora and exchange the title of marine property with that of the valley. Use the flower to reach the platform behind it and on which you will find the fragment.
Forty-eighth fragment
Inside one of the houses at the Ikana Canyon, you will meet the ghost man who gave you access to the valley. Talk to him and accept the challenge, then defeat the four major ghosts to get a heart fragment as a reward.
Forty-ninth fragment
Once you have the arrow of light and at least sixteen full hearts in the game's life bar, reach the Ikana Canyon waterfall (reachable by swimming upstream in the river in the lower area wearing the Mask of the Zora), go under the waterfall to enter the secret sanctuary. Open the door in front of you by hitting the top button with the light arrow. Then accept the ghost man challenge and eliminate four of the mini-bosses already faced in the Temples, to get the fragment as a reward.
Fiftieth fragment
You will find the XNUMXth fragment in the mini dungeon of the child wearing the Odolwa Mask on the Moon. Use the deku flowers to reach the far right platform where the shard is located.
Fifty-first fragment
You will find the XNUMXst fragment in the mini dungeon of the child wearing the Ghot Mask on the Moon. Put on the Goron Mask and cross the difficult path rolling at maximum speed. Once you reach the end, you will find the fragment in a small shrine located near the child's door.
Fifty-second fragment
You will find the XNUMXnd fragment in the mini dungeon of the child wearing the Gyrog Mask on the Moon. Follow the underwater path wearing the Zora Mask and taking the tube to the left, right and center. You will reach a room with the fragment.
Fifty-third fragment
You will find the fifty-third fragment in the mini dungeon of the child wearing the Twinmold Mask on the Moon. Face all the enemies until you reach the end of the mini dungeon to find the fragment.

- 3ds
Exit date: February 13 2015