As the most played map of Among Us, investigative title by Innersloth, the map The skeld presents players with many secrets and questions to investigate. Come on ventilation ducts, to some little secrets concerning the Task and further features, the game map can be gutted and analyzed in every detail, in order to know the details and have an advantage during the games. We therefore present ours Complete guide of The Skeld game map by Among Us, in which we have tried to report all the details of the playful environment, corner by corner of each room. We will also specify if the Tasks do not appear immediately in the games, and therefore it is not the case to pretend the interaction with them as imposters. For more information Among Us, we refer you to our specific section of the guides, accessible through the following link.
Coffee shop
In the spawn room we find a total of 3 possible Tasks, one of which can only be unlocked later, and a ventilation duct that connects to two other rooms.
- Empty Garbage - At the top right, just keep the lever pressed until the leaves come down, you will also hear a click. It is also possible to detach the lever a few seconds earlier, but without perfect timing it will have to be re-pressed, making you waste more time.
- Download Data - You will have to press on the sign and start the Download, which will last a long time, removing the screen before it ends you will be forced to start it again. Next, you will need to proceed with the Upload to another room
- Fix Wiring - In this location, the Task never appears first, it is located in the upper left part. You will have to connect the ends of the cables with those of the respective colors, in order to unlock it in another place and continue until it is completely achieved
Ventilation ducts
In Cafeteria there is only one, located at the bottom right, this connects with the corridor between Navigation and Shields, also with the Admin room of Among Us.
We go to the left, in Medbay, we find a ventilation duct, and a total of 2 possible Tasks.
- Inspect Sample - You will have to start the procedure and wait a few seconds, then you will be asked for a waiting time of 60 seconds, in which you can leave. Upon returning, you will have to choose the red test tube, or you will be forced to start over. The timer is present at the top left until it reaches zero.
- sumbit scan - Visual task, which your companions can then see in case it is enabled. You will have to enter the circle and undergo the Scan, they prove that they are not impostors.
Ventilation ducts
There is only one, at the bottom left, which connects with Security and Electrical.
Upper Engine
Room located at the top left, where we find 3 possible Tasks and a ventilation duct, connected with only one other room.
- Align Engine Output - The task is very simple, it consists in moving the arrow to the line in the center. To be completed, it must be completed in both the upper and lower reactor, regardless of the order
- Fuel Engines - After filling the petrol in Storage, you will have to go to the upper and lower reactor, regardless of the order, and fill the tank at the top left by simply holding down, if you stop you can start again from the same point
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
Ventilation ducts
The only duct present is located at the top right of the room, and is connected to Reactor.
Located in the center, on the left side of the map, this offers a sabotage option, two tasks and a ventilation duct, connected to a different room each. Beware, there is a fake electricity button, which is never activated during Among Us matches and is used to deceive the impostors.
- start-reactor - It is located in the central part of the room, on the left, near the lights. We are talking about a memory-style game, where round by round you will have to replicate the illuminated boxes on the left, in the right part. The order does not change, so time after time, until you reach the fifth stage, you just have to repeat the previous round adding another one. Wrongly, it will be necessary to start from the first sequence, which will be changed
- Unlock Manifolds - It is necessary to press buttons from 1 to 10 in order, if you make a mistake, you will have to start over from 1
Ventilation ducts
There are two ducts, one in the upper part, which leads only to the Upper Engine, and one only in the lower part, which leads instead to the Lower Engine.
The impostors can sabotage the reactor, forcing the crew to press the hand-shaped buttons at the top and bottom of the room at the same time, so a minimum of two people are needed to cooperate. In case of failure, after 30 seconds the game ends in favor of the impostors.
The room offers camera interaction, a ventilation duct connected to two rooms, and two possible tasks.
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
- Fix Wiring - In this location, the Task never appears first. You will have to connect the ends of the cables with those of the respective colors, in order to unlock it in another place and continue until it is completely achieved
Ventilation ducts
There is only one duct, bottom right, connected to Electrical and Medbay.
Extra interaction
In the upper part it is possible to interact with the cameras, observing them. The upper left pane takes up the corridor connecting O2, Navigation and Shields. The top right one provides a view of the bottom exit of Cafeteria, to the left of Admin. The box located at the bottom left allows you to see the Medbay output, while the one at the bottom right the connection between Security and Reactor. The cameras are lit red while someone is watching them.
Lower Engine
There are 3 possible Tasks and a ventilation duct, the room is located in the lower left end of the map.
- Align Engine Output - The task is very simple, it consists in moving the arrow to the line in the center. To be completed, it must be completed in both the upper and lower reactor, regardless of the order
- Fuel Engines - After filling the petrol in Storage, you will have to go to the upper and lower reactor, regardless of the order, and fill the tank at the top left by simply holding down, if you stop you can start again from the same point
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
Ventilation ducts
There is only one duct, connected to the one at the bottom of the Reactor.
The room, bottom left of the Among Us map, offers a total of 4 tasks, a ventilation duct connected to two rooms, and a Sabotage option.
- Download Data - You will have to press on the sign in the upper left corner and start the Download, which will last a long time, removing the screen before it ends you will be forced to start it again. Next, you will need to proceed with the Upload to another room
- Divert Power - From Electrical it is possible to send the current to one of the other rooms through the panel at the top right - just to the left of Download - by moving the illuminated lever at the top. You will then need to go to the other room to complete it, let's talk about the various rooms of the The Skeld map of Among Us: Communication / Lower Engine / Navigation / O2 / Security / Shields / Upper Engine / Weapons
- Fix Wiring - In this location, the Task may appear first, it is located in the top center. You will have to connect the ends of the cables with those of the respective colors, in order to unlock it in another place and continue until it is completely achieved
- Calibrate distributor - A rather complex Task, located at the top right. You will have to press the buttons in the right timing, when the current circle is aligned with the right side. If you fail one of the three times, you will start again from the first
Ventilation ducts
The only conduit present, at the top left near the Download, leads to Security or Medbay
Imposters can sabotage the light, providing reduced visibility for Crewmates. To fix it you need to go to the chamber, and move the levers up until a green light turns on near each one. It is also possible to move the lit ones down, increasing the time it takes for Crewmates to fix the Sabotage.
In the Storage room of Among Us, located in the lower center, there are 3 possible Tasks, but not even a ventilation duct.
- Fuel Engines - You will have to take the petrol in the lower left corner, then take it to one of the two reactors, top and bottom, and repeat the process for the other. Just keep the mouse pressed, if you stop you will start again from the same point
- Fix Wiring - In this location, the Task may appear first, it is located at the top right near the exit after Cafeteria. You will have to connect the ends of the cables with those of the respective colors, in order to unlock it in another place and continue until it is completely achieved
- Empty Garbage - After activating the levers in Cafeteria or O2, this Task will be done in the lower right part of the room. This time, if the option is enabled, it will be visible thanks to some litter coming out of the ship
Proceeding up from Storage, to the right after the Cafeteria exit, is Admin. In this room of Among Us it is possible to perform 2 tasks, there is a ventilation duct that leads to two rooms, as well as one of the two parts of one of the Sabotages.
- Swipe Card - On the right side you will have to swipe your card, with the right speed, otherwise the system will signal excessive slowness or speed, forcing you to try again
- Upload Data - After making a Download, you will have the opportunity to upload, located near the entrance. This works exactly like the Download
Ventilation ducts
There is only one duct, connected to the one in the corridor on the right, and to the one in Cafeteria, the main room of this map of Among Us
In case of O2 sabotage, it is also necessary to go to this room, by typing the code on the keypad on the right, which will simply be copied. Remember that you must enter both codes within 30 seconds, in order not to lose the game, and that if someone does it before you your screen will not be removed, but its finalization will be useless.
Extra interaction
In the room there is a useful terminal, placed to the left of the table. This shows several "heads", scattered throughout the game map, which will allow you to keep part of the game situation under control, as well as investigate suspicious movements
The room is located at the bottom, proceeding to the right of Storage, offers a total of 2 possible tasks, as well as a terminal to deactivate a sabotage.
- Download Data - You will have to press on the sign at the top left of the room and start the Download, which will last a long time, removing the screen before it ends you will be forced to start it again. Next, you will need to proceed with the Upload to another room
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
From the terminal at the bottom you can restore the Communications. These are used are sabotaged to disable the admin and security terminals, obscure the task completion bar and signals in player maps. You will have to move the lever until you reach the right frequency, you will notice it because the button will light up green
Located in the lower right, Shields is not a real room, having no doors and being quite small. In any case, we are talking about an area of the The Skeld map by Among Us, which offers 2 possible tasks and a ventilation duct connected to another room.
- Prime Shields - Task visible at the bottom left, to complete it you need to press each of the unlit hexagons
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
Ventilation ducts
The single duct, located at the bottom right, is connected only to Navigation.
The room, located in the central part of the right side, offers 2 ventilation ducts that each lead to a room, as well as 5 possible tasks.
- Chart Course - You will have to bring the ship to the last point, with the right speed in order to waste time, through the highest console
- Stabilize Steering - Just press on the pointer in the center, the task is positioned on the central console
- Upload Data - After making a Download, you will have the possibility to upload, it is located in the upper right part. This works exactly like the Download
- Fix Wiring - In this location, the Task cannot appear first, it is located in the upper left, near the ventilation duct. You will have to connect the ends of the cables with those of the respective colors, in order to unlock it in another place and continue until it is completely achieved
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
Ventilation ducts
There are two conduits, the bottom one communicates only with Shields, the top one with Weapons. There is also a conduit located in the corridor between Shields and Navigation, which communicates with the Admin and Cafeteria
The room is located to the left of Navigation, slightly higher. It has a total of 2 possible tasks and a possibility of Sabotage.
- Clean O2 Filter - The task is located at the top left, you will have to carry the leaves to the exit on the left to complete it
- Empty Fall - in the center on the left, just keep the lever pressed until the leaves come down, you will also hear a click. It is also possible to detach the lever a few seconds earlier, but without perfect timing it will have to be re-pressed, making you waste more time.
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
In case of O2 sabotage, it is also necessary to go to this room, by typing the code on the keypad on the right, which will simply be copied. Remember that you must enter both codes within 30 seconds, in order not to lose the game, and that if someone does it before you your screen will not be removed, but its finalization will be useless.
The room, once again without doors, is located at the top right and connects O2 with Cafeteria. It has a total of 3 possible tasks, and a ventilation duct connected to only one other room.
- Clear Asteroids - This is a potentially visual task, in case the feature is enabled, observable from the movements of the cannon on the right. To complete it you will have to press on all the asteroids that appear starting from right to left, up to 20
- Download Data - You will have to press on the sign and start the Download, which will last a long time, removing the screen before it ends you will be forced to start it again. Next, you will need to proceed with the Upload to another room
- Accept Diverted Power - You can receive the energy by pressing the fuse, after it has started from Electrical
Ventilation ducts
The only conduit, located near the Download, connects Weapons with Navigation.