Even the users ni will be able to use the Fleet su Twitter. This is extremely similar to Instagram Stories. Users will be able to create content that, after a specific period of time, disappear.
Le Instagram Stories they are definitely a great way to keep in touch with your own follower. A feature that, over the last few years, has also been included in other software, such as Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp. From today, too Twitter it is added to the list.
The Fleets were tested initially in Brazil and, apparently, the test was successful. This is some content that users can share with their followers. In addition to the simple text, you can also include GIF, photo e video.
In the upper part of the feed principale, users will now find a series of icons, surrounded by a colored outline, in which the profile images of the people followed are placed inside. By clicking on one of these icons you can view the content that will disappear after only 24 hours. It will be possible, as happens on Instagram, reply to the Fleets with a text message or by sending emojis.
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