Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game. There may be divergences from the Spanish version. The solution includes only the puzzles needed to complete the main storyline.
Prologo - Airship's Destination
Move down three times, then right towards the gas station. Then one up, one to the right, one up, then left to the second station. So up, right, right, to the last filling station. To complete the puzzle, go down three times, then left to the final destination.
Capitolo 1: Frozen in Time
After the short tutorial, head to Slippery Street.
Slippery Street
After another short tutorial, click on the wooden signal to retrieve the associated signal, which you will need for the following challenges. Then click on the stalactite that "hangs" from the building, recovering the coin. Then click on the chimney on the building on the left, then on the sign in the center of the building. Then examine the snow pile in the lower left to get the last signal. Talk to the girl visible nearby, First.
Puzzle 002 - A Glacial Gift
The correct answer is "zero".
So examine the "hanging" part of the street lights in the area.
Puzzle 003 - Lighten Up
There are two rules for placing lights on "diamonds": 1. Place only one lantern on each street; 2. The rays of the same color DON'T they must cross. Yellow lights: place one in the lower right, a second in the first slot at the top right, a third in the middle slot on the far left. Moving on to the viola, place one in the second slot from the left, in the second row. A second in the far left slot, third row from the bottom. There will remain only one free slot, where you will have to place the green lantern. Back on the map, proceed to the next area.
Snow Coach Stop
Examine the clock tower, obtaining the tower pendulum. Examine the skis on the right, retrieving a pair of skis. Examine the sign above the skis, then the snow man's hat. Click on the building window in the lower left corner, recovering the coin. Examine the chimney of the building in the upper right, obtaining the fourth Puzzle.
Puzzle 004 - Similar Snowflakes
The solution is "C".
Talk to the guy in the middle of the road who will bring you a message from Sycamore, telling you that he is inside the large cave to the north. Go back to the map and click on the arrow to head to the area.
Ice Cave Front
Examine the entrance to the cave. You will not be able to enter. Before going back, examine the snowman. Talk to Prima and Donna.
Puzzle 005 - Embroidery Enigma
The tree should be placed on the bottom left, the snowflake on the top left, the glove on the top right and the snowman on the bottom right.
Zoom in on the building on the right, where Mascha is located. Examine the sign indicating "Hot Spring". Examine the rocks on the right. Talk to Mascha. Head to Slipper Street, grab the glove from the snowman, and return to the cave. Examine the puppet in front of the cave to gain access to the ice cave.
Ice cave
Examine the sleeping bag. Zoom in on the mystery girl by clicking on it.
Puzzle 006 - Frozen in Time
First row: hit the second pipe three times, and leave the others alone. Second row: hit the first pipe twice, once the second pipe, three times the third pipe, once the fourth, forget the last one. Third row: hit the first pipe once, forget the others. Fourth row: hit the first pipe once, the second twice, the third once, the fourth twice, the fifth three times.
Return to Bostonius. You will be stopped by a guy.
Puzzle 007 - Mutiny!
Move the pirates like this: the pirate on the far right will jump to the left. Far left pirate will jump all the way to the right. Pirate on the left will jump to the left. The sailor will jump to the right. The sailor in the center will jump to the left. The pirate on the far right will jump to the left. The sailor will jump all the way to the right.
Retrieved Cinderella's jacket, return to Bostonius. Talk to Harald.
Puzzle 008 - Reggie's Slidy Ride
Move the red turtle to the left. Move the green turtle down. Throw the ice block down into the hole so you can move the big turtle to the right. Then move the red turtle down.
Get on the Bostonius. After a short cutscene, you will find yourself on the enemy ship.
Cargo Hold
Examine the hook, making it move. So look at the back door to locate the next Puzzle.
Puzzle 009 - Dial Trial
Turn yellow 1/4 turn clockwise, white 1/4 turn counterclockwise.
Head to the area that will be unlocked. Talk to Macaw.
Puzzle 010 - Funky Hooks
Twice to the right, twice down, then quickly proceed to the lower right corner. From here, once to the top, then once down and twice to the left. Twice up, therefore right.
Examine the control panel, causing the crane to move. Examine the area below, then the oil containers on the left.
Puzzle 011 - A Laborious Litre
Fill the left container, then use the right arrow to transfer the contents. Fill the left again, repeating the procedure. You will get seven liters of content in the left container. Empty the right bin, then start the transfer again. Fill the left container, transfer it to get five liters, empty the right container, repeat the procedure until there is only one liter left in the left container.
Return to the map to complete the chapter.
Footage - American Launch Trailer
Capitolo 2: The Mysterious Girl
Examine the root to the left of the squirrel, obtaining the forest root as a mystery object. Talk to the squirrel to get a puzzle.
Puzzle 012 - Squirrel Snacks
The answer will be "A" and "D".
Observe the skit, examine the mystery of Siren Lake, now visible in your inventory.
Examine the ruins of the boat on the left. Talk to Igor, next to them. Examine the clock in the center of the play area. Talk to the purple-haired girl.
Puzzle 013 - Pretty Paper Petals
Starting from the petals all the way out and proceeding clockwise, with the "11 o'clock" position as the starting position.
Outer ring: blue, purple, purple, red, yellow, blue.
Second ring: red, blue, yellow, blue, purple, yellow.
Third ring: red, purple, red.
Fourth ring: completely blue.
Center: purple, red, yellow.
Talk to Moos. Zoom in on the station, locating Aldus. Examine the locomotive wheel to retrieve the associated item. Talk to Aldus, then start "pressing" on the screen whenever you see smoke. Talk to Moos to tell you which direction the girl is moving. Talk to Larisa.
Puzzle 014 - Blooming Flowers
Place the L-shaped object on the five flowers at the bottom left. Place the next L-shaped object on the top left corner. Place the inverted C-shaped object in the lower right corner. Take the cross-shaped object and place it to the left of the C-shaped one. Take the T-shaped object and place it in the upper right corner. Take the object with only two flowers and place it in the space on the right. Take the cross-shaped piece and place it on the left. There will remain only one free slot, where you will have to place the last piece.
Look at the blue fish symbol.
Puzzle 015 - Something Fishy
1. Move the third row to the right once. 2. Move the fourth row to the left, twice. 3. Move the third column up once. 4. Move the second row to the left once. 5. Move the fourth line to the right once.
Go back to the next area marked on the map. Examine the red color signal to get the associated object. Talk to Boris. Back on the map, examine the broken tree in the next play area to the right. Examine the wooden planks on the left.
Puzzle 016 - Give Me a Sign!
Start with the small triangle, placing it in the lower right corner. Take the L-shaped piece, place it in the lower left corner. Take the "deflected" piece, place it to the right of the L-shaped one. Take the pink piece, rotate it so that it points to the upper right area, then place the piece in the upper left corner. Take the piece very similar to the previous one, rotate it to position it as a "mirror", place it in the upper right corner. Take the huge rectangular piece, place it in the space on the far right. Take the medium-sized, rectangular piece, place it in the space on the far left (rotating it). There will remain an L-shaped piece and a small rectangular piece: place them both in the center - the L-shaped piece will have to be placed to the right, the other to the left by turning it slightly.
Examine the hilly area to the right. Talk to Boris for the next Puzzle.
Puzzle 017 - Walking on Water
Left, reaching the island. Up, right. At the crossroads, right, down, left, arriving at the central island. From here, left, up, then right to go back to the girl.
Examine the "high" area of the pillar on the left, retrieving the anchor. Proceed inward, talk to Aurora.
Puzzle 018 - The Celestial King
Mentally divide the circle vertically along the center. Number all the points from one to five, from top to bottom. You must therefore connect the following points: 1. The third-left with the third-right. 2. The first-left with the fourth-right. 3. The fourth-left with the first-right. 4. The second-left with the fifth-left.
Now try to return to the Bostonius, locating the Targents. Talk to Karpin, on the left. Zoom in on the white crates, then zoom out and talk to the Targent agents. Go down to the turtle visible in the water. Talk to the girl named Sonya for the next puzzle.
Puzzle 019 - A Dog of Tiles
- Place two yellow tiles on the left and right sides of the top tile.
- Place another white tile just below the tile in the upper right corner.
- Place a brown tile and have it cover the left side of the tile you just placed.
- Place a white tile so that the top left piece of the brown tile is covered.
- Take a red tile, covering the left side of the white tile you just placed.
- Take a brown tile, covering the left side of the red square.
- Place a white square in the upper left corner.
- Take two white tiles and place them in the lower left corner and the one immediately above.
- Take a brown tile and place it in such a way that only the upper right part of the red tile is visible. Place another (brown) tile just below that.
- Place a white square in the lower right corner. Cover the top left corner with a brown tile.
- The last white piece must be placed at the bottom, making it cover the two squares in the center of the brown row.
Talk to Dariya.
Puzzle 020 - Boat to Boat
Jump to the blue boat, then four times to the right, jump to the purple boat. Twice left, jump on the red boat. Twice left, jump onto the blue boat. Three times to the right, jump onto the orange boat. Twice left, jump onto the purple boat. Once right, jump onto the blue boat. Right again to the port.
Talk to Igor.
Puzzle 021 - Fishing Friends
The solution is "C".
Go back to the Bostonius and talk to Sycamore.
Capitolo 3 - A Day Out in London
Retrieve the green apple from the table. Examine the chest at the top of the bookcase, then the glass case next to it.
Puzzle 022 - Hose Help?
The solution is "B".
Go back to the map, proceed to the outside of the university. Talk to Grosky. Examine the bush in front of the university, recovering the coin. Talk to Delmona.
Puzzle 023 - Choc-Full
You will need to do the following:
- Draw a straight line along the three columns, starting from the one on the left.
- There will be two people left. Connect the two chocolates that remain in the top row together, then connect the square on the right.
- Connect the three remaining chocolates together.
Examine the bus stop with your magnifying glass. Head towards Kensington. Talk to Brenda.
Puzzle 024 - Mutual Meeting Place
Choose D. Proceed to the left one "step", thus selecting the stop immediately northwest.

Activate the map and head to the museum. Retrieve the bracelet from the bench on the right. Talk to Aurora, then to the policeman in front of the museum door.
Puzzle 025 - Cracking Combinations
The solution is "30".
Head to the High Street, enter the Boutique to buy a new dress for Aurora. Follow Grosky towards Raven's path, then observing the cutscene. Examine the fan for the grease-filled fan. Examine the black cat nearby.
Puzzle 026 - Copy Cats
1. Press "down" three times, so that the two cats are positioned on opposite corners. 2. Take "right" twice. 3. Press "up" twice. 4. Press "right" once to make the cats go home.
Use the bus to travel to the Aerodrome. Examine the weather receiver in the upper right corner of the screen. So try to climb into the Bostonious, locating Grandma R. Talk to her. So go up and talk to Raymond, then to Sycamore. Return to the Airfield to locate Grosky and his sister Amelie. Talk to them.
Puzzle 027 - A Heart of Tiles
1. Place a white brick in the upper left corner. 2. Place a red brick to the right of the white so that the columns in the center and right overlap. 3. Make the left and right columns "mirror". 4. Place a white tile in the center. 5. Place a red tile in the center at the bottom. 6. Place two white tiles in the lower left and lower right. 7. Along the left side, place a red tile on the row just below the top row, repeating the procedure on the right side as well. 8. Locate the center of the screen, then move to the left one line, placing the red tile exactly in that area. 9. Repeat the procedure, but this time moving one line to the right. 10. From the center of the screen, move one line down, placing a red tile to complete the puzzle.
Go back to the university, to Layon's office. Talk to Delmona.
Puzzle 028 - Directing a Delivery
Associate the right turn with the cat. Associate the left turn with the bear. Associate going straight to the rabbit. Associate "passing" a square with the elephant.
Return to Kensington, heading towards "Raven's Way". Talk to the policeman.
Puzzle 029 - Carriages of Justice
The solution is "five".
Hop on the bus to proceed to Scotland Yard. Do not enter: instead go back to the Aerodrome and get on the Bostonius. Talk to Raymond.
Puzzle 030 - Airship's Destination 2
Right twice, down twice to the first station. Left, up, left, down to the second station. Down, right twice towards the third station. Right twice, up twice towards the last station. Up, left, down to complete the puzzle.
Return to Scotland Yard, repeatedly pressing the clock tower to get the corresponding item. Talk to the woman in front of the entrance, getting a puzzle.
Puzzle 031 - For the Heart!
Locate the column with the buttons on the far right, there will be four buttons there. From the second from the top, look to the left, locating a star-shaped pattern. Press all buttons, then use "Submit" to open the chest and complete the puzzle.
Go back to the station, talk to the cop to proceed to Bloom's office. Pick up the phone from the table. Examine the cabinet under the bookcase on the right. Talk to Bloom to proceed to the archives. Examine the box at the top of the bookcase on the far left. So examine the group of books on the ground near the bookcase (on the left) to retrieve the last puzzle.
Puzzle 032 - Bibliofiling
1. Start with the series of four books, placing the first in the row with six books inside.
2. The second red group should be placed in the far right column.
3. The last red group should be placed in the second row from the top, in the columns marked 3, 5, 2, 1.
4. Moving on to the blue books, place the first one in column 5, between the two red groups.
5. The second group of blue books should be placed in the top row, in the two columns "3".
6. The last group of blue books should be placed in the second column from the right.
7. Turning to green papers, place one in column "5".
8. The second green book should be placed in column "3", to the right of the blue book and below the red.
9. The last green book should be placed in the first column "3", above the red book.
Talk to Luke and Emmy. Zoom in to the area to the right of the ladder. Examine the basket, retrieving the papers from the floor. Go back to the university, talk to Brenda.
Puzzle 033 - Shopping Spree
Starting with the potato, go right, down, down, right, to the banana. So right, up, up, left, getting to the meat. So right, right, down, down, until you complete the puzzle.
Jump on the bus to proceed towards Kensington, meeting Dariya. Then talk to Hanna to complete the puzzle.
Puzzle 034 - The Future Awaits
The answer is "90 seconds".
Head to the museum, talk to the policeman to enter. Examine the plaque in front of the T-Rex, retrieving the coin. Examine the railing on the right, then the arrow to the right of the cop. Examine the plane near the prototype. Talk to the two cops, getting a chance to zoom in to the room on the left. Examine the two statues in the room, then talk to Clark.
Puzzle 035 - Fake Fragments
There are two false fragments: 1. A fragment with an associated vertical line and a tree immediately to the right. 2. A fragment that looks like a fish.
Collect the Angel's wings to complete the Puzzle. Talk to Clark to start a mini-game. Once this is done, proceed to Scotland Yard. Talk to the policeman on the left and get a puzzle to solve.
Puzzle 102 - Troubled Waters 3
1. Place the sandy shard in the lower right corner. 2. Rotate the truck piece so that it stands vertically. 3. Rotate the green tube and place it along the right side. 4. Place the gray piece in the center, to the left of the sandy piece. 5. Place the red / orange piece along the left side (place it just above the blue truck). 6. Next to the previous piece, place the yellow fragment. 7. Insert the remaining piece to complete the puzzle.
Talk to the policeman in front of the door. To proceed, you must have solved at least 25 puzzles. Go inside and talk to Grosky. Continue to Bloom's office. Talk to Bloom, observing the next cutscene. Talk to Lucile and Roland, enter the Bostonious to complete the chapter.
Chapter 4 - The Hunt for the Eggs - Part One
Repeatedly tap the screen above the captain's chair, then tap on the target to be taken to the area. So talk to Sycamore.
Puzzle 036 - Fuel's Errand
1. Move the long horizontal piece to the upper left corner. 2. Move the long vertical piece to the far left area. 3. Take one of the two horizontal pipes, not connected to each other, and connect them immediately to the right of the first. 4. Take another of the horizontal pipes and place it to the right of the previous one, making sure that the "high" part connects directly to the "low" part. 5. Take the 7-shaped piece and place it in the upper right corner. 6. Take the L-shaped piece facing back, with one section facing down and place it in the lower right corner. 8. The other 7-shaped piece should be placed under the long horizontal piece. 9. The last two pieces must be placed in the remaining areas.
Grab the dress, proceed towards Froenborg, going down to the south gate. Zoom in on the igloo, retrieving the scarves collection from the wooden crate.
Puzzle 038 - A Royal Burden
The solution is "18".
Head to Snow Coach in Froneborg, talk to Prima.
Puzzle 039 - Strawberry Sharer
Plate A: 8 strawberries. Plate B: 9 strawberries. Plate C: 3 strawberries. Plate D: 4 strawberries.
Read the article called "Snowman Seen Dancing at Night". Talk to Mascha. Return to the ship and fly to Kohd, stopping at Lakeside Forest. Talk to Hazel to get a Puzzle.
Puzzle 040 - Acorn Allocation
1. The top squirrel will proceed diagonally from the top left to the bottom right area.
2. The central squirrel will proceed from 6, to 4, then 7, 2, 7.
3. The bottom squirrel will move diagonally from the lower left area to the upper right area (8,6,2,2,8).
Continue to Kodh Station and talk to Moos.
Puzzle 041 - Shunting into Sidings
1. Move the motor to the left, engaging the two carriages. 2. Move the trolleys up, aligning them with the previously "static" ones, then detach the others. 3. Move the motor clockwise to the opposite side, hooking them so that its rear is connected to both carriages. 4. Press the switch to swap the joints, then move the whole clockwise to the top rails.
Go back to the boat, read the article "A Prehistoric Visitor?". Go talk to Boris near the "crossing" of the level. Enter his room, examine the ship's wheel, getting some collectibles. So retrieve Boris's boots, and then leave Kodh. You will now have to head towards London, or rather, Scotland Yard. Enter the reception and talk to the policeman.
Puzzle 043 - A String of Jewels
First divide the space into rows and columns. On the second row, second column you will find a thief. On the second row, fourth column you will find a jewel. On the fourth row, first column you will find a jewel. On the fourth row, sixth column you will find a jewel. On the fifth row, fourth column you will find a jewel. On the fifth row, seventh column you will find a thief. Finally, on the sixth row, fifth column you will find a thief.
Talk to the man in the blue suit.
Puzzle 044 - Staged Silhouettes
The solution is "C".
Collect the purple mushroom at the bottom right. Talk to the lady in front of the cauldron to retrieve a Puzzle.
Puzzle 045 - Piglet Racing
Place 2 and 4 in the slots on the right. Place 1 and 2 in the slots on the left. Place 5 and 3 to the left of 4. Place 3 and 4 in the corresponding slots to complete the work.
Examine the man you met at the entrance to the village. After the cutscene, talk to Blewitt too. Go back to the square and talk to Amanita. Examine the object on the right, retrieving the insect from the leaf. Talk to the girl nearby to get a Puzzle.
Puzzle 047 - Fowl Food
Apple: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Orange: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Examine the upper left tree to retrieve the ladybug-atlas. Examine the black spot on the ground, then the red flowers nearby. Go back to the previous area and enter the chief's house. Examine the bananas by retrieving the coin. Examine the brown bag, just above the cluster of mushrooms, to gain access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 048 - Acorn Allocation 2
Top squirrel: 2, 3, 5, 4, 2. Middle squirrel: 7, 4, 5, 4, 5. Bottom squirrel: 6, 4, 5, 7, 3.
Talk to Lepidella, then go back one area, heading towards the village square and examining the large mushroom on the right. Continue to the bridge and talk to Amanita. So talk to Button. Talk to Amanita again.
Puzzle 051 - Baby Boar Racing
Move right 5 and 4. Move left 3 and 1. Move left 1 and 5. Move left 5 and 2. Move right 3 and 5. Move left 2 and 4.
Head to the Jungle Falls, an area you unlocked earlier. Examine the lower part of the tree on the right to get a Puzzle.
Puzzle 052 - An Epic Quest
1. Move the piece up, left, down, right. 2. Bottom, right, top, left. 3. Top, left, bottom, bottom. 4. Right, top, top, left. 5. Low, low, low, left. 6. Top, right, bottom, left. 7. Top, top, right, bottom. 8. Bottom, left, top, right. 9. Right, bottom, left, top. 10. Right, down, open the chest.
Examine the rock at the top of the waterfall, stopping the flow. Enter the cave of stalactites. Examine the bats and frogs in the area. Exit the cave and locate Chelmey and Amelie, talk to Amelie to retrieve a Puzzle.
Puzzle 053 - The Domino Effect
You will need to point to the huge stone in the upper right corner.
During the next short "Puzzle", you will have to clean up the leftmost object of the top row, cut the fourth object of the top row, then paste the second object of the bottom row. Retrieve the egg, return to Bostonius and fly to the island to proceed with the story.
Head to the first area, examining the bottle on the ground. Examine the crab on the right, then retrieve the hat from the beach. Examine the boat with the green sail.
Puzzle 054 - A Trio of Trouble
The solution is: boat 2, 3, 6.
Talk to Martine to gain access to a new play area. Examine the flowers on the balcony for a sunflower. Talk to Miranda to get a Puzzle.
Puzzle 055 - Very Specific Scoops
The solution is D at the bottom, B at the center, A at the top.
Examine the yellow placeholder to gain access to a new Puzzle.
Puzzle 056 - Give Me a Sign! 2
1. Place the triangle at the top right. 2. Place the long rectangular piece on the top left. 3. Place the huge rectangle towards the top, to the right of the last piece. 5. Locate the yellow triangle at the top, take the rectangle with the corner facing down, placing it to the right of the previous piece. 6. Take the rectangular piece with the curved sides, place it so that the lower part of the previous piece is in the center of the "high" part. 7. The rectangular piece with a "cut" that section will need to be rotated so that the cut is on top and placed on the ground in the center. 8. The red rectangular piece must be positioned on the right, under the triangle. 9. Under the previous piece you will have to place the small rectangular piece. 10. Pick up the orange L-shaped fragment, rotate it to place it in the lower left corner. 11. Take the other L-shaped piece, placing it in the slot freed from the previous piece. 12. Take the S-shaped piece, rotate it so that the shorter part is at the bottom, and place it at the bottom right. 13. Only two curved pieces will remain: place them in the corners in the center of the puzzle.
Go back to the market and talk to the boy with glasses (Bud) to get access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 057 - A Boatload of Trouble
We will provide the solution by indicating the number of logs to be placed in each box of each row.
Prima riga: 1-2-2-1-1-3.
Seconda riga: 1-3-4-2-5-5.
Terza riga: 5-3-1-2-4-1.
Quarta riga: 3-1-2-1-4-3.
Examine the bridge for a new item. Head to Bud's bar, catching up on the drink and fish platter. Then go back one area, meeting the agents again. Head north.
Puzzle 058 - Nose to Nose
You will need to make the following moves: 1. Green ball to the right. 2. Orange ball to the right. 3. Red ball to the left. 4. Green ball to the left. 5. Orange ball to the right. 6. Blue ball to the right. 7. Red ball to the left. 8. Green ball to the left. 9. Blue ball to the right. 10. Orange ball to the left.
Examine the tree to access a new Puzzle.
Puzzle 060 - Boat to Boat 2
1. Right, get on the purple boat. 2. Left, get on the blue boat, then the orange one. 3. Wake up twice, returning to the blue boat. 4. Left five times, getting into the orange boat, then onto the red one. 5. Three times to the right, getting into the orange boat. 6. Once left, getting on the purple boat, then three times right.
Retrieve the bananas from the tree, and also examine the waterfall. Talk to Martine, then to Robin and Macaw. Enter the nearby hotel. Talk to Amelie.
Puzzle 059 - Lovely Pairs
The solution is: G's partner is D, and they found themselves near the prairie.
Exit the hotel and proceed towards the walkway, where you can talk to Miranda. So go to the market. The answers to the questions should be as follows: 1. Answer 3; 2. Answer 2; 3. Answer 1. You will therefore have to determine the order of passage of the egg, which must be: Martine-> Javier-> Miranda-> Amelie-> Bud.
Go back to the grill area, talk to Bud. Go back to the hotel and talk to Martine.
Puzzle 061 - Be My Guest
The solution is "25 people remained on 24".
Go to the beach and talk to Javier.
Puzzle 062 - Nose to Nose 2
1. Green ball to the left. 2. Purple ball to the left. 3. Red ball to the right. 4. Orange ball to the right. 5. Blue ball to the right. 6. Green ball to the left. 7. Purple ball to the left. 8. Red ball to the left. 9. Orange ball to the right. 10. Blue ball to the right. 11. Green ball to the right. 12. Purple ball to the left. 12. Red ball to the left. 13. Orange ball to the left. 14. Blue ball to the right.
Return to Bostonius and head for the desert. You will also need to read all the articles in the World Times.
Capitolo 4 - The Hunt of the Eggs - Deserto
Head to Torrid Outskirts. Examine the cactus on the far right. Talk to Jesse, the only person in the area. Go back to the Outskirts, examine the horse on the left.
Puzzle 063 - Horsing Around
The solution is "The E tree".
Go back to Main Street, click on the lamp just above the blacksmith station to get access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 064 - Thick As Thieves
After each action, you will have to drop the block. 1. Move the carriage one space to the right. 2. Move the carriage two spaces to the left. 3. Move the carriage one space to the left. 4. Move the carriage three spaces to the right. 5. Move the carriage three spaces to the left. 6. Move the carriage two spaces to the right. 7. Move the carriage two spaces to the right. 8. Move the carriage three spaces to the left.
Talk to Jessie. Examine the stove on the left. So recover both the foam tank and the toast. Talk to the man in the center of the room to gain access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 065 - Cards on the Table
Flip the card with the sticks to find the diamond.
Examine the river bed, finding both a stone and a ladybug. Talk to Flint.
Puzzle 066 - Flying the Coop
The solution is "A".
Head to the abandoned mine, examining the mine cart to retrieve the item. Zoom in on the waterfall on the right. Examine the rock formation and retrieve the skull of the roe deer on the ground. Exit the cave, returning to Flint. Go back to the Torrid Outskirts and talk to Dariya.
Puzzle 067 - A Feathered Apple
1. Move the yellow to the right. 2. Move the pink to the right and up. 3. Move the yellow up. 4. Move the blue to the right. 5. Move the dark blue down and to the right. 6. Move the orange down and left. 7. Move the green down. 8. Move the red left and up. 9. Move the "middle" blue up, right, up. 10. Move the green up and left. 11. Move the orange right, up, right. 12. Move the green to the right.
Talk to Derringer, then head to the hall, where the girl you are looking for is. Talk to her.
Puzzle 068 - Burger Building
1. Move the egg over the bacon. 2. Move the egg over the hamburger. 3. Move the tomato over the lettuce. 4. Move the cheese over the tomato. 5. Move the egg over the cheese.
Go back to the mine and talk to Old Red. So go to Ruby's house.

Examine the floor for a fair amount of useful items. Examine the dark blue vase visible at the top left.
Puzzle 069 - Bibliofiling 2
1. The first red book should be placed in the second row from the top, in columns 5, 2, 3, 3.
2. The second red book must be placed in the third row from the bottom, in columns 3, 3, 2, 1.
3. The last group of red books should be placed vertically in the fifth column.
4. Blue books: place one in the fourth column, in rows 5, 3.
5. Still blue books, place it in the second row from the bottom, far left.
6. More blue books, place it in the second row from the bottom, in columns 3, 2.
7. The first green book should be placed above the blue books, in the fourth column.
8. The next in the fourth column from the right, between the two red books.
9. The following in the bottom row, to the right of the red book.
Examine the picture, talk to Ruby.
Puzzle 070 - A Knightly Trial
The solution is "44".
Return to Old Red and retrieve an egg. Go back to Ruby, talk to Scarlett.
Puzzle 071 - Burger Building 2
1. Move the burger over the lettuce. 2. Move the cheese over the burger. 3. Move the tomato over the egg. 4 Move the tomato over the bacon. 5. Move the tomato over the cheese. 6. Move the tomato over the lettuce. 7. Move the tomato over the burger to finish. Fly to Hillside.
Examine the brown rabbit, visible at the bottom right, to start the puzzle.
Puzzle 072 - Bemused Bunnies
1. Swap the lower left panel with the upper right panel. 2. Swap the lower right panel with the upper left panel.
Talk to the man nearby, who will talk about a wedding. Continue to the next area, recovering the golden ocarina near the wooden bench and the floral arch nearby. Talk to Piet to start a puzzle.
Puzzle 073 - Counting Sheep
The solution is 394.
Head to the chapel, recovering the mill full of holes. Talk to Sheppard, go back to the windy area and talk to Beatrix.
Puzzle 074 - Pampering Your Pets
The solution is: A receives the ice cream, B receives the cake, C receives the chocolate, D receives the cake.
Press the sign to get additional items.
Puzzle 075 - Golden Butterfly
Mix two parts of pineapple, one part of apple and two parts of blueberry to get the right combination.
Talk to Julien. Proceed along the windy area, talk to Rik. Go back to the chapel, talk to Sheppard. Talk to Piet and Beatrix. Go back to Julien and enter the windmill. Examine the gear next to the oven, then the white wheels on top. Look at the radio above.
Puzzle 076 - Troubled Waters
1. Take the lower right piece, turning it to create a sort of backward F. Place it in the lower right corner.
2. Take the L-shaped piece backwards and rotate it to make it look like a 7, then place it in the upper right corner.
3. Rotate the piece of sandy color and place it in the lower left corner.
4. Position the concrete piece vertically, placing it in the upper left corner.
5. Place the dark piece of wood next to the 7-shaped piece.
6. Rotate and place the last piece to complete the puzzle.
Talk to Julien, proceed to the outside, talk to him again to have access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 077 - Fruits and Fungi
1. Right twice, on once, take the first strawberry. 2. Right twice, down once, take the second strawberry. 3. Left, down, right, take the third strawberry. 4. Up, right twice, take the fourth strawberry. 5. Up, right twice, take the fifth strawberry.
Examine the boulders nearby, "pressing" them one by one to move them. Enter the chapel, then examine the arrow-shaped rock in the center. Also examine the rock in the lower left corner. Talk to Romilda, examine the altar.
Puzzle 078 - All Under Control
Use the cylinder at the top, completely "exposed" as a grip. Then press the second button on the right.
Collect the egg, then return to the Bostonius to proceed to the fortified city.
Video - Japanese TV Spot
Capitolo 4 - The Hunt of the Eggs - Walled City
Examine the door on the far right, gaining access to the next area. Examine the roof on the left, then the window near the chimney, then the phoenix statue. Go back to the city portal and talk to Umid. Go visit Umid's house, then go back to Phoenix Square and talk to Temir.
Puzzle 079 - Snake Squeezing x10
1. Remove all snakes from the pot, placing the longest one in such a way that one of its sides is "adjacent" to the upper left corner.
2. Place the light green snake at the bottom, the head placed at the bottom left.
3. Take the orange snake, place it on top of the light green one, placing its head in the lower right corner.
4. The pink snake will need to be placed in the space along the left side.
5. The green snake should be placed in the small space at the top, above the longest snake.
6. Take the pink snake and place it so that its head is wedged in the upper left space.
7. Place the yellow snake under the pink one.
8. Now, the blue snake's tail should be exactly "opposite" to the pink snake's.
9. There will be only two snakes left, to be placed in the corresponding empty areas.
Examine the insect in the upper right corner to access a puzzle.
Puzzle 080 - Golden Butterfly 2
Mix two oranges, two melons and one water.
Examine the top of the tower. Talk to the bird, then return to the city and talk to Temir. Talk to Mehri.
Puzzle 081 - Moonlight, Starlight
The moon symbol is placed in the bottom panel.
Examine the tree on the right to gain access to a new Puzzle.
Puzzle 082 - Walking on Water 2
1. Left, climbing on the ice at the top. 2. Right, climbing on the ice below. 3. Go back to the "top" ice, then twice left. 4. Down, left, down, right to the ice, then all the way to the right. 5. Climb onto the ice above you, then continue to the island on the right. 6. Go back to the ice on the left.
Head to the Mosinnia temple. Examine the stone with the face to retrieve the associated mystery object, then the column next to you. Talk to Dana, examine the blue stone, then zoom in on the mural. Examine the sun on the left, then the one on the right. Go back to the city gates and examine the plaque. Zoom in on the stones near the bridge, examining the second from the right and the fourth from the right. Proceed to the phoenix square, then continue to the city portals and finally talk to Temir to gain access to a puzzle.
Puzzle 083 - Snake Squeezing x11
1. Place the purple snake's tail on the lower right corner. 2. Place the light blue snake under the purple one. 3. Place the white snake so that its mouth faces the lower left corner. 4. Place the green snake so that its central part is facing the tail of the white one. 5. Place the blue snake so that it is adjacent to the green. 6. Place the yellow snake's tail so that it is adjacent to the blue one. 7. Place the orange snake so that its head is adjacent to that of the light blue snake. 8. Place the pink snake so that its mouth is "eating" the yellow snake's tail. 9. There will remain only two free areas, where the remaining snakes will be placed.
Proceed to the temple and talk to Mehri.
Puzzle 084 - Potion Placement
1. The red piece should be placed five steps on the back. 2. The blue piece must be placed six steps from the back door, five from the red potion. 3. The green piece must be placed five steps from the garden door, three from the blue potion. 4. The purple piece should be placed four steps from the garden door, and three steps from the red potion.
Head to the Mosinnia Forest and examine the horned owl. Head to the phoenix's lair. Examine the portal to access a Puzzle.
Puzzle 085 - The Phoenix Wakes
1. Place the piece with 2 dots on the far left.
2. Place the piece with 4 dots on the far right.
3. Place the 8-dot piece to the right of the 6-dot piece.
4. Place the 7-dot piece to the right of the 5-dot piece.
5. Place the piece with 3 dots in the center-left.
6. Place the piece with 1 dot in the center-right.
Head to Preesha Hill. Observe the cutscenes. Go back to the temple and talk to Dana, retrieving the last egg. Go back to Bostonius and talk to Aurora.
Capitolo 5 - Into the Nest
After the conversation with Aurora, you will be prompted to fly to the "Nest", inside the Targent headquarters.
The Nest
Fly to this area, then proceed to the first area. So retrieve the wheel and the gas tank nearby. Examine the nearby railroad tunnel in the upper left area to retrieve a Puzzle.
Puzzle 113 - Shunting into Sidings 2
1. Move to the lower left corner, press the "fork" button, then try to connect the carriages.
2. Move between the two crossroads at the top, detach the red carriage, move to the upper left area, hit the switch and proceed to the lower left.
3. Press the switch again, continue to the right, where the carriages were previously.
4. Proceed upward, connecting the carriages again, proceeding to where both carriages and the nearby engine are located.
5. Move the motor to the bottom two joints. Press the switch, continue to the top, making sure the carriages are not connected to each other.
6. Press the switch that controls the joint again, moving to the lower left corner.
7. Press the switch again, move to the upper left corner, another switch, then connect the carriages by placing them in their final position.
Move southwest and examine the brown cat visible on the railing.
Puzzle 114 - Copy Cats 2
1. Press twice to the left. 2. Press down three times 3. Press right four times. 4. Press twice to the left. 5. Press upwards three times.
Talk to Mackintosh, then return to the first area. Examine the ship on the right, then continue east. Examine the back door to gain access to a Puzzle.
Puzzle 115 - Dial Trial 2
1. Rotate the inner "wheel" half a turn. 2. Rotate the central "wheel" half a turn. 3. Rotate the outer "wheel" a quarter turn clockwise.
Examine the huge engine nearby, then talk to Macaw.
Puzzle 116 - Funky Hooks 2
1. Right, down, to the lower left corner. 2. Two spaces to the right, one to the up, one to the right. 3. Twice to the top, then right to the edge. 4. Once up, once left, down, right.
Use the control panel to move the motor, then zoom in on the area below. Examine the Jet and retrieve the mystery object, then examine the red barrels on the left.
Puzzle 117 - A Laborious 9 Litres
1. Fill the container on the left, then transfer it to the one on the right. 2. Fill the container on the left again, and transfer everything again. 3.

Empty the container on the right, fill the one on the left and transfer everything again. 4. Fill the container on the left, transfer everything to the right, obtaining 4 units on the left and 8 on the right. 5. Empty the container on the right and fill it on the right to complete the puzzle.
Move to the bridge, then examine the control panel on the left to get the remote. Also examine the red chair in the elevated area, recovering the mystery object. Talk to Mackintosh to return to Bostonius. Exit the ship, then talk to Targent to retrieve a Puzzle.
Puzzle 119 - Jumbled Junctions
The opponent is hidden at the crossroads C.
Head to Wylie Street, talk to Robin to locate the following Puzzle.
Puzzle 118 - Mutiny 2
1. Grab the pirate in the middle of the overhead row, move him to the top right corner, then to the bottom right corner. 2. Take the pirate in the center, on the right column, move him to the upper right corner. 3. Take the piece in the lower right corner, move it to the "empty" area near the right column. 4. Grab the sailor in the upper right, jump over the rest of the pirates.
Head to the obsidian tower. Examine the top of the statue, recovering the flashing red eye. Enter the tower and locate the coins nearby. Also examine the guard on the right.
Puzzle 120 - Snoozysnore's Plan
Throw the first bomb into the center shaft, then the second bomb into the second shaft from the left.
Examine the pillar, then the back door, activating a Puzzle.
Puzzle 121 - Touch Ten Buttons
First line: press the third switch. Second row: press the first, third, fifth switch. Third line: do not press any switches. Fourth row: press the third and fifth switches. Fifth row: press the first, third, fourth, fifth switch.
Talk to the guard on the right to activate a Puzzle.
Puzzle 122 - Snoozysnore Returns!
Throw one bomb through the far right vent, then the next one along the far left vent.
Jump on the elevator and be taken back to the roof, talk to Swift visible in front of the door. You will now have the option to enter Bronev's office. Let Bronev go ahead - you have to make sure that the sum of the coins taken by him and you is always equal to 4. You will get the last egg. Go talk to Aurora.
Puzzle 143 - The Azran Eggs
1. First egg: press either the top right area, or the bottom left corner. 2. Second egg: press the top right area, then the bottom left area, then the center. 3. Third egg: press the counter, then the area in the lower right, then in the upper left. 4. Fourth Egg: Press the top left, bottom left, bottom right, top left area. 5. Fifth egg: move the light up and press; then move it towards the central area of the left side, then center-bottom, and center-right.
Talk to Sycamore. Retrieve the gramophone and the drawing. So press the left button and examine the globe on the far left to activate a puzzle.
Puzzle 142 - X Marks...?
The destination is the blue dot at the top.
Examine the skeleton and observe the following cutscenes as you complete the fifth chapter.
Chapter 6 - The Azran Legacy
Head to the ice cave. Talk to Descole, observing the next cutscenes. Talk to Descole again, then to Luke. Examine the mechanism on the left.
Puzzle 144 - Medal Match-Up
1. Move the silver coin to the "correct" area. 2. Move the metal with a dot to the right. 3. Move the metal with two dots to the correct area. 4. Move the metal with a dot up. 5. Move the metal with three dots to the right. 6. Move the metal with a dot to the correct area.
Continue to the next area, examining the door to gain access to a new Puzzle.
Puzzle 145 - Riddle-Me-Key
1. Take the bottom piece near the second column from the left, placing it on top of the blue piece with the five dots. 2. Take the top piece and the second piece from the top, retrieving them from the second column from the right. 3. Place the "six" below the "four" and the "two" to the right of the "six".
Examine the vase-shaped object on the left. Examine the arc to activate the following puzzle.
Puzzle 146 - Sprint and Switch!
1. Go down, press the switch on the lower left. 2. Right, up at the fork, right reaching the bottom switch, right. 3. Go down, flip the switch in the area, then north to the next. 4. Keep going up, reaching the switch on the top row; left, then top-left to the next switch. 5. Continue to the right, pressing the two switches in the area and the last one in front of the exit.
Examine the lamp on the statues, retrieving the items in the area. Also retrieve the item on the head of the statue on the left. Examine the swords to activate the following Puzzle.
Puzzle 147 - Room of Doom
1. Right, destroy the statue in the bottom row. 2. Right, up, destroy the far right statue in the second row from the top. 3. Go down again, enter the central column, destroy the first statue on the left, then the next one on the left. 4. Left to the edge, destroy the far left statue in the second row from the top, then the one immediately to the right. 5. Destroy the statue in the upper left corner, then proceed all the way to the right, destroying the statue blocking the exit.
Observe the next cutscene. Continue forward, examine the circle on the floor to gain access to the following puzzle.
Puzzle 148 - A Groovy Lever
Press the key on the far right of the top row, twice. Then press the button at the top left, also twice. Press the left button, middle row. Press the button on the far right, top row, again to complete everything.
Examine the bird at the top of the arch in front of you, retrieving the coin. Zoom in on the elevator to start the final chapter.
Finale - The Azran Legacy
Talk to Bronev.
Puzzle 149 - Exit on the Left
1. On three spaces. 2. Left two spaces. 3. Down two spaces, left one space. 4. Down two spaces, left one space. 5. Down one space, left one space. 6. Down one space, left two spaces. 7. On two spaces, one space on the right. 8. On a space, right a space. 9. On two spaces, left one space. 10. On one space, left two spaces. 11. Down one space, left one space. 12. Down one space, right one space. 12 Down two spaces, left one space, on one space to end.
Move to the final chamber, talk to Bronev.
Puzzle 150 - The Azran Legacy
Press the scales in the upper left. Press the harp in the upper right. Press the crossbow and the arrow at the bottom right. Press the hourglass at the bottom left. Press the harp again. When the words appear on the screen, rotate the hourglass 180 degrees.
Video Solution - Playlist
Click here for the playlist!
Video Solution - First Chapter
Video Solution - Second Chapter

- 3ds
Exit date: November 8, 2013