Different things can happen every day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, some that fall into the realm of the ordinary, others that go more towards the unusual. Seeing shooting stars in the night sky definitely falls into the first category, but finding yourself with shards of stars on the beach in the morning is quite bizarre.
Either way, both events don't happen every day and many of you may miss them because maybe you don't play after a certain time. So, we decided to create this guide in which we show you where to find shooting stars, star fragments and a magic wand in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Shooting stars: what to do when you see them
During the clear-sky nights that occasionally arise in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may come across a meteor shower.
During these special evenings, you will have the opportunity to roll your eyes (stop on the spot and adjust the view with the right analog stick so you can see the horizon clearly) and "make a wish" (press A when you see a shooting star ). You will know that you have expressed it in the moment the light intensity of the meteor will increase exponentially.
You can perform the action multiple times, in case other shooting stars light up the night sky. The more wishes you express, the better it will be.

Star fragments: where to find them and what to do with them
Once you have made a wish, you will wonder what the usefulness of this gesture is. Well, for now, all you can do is go to sleep.
The following day, in fact, exploring the beaches of your island you will find gods star fragments (usually in equal measure to the number of wishes expressed).
But what are they for? Fragments are the main ingredients for a special tool, the Magic wand. Let's see how to create it.

Magic wand: how to create it and what it is for
First of all, you will need to unlock the blueprint that will allow you to build the magic wand. This will be given to you by Blatero's sister (also an owl, like the brother who takes care of the museum) that you can occasionally find wandering around your island at night. Talk to her and she will give you the project in question.
To make the wand, however, you will need very rare materials, that is three normal star fragments e a fragment of a large star (to find them, you must obviously follow the steps we have illustrated above). Once you have collected the necessary items, you can create the item.
During our game we found two variations of the magic wand: the star wand (the standard one, basically) and the bamboo wand. As a result, it is possible that there are several variations of this object, which you can find thanks to gifts or bottles with a message.

After all this effort, you may be wondering what the magic wand is for. Basically, it allows you to change clothes on the fly. In fact, if you approach a wardrobe (which you have created, found or bought) you will have the possibility to select eight combinations of clothing that you can then recall when and where you want with a simple movement of your magic wand.
Yes, the effort is probably greater than the "reward", but if you are always undecided on what to wear, at least now you will have the possibility to change without having to find a damn wardrobe.

- nsw
Exit date: March 20 2020