Mark Zuckerberg's plans to unify WhatsaApp, Facebook and Instagram continue. In the last few hours, in fact, new details have emerged by the developer Alessandro Paluzzi, who managed to find new clues in the code of the beta versions regarding the integration of the three popular applications of the Menlo Park giant.
Currently available information is scarce. In fact, the project is as ambitious as it is complex both from a technical point of view and in terms of privacy. An issue on which Facebook must be very careful, after losing the trust of users following the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Mark Zuckerberg has long expressed a desire to unify the three messaging apps, but no timing details were ever released.
Paluzzi has discovered a new entry in the beta version of Instagram: Get Messenger in Instagram. This means that it may be possible to send messages from Instagram to contacts on Facebook Messenger and vice versa. In fact, this is Mark Zuckerberg's project: to offer the possibility of sending messages between the different platforms without the need to be subscribed to all of them. In other words, an Instagram account could send a message to a Facebook account not subscribed to Instagram.
The clues also concern WhatsApp. Apparently, Facebook is working on building a local database that would allow Messenger to get some information from WhatsApp such as blocked contacts, notification sounds, archived chats, phone number etc. However, it would not be able - at least for the moment - to access message content, group members and profile photos.
This is not to say that WhatsApp is already collecting information to build the database. The latter will only begin to be operational and if integration becomes a reality. Finally, we do not know if this database will be loaded on the Facebook server to be able to save it for other devices or not. Furthermore, it remains to be understood if the user can disable all this and not give his consent to be found on Instagram or Facebook. It is likely that such a chance will be given to the user, but for the moment we cannot know.
In short, the questions are still many. Zuckerberg's project seems to be moving forward. We just have to wait and see if it will ever come to light or if - for various reasons - it will be abandoned by the colossus of Menlo Park.
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