Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game. There may be divergences from the Spanish version.
Chapter 1 - Part 1
Battle: Griate
The battle will last very little: as soon as Vice's turn comes, he will run towards Canopus and attack. Canopus will block the attack, and the battle will be over immediately. You will immediately move on to the following scene.
America Castle
Battle: Amorika Entrance
Extremely easy battle, as the only character you can control is Denim. The best strategy is to lure the opponents near the Zenobians, so that they go and take care of the elimination of the enemies. Avoid provoking Bepalu: his attack can cause a lot of damage.
Battaglia: America
Again, you will only have control of Denim. Let the Zenobians take care of the elimination of Agres, trying to interfere would only cause trouble. After an interlude, you will come to the next scene.
Tanmas Hill
Battaglia: Tanmas Hill
Most of the enemies can be defeated without using particularly elaborate strategies. One exception: locate the Amazon with a spear. Try to persuade her to join your group; in case it refuses, take it out quickly, hoping to be able to recover its powerful spear.
Battle: Krizar
In case you failed to retrieve the spear during the previous battle, here you can find another enemy equipping it - you need to kill it in order to retrieve it. You will also get the first chance to recruit undead here, we advise you to take it on the fly, as they act as a distraction for your opponents. As for Presance, rescuing him shouldn't prove complicated: he will periodically (and automatically) use Exorcism, destroying all the undead around him, who are the main threat.
Alpha Special Scene: Fort Kadoriga
To access this interlude, you will need to reach For Kadoriga after visiting Krizar, but before heading towards Amorika.
Alpha Battle: Fort Kadoriga
Getting a victory will be elementary, but the battle should be seen more as an opportunity to have access to undead joining your team, rather than a challenge. The only potential problem may be caused by "Incubus", a typical move of ghosts: we therefore recommend eliminating them with the highest priority. After several skits, you will move on to the Gruborza Plains, where the fighting will resume.
Video - Cinematic Trailer
Chapter 1 - Part 2
Gruborza Plains
Battle: Gruborza Plains
Immediately target the soldier in possession of the chain, and take him out first, hoping he releases it - it's very good armor, better than most of the others you can get later. Immediately after that, try to focus on the Cleric, who can use a healing spell: since you can't buy similar spells until the second chapter, you might try to persuade him to join your party.
Battle: Ryumos
Beware of the witch: she can stun your characters (with Stun). You might try to include it in your party, as none of your characters have the magic in question. Almost all the opposing soldiers have the chain, so - if during the previous level you were unable to retrieve it - now is the right time to make it yours.
Fiduc Castle
During the conversation with Belzepho, you can choose one of two options: "Don't start" or "We can't". In this case, there will be no impact on your alignment, so choose according to your personal preference.
Bordo Lakeside
Battle: Lakeside Edge
First of all, we recommend converting the soldier who will try to run away: he is not particularly loyal to his group, so it will be quite easy to convince him to join you. In this way, it will also be easier to convert the Amazon to join your cause: he has the "Matou" weapon, one of the most powerful, at least until the third chapter.
Zodo Marsh
Battle: Zodo Marsh
There is an easy way to finish this battle quickly: attack one of Ganb's griffins; as soon as his HP drops to critical levels, Ganb will retreat to avoid worse damage. The battle will end like this.
Battle: Baramus
Technically very simple combat, given the advantage that is guaranteed to you by the altitude, and by the absence of special equipment for your opponents. Your goal should be to complete the fight with a good HP level, as the next one will be considerably more difficult.
You will therefore have to make the most important decision of the game, during the following dialogue. By choosing "I understand" you will be directed to the Lawful alignment, choosing "No Way!" you will prefer the Chaotic alignment. The battle you will have to face will still be the same.
Battle: Baramus - II
Rather complicated battle, since the altitude advantage has been reversed, in favor of your opponents. The best way to achieve victory without taking excessive damage is to focus all your fire on one character at a time. Almost all enemies have potentially useful equipment, and all will leave their weapons on the ground when killed, so by completing the battle you will be able to greatly enhance your army.
Capitolo 2 - Chaotic
Battle: Ashton
Battle as complicated as the last of the previous chapter. We recommend that you only field your most powerful characters, with a healer alongside them. Also try to keep the healer well away from Aloser. Focus all your attacks on Aloser, thus completing the battle quickly - his elimination also makes the rest of the opponents subject to surrender. In case you are interested in using "Vitalize", we recommend eliminating the opposing Cleric, as it will release it.
Zodo Marsh
Battle: Zapan
Battle that, although not technically complex like the two that precede it, may create some difficulties for you. The characters of the Zapan team move at speed, and almost all of them are equipped with useful weapons to attack you from afar. None of them are equipped with "special" equipment, ie that will be released at the time of departure, so it is preferable to focus all the firepower on Zapan, completing the battle faster.
Bordo Lakeside
Battle: Lakeside Edge
We recommend focusing your assault on one of the enemy archers: he is equipped with a crossbow, which he will release as soon as you have eliminated him, and cannot be bought in any store for now.
Battle: Krizar
Go through all the enemies, but remember to leave as useful the two enemy Knights in possession of Slender, a spear that - for now - you can not buy anywhere. Try to get them to join your forces; in case of failure, take them out and hope they release the spear to the ground.
Fort Kadoriga
Battle: Fort Kadoriga
Here you will have to focus your attention on saving Bryan, who will become indispensable later, in order to include Sisteena in your party. His level is fixed, but that of the enemies is not: the lower the level of your characters, the lower the level of the enemies, and the greater the difference between Bryan and the enemies. A very effective way to save Bryan with certainty is to use all your characters capable of magic to neutralize the Ninja enemies, especially those closest to you, who threaten Bryan the most. Also remember to take out the enemy Cockatrice, as it will release the "Undead" ability, which will allow you to turn one of your high-level wizards into a Lich.
Fort Damsa
Battle: Fort Damsa
Pay attention to the altitude difference between Veldo and his archers and your position: they are located in the upper part of the fortress, so they can attack your characters from a certain distance, a situation that could put Bryan in difficulty, in case you decide to let him proceed. alone.
Fort Bodo
Upon arrival at the fort, you will be intercepted by a soldier. You will have to choose whether to join Denim to your party; this choice does not affect the continuation of the story, it depends solely on your personal preference.
Battle: Rime
Combat that can be quite complex, especially if Denim has to fight against opponents of a higher level than his. Denim and Kachua will be forced to stay in the middle of the battle, while Denim's troops will stay slightly apart, making it difficult to rejoin the two extremes. The best strategy is to have Denim run straight for his troops, without worrying too much about damage taken on the approach path - opponents will focus primarily on Kachua.
Gruborza Plains
Battle: Gruborza Plains
We recommend that you include Presance, or some other character specializing in exorcisms, in your team, so that you can easily eliminate the undead that will be periodically summoned by Ramidos. An alternative approach exists: since Ramidos can summon skeletons, you might try to persuade some of them to join your coalition, as the next battle will require a rather large army.
America Castle
Battle: Amorika Entrance
The main problem of this fight is represented by the union of Zapras and his five knights, they can greatly damage your team. We recommend that you focus all your energies directly on Zapan. It is advisable to preserve - as much as possible - the energies of Denim, since he will then have to face a one-on-one fight.
Battaglia: America
One of the few Tactics Ogre one-on-one fights. If you have - as suggested - kept Denim's HP level high enough, you shouldn't have any problems, especially if his physical combat skills are good enough. An intermission scene will follow, with a dialogue that includes a decisive choice for the continuation of your game path: by choosing "There's no time", you will go on the Neutral path; by choosing "I can't go back", you will go on the Chaotic path. "
Capitolo 2 - Lawful
Battle: Baramus
Very simple fight: you will be awarded a considerable altitude advantage over all your enemies, also having a character with crossbows and / or magic attacks this advantage will increase even more - you may be able to kill them all before they enter enough range to kill you .
Battle: Ashton
The battle will be simple, we recommend persuading the enemy wizard, as he possesses the magic called "Acid Rain", potentially very useful and - for now - not available in any shop.
Fort Kadoriga
Battle: Fort Kadoriga
Focus on Zapan immediately, making sure that a good portion of your troops reach him as quickly as possible. In doing so, you will be 100% sure to save it. You can therefore choose whether to include it in your party (they pay 500 denarii), or not.
Tanmas Hill
Battaglia: Tanmas Hill
Bring an extra healer with you to counter the negative effects of Fire Orb, which will be fired by Wynoa. Fortunately, one of the defeated Red Dragons will drop the same magical item, so you can then equip and use it yourself.
During the skit, you can choose one of two alternative answers ("It's my destinty" or "No, I don't"). We recommend the former, considering you are Lawful aligned.
Battle: Rime
Rather complex battle: the presence of Vice and Aloser, both equipped with bows and arrows, can quickly eliminate all your characters. Try to move the majority of them to an elevated area, so as to overcome the altitude disadvantage you are starting with. If you want to get the Revivify spell, you will also need to kill Aloser, unfortunately.
America Castle
Battle: Amorika Entrance
The battle isn't particularly complicated, but you'll have to face three of them in a row, so make sure your characters rest before killing Mordiat. Eliminate all the enemy Clerics, they release Heal +, which you will need to recover some HP between one fight and the next.

Battaglia: America
It is important that Denim's HP level is near maximum at the end of this battle, as a rather complicated three-on-one will follow.
Battaglia: America
Unfortunately, Leonard will almost certainly be able to eliminate Kachua immediately, thus proceeding towards Denim without too many obstacles. We recommend making the most of Vice: being "fresh", it will probably have more HP than Denim, the latter worn out by the two previous battles.
Capitolo 3 - Lawful
Theta Special Scene: American Castle
To get this event, you will have to enter the Warren Report, then reach the "News" section, then open the scene titled "Best Friend".
Madra Ice Field
Battle: Madra
We recommend using characters who are not too exposed to the element of water, as all opponents will be particularly good at using this kind of magic. Using dragons of various kinds is highly recommended.
Brigantes Castle
You can now choose whether to proceed south or west. We recommend going west.
Battle: West Brigantes
The battle will prove to be very simple, but a trick is necessary: absolutely eliminate the octopus, so as to be able to recover the magic he possessed.
Battle: Inside Brigantes
Do not be frightened by the presence of an exorcist: it does not have the magic "exorcism", so you can take the undead with you without having particular problems. This will make it easy to complete the battle successfully. During the next dialogue, choosing the second option allows you to put Jenounes into your party.
Vahanna Plateau
Battle: Vahanna
Assign the highest priority to eliminating the two enemy Ninja, so as to recover without problems the spells they hold. The rest of the opponents will not be difficult to defeat; It is inadvisable to attempt "conversion" of priests, as it will only work if your character alignment is lawful.
Coritani Castle
Battle: Coritani Entrance
Try to keep Jenounes' HP level quite high throughout the battle, as a second one will follow immediately after, with no chance to rest. One of the enemy Berzerkers possesses Aqua, he will release her after being defeated, remember to take her immediately.
Battle: Coritani
Try to take out the enemy healer with top priority, as it can make the battle very difficult for you. In case you have some problems in eliminating the Knights of Terror, you can try to persuade them to change the faction of reference: their loyalty is rather low.
Return From Coritani
We recommend proceeding west, the battle will be simpler and potentially more profitable.
Battle: Lakeside Edge
Avoid attacking the Gremlins immediately, preferring to try to persuade them: they do not appear frequently, having one of them in your party could prove to be very profitable. They have very little HP, so attacking them right away could accidentally kill them.
Tanmas Hill
Battle: Tanmas Hill
The battle is simple, if you remember to stick to one trick: aim directly at Ganb, not at his Pets, as he will gain 50 HP points for each Pet destroyed. After you take out Ganb, you can move on to the rest of the enemies without fearing further repercussions.
America Castle
Battle: Amorika Entrance
Beware of the witch inside the enemy party: she has Petrify, but she will not release it in case of elimination - you will have to forcefully persuade her (we recommend that you do so, since in this way you will also be able to avoid her attacks based on the same Petrify, potentially very dangerous).
Battaglia: America
Again, it is advisable to persuade the enemy witch, given her ability to use HealRain, a rather rare move and not available in stores at this point in the game.
Wyoburi Volcano
Battle: Wyoburi
We recommend that you immediately aim to persuade the Red Dragons: you can bring them back to Coritani, where you can see them to get Fire. If you are short of Spark, you can also retrieve it from the Lizard Man.
Battle: Rime
Unfortunately, the rescue of the protagonist of this battle will not be particularly easy: Haborym will try to run quickly towards Ozma, who can kill him in just two hits. You will therefore have to immediately take the initiative to save it from itself: a potentially useful method is to petrify it, then use Jump to make it climb on one of the roofs, sheltered from most of the enemies, or in any case from the most harmful ones.
Fiduc Castle
We recommend proceeding to the west, where combat will prove considerably easier.
Battle: West Fiduc
Although the goal of the level is to kill Mercury, we recommend that you keep all your troops well away from him, preferring instead to focus on the rest of the enemies, so as to obtain their equipment without excessive problems (that is, without prematurely ending the level , causes unintentional killing of Mercury). After killing an opponent for each type present in the group of enemies, Mercury will call for reinforcements: at this point, it is convenient to "aim" directly at the most insidious opponent.
Battle: Inside Fiduc
This is a one-on-one that sees Denim and Oz as the main protagonists. Your goal is to keep Denim's HP at a good level, as another battle awaits you immediately afterwards. If Denim has a good level of intelligence, following your training, we highly recommend changing him into a Ninja and assigning him a summoning spell that matches his favorite element, so as to maximize every attack he performs. . Another group of opponents will appear immediately after: aim to eliminate the Cleric, so as to recover without problems the Wing that it guards.
Chapter 3 - Neutral
Fort Bodo
Battle: Fort Bodo
In this battle, Selye will actually be surrounded by enemies, as well as considerably far from your position. The rescue will be very complicated, as the Dark Knights, along with Oz, will attack and kill her almost immediately. One employable strategy is to exploit the witches and sorcerers by having them use Charm and Stun on the knights surrounding Selye. Therefore, you could use Jump or Quick, so as to cover a considerable space in a short time.
Tanmas Hill
Battaglia: Tanmas Hill
The battle will not be insidious if you remember to respect a simple trick: avoid eliminating the Pet of Ganb, it will get very angry, recovering 50 HP for each Pet killed, further slowing down the continuation of the battle.
Special Gamma Scene: Krizar
In order to view it, you will need to stop in Krizar on your way to Ashton.
Epsilon Scene: Fort Kadoriga
In order to view it, you will first need to visit Krizar and view the Gamma scene, then proceed to Fort Kadoriga. A battle will also take place there.
Battle: Fort Kadoriga
The two guests are well away from enemy range, so rescuing them shouldn't be overly complicated. Tamuzu is slightly closer, but should be almost surrounded by your characters, who will be attacked by enemies with the highest priority (thus saving Tamuzu from further complications). If possible, try to persuade the two witches and Botes: they all have a unit of magic "Petrify", very useful in the continuation, so getting them into your party can be essential.
Battle: Ashton
You can earn Orias and Debordes from the battle, but only if Orias survives. Being able to save her will not be easy: Debordes is a knight of terror, but Orias is a "civilian", so she will die after 2 - maximum 3 hits. The battle will be simple if you bring with you a large number of subjects capable of using sufficiently powerful magical attacks: you can thus focus their attacks on the zombies, while the rest of the subjects take care of getting close to Orias quickly, to protect her.
Fort Damsa
Battle: Fort Damsa
While Guildus may provide your team with Isleberg following his death, we do not recommend trying to eliminate him immediately. It is preferable to focus all your energies on Nybbas, so that the battle can end as soon as possible, without risking excessive damage.
Kappa Special Scene: Grate
After completing the plans regarding the attack on the Coritani castle, stop in Griate. It is necessary to stop before having access to the special Gamma and Epsilon scenes.
Battle: Griate
The battle will prove to be simple, an opportunity to obtain potentially very useful items and / or spells. One of the enemy Berzerkers will release the "Aqua" spell after being defeated. The Sirens and the Witches will release a Magi ++, it is advisable to make it yours.
Coritani Castle
Battle: Coritani Entrance
Immediately aim at the Cleric: she has the wing, so you must absolutely persuade her to make sure that she gives it to you.
Battle: Coritani
Beware of your undead characters, the opposing army contains an Exorcist, who will periodically emit his typical "Exorcism" move. Clearly, it will leave it on the ground once it is destroyed, so from this point of view it can bring advantages to your strategy.
Wyoburi Volcano
Battle: Wyoburi
Beware of this battle: in case you want to get a Fire Sword, you need to persuade the Red Dragons, making them switch to your faction. You will therefore have to return to Coritani, where you can sell the dragons to buy Fire, with which to compose the sword. Also remember that Lizard Man is in possession of Spark, it might be convenient to get him to pass over to your side.
Battle: Rime
One of the two wizards is able to use Kaminari, the other Fenril: we recommend leaving the characters particularly sensitive to this kind of spells at home. The knight is equipped with the magic Grease, the knight of terror of Warp: they will be released when these subjects are defeated, so it is advisable to take them out immediately.
Fiduc Castle
You can choose whether to proceed towards Fiduc Ovest or Fiduc Sud. We recommend going south.
Battle: South Fiduc
Immediately retrieve the equipment of the archers and knights, you will need it immediately. Try to keep your characters away from each other, so that they are also facing Bestear. He will use Charm and Stun, they can cause serious damage to your team, especially Stun - it is advisable to make sure that your best characters are not in his "attack trajectory". Once you have killed a few opponents, Bestear will be able to call in reinforcements every round - we do not recommend aiming to eliminate these subjects as well, they only divert attention from what must be your main objective, which is Bestear.
Capitolo 3 - Chaotic
Zodo Marsh
Battle: Zodo Marsh
We recommend attacking the two Amazons with vehemence and maximum priority, due to the presence of the weapon called "Gemini", currently not available in stores, with an extremely high attack range. But beware of the enemy witch: she has HealRain, so don't underestimate her thinking she can't heal her teammates. On the other hand, when he perishes, you can take HealRain and use it on one of your fighters, so that he goes to act as a second healer.
Coritani Castle
During the skit that will take place here, you will be asked a question, whose answer you can choose between two options - Are you leaving? or You're selfish. The answer doesn't change the end result: either way, Kachua will walk out of your party, and a rather unpleasant skit will follow.
Vahanna Plateau
Battle: Vahanna
You will have to pay attention here not to get involved in the full battle without due prior preparation. All your enemies have water as their basic element, which will give them a significant advantage, especially the White Dragons. If possible, you should make sure that a good number of the characters included in your party are not based on the fire element.
Brigantes Castle
We recommend proceeding to the west wing, which is much less dangerous than the alternative.
Battle: West Brigantes
One of the enemy Hawk Men is able to use the magic called "Aqua", very powerful and usually coveted, since many of the characters in the game are specialized in fire-type spells, so that the water goes to ensure the necessary diversification. After making sure that you have recovered this powerful spell, we strongly recommend that you focus all your strength on the destruction of Canopus, before the storm becomes a veritable tornado, thus destroying your chances of victory.
Battle: Inside Brigantes
Avoid bringing the undead with you: the exorcist can use Exorcism, irreparably damaging any strategy based on the corpses brought back to life. We also recommend focusing your fire on the enemy Mages, each of them will release a Magi +++ once they are eliminated.
Vahanna Plateau
Battle: Vahanna
The goal is to save Haborym. As often happens with the most belligerent guests, the main problem is caused by his attitude towards the enemy: if you are not able to eliminate the opponents quickly, Haborym will attack all the stronger ones, going to self-eliminate. We recommend that you bring flying characters with you (if available), as they will not be hampered by particularly uneven territory. Aim directly at Mordiart to finish the battle quickly.
Coritani Castle
Here you will have to choose between two dialogue options: if you prefer "So be it ..." you will go to fight against Leonard, one on one. By choosing "No" you will proceed directly to the next game area.
Battle: Coritani
It is therefore assumed that you have accepted Leonard's challenge. It is capable of attacking you both from a distance and from close, thanks to the availability of sword and bow. It won't be easy to dodge all of his attacks, so make sure you've built up a good amount of HP before starting the fight.
Wyoburi Volcano
Battle: Wyoburi
Avoid killing Ganb's pets, in which case he will enter "rage" mode, recovering a total of 50 HP for each Pet killed.
Battle: Rime
You will have to try to kill all the enemies - not for glory, more simply because they can all provide you with potentially very useful equipment. One of the wizards owns Kaminari, the other Fenril, Cleric Grease - spells that, if purchased, will prove extremely expensive.
Delta Special Scene: Fort Bodo
The conditions required for the success of this scene are relatively simple: after completing your attack plans for Fiduc (during the previous skit), stop near Fort Bodo (before visiting Fiduc).
Fiduc Castle
After the cutscene, proceed west, thus encountering the first battle.
Battle: West Fiduc
Keep all your characters well away from Mercury, while systematically eliminate all the other subjects that populate the game area: each of them has potentially very useful objects. After that, try to pulverize Mercury quickly: he will immediately call other reinforcements, which can greatly complicate the battle if ignored.
Battle: Inside Fiduc
The goal is to simply kill the leaders of the opposing group, namely Oz and Ozma. There are no enemies with potentially interesting objects, so it will be enough to direct your entire troops towards the two great leaders to achieve victory without problems.
Video - Launch Trailer
Chapter 4 - First Part
Special Scene In: America Castle
The necessary condition to access this scene is to have visualized the planning skit for reaching the Brigantes castle, and then stop near the Amorika castle on the way.
Vahanna Plateau
Battle: Vahanna
Keep your undead characters well away from this battle, as there is an Exorcist present, who can freely use his typical "Exorcism" move.
Brigantes Castle
We recommend, as usual, to proceed west.
Battle: West Brigantes
We recommend first of all to aim at the Knight of Terror: he has Black and Grease, almost indispensable to easily defeat the enemies in the battles that will follow. Archers are equipped with Wings, but it may start to turn out to be an insufficiently powerful spell / item.
Mount Hedon
Battle: Hedon
Perfect battle if you want to include a Gremlin in your party: his loyalty to the opposing faction is at very low levels, so you should be able to convince him even at sufficiently high Hp levels - it will not be necessary to beat him.
Banhamuba Shrine
Battle: Banhamuba
Quite simple combat, but you absolutely have to pay attention to one particularity: avoid eliminating Shelley, preferring instead to bring her HP around 20 points: in the event that it reaches zero, Shelley will die and you will not be able to insert her in your group later.
Special Scene Tau: Fort Kadoriga
You will only be able to access it if you have chosen the neutral route. After planning the attack on Banisha (but before actually executing it), make your way to Krizar. Open Warren's account, then read the section titled "Pirates in the Fort", within "Miscellaneous". Then walk towards Kadoriga. A conversation will follow, apparently there are two options available to choose from, but in reality both lead to the same result.
Battle: Fort Kadoriga
Avoid using undead in the fight against Erig, as he is equipped with the Exorcism spell. Beware of the Valkyries, which will appear progressively following the killing of Erig's troops: they are equipped with the "Acid Rain" mssa, it can hit all members of your party, regardless of their positioning with respect to the enemy.
Special Scene Zeta: Griate
This skit will only be available in the Lawful version, and it is also necessary that Zapan survived the battle of Kadoriga, and that you didn't put him in your party. After completing the planning of the attack on Banisha Castle, but before executing it, you will need to reach Griate.
Battle: Griate
This is the last chance to recruit Zapan, without missing out on potential special skits. Attack him immediately, but don't kill him: make sure he reaches around 20 HP. Then try to recruit him, he will almost certainly agree. Avoid contact of your undead with the exorcist, as usual: it has the magic "Exorcism", it can do a lot of harm.
Scena Speciale Sigma: The Hell Gate Sidequest
To access the scene, you will need to have completed Banisha's attack plans, then you will need to view the report called "Freak Explosion". You will then have access to the path that leads to Hell Gate.
Battle: Madra
Potentially complex battle, given the amount of Dragons the enemy has. You can try to persuade some of them, as you can then resell them to Fiduc. If persuasion doesn't work, a cautious approach is advisable: sequentially focus your forces on each dragon, without wasting them.
Battle: Brumor Plateau
Particular attention should be paid to the Beast Tamers, who - thanks to the altitude advantage, and the ability to use bows and arrows - can cause serious damage to your party. Take them out as soon as possible - a good technique is to use Haborym's "Petrify" move.
Battaglia: Botegen Plains
Bring at least two healers with you: the enemies will attack from two directions, so it will be necessary to break your group in two, to be able to repel them without problems. The presence of a healer in each of the two subgroups will allow you to survive enemy attacks without particular problems.
Special Gamma Scene: Amorika
To access this scene you will first have to recruit Deneb, then proceed towards the Amorika castle.
Chapter 4 - Second Part
Banisha Castle
Battaglia: Banisha Courtyard
Beware of your undead characters: one of the Knights Templar can use Exorcism, so you must avoid contact with this subject to ensure that the undead remain ... alive. Also try to immediately kill the Templar Knight to whom Barbas gave the gun, so that you can retrieve it and use it yourself.
Battaglia: Inside Banisha
One of the most difficult battles of the entire game, due to the presence of Lans, one of the strongest characters. Try to avoid staying in its immediate surroundings for too long: it could use the magic called "Oracle", which will cause severe damage to your characters (also lowering the maximum level of HP they can reach, permanently). Create a team that is well balanced between "direct" attackers and support characters (curators and the like).
A skit will follow, during which you will have to choose answers. At the first "crossroads", preferring answer 1), Kachua will kill himself. Preferring answer 2), you will come to a second crossroads. Here, you may prefer answer 1) and cause Kachua to commit suicide. Or, prefer 2), thus visualizing a poignant scene.
Scena Speciale Iota: Grimby City
To view this special scene, you must first complete the attack plans for Heigm, then view the "Ramzen Wreckage" report.
Battle: Grimby City
Fortunately, rescuing Rendal will be simple: he will run to your party to avoid being killed by Martym. You can take care of the elimination of the Knights Templar without any problems, one by one, easily recovering their precious treasure.
Xi Special Scene: Nimuraba Forest
After recruiting Rendal, you will need to read the section of the Warren Report titled "Thief in Nimuraba".
Battaglia: Nimuraba Forest
Immediately focus your attention on Ganb, make his HP reach the immediate surrounding of 20, and you will be able to recruit both him and his precious pets into your team. Avoid killing one of the Griffins! You will antagonize Ganb and will no longer be able to enlist him.
Special Age Scene: Coritani Castle
After completing the planning of the attack on Heigm, make your way to Coritani Castle. You will be placed in front of a crossroads during a dialogue. By choosing the "I think I can" option, you can then convert your characters (up to a maximum of 5) to the "Shaman" class. Furthermore, only in this way will you be able to access the following special scenes.
Psi Special Scene: Fort Damsa
The necessary condition to gain access to this scene is to choose the answer "I think I can" during the conversation with Moruba. You will have to bring her daughters to Banhamuba, so that they are initiated into the "profession" of psychic medium.
Battle: Fort Damsa
The group of opponents includes an exorcist, so be careful not to use excessive amounts of undead. By taking this precaution, the battle will go smoothly. After completing the first battle, you will need to exit Fort Damsa and return to access the next one. Sisteena will open the sealed room to you.
Battle: Hahnela's Temple
Beware of the Golem and the Obinick: focus immediately on eliminating them, they have potentially very precious objects (WindOrb and AirCry), which give them abilities that are very harmful to you.
Phi Special Scene: Fort Bodo
Also to access this scene it will be necessary to consent to Moruba's request, telling him that you will be able to handle the forbidden power. You will then have to take her daughters to Banhamuba; for this specific scene, you need to have Selye in the party.
Battle: Fort Bodo
Immediately aim at the Hawk Men, he has the powerful FireOrb, which you can then recover once the enemy is killed. Once the battle is complete, you will have to exit and re-enter in time. Selye will open access to the next room for you.
Battle: Zoshonell's Temple
Among the battles required to obtain the Forbidden Magic, this is the most complicated. The Phoenicians and Fire Brass can use their "Crimson" attack, which causes massive damage to your party members. Bring two healers with you so you can be sure of undoing the serious damage that will be inflicted.
Epsilon Special Scene: Fort Gerdo
Even this special scene will only be accessible if, following Moruba's question, you say that you feel capable of handling the forbidden power. For the Epsilon scene, you'll need to include Olivia in your party.
Battle: Fort Gerdo
Maximum attention should be paid to Anberg, due to his availability of Fenril: avoid one-on-one fights, as when he gets a good amount of magic points, he will use them immediately. Always send at least 3 members of your team to face him. So, to reach the second battle, you will have to exit Fort Gerdo and re-enter: Olivia will open the access to the previously sealed room.
Battaglia: Gurza's Temple
The Death Dragon runs WaterOrb, it will use it periodically to cause serious damage to your entire party. To avoid the worst discharges, you will first have to identify one of your characters who has the ability to fly, then make him get as close as possible to the Death Dragon. In this way, the dragon will focus on the subject closest to him, avoiding unnecessarily annoying the rest of your party, which can take care of all the other subjects in the surroundings. Only when these have been eliminated will you be able to use your party's entire firepower to take out the dragon.
Special Scene Pi: Fort Gekko
As with the previous scenes, you will have to consent to Moruba's request. It will therefore be necessary to lead Shelley to Banhamuba. The first battle will be a mere formality, enemies of a much lower level than what is required to reach this area. To activate the second battle, you will need to exit and re-enter Fort Gekko.
Battle: Bartha's Temple
The battle hides a great opportunity: the Gargoyle has the Quake spell, rather rare and expensive, and will be released as soon as you defeat it: the highest priority must therefore be dedicated to its complete elimination. The rest of the enemies aren't particularly threatening, and won't allow for particularly useful items either.
Yomlahaba Ravine
Battaglia: Yomlahaba Ravine
The level is largely invaded by a stream. In order to get through it with ease, your team members will have to use the landscape to their advantage, and there is only one way to do it: bring with you subjects that are able to fly (Canopus, for example), and equip Denim with some object that allows him to fly and / or move quickly from zone to zone. This will give you an altitude advantage, which will prevent most opponents from hitting you.
William City
Battle: William City
First of all, avoid involving too many undead, as there will be an exorcist, endowed with his typical magic - Exorcism. Dragons can use Fire, and three Kings can use Wing. It would be interesting for you to try to convince the Dragons to come over to your side, so that you can sell some, before proceeding to the final part of the adventure. However, you will need to trap Hanzo, to prevent your characters' counterattacks from killing him permanently. Try to isolate him near the small platform surrounded by several bushes - jump (using Jump) one of your characters to that area, then remove him with Teleport as soon as Hanzo has taken the bite. You will therefore be free to persuade the rest of the enemies.
Special Scene Who: Fiduc Castle
In order to view this special scene, Kachua must survive the events of Banisha, and you must also have completed planning for the attack on Heigm. You will then have to kill her during one of the fights before Heigm, and return to Fiduc.
Scena Speciale Omega: Boulder Desert
You must have viewed the previous scene, Who. A new area will appear on your map: Boulder Desert. Proceed towards it, before reaching Heigm. You will immediately be involved in a battle.
Battaglia: Boulder Desert
Felion can get quite dangerous, as it has an unrestricted attack range (other than the size of the play area). We recommend that you quickly gain some elevation advantage, and try to position your characters in such a way that, along the line that imaginatively joins them to Felion, there is an obstacle of some kind - his shots cannot follow curved trajectories.
Heigm Castle
Battaglia: Rear Heigm
Immediately target the knights, the most dangerous, but also equipped with the best items available. One of them controls a Dragon: if possible, it would be convenient to persuade him to change sides, so that you can get your hands on the dragon without having to shed blood.
Battaglia: South Heigm
We recommend that you immediately aim for the Sword Master - it has two Fire-type spells. Hit him until his HP decreases, so that they reach around 20. Then persuade him to join you: his loyalty is not particularly high, you will gain a character with good skills.
Battaglia: Heigm Royal Room
Avoid bringing undead with you, Branta - although not an exorcist - is able to cast Exorcism. After starting the elimination of the opponents, the summoning of the Angel Knights will also start, which Branta will summon as substitutes. However, there is a gabola that allows you to counter this trend: Angel Knights have a low level of loyalty, so you can easily convince them to fight against you.
A relatively long cutscene will start. About halfway through, you will be asked to choose between two alternatives - ignore or punish thieves. The first will cause a decrease in your level of "chaos" towards the Bacrumesi, the second an increase.
To get this scene, you'll need to have freed Heigm first, so read the "Double Agent" section of Warren's document. You can then proceed to Krizar, and view the movie.
Battaglia: Underground Tomb Entrance
Combat that will prove to be quite simple if you have explored the Hell Gate until you have recovered Starion. Otherwise, it will be necessary to bring at least two healers with you, otherwise you may find yourself in some difficulty in facing all the enemy troops that will be put on stage.
Battaglia: Ancient Ruins
We recommend that you immediately aim for the group of Knights Templar: one of them has Barbas Earth, which he will release when defeated.

Final Battle: Sealed Room
The first thing you need to do is take out Dolgare's dark creatures before attempting to attack him. Therefore, your main tanks will have to focus on destroying the new allies periodically summoned. The rest of the characters (especially those with Fudo) will have to attack Dolgare instead. This strategy will ensure that Dolgare spends most of its time recalling subordinates being destroyed by your army, rather than bombarding your characters with powerful spells that would seriously jeopardize their survival. Also try to face the battle by having attacks belonging to each elemental type available: the element of Dolgare will change according to the kind of attack that will be launched, so you will have to constantly vary your approach to be able to cause continuous and significant damage. Finally, avoid the use of Agony or DevilCry: they do not damage Dolgare, but they put the safety of your characters at risk, so you have nothing to gain.
Video Solution - Playlist
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Video Solution - Introduction
Video Solution - Chapter 1 // Krysaro

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Exit date: February 25 2011