Please note:
The solution is based on the WiiU version of the game, so there may be differences from other versions or platforms.
The beating heart of each new iteration of Madden is invariably represented by Career mode, and this year too is no exception. The life of a sportsman in the world of American football is full of hard and difficult decisions to make: the first is about your role: player or manager?
In the role of an American football player, you start by deciding your features: there are two possibilities, opting for an existing player among those on the NFL roster in the 2013 season, or engaging with "Make My Face" and change the parameters to your own pleasure until you are able to give life to a face that resembles you, or that satisfies you.
Once the character creation process is complete, you are thrown into the main screen from which you can access the various submenus. "News center" takes you back to the main events of the current NFL season, My Career gives you an overview of your progress and the objectives still to be achieved, while My Action is essentially the portal to the real action. Fully respecting the American sporting tradition, it is also possible to access another menu where all the statistics of the current season are pitted, from the percentage of passes completed to the yards covered. A tip: don't make the mistake of ignoring this section, snubbing that seemingly incomprehensible wall of numbers. In US sports these endless - and difficult to decipher - sequences of numbers are held in the highest consideration and allow a better understanding of what is happening on the pitch and even the possibility of predicting events. This does not mean that you will turn into prescient, of course, but rather into connoisseurs of the strengths and weaknesses of teammates and opponents, a skill that allows a better evaluation of the plays to be hazarded or avoided.
However, when you feel ready enough to launch into the first games of the season, access the My Action menu and start your career. Meanwhile, note the presence of training scenarios that allow you to practice the different game situations and collect precious XP with which to improve your player's skills. You can train every week before the scheduled match: to get a more detailed idea of the scenarios, turn your attention to the next paragraph.
The progression of the season is linear. The first matches will be pre-season matches, friendly matches that serve to become familiar with the control system and with teammates: if you are already experienced enough, the pre-season matches can be safely skipped without penalties. Then the real season begins which, in case of good positioning in the standings, will culminate in the play-offs. The final game of the season, the maximum goal of every professional, is the Super-Bowl, the final match that determines the winner of the NFL season. But your career does not end there: new year, new championship, in search of ever better performances with which to enter the prestigious circle of athletes admitted to the Hall of Fame.

The point of view of the coach, as you obviously imagine, is very different from that of a player. No uniforms and protections, the coach is instead on the sidelines to direct all the other players, decide who plays and who doesn't, impose strategy and think of solutions to get out of complicated situations. The initial phase, however, is very similar to that of the player: choose the features of a classic coach, or use the possibilities offered by the editor to set up new ones for you. The goals of a coach coincide with those of the players: get to the Super-Bowl and enter the Hall of Fame. However, if your players do not seem capable of taking you to glory, you can always resort to the transfer market, buying new athletes in the roles where the team is weaker while cutting out unnecessary players.
3rd Quarter Tie
Difficulty: easy
The game is in the third quarter, the score is 10 all, and you have to win the match. That's all. Aggressive games, then once you reach the second down, opt for safe play, avoiding launches that can be intercepted, and try to consume as many precious seconds as possible.
10 Point Lead
Difficulty: easy
Basically identical scenario to the previous one, but even simpler: on this occasion the opposing team has not yet scored a point against your ten, we are in the third quarter and your goal is only to maintain the advantage until the final whistle. The strategy suggested for the previous scenario can be safely recycled also on this occasion. Remember: caution is never too much.
Easy Win
Difficulty: easy
New scenario, old strategy. We are in the second quarter, three and half points ahead of the game still ahead. Immediately try to score a TouchDown, without taking too many risks, letting as many seconds pass as possible. After that, patience and a cool head.
Cake walk
Difficulty: easy
The title says it all. Leading by sixteen points, there is only one quarter left at the end of the game. In practice, you would struggle harder trying to make your opponents win. You have to avoid taking two TouchDowns without scoring a single point. You should probably be able to pass this test by placing the pad on the ground and looking at the TV.
Difficulty: normal
Things are starting to get more serious. This scenario requires you to play an entire game as a player of the offensive team's choice. You can obviously replay it several times to become more familiar with the different offensive roles that you have to manage within the offensive formation.
Difficulty: normal
Conceptually identical to the previous one. This time however you will play as a player from the defensive formation.
The Grind
Difficulty: normal
Three minutes to go, your team is down by six. What to do? Two options. Try to win the game right away. Look for Launch and TouchDown. Obviously it is a risky choice, considering the limited time available you will be forced to opt for risky and complicated games, with a high percentage of interception. The second option is more complicated, but less risky. Score two field goals and take the game to extra time. In overtime, the first team to score a point will take home the match.
To you the choice.
Difficulty: normal
The scenario begins with the score of 7-7 at half time. You start defending, and of course you are required to prevent opponents from scoring a TouchDown. Then go on the attack and score a TouchDown yourself. Once again, avoid complicated plays, only launch in safety conditions and opt for running much more frequently. Once you have the advantage, try to keep the result.
Hold the Lead
Difficulty: normal
There are 2:21 minutes left until the final whistle and you are 4 points ahead. An opposing TouchDown would inevitably mean a defeat without appeal. Repel the onslaught, trying to push opponents back with each play. And never lose sight of the Quarterback, indeed, to be sure, try to roll it out as soon as you get the chance, to avoid the possibility of a run.
3rd Quarter Rally
Difficulty: difficult
Down by 10 at the start of the third quarter. As the coach, lead your team to victory.
No Mistakes
Difficulty: difficult
Much like Hold the Lead, there are 2 minutes left to the final whistle and you are up by 3 points. An opposing TouchDown would inevitably mean a deadly defeat, but even a kick could ruin your plans. Repel the assault, trying to push your opponents back with every play, avoiding them from entering the field goal area ... and never lose sight of the Quarterback, indeed, to be sure, try to knock him out as soon as you have the opportunity , to avoid the possibility of a race.
Uphill Battle
Difficulty: difficult
Four minutes to the conclusion of the fourth quarter, and you're down by a TouchDown. Get the ball over the back line, and you have passed the scenario. Always opt for the race, an interception at this juncture means having to repeat the attempt, with no chance of escape. The only time you can risk it is in the final seconds, if you are still on the third down.
Close Call
Difficulty: difficult
45 seconds to go, a two-point lead to defend tooth and nail while the enemy is at the gates, on the field goal line. No distractions will be forgiven: don't lose sight of the quarterback!
Comeback King
Difficulty: difficult
Under 8 with three minutes to go. What you need is an immediate TouchDown, followed by another point made in any way. A field goal, however, will be fine.
The Trench
Difficulty: difficult
35 seconds left, 7 points clear, and the enemy at the 10-yd line. Taking a TouchDown means defeat. You have no choice: spread the defensive line to cover all entry points and cross your fingers, hoping for a pass.

In order not to leave anything to chance, hurl yourself immediately on the quarterback, but be ready to tackle any receiver who is the recipient of the pass.
2 Minute Drill
Difficulty: difficult
2 minutes to go, score down by three and the ball to the opponents. First, of course, start stealing the ball. After that, in the offensive phase, rely only on racing.
Final Stand
Difficulty: difficult
Advantage of two points, one minute to go and the ball to the opponents. Hold on, you've seen worse.
Ain't Over Yet
Difficulty: difficult
Try to win the match, starting from minus 14 at the start of the second half. Not much to recommend: play death.
End Zone Protection
Difficulty: difficult
Slight variation of scenarios already tested. 2 minutes to go, ball to the opponents at the 20-yard line and six points clear for you.
Difficulty: very difficult
The impossible enterprises begin: how else to define the need to recover 21 points of disadvantage starting from the middle of the third quarter? In this chaos the only applicable strategy is extreme risk: play aggressively and throw long whenever you see the possibility. To overcome this scenario at the first try you will have to be able to count on a large amount of luck, be warned.
Difficulty: very difficult
1 minute to go, 1 point clear, and the enemy at the 5-yd line. Taking a TouchDown means defeat. You have no choice: spread the defensive line to cover all entry points and cross your fingers, hoping for a pass. In order not to leave anything to chance, hurl yourself immediately on the quarterback, but be ready to tackle any receiver who is the recipient of the pass.
Difficulty: very difficult
Under 16 at the end of the third quarter. Not much to recommend: play death.
Tough Road
Difficulty: very difficult
The opponents are in post-penalty possession. Retrieve the ball, then try to take the game home.
Bad Start
Difficulty: very difficult
You need to recover three TouchDowns. Play aggressive, trying to score as soon as possible, then decrease the amount of risk as you get closer to breaking even.
Circle the Wagons
Difficulty: very difficult
Under 35-3 in the third quarter. Here we come close to impossibility. Use the same strategy applied in the other comeback scenarios. And leave it for last, it takes a lot of experience and luck to complete.
Center (C): he is the one who delivers the ball to the quarterback at the start of the action, also makes blocks aimed at creating space for the quarterback or runners, but also takes care of the protection of the quarterback before the pitch.
Full Back (FB): running back whose job is to take care of the half backs, but can still be used in some situations as a runner.
Half Back (HB): almost pure running back, used only occasionally to block.
Left Guard (LG): positioned to the left on the offensive line, he performs various tasks, including tackling, avoiding interceptions, creating space for the runners.
Left Tackle (LT): on the left of the offensive formation performs roughly the same tasks as the guard, but with more possibilities to vary.
Quarterback (QB): the pivot of the game, controls the ball, throws or runs: everything revolves around him.
Right Guard (RG): positioned to the right on the offensive line, he performs various tasks, including tackling, avoiding interceptions, creating space for the runners.
Right Tackle (RT): to the right of the offensive formation it performs roughly the same tasks as the guard, but with more possibilities to vary.
Tight End (TE): mainly receiver, but the role also includes tackles.
Wilde Receiver (WD): the main recipients of the quarterback's throws.
Free Safety (FS): usually used to interfere in passing, however, they can also be used to counter runners.
Left Cornerback (LCB): their speed is crucial to keep opponents under control and engage in attempts to intercept the passages intended for them.

Left Difensive Tackle (LDT): they face offensive linemen, they avoid the creation of holes through which the runners can pass, they prevent the start of passes and, if they succeed, they also try to get to the quarterback tackle.
Left Defensive End (LDE): role very similar to that of the LDT, greater predisposition to tackle and versatility.
Middle Linebacker (MLB): similar in characteristics to the tight end, whose defensive tasks require greater versatility, especially useful against runners, but it is equally capable of ruining attempts to pass.
Right Cornerback (RCB): their speed is crucial to keep opponents under control and engage in attempts to intercept the passages intended for them.
Right Difensive Tackle (RDT): they face offensive linemen, they avoid the creation of holes through which the runners can pass, they prevent the start of passes and, if they succeed, they also try to reach the tackle of the quarterback.
Right Difensive End (RDE): role very similar to that of the LDT, greater predisposition to tackle and versatility.
Strongside Linebacker (SLB): defensive version of the tight end, effective against racing and passing, requires great versatility.
Strong Safety (SS): specialized in defense against running, it can also be useful in disturbing the page.
Weakside Linebacker (WLB): another defensive version of the tight end, it deals with both running and passing.
Kicker (K): deals with kick-offs, PATs and field goal attempts.
Punter (P): takes care of the points.

- ps3
- x360
- Wii
- WiiU
- Playstation Vita
Exit date: third quarter 2012