Please note:
The Solution is based on the US version of the game. Some terms may not match those of the Spanish version.
The five stages that make up the prologue are nothing that can create difficulties. On stage 3 you find a Broad Sword in a chest by simply advancing. The confrontation at the end of the fourth stage sees you face a fake Garland, who to further facilitate the task will spend much of the battle immobile.
Destiny Odyssey I: Warrior of Light
This scenario is certainly the most complicated of the initial ones. The difficulty is generally based more on the number of enemies than on their individual strength.
Stage 1: the barrier that separates you from the clash with Garland can only be broken down by defeating the two enemies in the first part of the stage. On the right you can pick up a Power Ring from a chest. The fight with Garland at the end of the stage is not particularly challenging if you manage to avoid the attack that he repeats almost obsessively: after a sprint forward he hits you throwing you into the air, and then starts another combo. Dodge it sideways when you see the animation start and you will have it at your mercy.
Stage 2: in order to access the hidden area, where a Bronze Armor is located, you will have to kill the mini-boss without taking any damage. The other barriers are broken normally by defeating the enemies connected to them. The end stage boss is tougher than the previous one, although he uses similar attacks. Sephirot's rushes this time cover a greater distance, and do more damage. Side dodge with shoulder attack also works here.
Stage 3: Get past the mini-boss without taking damage to unlock the barrier later. A Critical within ten seconds of the encounter with the enemy appearing beyond unlocks the other barrier. Killing the Mid-Boss further down causes a chest to appear in the air. Ultimecia is the boss of this stage: uses only magical attacks, luckily for you easily avoidable. Be especially careful not to get hit by the black energy sphere, since it is easy to tell when it is about to be thrown. Take advantage of the EX Cores and the long moments in which she is discovered after an attack.
Stage 4: relatively quiet stage, except for the initial ambush. Emperor is the end-of-level boss. The first thing to know is that when you see a magic circle around him it's time to run, because a big spell is looming. Try to stay quite far away, so as to easily avoid even the magic arrows, and engage in a close fight only after dodging his most powerful shots.
Stage 5: Here too, the defeat of the Mid-boss opens the way to an area previously inaccessible, this time it is that of the final battle with the boss. The battle that closes this area sees you face Garland again, but this time in much better shape than the first fight. While still quite slow, his move set has definitely expanded to include tornadoes and dangerous cracks in the ground. This requires you to face it from a distance, in an attempt to catch it from behind using slowness. His EX Burnst are lethal; if you can use an EX Core.
Destiny Odyssey II: Firion
Compared to the previous scenario, this is an area less rich in difficulties. This obviously does not mean that it should be approached lightly. In particular, the clash with Emperor this time will prove to be much more difficult than it was previously.
Stage 1: not much to report, you can find a Spear in a chest.
Stage 2: another stage where there is not much to report. Mid-bosses won't put you in much trouble. An EX Burnst within ten seconds against the second opens the barrier leading to Jecht. This boss should not be underestimated, but his rather linear attack sequence, consisting of sword slashes only, lends itself to numerous countermeasures.
Stage 3: the third stage is quite populated with enemies, including two Mid-Bosses and a Boss. A Scorpion can be found in a chest in the middle of the level. Ultimecia represents the final obstacle to overcome in order to move on to the next stage. This time she will just use Apocalypse all the time. The best way to beat her is to jump over while she doesn't throw lightning at you and take advantage of the long time frame in which her animation leaves her helpless.
Stage 4: nothing significant here. The three Mid-Bosses are of medium level, but after defeating them you will not have a maxi fight to conclude the stage.
Stage 5: in the final stage of the second scenario, things get complicated. The fights are numerous and difficult, as are the areas blocked by barriers. However, the greatest difficulty lies in the clash with Emperor. Its bombardment towards you is incessant: fireballs, magic arrows and lightning are just some of the shots in its repertoire. But if the fireballs are slow and easy to avoid, the arrows are quite another story. The recommended strategy here sees you try to reduce the distances as much as possible, so as not to leave the field open to the enemy, where he can be lethal. Then use your superior speed to stop him as he charges his attack, otherwise the meteor that will hurl itself on you will leave you with little hope of victory.

Destiny Odyssey III: Onion Knight
The peculiarity of the scenario consists in the large number of blocks depicting a question mark, behind which any kind of (bad) surprise can be hidden.
Stage 1: numerous enemies and a Red Drop in a chest, besides that there is not much. The difficulty is not excessively high, in line with the average of the scenario.
Stage 2: on this stage there is only one Mid-Boss, but numerous other enemies. Nothing complicated, even this stage should go smoothly. There is no final Villain present.
Stage 3: here too no final Villain, but a fairly strong Boss. Also noteworthy is the dangerous ambush that can create more than one problem.
Stage 4: penultimate stage of the scenario. Don't forget the Lipstick Stone on the way. At the end of the stage you find yourself facing Terra as the final Villain. Get used to the idea that it will keep the EX form with which the fight begins for some time. Stay as far away as you can, trying to dodge his spells as a priority. Once avoided, some of them lend themselves to serving as a diversion to be able to easily get behind them, where you can sink your attacks in freedom.
Stage 5: this stage is particularly packed with items to collect, including a Rod and a White Drop. Cloud of Darkness is the last obstacle to be faced in order to emerge victorious from this scenario. It will be very difficult to catch her and get one of your shots past her guard. Do not underestimate the fact that if your shot is blocked you will remain exposed for some time to its shots. In any case, avoid her to steal an EX item when it appears on the battlefield.
Destiny Odyssey IV: Cecil Harvey
Stage 1: Cecil is one of the characters that the average player will often tend to start the game with. This is also reflected in the ease that characterizes its scenario. The first stage is particularly simple and straightforward, no Boss and no Mid-Boss.
Stage 2: a couple of Mid-Bosses appear in this stage, but the overall difficulty is still below average. A Dark Armor is hidden in a chest in the corner of the stage.
Stage 3: things are starting to get a little more complicated, but it's not too much. A couple of Mid-Bosses, connected to areas closed by barriers, prepare the way to the first Villain fight of this scenario. The opponent is Exdeath, and his strength is almost astonishing given the general ease of the scenario. Use your Paladin form to take advantage of the superior speed compared to the opponent. The method that pays the most is the hit-and-run. Tease him until he uses a spell that affects the surrounding area, then get out of it and target him. His spells are powerful, but Exdeath takes a long time to cast and the animation attached to them is quite lengthy.
Stage 4: no villain fights, just a couple of mid-bosses. Don't forget to collect the Tsunogai Armor from the chest.
Stage 5: barriers to unlock by killing enemies return. Not much to report, if not a Guard Ring and a Rosetta Stone along the way, until the final battle with Golbez. Golbez's behavior is similar to Exdeath's, he too prefers spells that spread their effects to the area around him. Stay away, take advantage of the Paladin again and prevent him at all costs from collecting EX Items.
Destiny Odyssey V: Bartz Klauser
Although only the third and last stages reserve a Villain fight, this scenario is populated by very powerful enemies and should be faced among the last, only when you have full confidence in the game.
Stage 1: enemies, enemies, and more enemies. Many and strong. About halfway through the stage do not be surprised by an ambush.
Stage 2: enemies are not lacking even in stage 2, but in addition to these there is a greater variety of elements. The barriers to break in order to continue are back and the first Mid-Boss of the scenario appears.
Stage 3: the road to get to the clash with Cloud is quite difficult. Enemies abound, as in the whole scenario on the other hand, and the first Boss also appears. Don't miss the Magic Staff present in one of the chests of the scenario. To finally defeat Cloud it is enough to become familiar with the timing of his Braver attack, reject him in Guard and take advantage of his moments of stunning that follow.
Stage 4: no boss or villain, but certainly not an easy internship. Search the chests to increase your loot by 495 Gil.
Stage 5: final stage, and not only enemies abound, but Mid-Bosses as well. And Kefka at the end of the level will be a fairly tough nut to crack. Arm yourself with patience, because this fifth stage will make you sweat the proverbial seven shirts. Kefka then resorts to a large amount of magical attacks depending on the situation. Like all bosses it becomes lethal in EX Mode, so it remains a priority to collect EX Cores before your opponent does. Your main advantage lies in speed: use it to avoid its spells and counterattack until it is discovered.

Destiny Odyssey VI: Terra Branford
The biggest difficulty you will face in this scenario is the mastery of the character. Terra is extremely powerful when used well, but a lot of training is required to be able to dispose of her moves at will.
Stage 1: many enemies of medium power, a Staff hidden in a basket and a now predictable ambush.
Stage 2: beware of the potion, it is a trap because if collected it generates an enemy nearby. The first Mid-Boss of the stage appears.
Stage 3: here too Boss and Mid-Boss abound. At least the defeat of the Boss rewards you with a potion. However, the other enemies will be no less numerous than usual. In compensation, the final Villain is quite accessible. If you have already faced other scenarios you will not have much difficulty in defeating Cloud, because his strategy is always the same, and parry & counterattack continue to work very well.
Stage 4: no Villain, just a couple of Mid-Bosses. Mid-Boss level is pretty high anyway.
Stage 5: the final stage of the sixth scenario is a continuous chain of enemy apparitions caused by the previous action: whether you open a chest or defeat an enemy, always expect something to happen. Kefka is the Villain who closes the scenario. It is very slow and its attacks are easily avoidable, with the exception perhaps of the Magic Arrow.
Destiny Odyssey VII: Cloud Strife
Knowing the attractiveness of the character, Cloud's scenario is designed as a sort of tutorial, excellent as a first taste of the game.
Stage 1: the easiest stage of the game, nothing to say. Do not leave the Buster Sword inside the chest where it is hidden.
Stage 2: stage all in all quiet, the Mid-Bosses appear, but their danger is calibrated on the ease of the scenario. One of the speakers on the stage is a Bronze Bangle.
Stage 3: Barriers also appear, but you won't have to try too hard to figure out how to break them down, just defeat nearby enemies. Firion, the first villain of the scenario, is no exception in terms of simplicity. Its attacks are predictable, leaving you even the possibility to decide whether to dodge or parry them: in both cases you will have the opponent at your mercy for some time.
Stage 4: not much to say. The internship is quite long, but you will not encounter anything that can really get you in trouble. The barriers always go down taking down enemies, while the crates hide a Leather Armor and a Bronze Helmet.
Stage 5: Sephirot is the Villain of the end of the scenario, and his biggest flaw is that he has very similar characteristics to your Cloud. They are both fast and have no ranged attacks, so the fight must be on an equal footing for both. Try to understand early the timing of the enemy's attacks, and use this knowledge to your advantage. Stop Sephirot charging as long as you can, as once his attack is released, he cannot dodge or parry.
Destiny Odyssey VII: Squall Leonhart
Squall's scenario is one of the most unpredictable: simple actions like opening a chest or killing an enemy result in other enemies appearing elsewhere on the stage. Also, all stage exits are blocked by barriers, so another difficulty is finding out which enemy is the right one to kill in order to proceed.
Stage 1: several enemies, but the one to defeat to get out is right in front of the barrier.
Stage 2: the barrier at the end of the level is knocked down by defeating the Mid-Boss in the central part of the same.
Stage 3: two barriers, and the enemies to break down to open them are far from them. Defeat the enemy near the barrier on the left to open the one on the right. Before exiting the stage you will have to defeat Kuja. Luckily for you, he's a very easy villain. The dodge, which by now you will have understood to be one of the most effective moves in the game, solves every problem against him.
Stage 4: this area is not particularly long in itself, but the continuous generation of enemies will cause you some headaches. Furthermore, even in this stage you will have to kill a Villain to be able to move on to the next. Warrior of Light however is an easy opponent: the length of his attack animation is a weak point that will cost him dearly.
Stage 5: the apotheosis of the apparitions. An initially deserted stage is populated with enemies at every turn. Don't be discouraged, at least the final clash with Ultimecia does not hold great surprises. It's still the same, long range attacks, pretty harmless if you don't bump into it while trying to get close to carry out an attack.

Destiny Odyssey IX: Zidane Tribal
The scenario of Zidane is one of the most enjoyable, both for the variety of fights, and for the difficulty that is maintained at medium levels, without too complicated challenges, with the exception of Garland, or walks without bite.
Stage 1: two areas connected by a sort of corridor. Killing the enemy at the beginning of the passage causes another to appear at the end.
Stage 2: in this scenario we start strongly from the first stages. Two Mid-Bosses, one of which ambushes you. And as if Kefka weren't enough to defeat to get out. At least spells and uppercuts aren't a problem given your speed.
Stage 3: the internship is not very complicated, although it is not one of the easiest either. But the fight with Garland is one of the toughest battles in the entire game. His attacks cannot be parried, long or short, he always has one available to reach you and their effects are remarkable. Jump as hard as you can and land a punch as soon as you see the crack. It will probably take more than one attempt to win.
Stage 4: to equalize the difficulty of the previous stage here is one without major complications, except for the ambush of the Mid-Boss towards the end.
Stage 5: Kuja is no more difficult villain to take down than the third scenario's Garland. But it should not be underestimated. His spells vary in effectiveness depending on the distance. While they can be devastating from a distance, up close they are easy to avoid, providing space for counterattack.
Destiny Odissey X: Tidus
Throughout this scenario you can rest assured: no enemy will appear treacherously to you when opening a chest, or after killing the most harmless of the enemies. For once you just have to go straight and slaughter everything you come across. Since it is enough for you to advance, kill and collect all the objects of the scenario, only the two Villains need further investigation.
Stage 3: the most powerful weapons of Emperor are basically three. Levitating spheres that explode when you get too close; Magic Arrow and fireballs, effective at medium range; a devastating attack, consisting of a meteor that hurls itself at you at high speed, but which requires a long charge time. Also in this case it is good to nip it in the bud, because once the meteorite attack is launched it is not avoidable.
Stage 5: Jecht is to Tidus what Sephirot was to Cloud. Both share a fairly similar style, although luckily for you, Tidus's sword attacks take considerably longer than yours. Furthermore, his attacks tend to be quite linear, in the strictest sense of the word: he will always attack in a straight line, leaving you room to dodge and sink shots. However, when he's holding the meteor in his hand, it's time to stay away from him.
Shade Impulse: Chapter I
The real challenge of the game starts now, the previous ten chapters were just a starter. The hero under your control is no longer a forced choice depending on the scenario, but is freely selectable from those previously used. Of course, this implies that the strategy for facing each fight will vary depending on the character you are using. As a partial limitation of the difficulty, the behavior of the bosses at the end of the scenario in this new section is quite similar to what they have held in the ten previous chapters.
Another positive note is given by the fact that the stages incorporate the peculiar characteristics of some of those already addressed in Destiny Odyssey.
In this first chapter you find yourself facing Exdeath, as the final Villain; Read above the Destiny Odyssey stages in which it appears to know the characteristics of the battle.
Shade Impulse: Chapter II
The difficulty increases exponentially. Chest, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez and Emperor are the four Villains that you will have to face at the end of the stages. Read above for guidelines, but consider that they will now be much tougher than before.
Shade Impulse: Chapter III
The difficulty skyrockets. Don't be fooled by the lack of Villain in the first four stages. Even the simple Bosses will make you sweat the proverbial seven shirts. And Garland at the end of the fifth will be so annoying as to make you thank the lack of Villain in the previous stages.
Shade Impulse: Chapter IV
The final scenario has only two stages. But at the end of the second, one of the toughest clashes that your gamer career has ever offered you awaits you. Chaos is the personification of evil. And if the myriad of attacks at his disposal weren't enough, he'll get up twice after you defeat him. Only the third death will represent the final one, and the end of the game.
To complicate matters, the place to face the fight is a sort of small island where the space for dodging is reduced to a minimum.
Furthermore, in the second part of the fight, Chaos will start using the Shinryu summon. With Leviathan you can try to counter it. But the increase in his stats is truly remarkable, and an already complicated confrontation reaches the limit of impossibility.
Unfortunately, even for this fight only the general rules apply: learn the timing of his attacks, always stay on the move, especially when he disappears, and don't let him collect EX Core.
At the end of the battle your heroes greet you and you will have finished Dissidia: Final Fantasy.

- psp
Exit date: 4 September 2009