From tomorrow we will enter the month of December, and as per tradition we will be surrounded by a festive Christmas air. Trees, nativity scenes, fairy lights and decorations of various kinds have already appeared in shops and on city avenues, and the videogame world will also soon embrace this festive mood. On Elden Ring, for example, a player has decided to create something special to add a proper Christmas air to the latest From Software title.
There are those who prefer to build a Christmas tree and to create a nativity scene; but this aficionado has decided to put a stop to these classic Christmas traditions by going to decorate his character in Elden Ring. The user in question is known on Reddit with the nickname of 'SuperSmashBeers', and just recently he showed us a screen of how his avatar looks today in the dark fantasy world of From Software.
His Christmas creation has renamed it Gangsta Santa Claus, and from what we can see the inspirations that gave birth to this name are all clearly visible. First of all it really seems to see a dark fantasy version of Santa Claus; with this long red tunic that culminates towards the shoulder straps with a coat of mail and a pair of large chains around the neck. To give that touch of Santa Claus, this user made his character wear one of the masks present in the game, which closely resembles the facial physiognomy of Santa Claus, complete with a long beard and mustache.
Gangsta Santa Claus from Eldenring
Even at Christmas Elden Ring does not stop giving us emotions and new ideas, testifying to how much From Software's latest work is truly one of the most content-rich video games made available to players.
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