Here is the second installment of this stunning DS RPG, an adventure lost on a mysterious island where your survival skills will be put to the test. Will you be able to escape from this cursed island?
The Illustrated Book
The main objective of the game as well as escaping the island (but I leave this to your imagination so as not to make you lose the fun) will be to complete the illustrated book with all the information of the game. When you have a new object, animal, plant, material or something else you will see it in your Picture Book.
The only thing to remember, many objects you will find them diving, you can do it when you arrive at Beach 4 (the beach after the ruins) when the tide is low and going north you will be able to walk among the rocks and your character will say that can dive.
List of Plants
List of plants found on the island
1. Black Mushroom
A black mushroom with white dots. You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it.
2. Blue Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
3 Brown Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
4. Orange Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
5. Viola Fungus
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
6. Red Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
7. White Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
8. Yellow Mushroom
You won't be able to tell if it's poisonous or not until you've eaten it. Remember this.
9. Chives
Wild grass that is found in the pasture and grows in clusters. It has a strong aroma and is excellent as a spice in dishes.
10. Young Bamboo
It grows in the bamboo forest. It grows fast and will be hard when it gets too big. Eat it when it is young and tender.
11. Carrot
It grows in the prairies. Normal taste, the root is small.
12. Dandelion
Yellow flower found on the prairie. The seeds are soft and white. It can be used for dishes even if the taste is bitter (look in the area after the ruins).
13. Bardaba
This wild plant is found in pastures, the root is edible and sweet full of fiber. Better to chew it than eat it.
14. Onion
Wild onions are found in the prairies. The onion is small but sweet and delicious. It is used in many recipes, be careful with your eyes when cutting it.
15. Potato
They are found in the prairies, use them in salads and try baking them. Very useful but beware of the green, poisonous ones.
16. Radishes
Small vegetables that grow in the prairies. They are edible but small.
17. Colocasia
From the potato family that grows in the wild jungle. Very nutritious. Good food.
18. Fern
It grows in the jungle, it is soft and the bud is the edible part. Excellent in boiled foods.
19. Coconut
Falls from the coconut trees on the beach. Young walnuts have a lot of liquid inside.
20. Papaya
Fruit of the jungle. It has a great aroma and taste. The orange color is beautiful to look at. Ripe and ready to eat when soft.
21. Raspberry
Small red berry growing in grassy fields, crunchy flavor.
22. Fruit of Bread
A large green fruit that grows in the jungle. It looks like the potato.
23. Banana
Fruit of the jungle, easy to peel and eaten immediately.
24. Pineapple
Fruit of the jungle. Strong and difficult to peel, the flavor is very sweet.
25. Artemisia
A plant found in grassy fields has many different qualities (if you have it when you talk to the dying man later in the game you can talk to it a little more).
26. Lotus Root
The lotus stem is under the water, that's all.
27. Guaiava
Normally eaten in tropical countries, it is famous for its strong smell. Very nutritious and rich in vitamins.
28. Fruit of the Passion
Beautiful fruit of a ruby color and full of seeds. To try.
List of Tools
List of tools that you can build and the material you will need to do it.
1. Tools for making Fire
Materials: Bark and Twigs
A very primitive thing that will require a lot of patience to use it. Use both hands to start the fire by rubbing the stick against the wood to make the sparks and then the fire.
2. Tools for making fire with a bow
Materials: Bark, Twigs and a Bow (any type will do)
A better development, a useful tool to start the fire. Rub the bow against the wood for lots of sparks.
3. Bamboo Fishing Rod A
Materials: Green Bamboo, Climbing Plant, Sharp Bone This fishing rod will be a piece of bamboo with a bone hook. A good tool for when fishing but your ability to do so will be crucial.
4. Bamboo Fishing Rod B
Materials: Green Bamboo, Climbing Plant, Sharp Stone This fishing rod will be a piece of bamboo with a hook made of stone. A good fishing rod that will help you when fishing but your skill remains essential.
5. Wooden Fishing Rod B
Materials: Wood, Climbing Plant, Sharp Stone This fishing rod will be a piece of wood with a hook made of stone. A good fishing rod that will help you when fishing but your skill remains essential.
6. Wooden arch
Materials: Stick, Climbing Plant
This hunting bow is made of wood. When you go hunting the technique will be as important as the efficiency of the tool.
7. Bamboo arch
Materials: Green Bamboo, Climbing Plant
This hunting bow is made of bamboo. When you go hunting the technique will be as important as the efficiency of the tool.
8. Bamboo arrows A
Materials: Sharp Stone, Green Bamboo
Arrows made of bamboo with a stone as a tip. Use them when hunting with the bow. The shooting capacity is not very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
9. Bamboo arrows B
Materials: Sharp Stone, Green Bamboo, Feather
Arrows made of bamboo with a stone as a tip and a feather at the end. Use them when hunting with the bow. Very precise with the feather at the end. Each arrow can only be used once.
10. Bamboo arrows C
Materials: Sharp Bone, Green Bamboo
Arrows made of bamboo with a bone as a tip. Use them when hunting with the bow. The shooting capacity is not very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
11. Bamboo arrows D
Materials: Sharp Bone, Green Bamboo, Feather
Arrows made of bamboo with a bone as a tip and a feather at the end. Use them when hunting with the bow. Very precise with the feather at the end. Each arrow can only be used once.
12. Wooden Arrows A
Materials: Sharp Stone, Twigs
Arrows made of wood with a stone as a tip. Use them when hunting with the bow. The shooting capacity is not very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
13. Wooden Arrows B
Materials: Sharp Stone, Twigs, Feather
Arrows made of bamboo with a stone as a tip and a feather at the end. Use them when hunting with the bow. Very precise with the feather at the end. Each arrow can only be used once.
14. Wooden Arrows C
Materials: Sharp Bone, Twigs
Arrows made of wood with a bone as a tip. Use them when hunting with the bow. The shooting capacity is not very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
15. Wooden Arrows D
Materials: Sharp Bone, Twigs, Feather
Arrows made of bamboo with a bone as a tip and a feather at the end. Use them when hunting with the bow. Very precise with the feather at the end. Each arrow can only be used once.
16. Iron Arrows A
Materials: Iron bar
Arrows made of iron. Use them when hunting with the bow. The shooting capacity is not very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
17. Iron Arrows B
Materials: Iron Bar, Feather
Arrows made of iron with a feather at the end. Use them when hunting with the bow. Accuracy will be very high. Each arrow can only be used once.
18. Bamboo Harpoon A
Materiali: Green Bamboo
The tip of this stick is pointed so use it as a simple fishing harpoon. Not exactly the sharpest thing you'll find.
19. Bamboo Harpoon B
Materials: Green Bamboo, Sharp Stone
This harpoon has a bamboo stick as a pole and a sharp stone as a point. Better than A but remember that the technique is still fundamental.
20. Bamboo Harpoon C
Materials: Green Bamboo, Sharp Bone
This harpoon has a bamboo stick as a pole and a sharp bone as a tip. Better than A but remember that the technique is still fundamental.
21. Wooden Harpoon A
Materials: Stick
The tip of this wooden stick is pointed so use it as a simple fishing harpoon. It's not quite the sharpest thing you'll find.
22. Wooden Harpoon B
Materials: Stick, Sharp Stone
This harpoon has a wooden stick as a pole and a sharp stone as a tip. Better than A but remember that the technique is still fundamental.
23. Wooden Harpoon C
Materials: Stick, Sharp Bone
This harpoon has a wooden stick as a pole and a sharp bone as a tip. Better than A but remember that the technique is still fundamental.
24. Iron Harpoon
Materials: Iron bar
The tip of this iron stick is pointed so use it as a simple fishing harpoon. It's not quite the sharpest thing you'll find.
25. Wooden Torch
Materials: Stick, Lard
A wooden torch that you can take with you. The flames will light up a lot but won't last long.
26. Bamboo Torch
Materials: Green Bamboo, Lard
A torch made of bamboo that you can take with you. The flames will light up a lot but won't last long.
(Note: All lures except the special ones can be taken when you hunt a fish in the lake at night, like the special ones, you will need to catch 30 Arowan, Largemouth and Striped Perca. If you don't want to have these problems you can finish the game with any ending. and then start the serious survival where you can have all the lures from the beginning).
27. Circular Lure A
Materials: Twigs (all exits are made of twigs)
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish.
28. Circular Lure B
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish.
29. Circular Lure C
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish. It works especially in the lake!
30. Short Scale A
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish.
31. Short Bait B
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish. It works especially in the river!
32. Short Lure C
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish. It works especially in the river!
33. Long Lure A
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish.
34. Long Lure B
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish. It works especially in the ocean!
35. Long Lure C
This bait is made from wood. Do it by moving correctly to catch a rare fish. It works especially in the ocean!
36. Special Bait
This bait is made from wood. It will be the result of a great deal of research invested in the art of bait fishing. You'll catch the rarest fish.
37. Little Trap
Materials: Basket, Twigs
A trap of intertwined bamboo. You can catch small animals, it will take time to catch something so check it periodically. It is important to hold the animal when you open the trap.
38. Great Trap
Materials: Stick, Climbing Plant
This trap is made of vines. You can catch large animals with this trap. It will take time to trap something so you have to check it periodically. It will be important to keep the animal so it does not escape or kill it when it is trapped.
39. Fishing Trap
Materials: Basket, Climbing Plant
A fishing trap made of woven bamboo to put in the river. It will take time to catch a fish so check it every now and then.
List of Materials
List of materials you need for furniture and tools
1. Climbing plant
You will find it in the jungle. Very durable and not easy to cut. It's a great solution material. (there are about 10 in the jungle who return every 2-3 days, they also serve as furniture ropes).
2. Cortex
Completely dry bark. Essential for making fire (you will find it under some trees).
3. Leaf
This leaf is large and long lasting, very difficult to handle. An ideal material for making furniture exteriors.
4. Trunk
You can use it as lumber. You need a lot to make the furniture (about 6 can be found in the jungle, it takes two or three days to return).
5. Stick
A strong wooden stick. Very useful material for making tools, it would be a big shame to burn them for the fire (you can find them under many trees).
6. Twigs
These twigs are dry and straight. They can be used to make fire and to make tools (you can find them on almost any tree, during and after hurricanes you will find lots of them).
7. Big Bones
You can get them from large animals, use them to make fishing hooks and weapons. Very light and durable they give you an extra power in your tools (after cooking the meat of the animals, they will be on the ground near where you cooked).
8. Fur
You will have to hit the big animals to get it. It is soft and warm so it will be ideal for making great beds.
9. Stone
This type of stone is very common and easy to find. You can use it as fishing hooks or hunting weapons (you will find them to the left of every beach except 4, it will take two or three days for them to reappear).
10. Bamboo Verde
Straight and very flexible. It can be used as a stick or cut to make baskets. Very useful as a material (go into the jungle and then all the way to the right, then south when you see a passage and go back to beach 3, you will find bamboo there).
11. Feather
A light, beautiful bird feather. Attach the feathers to the end of the arrow to make it fly straight and considerably increasing your accuracy. (You will find it after shooting a duck, pigeon or chicken or after a hurricane if you are staying in the beach house 4).
12. Lard
Lard is obtained from hunting. It can be used as a propellant or fried as food.
13. Sharp Stone
Used to make items such as weapons or fishing hooks.
14. Sharp Bone
Used to make items such as weapons or fishing hooks.
15. Basket
A basket made of bamboo. It is essential to make the traps.
16. Iron Bar
A straight, solid iron bar. Great for making blunt objects but hard to find (you'll find it in beach 1 and 4 after a hurricane and even swimming).
List of Fish and Shells
List of Fish and Shells and where to find them
1. Abalone
A large single-sided shell that is attached to rocks. It has an irregular pattern that contains the flesh. A delight with a crunchy taste (found when you can dive in).
2. Clams
The most common shells you will find along the beach. They are excellent if you make fish soup. You will need milk, vegetables and spices to be able to make it (look for the piles of sand on the beaches).
3. Mollusk
The meat is fat and pulpy. It is larger than the clam and is excellent both grilled and in soup. (you can find it underwater).
4. Capasanta
A large bivalve clam lives deep in the ocean so it will be hard to catch. Your best chance of having it will be when the tide goes out. It is full of very juicy meat (found on beach 3 when the tide is very low).
5. Oyster
It is also called the milk of the sea. Tasty and very nutritious. They say you have to eat in line but they are the only ones you will find on the island so I would be careful. Cook them that even if you lose nourishment you will not risk diseases (you can find them on beach 3 at low tide or when you swim).
6. Seashell
You will find lots of them where the river and the ocean meet. It is a small shell that tastes good when put into a soup. I believe that you can never be satisfied with eating them (as with clams).
7. Seaweed
Algae are found wet on the shore, a fairly easy food to obtain. Full of fiber and minerals, it tastes good when you add it to a soup.
8. Red Sea Urchin
Protected by sharp thorns, break it like a shell and eat it still fresh for a delicious taste. The real delight of the sea. (you find it when you swim).
(Note: You will need a lure to hunt many of these fish)
9. Mackerel
This fish will not have much strength so it will be easy enough to hunt. The taste is good when grilled or dry (fished or flaked it on beach 2 at low tide).
10. Perca Striata
A fish that is caught close to the shore, with distinct black and white stripes and good strength (catch it at night on the right side of beach 2 at low tide).
11. Sillaginoid
The common prey of your labors, a cute little fish. It has a delicate taste and meat, good grilled or fried (flake it at the Ocean in beach 1).
12. Puffer Fish
From the family of fish that swell without poison. It has a lot of bones so it's hard to make and doesn't have a lot of meat. Good flavor in the soup (flake it or catch it anywhere on the beach 3).
13. Moray
He has very sharp serrated teeth that can hurt you pretty badly if they catch you. In spite of its grotesque and unpleasant appearance it has a delicate and white casrne (fish it on the left side of the beach 3).
14. Sardine
He will swim in a group near the surface. It won't have much strength so it will be easy to hunt. It won't fill you up but the taste is good when dried (fished or spiked in beach 2).
15. Shoe
A fish that lives near the shore that often catches any bait. It has a big head, lips and ball eyes but the taste is good. The sting on the fin can hurt (catch it on beach 4 or to the left of beach 1).
16. Ray Fish
It is a tough fish that you will have to remove the skin from before cooking it. It has a light, delicate white flesh-like flavor. The liver taste is exceptionally good (catch it in the middle of the beach 2).
17. Sole
It has a strange shape with both eyes on one side of the head. The taste is delicate and a firm flesh. Excellent if breaded (catch it in the middle of the beach 4).
18. Sea bream
A colorful goldfish will delight when you catch it as it is perfect for any dish, boiled or grilled (catch it on the right side of the beach right at 5:20 am).
19. Parrotfish
A large, colorful fish with a strong, hard beak. Sometimes it will cut the line of the line (catch it near the center of the beach 4).
20. Black Nibbler
A fish known for its long tail that gets longer and longer as it gets older. The largest has a very strong grip and often runs away (you can find it against the cliff in beach 2 in the area that you can only access at low tide at 11).
21. Ghiozzo Giallo
A fish that is often caught near the banks of the river. The protruding jaw is very useful for digging a hole in the sand and spawning (catch this fish at 11 am on the south side of beach 3.
22. Sea bass
This fish has different names depending on the level of growth it has achieved. A big catch and you have the bait (catch it at beach 4 at high tide).
23. Ayu
This fish can only be caught in a clean river. If there are these fish in the river, it means that it is clean. Good grilled with salt! (Harness him or catch him on the left side of the river east of the cave in beach 1).
24. Catfish
River fish, bottom fish not so good smelling, big when fried (at night, go to the north side of the lake. You will find a large patch of land extending into the center of the lake. Stay on the right side to find it).
25. Largemouth Bass
This fish lives in calm, cool waters. It eats small fish and its flesh is delicate and white (at night, in the field after the jungle, fish near the mouth of the river).
26. Arowana
A large ancient fish that lives in the river. It eats small fish and it is large and full of meat although the taste is not very good (after discovering beach 4, go back to the ruins and follow the path south. Eventually a big earthquake will start and then go to beach 2 and left there will be an area that you will only enter at low tide. Follow the path and you will see an opening, enter for other ruins. There are two small puzzles to overcome to get to a small lake with the fish in it).
27. Carp
It lives in calm, cool waters with little or no current. It needs to be cleaned of mud or the smell will be terrible. The taste is good if boiled (in the ruins above, go on the path in the middle until you find a small lake, fish there).
28. Anguilla
This long creature is easy to hunt at night. Difficult to take because his skin is slimy. Greasy and very good when boiled, other nutrition (catch it in the southern part of the lake at night).
29. Carassio
This fish lives in clean waters and is relatively easy to hunt. It is flat and has little meat. Not enough to make you go hungry (fish or flock it in any river or lake).
30. Ivan
Normally it hides among the rocks of the watercourse and will be very active on rainy days. Better go out when the rain will bring them out (stand in the center of the stones in the field and fish or spear, wait for it to rain).
31. Salmon
A big fish that goes against the tide. The meat has a nice pink color (catch it on the river southwest of the lake).
32. Salmon Masu
This type of salmon lives its entire existence in the river. The taste is great when grilled with salt! (spear it while standing in the second stone of beach 2).
33. Japanese Salmon
A very cautious giant fish that you will catch very rarely and with difficulty. He has a big body and huge lips (catch him on the right side of the lake in the ruins at Beach 2).
34. Rainbow Trout
Named for its rainbow scales. A simple prey when you have the bait. Fantastic taste when fried in browning! (catch it in the river east of the lake).
List of Animals
List of animals in the game
(three types of crab, lizard and turtle are found randomly when stepping on the ground)
1. Hermit Crab
This strange creature with a shell on top is found on the beach as you walk. Take it out of the shell if you can, delicious taste in soup.
2. Sand Crab
A small crab that you will find in the sand. Not much meat, to put in soup.
3. Coconut Crab
A large-clawed crab that lives in mangroves. Break the hard shell to eat the meat. Delightful.
4. Turtle
It is found in the jungle, it moves slowly and is easy to catch. In soup it is excellent.
5. Lizard
You catch yourself in the jungle. You can eat them when you are out traveling. Delicate taste.
(The Viper and Tarantula cannot be captured but if you step on them you will see a! In the upper left, escape before they bite you or you will be poisoned)
6. Viper
A dangerous and poisonous snake. It rarely attacks unless provoked but its bite is very dangerous.
7. Tarantula
A large and poisonous spider, it looks dangerous to the eye but its bite does not do much damage.
8. Wild boar
Big animal of the prairie. It is very strong and difficult to break down. A wild boar can be very dangerous if you are not careful.
9. Duck
It is located in the lake near the center of the island. It has little meat but can be good with vegetables or roasts.
10. Deer
A large prairie animal. The male has horns on his head. From a lot of meat.
11. Raccoon
A cowardly animal found on the prairie every now and then. It is nocturnal and rare to find during the day. Lots of meat and great roast.
12 Chicken
A prairie fly with little meat. You can catch him with the trap and if he's still alive he'll give you eggs every day. Eggs are great in various dishes.
13. Rabbit
It lives in holes on the prairie. The meat is soft and delicious (you can also find them in beach 3).
14. Country Mouse
Put a trap in the grass to catch it. Tender and delicious but little meat. Eat it to survive.
15. Pigeon
A normal grassland animal. It has very little meat, good roasted or boiled.
16. Capra
Big animal of the prairies. If caught, it is tamed for milk. You can try the milk in the recipes.
17 Lynx
Nocturnal animal of the prairies. It looks like a big cat and will have a lot of meat (you will need the pointed arrows to get it out, at least 7).
18. Scoiattolo
A simaptic animal that you will trap in the grass. The meat is tender and delicious.
19. Wolf
The color of the fur depends on where it lives (after fighting the first wolf they can be found in the same area or on the prairie).
20. Tiger
An orange feline with black stripes, unlike lions the tiger travels and hunts alone.
21. Alligator
Large dentition and tail. The body is protected by hard scales and you usually only put one eye out of the water.
22. Gorilla
He hits his chest to scare the enemies with a rather creepy sound (the gorillas will give you several items, to get them if you play with Jack take Amy to see him or if you are Amy you will see him directly. You can talk to the gorillas and do certain actions, talk to him four times until you are close and then choose to give him an item. One of the three symbols will appear on his head: blue for a pineapple, green for a lunchbox and a necklace for!)
23. Great White Shark
This shark is famous for attacking humans. If it catches you it's over (when you swim an arrow will show a number in the lower right corner, press them so that the shark will pass without hurting you).
Furniture list
List of furniture you can make
1. Bed
The bed is nice and soft. One night there is the best way to recover energy.
2. Warehouse
The more things you find, the more you will need to store them. Make it as big as possible to put a lot of things.
3. Warehouse for smoking
You will not be able to eat rotting meat and fish. But you can put it here to smoke it (1 wood, 1 rope).
4. Coffee table
It looks like a real table and you can finally eat as a Christian.
5. House
If you build a house you can live better. You will need 26 woods, 26 strings and 10 leaves. To enter the house or return to the cave you will not need a partner, go to sleep in one place and you will wake up there.
6. Raft
If you build the raft with wood and ropes you will be able to cross the lake! (9 woods and 9 strings).
7. Raft 2
If you can build an even bigger raft than before with more logs and ropes you can even cross the ocean.
List of Cooking Recipes
List of recipes that you can do in the game
Cooking Method: Cutting
1. Egg salad
Definitely excellent between two slices of bread but also good on its own.
Egg, Carrot, Salt, Pepper.
2. Radish Salad
A little spicy with a fresh taste.
Radish, Salt, Blue Seed.
3. Burdock Root Salad
With a delicious taste.
Burdock, Purple Bean, Chilli.
4. Seafood Salad
Easy to make, healthy and with great taste.
Seaweed, Purple Bean, Blue Seed.
5. Mushroom Salad (Jack only)
You have to choose well the mushrooms for this salad, a poisoned one could ruin everything.
Mushrooms, Vegetables, Salt, Pepper.
6. Mackerel Sashimi
Preparing the fish will not be easy but great taste. To eat fresh.
Mackerel, Chives, Purple Bean.
7. Sea bass sashimi
Preparing the fish will not be easy but great taste. To eat fresh.
Sea Bass, Chives, Purple Bean, Blue Seed.
8. Sea Sashimi
Lots of fish you can use to make this delicious variety of Sashimi.
Various types of fish, Chives, Purple Beans.
9. Fruit Plate (Amy only)
A tropical dessert with lots of fruit.
Guava, Passion Fruit, other fruit, Tree sap.
Cooking Method: Grill
10. Roast Potatoes
Very easy to prepare. All you have to do is roast and salt them. Good taste.
Potatoes, Salt, Pepper.
11. Grilled Eel
Very nutritious.
Eel, Purple Bean, Tree Sap.
12. Ayu Grilled
Very simple recipe.
Ayu, Sale.
13. Grilled Clams
If the ingredients are good, the taste will be excellent.
Clams, Purple Bean.
14. Grilled Chicken
Healthy and great.
Chicken, Sale, Pepe.
15. Grilled Salmon
The skin is also very good.
Salmon, Salt, Purple Bean.
16. Grilled sea bream
The head has a lot of white flesh with a very good flavor.
Sea bream, salt.
17. Grilled Masu Salmon
The favorite fish of all those you can catch.
Salmon Masu, Salt.
18. Grilled Trout with Butter
This dish is mouth watering.
Rainbow Trout, Onion, Salt, Brown Seed.
19. Grilled Sea Bass (Jack only)
A great grilled fish, simple but magnificent dish.
Sea bass, salt.
20. Skewer of Salmon Masu
Take a piece of salmon on the spit and roast it lightly.
Salmon Masu, Carrot, Salt, Pepper.
21. Fried Nibbler (Amy Only)
A golden sauté is the death of this fish.
Black Nibbler, Onion, Brown Seed, Salt.
22. Fried Wolf
Even if done over the flame, the meat remains soft and delicious.
Wolf Meat, Milk, Carrot, Brown Seed.
Cooking Method: Stir-fried
23. Tropical Fried Pork
A tropical recipe. The acid of the pineapple makes the meat tender.
Wild boar meat, pineapple, salt, pepper.
24. Breaded Sole (Amy only)
Sole is a typical French dish.
Sole, Brown Seed, Pepper.
25. Crab Omelette
Crab with eggs gives the dish a Chinese flavor.
Crab, Eggs, Salt, Pepper.
26. Mushroom Omelette (Jack only)
Great for Breakfast.
Mushrooms, Eggs, Brown Seed, Pepper.
27. Italian Omelette
It fills a lot.
Papate, Onion, Eggs, Salt, Pepper.
28. Fried Clams with Butter
In the pan they will open, even good in soup remember.
Mollusk, Salt, Brown Seed.
29. Fried Mushrooms (Jack Only)
Use edible mushrooms, please.
Mushrooms, Salt, Pepper.
30. Burdock root
The dressing is the hardest part.
Burdock, Carrot, Purple Bean, Tree Serum.
31. Fried Eggs
The breakfast of the champion.
Eggs, Salt, Pepper.
32. Sauteed Rainbow Trout
We are almost at the top of French cuisine.
Rainbow Trout, Carrot, Potato, Brown Seed, Pepper.
33. Breaded Sea Bass (Amy only)
Passion fruit dessert makes you understand the taste of life.
Sea Bass, Carrot, Potato, Passion Fruit, Brown Seed, Pepper.
Cooking Method: Boiled
34. Boiled Wild Boar Salad
A fresh, delicious flavor always.
Wild Boar Meat, Vegetables, Purple Bean, Blue Seed.
35. Clam Soup
You will have to take a lot to do it.
Clams, Milk, Onion, Yellow Sprout, Salt.
36. Meat and Stewed Potatoes
Difficult to make them just perfect.
Wild Boar Meat, Potato, Carrot, Purple Bean, Tree Sap.
37. Mixed boiled meat
Stewed meat and vegetables. Traditional French dish.
Wild Boar Meat, Potato, Onion, Carrot, Yellow Sprout, Salt.
38. Sardine soup
Soup made of sardines.
Sardines, Chives, Purple Bean, Pepper.
39. Onion Soup
Lots of onions, very nutritious.
Onion, Carrot, Yellow Sprout, Salt.
40. Pigeon Soup
It sounds terrifying but the taste is delicious.
Pigeon meat, Chives, Salt, Pepper.
41. Duck stew
Duck meat would go better with onions, we settle for it.
Duck Meat, Chives, Carrot, Purple Bean, Salt.
42. Boiled Egg
Easy to do and good. Cook it less it gets better.
Eggs, Salt.
43. Stewed Salmon
Chives and Radish spoil the taste of Salmon. The taste remains excellent.
Salmon, Chives, Carrot, Radish, Purple Bean, Salt.
44. Raccoon Stew
Traditional Japanese dish.
Raccoon Meat, Carrot, Onion, Purple Bean, Salt.
45. Meat and Miso Soup
Great on cold nights. Warm up your body.
Wild Boar Meat, Carrot, Radish, Chives, Purple Bean, Salt.
46. Deer Stew
Eat like a man, healthy and good.
Venison, Carrot, Burdock, Chives, Purple Bean, Salt.
47. Boiled Bamboo Shoots
Typical Japanese dish. Very healthy.
Bamboo Shoots, Carrot, Burdock, Radish, Purple Bean, Sap.
48. Wolf Stew (Jack only)
As difficult to hunt, as good on the table.
Wolf Meat, Carrot, Radish, Chives, Purple Bean, Blue Seed.
49. Creamy Stew (Amy only)
The heat of this dish will melt you.
Meat, Milk, Carrot, Potato, Yellow Sprout, Pepper.
Cooking Method: Total Frying
50. Sillaginoid Fritto
Fry it and eat it, bones and all. The divine taste in the mouth.
Sillaginoid, Sale.
51. Onion Rings
Cook them well and they will amaze you.
Onion, Salt.
52. French Fries
Everyone loves fried potatoes!
Potatoes, Salt, Pepper.
53. Fried Oysters
They can be dangerous if they are not fresh, better fry them.
Oysters, Salt.
54. Fried Mackerel
Also excellent fried, full of calcium.
Mackerel, Salt.
55. Fried Chicken
Crunchy on the outside, tender on the inside.
Chicken, Purple Bean, Salt.
56. Tempura
Full of vegetables, crunchy and delicious.
Potato, Burdock, Carrot, Salt.
57. Tempura di Ghiozzo (Solo Amy)
Crunchy and very good, salt it well and you will be amazed.
Yellow Goby, Fruit of Bread, Salt.
58. Fried Lotus Bud (Jack Only)
Finely cut, crunchy for a delicious snack.
Lotus Bud, Salt.
Cooking Method: Steam
59. Potato Salad
With mayonnaise the best but it is also good with salt.
Potato, Carrot, Salt, Pepper.
60. Steamed Crab
The crab is the best when steamed.
Crab, Purple Bean.
61. Steamed Potato
If the ingredients are good, a simple and tasty dish.
Colocasia, Sale.
62. Scrambled Eggs
Very good and delicate.
Chicken Meat, Mushrooms, Eggs, Purple Bean, Salt.
63. Cream Pudding (Amy only)
A sweet dessert that will brighten your day!
Eggs, Sap, Brown Seed.
64. Steamed Sea Urchins (Jack only)
Great dish, simply amazing.
Sea Urchins, Purple Bean.
Latest Things
Here is the Quick List of the latest items.
1. Smoked Meat (small)
You can smoke any meat you want.
2. Smoked Meat (average)
Use the Rabbit, it's the best solution.
3. Smoked Meat (large)
You can only do it with wild boar, deer and goat.
4. Smoked Fish (small)
Do it with Crucian and Sillaginoid.
5. Smoked Fish (medium)
Do it with Catfish, Sea Bass and Sole.
6. Smoked Fish (large)
Use Salmon, Parrotfish or fish from the underground lake.
7. eggs
Use the hen or during a storm in beach 4 you will find several of them.
8. Trash
It will be used for your travels, choose it in the kitchen screen.
(all trvano shells on the beach, press A to search)
9. White Shell
Take it to the beach.
10. Brown shell
Take it to the beach.
11. Black Shell
Take it to the beach.
12. White Pointed Shell
Take it to the beach.
13. Pointed Brown Shell
Take it to the beach.
14. Pointed Black Shell
Take it to the beach.
15. Strange White Shell
Take it to the beach.
16. Strange Brown Shell
Take it to the beach.
17. Strange Black Shell
Take it to the beach.
All stones except the red and blue are lying around and reappear after 10 days)
18. Red Stone
Come on Gorillas.
19. Orange Stone
Search around.
20. Yellow Stone
In all four beaches
21. Green Stone
In the pond
22. Light Blue Stone
Close to the three places where you can drink in the river.
23. Dark Blue Stone
When will you swim.
24. Purple Stone
Near the two torches in the ruins.
25. Necklace of Shells
You will get it from your partner if the relationship is very high.
26. Necklace of the Sun
It is done with six red stones.
27. Sunset Necklace
Made with six orange stones.
28. Luma necklace
Made with six yellow stones.
29. Necklace of the Young Leaf
Made with six green stones.
30. Blue Sky Necklace
Made with six light blue stones.
31. Necklace of the Deep Sea
Made with six dark blue stones.
32. Necklace of the Night Sky
Made with six purple stones.
33. Map A
Island map useful when you escape (swim in beach 4).
34. Map B
It looks like the map of the island with something hidden. You can find it if you swim in the beach 1.
35. Map C
It looks like the map of the island with something hidden. You can find it if you swim in the beach 3.
36. Map D
It looks like the map of the island with something hidden. You can find it if you swim in the jungle by the gorilla.
37. Radio
You can escape the island with this radio, the gorilla will give it to you.
38. Bottle
For the water, in the sand at the beach 3.
39. Bottle of Water
A bottle of water to quench your thirst.
40. Bottle of Milk
Goat's milk, nourishing.
41. Bin
Vacuum to be filled with water for reserve.
42. Flat Rock
You can find it in the sand north of the lake.
43. Jagged Rock
You find it near the river in the tall grass.
Solution Summary
The Illustrated Book
List of Tools
List of Materials
List of Fish and Shells
List of Animals
List of Plants
Furniture list
List of Cooking Recipes
Latest Things

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Exit date: May 11, 2007