Inside Among Us, investigative title of Innerslot recently become particularly famous, it is not possible to play only public games with strangers. You can in fact join the matches of others, as well as create your own to host friends, players from all over the world, or both. Although it is rather simple in mechanics, opera provides various customization settings to change gameplay. So let's see how it is possible to create your own room, and then characterize it in the best possible way to create the perfect match.
In the Among Us menu click on online and, and then on create game. Then choose the map from the three available, the number of impostors from 1 to 3, the language you prefer (Spanish is not available but the game still tries to match nearby players) and the maximum number of players. At this point you will receive a code, which appears at the bottom center of the screen, and which the owner can use to join your lobby. If you set it to public it will be found by anyone around the world, but as long as it remains private it will only be accessible via code. To change the setting, simply press on the writing Private o Public at the bottom left of the screen.
By accessing the central computer where the character's customizations are present, you will have a further section as the last one, which is called Ranges. From here, you can change the following settings, which we attach and explain below in order.
- Recommended Settings: pressing it will reset the basic settings
- Confirm Ejects: if disabled, once a player is expelled you will not know if this is an impostor or not (the game will end anyway if all the impostors are expelled or leave the game)
- Emergency Meetings: the number of times each player can call an emergency meeting from the central button of the map, if brought to 0 the feature is disabled
- Emergency Cool down: The seconds after which an emergency meeting can be called after the end of another meeting
- Discussion Time: the discussion time before the start of the expulsion vote
- Voting Time: the time in which it is possible to vote the expulsion of the players (it is however possible to continue the discussion)
- Player Speed: the speed of the players, basically it is 1,0X
- crewmate : the field of view of crew members
- Impostor : the field of vision of the impostors
- Kill Cool down: the time each impostor must wait to make a kill after the previous one
- Kill Distance: the distance from which the impostors can kill crew members
- Visual Tasks: enable or disable the tasks that you can control that the players are actually doing (such as the Scanner and the Trash)
- common Tasks: number of tasks of average duration
- Long Tasks: number of long-term tasks
- Shorts Tasks: number of short-term tasks
We hope that the guide will be useful for you to create the perfect private games, and that you will then be able to play with your friends in many different ways with various types of settings. In the meantime, we would like to refer you to our specific section, where you can find further in-depth material on this and other games.