Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game for PlayStation 3. There may be differences with the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
Here are some tips to maximize the power of your character at the time of its creation.
It is a style that increases your blocking ability as well as running punches. However, you will also be made vulnerable to grappling melee attacks. We recommend it if you prefer a very fast Muay Thai fighting style rather than a varied one.
As can also be guessed from the name, it is a style that tends to favor grips and allows opponents to be easily knocked to the ground, but considerably reduces the ability to block and defend against enemy grips. The bigger your fighter, the more this style is recommended, as you would have nothing to lose compared to using more agile modes, useless for particularly heavy subjects.
Considerably increases the ability to repel ground grabs, but considerably decreases the ability to perform any other kind of block. For this reason, we only recommend it when you are playing against highly specialized "Wrestling" players, as they will tend to hit you on the ground very frequently (and you will be able to successfully repel their attempts).
The selection of attributes is an absolutely crucial moment in the process of creating your character. Our personal advice is to focus on strength and stamina, for various reasons: first of all, at the beginning of the game having high levels of strength is much more important than reaching good speed, as your enemies will rarely lack speed. therefore you would not get any comparative advantage. Stamina will be an absolutely essential parameter throughout the rest of the game, its lack would make it very difficult to finish a fight, unless the opponent is extremely weak.
Given the fair amount of skills present, careful selection may present problems. There are 200 points available; we recommend distributing them within the most important categories, then evenly donating the remainder to the rest of the skills. In our opinion, at the beginning of the game it is absolutely necessary to select the following abilities: Standing Strikes Offense & Defense; Standing Kicks only in Offense mode; Clich Strikes Offense & Defense; Clinch Grapple Offense & Defense; Takedown Defense. The skills on which we strongly advise you not to focus are the following: Ground Grapple, both in Offense and Defense modes; Submission - Defense only; Ground Strikes - both in its Defense and Offense versions; Standing Kicks - Defense only; Takedown - in the Offense version; and Submission. The motivation is simple: during the first fights, the opponents will tend to use very little kicks of any kind; moreover, you are too weak to be able to take holds that really damage them, so any skills connected to them will be practically useless.
Here are some tips for successfully completing the early part of Career mode.
Video - Trailer
The first fight
The first fight shouldn't cause you any problems if you've tried previous versions of the same game. However, assuming you are completely at zero, here are some tactical-strategic tips: start fighting by punching your opponent, until he begins to cover his face; at that point, his ability to move will be severely limited, so you can start hitting his legs, waiting for him to discover his face again. So repeat the procedure until you knock it out, you should succeed in 2-3 minutes maximum.
Becoming amateurs
After a few fights, you will officially become amateurs; exceeding a certain number, you will be asked if you intend to enter the professional world immediately or if you prefer to wait, gaining experience among amateurs. Our advice is to always prefer the second option, as there is no particular bonus in terms of speed of skill increase following the transition from amateurs to pro. So continue the fights between amateurs until you maximize the level of the main attributes, they must reach a value of 30. In this way, you will significantly increase your chances of completing the Pro career without even a defeat, an essential requirement to access the most bonuses. available within the game.
Training for professionalism
As far as training is concerned, especially when approaching the professional level, it is necessary to learn to live with the level of fatigue. It is only important during the fight: you can continue to train to the maximum (and profitably) even with 100% fatigue. For this reason, you will have to be merciless towards your fighter, continuing to train him until his endurance and strength levels have reached the maximum possible - that is 30. Only if you can achieve this before finishing the last one. Amateur combat, you can then focus on speed. However, don't start trying sparring before you have the above two 30s. Finally, again with regard to fatigue, the opposite of what is stated for training is true for fights: a two-week rest period is required before fighting, an almost certain defeat will cause fatigue. We recommend selecting the fighters (as opponents) with the highest number, especially for the first 10-15 fights. Not doing so, you would risk finding yourself in front of someone practically impossible to defeat given your skill level, which we assume is not very high. However, you can ignore this recommendation if you are an expert on UFC 2009. The overall combat strategy should align with what is recommended for the first fight ever.
The best time to start Sparring usually coincides with the third-fourth fight in the Pro version (since by that point you should have reached at least a level of 30 in your attributes). The best method of sparring is to hit the opponent - with the right timing, so that he is not blocking - while trying to dodge all his shots (blocking them is the alternative, but obviously qualitatively worse than dodging). In general, the same strategies seen for real fights apply; with one exception: when your sparring partner falls to the ground KO, perform a grab and punch him repeatedly, especially in the face and neck / forehead - the goal of the continuous variation is to prevent the sparring partner from starting to block ( generally not too intelligent, he will start parrying only after having suffered 8-10 hits in the same point of the body). A final note regarding Sparring: the amount of points earned, in addition to being heavily dependent on your ability to inflict damage on your partner without equaling your hits, will also be modified by your fatigue level, as follows: if fatigue is between 0 and 29, the multiplier associated with the score will be equal to 1; if it is between 30 and 49, the multiplier will be 0,80; if it is between 50 and 69, the multiplier will be equal to 0,70; being between 70 and 89, the multiplier will drop to 60; between 90 and 100 it will reach the lowest possible level, equivalent to 0,50.
The importance of resistance
The physical condition can be understood as the inverse of the level of fatigue, or rather, as a parameter that modulates the speed of fatigue accumulation: the higher your physical condition, the less quickly you will reach a given level of fatigue. Generally, there are only three moments in which you should avoid reaching high levels of fatigue: 1) immediately before a major fight; 2) when you will receive an email regarding an injury during training; 3) between training sessions with your sparring partner, due to the multiplier of less than 1 that we have described above. In all other cases, it will not be necessary: during the fields of specialization, the penalty for a high level of fatigue is equal to 20% (much lower than the negative multiplier of sparring); moreover, this penalty will be canceled after a certain time, you can then continue to train with maximum effort without suffering any penalty.
The training fields
After the fourth / fifth fight all your stats should have reached a level of around 30. It is the right time to participate in the fields of specialization. We recommend using every free moment (within the game, of course) to participate in these events, trying to bring all possible moves to level 1. Despite the type of moves you will prefer, it will essentially depend on your "taste" in terms of fighting style, there are some considerations that are valid always and in any case: try to always attend the same gyms - there is a modifier equal to + 20% that will be assigned after you have established "good relationships" with all the members of a given gym; this modifier neutralizes the -20% that characterizes the performance with a fatigue level equal to 100%, thus allowing you to maximize the time spent inside the gyms, without having to resort to unnecessary interruptions to make your athlete rest. We also highly recommend learning the "body lock", as it allows access to the suplex, a devastating move (especially during Sparring, it will therefore allow you to significantly increase the points to spend for the advancement of your characteristics).
How to use the Submissions?
Generally, Submission is considered the "best" way to achieve a victory in the UFC. It is also one of the most difficult moves to perform; however, there is also a possibility, unknown to most people, to execute a Submission in a much simpler way than what is usually recommended. Below, we will first explain the "traditional" mode which is also the most difficult; we will therefore provide indications on how to facilitate execution.
Metodo Standard
Here it is necessary to have high levels of endurance - both muscular and cardiac - as well as offensive capacity. Whenever you manage to start a Submission against an opponent with less muscle resistance than yours, you can immediately choose whether to "block" the sub or not. The success of this operation essentially depends on the following factors: your offensive capacity on the enemy's offensive capacity (yours must be greater), your resistance - this too, must be greater than the enemy's; your heart capacity - getting higher and higher; your "brute" strength - probably the most important parameter, if it turns out to be of a lower level than that of the opponent you could not in any way be able to keep it still; the speed of pressing the keys associated with the move (the faster you press them, the more your chances of success will increase).

Facilitated Method
Assuming that you manage to knock your opponent to the ground, starting from an advantageous position, there will certainly be a moment (albeit short) during which you can perform the Submission. Try to start it as soon as you have knocked the enemy down; surely, the first part of the animation will succeed and you will not lose any stamina; assuming the enemy now has less stamina than you, the Submission will hit, with no particular effort on your part. A good method, when you have reached a good level of combat technique, is this: wait for an enemy to attempt the Submission against you, perform a Reversal (which does not require any consumption of stamina); at this point, you will almost certainly have a higher resistance level than your opponent and you can easily complete the Submission, without any problems whatsoever.
Pressure or Rotation?
One of the determining factors for the success of the Submission is, as listed above, linked to the speed of pressing the associated keys; alternatively, you can twist the right stick vigorously. Which of the two alternatives is to be preferred? The answer is very simple: the rotation of the stick tends to directly favor the players who possess high levels of specific skill related to the Submission, both offensive and defensive; on the contrary, the fast pressing of the keys tends to favor the less specialized players, but with relatively higher values of strength than the "pure" ability of Submission.
Counterattack Submissions
The question concerning the possibility of "escaping" from a Submission puts you in front of two possible modes of execution: the first, called "Brute Force", can be performed by quickly pressing the corresponding keys (there is therefore a one-to-one correspondence with the modalities execution of the Submission by you); the second, called "Shine", requires the rotation of the left stick. The first alternative is always and in any case more effective (in percentage terms, on the total number of attempts) than the second. So why should you prefer the latter? Simple: because it allows you to directly assume a dominant position on the enemy and try to retaliate yourself with a Submission (which will most likely hit, given the resistance "spent" by the enemy to try to keep you still). The conclusion that can be drawn from this exposition is that any character who specializes in "ground" hits will always have to use the "Shine" method, since the result will be directly influenced by the most developed part of his skill set. Conversely, anyone who resorts to "pure force" tactics more often will experience rather poor results when attempting to use the "Shine" mode - let's say you can try, but at your own risk (only 1 in 10 will go at sign).
Here are some tips for winning the UFC championship.
Enter the fight
After a string of wins (around 7-8 consecutive wins) against the least performing part of your WPA group, you will be called by Dana, who will ask you to join the UFC - you will not be able to choose whether to accept or not, you will be hired automatically. At the same time, you should start receiving offers for participation in promotional events. We recommend that you accept them all, at least at the beginning, when their quantity will be such that you will not be able to completely fill your days. The increase in popularity resulting from these releases will in fact allow you to earn much more after winning a fight and will exponentially increase your chances of becoming a fighter of the year. A potentially useful trick is the following: your character's accessories will have to diversify their brand as much as possible, i.e. the hat will have to be from one brand, the shoes from another and so on - in this way you will maximize the chances of receiving an invitation. from all brands available.
Enduring the first defeat
Although some lucky (or very good) people can avoid it (especially if you have followed one of our initial tips, that is, to maximize the amount of time spent increasing your skills within the "Amateur" class), almost everyone will have the time of first real defeat during a fight. Usually, it happens after a long string of consecutive wins, as the computer will then tend to place particularly strong fighters (for example, with maximized stats while you are perhaps still at level 40). Keep in mind that the computer's artificial intelligence is able to "understand" what moves you have learned in the various fields you will participate in (not very surprising, since it can access this information directly), so it is advisable to always try to insert the new moves into a "combo", otherwise you could receive an unexpected and fatal counterattack.
How to get the champion belt
Achieved a good record of wins over losses (let's say that the victories must be at least greater than 15 in absolute value and at least 6 times the number of losses), as well as maximized your stats / attributes (which must have reached at least level 70, but we expect this to not be a particular problem), you should be in the right conditions to conquer the belt. It is not possible to recommend a precise strategy, since at this point your character will certainly have reached a very high level of customization. However, we recommend that you get to KO as quickly as possible, so that the enemy will not be able to execute his Submission (it is very likely that the last opponent is a Submission specialist, since they are the most fearsome when controlled by the computer).
How to maintain the champion belt
This is the time (assuming your stats are all level 70) to increase your specific skills in individual moves, which should all be level 1. This way, you can customize and specialize your character to the max. We recommend starting immediately (that is, immediately after winning the title) to attend fields specialized in defensive moves, and / or techniques that allow you to improve your ability to "direct" combat into space, so that you are able to exploit your peculiar abilities accumulated so far - you can no longer modify them, it is therefore essential to make sure that the enemy is subject to them.
Here are some tips on what to do once you reach the title of UFC Champion.
Video - Combat Techniques
Change weight class
After successfully defending your title 3-4 consecutive times, you will be offered the option to move to a different weight class. Usually, a senior class (losing weight in the UFC is quite difficult and is often considered a worsening rather than an improvement in your "class" situation). By making this change, you will start over with the least powerful opposing fighter among those available within the new weight class; this is one of the main reasons that will push you to accept, since after 4 defenses of the title you should start fighting against really powerful subjects that could put you in very serious difficulty.
Clash of Champions
After winning a certain amount of fights, you will be offered the opportunity to get the belt for the new weight class as well. You shouldn't have any major problems, given previous experience. By overcoming a certain amount of other fighters, you will be placed in front of a Champion vs. Sample (invitation absolutely to be accepted). By winning this challenge, you will earn a place in the so-called "Hall of Fame".
At this point in the game you should have reached an age of approximately 35, completed all available fields and maximized your skills in every possible field and move. The two years that will remain you will therefore have to be dedicated to modifying your character, trying to make it especially suitable for online competitions. We recommend increasing the amount of workouts as retirement approaches; after the last fight, wait a few weeks (you will receive a notification regarding the possibility of resuming training) and slowly but progressively maximize all levels of the character, trying to reach "99". Stabilize on this level up to 2 days from the end, and then shoot towards 100 when there is very little time left, so that the skills cannot "decay" (rather typical situation when you are over 32 years of age).
There are some characteristics of the online game that make it essentially different from the corresponding Single-Player; here's how to make the most of them.
Finish a match before it ends
This behavior is generally not recommended, not only for purely "ethical" reasons, but also because it practically rarely leads to real benefits for your character. Keep in mind that the fastest way to advance (in terms of rank) is to beat opponents with a higher rank than yours. Losing, just assuming you are fighting someone with a higher rank, will only cost you one rank-point; performing any Reversal or Submission (even if not completely scored) will earn you points, so in the worst case you will break even and you will have gained further experience. The only situation where exiting the game could benefit you is when you are trying to win a medal linked to the number of consecutive wins. It could be argued that losing to a lower ranked opponent causes a much greater number of points to be deducted. True, but there is a simple solution to this problem: don't fight against lower ranked opponents. Ethically it may be questionable (as it precludes them from upgrading to rank), but certainly less so than cutting the fight in half in case of difficulty.
Combat Tactics
It may seem paradoxical, but often online fights will be much more "passive" and "strategic" than what you are used to seeing against AI. The opponents (but also you) will be extremely wait-and-see, they will try to damage you as much as possible when you rush towards them, at the same time avoiding taking the initiative (unless you manage to get them impatient). A good tactic may be to use Takedowns massively: wait for an enemy to perform a typical forward punch, neither meat nor fish, solely with the aim of luring you towards his "lair". Respond with a Takedown - success is practically guaranteed, as well as damaging the opponent you will limit the amount of moves he will consider available within his repertoire, making his life much more difficult.

Another essential precaution is to always save stamina ("stamina"). It plays a crucial role in Submissions (which can end the fight in the blink of an eye), but it also tends to modulate the effectiveness of your punches, blocks and running speed, obviously in the negative if its level is low. Therefore avoid the abuse of the so-called "Power Shot", always preferring the "Normal Shot". Use the Combos, which besides being harmful do not strongly influence the stamina, and last but not least try to use almost always the "Reversal" rather than "Transition"; the second consumes three times the resistance than the first. Often and willingly, enemy fighters do not have sophisticated submission techniques; therefore, following the instructions provided by our guide, you could catch them by surprise and often go to end the fight immediately after its start, thanks to the Submission.
How to deal with the "repetitive techniques" of the opponents
It is a rather widespread phenomenon, also because it is a rather effective tactic, if you do not know the precise methods to escape their repetitive, but lethal forge of fists. Below, we will list the most typical repetition strategies, followed by a possible method to neutralize them, which can still be modified by you at will.
- Repetitive full-body attacks: generally uses fast fighters with a good level of offensive skills in a standing position; the typical tactic will be using a Clinch, followed by simple punches in your direction, but fast enough to prevent you from responding effectively. How to do? Simple, you must avoid being "captured" by the initial Clinch, therefore always remain at a certain distance from the enemy when he approaches you (you must therefore always take the initiative to hit him, absolutely avoid relying on the counterattack).
- Clinch-based repetitive attacks (first type): will usually use a single type of Clinch, initiated by a very weak, but extremely fast blow (for example, a weak kick). After he catches up with you, he will start firing uppercuts until he knocks you out. How to answer? There is a fairly safe method to counterattack an uppercut, you will have to press the "up" button on your right stick, the dodge will take place that will free you from the enemy grip and you can resume fighting normally. Having identified his strategy, always keep the right stick placed "backward" so that the opponent cannot even initiate the grab.
- Clinch-based repetitive attacks (second type): these are mainly fighters specialized in Muay Thai; they are much more powerful and experienced than their previous "strategy mates", as they will pound you with fists and knees inside the grip. The best (perhaps the only) method to neutralize them is to counterattack their fists with a movement of the right analog stick in the same direction as the punch arrives - however, perfect timing is required; an alternative is to block his knees with R1 (high knee version) or R2 (low version). Yet another alternative possibility: do a large amount of quick punches immediately after the enemy is resting from a successful kick, trying to regain some stamina - this method is always effective in getting you out of the worst moments, but you will still suffer the first part of the attack.
- Repetitive Submission Based Attacks: These characters will try to knock you down and assume a "dominant" position in any way possible, so that you have the opportunity to resort to Submission. Usually, they are specialists, so the situation creates a vicious circle: in the attempt to free yourself, your stamina will decrease quickly; at the same time, theirs will tend to decrease much more slowly, so repeating the strategy will become easier and easier for them as the fight continues. The best way to counter this tactic is to ALWAYS perform a Transition as soon as you notice the beginning of the animation linked to the Submission; We know we advised against Transitions, but here they are much more effective than Reversals, due to the enemy's abilities.
- Repetitive attacks based on throws / catches: they will generally try to lock you into a low Clinch, and then proceed to a throw / grab on the ground, repeating this process ad libitium. Countering their attempts is not difficult: quite simply, press and hold the opposite direction (with respect to the direction of origin of the shot) on your right analog stick, obtaining an automatic Reversal. At this point, you can perform a quick Submission and close the fight, even before the opponent can use his technique on you.
- Repetitive attacks based on Reversal: it is probably the most "technical" of the alternatives based on repetition. Usually, these are specialists in ground / submission attacks; they will try to land you as much as possible, starting to storm you with Reversal when you try to evade their move (either with Reversal yourself, or with Transition). The strategy to use here is therefore slightly different than what you are probably used to doing: you will have to absolutely avoid the Reversals and Transitions, preferring instead to try to block all their shots, remaining completely stationary, so as not to expose any "sides" that are not. covered. After a while, the enemy should get impatient and attempt a Transition on you - you should now you perform a Reversal! Obviously followed by Submission. The key to keeping this type of enemy at bay is your lack of predictability.
Video Solution - Playlist
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Video Walkthrough - Career Mode Prologue
Video Solution - Final Showdown

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Exit date: May 28, 2010