A bit 'to borrow from what we have already seen in Odyssey and Origins, the Order of the Ancients of Assassin's Creed Valhalla uses formidable warriors to protect its web of subterfuge and conspiracy. These characters roam the game world in certain territories, but their location will not appear on the map until you approach that area or those warriors.
So, the only way to find these fifteen mercenaries is to explore the map. We did it for you and this is ours guide to the location of the Acolytes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Where to find the fifteen Acolytes
Acolytes usually roam fairly wild areas, away from large population centers. Very often their token appears on the map when we unlock gods synchronization points to their neighbors and it seems that most of them search the very vicinity of such places.
Below is the complete list of play areas where you can find the fifteen Acolytes (we have followed their arrangement in the menu of the Order).
- Woden (Level 220) - Patrol the streets of the Cent between the two observation points and the great snake drawn on the hill south of the same region.
- Heike (Level 250) - Found in theEssex, between Colcestre and the Abbey of Santa Maria.
- Bercthun (Level 340) - Found in theHamtunscire, between Wincestre and the synchronization point northwest of Fearnhamme.
- Hrothgar (Level 280) - Patrol the territories in the southeast of the Suthsexe.
- Cudberct (Level 160) - Wander between Oxeneforda and the Abbey of Sant'Albano, in theOxenefordscire.

- Horsa (Level 130) - Scour the streets north of the border between Oxenefordscire e Grantebridgescire, near our settlement of Ravensthorpe.
- Osgar (Level 220) - Nel Lincoln exit southern, between Medeshamstede Abbey and Lincoln.
- Kendall (Level 90) - Patrol the south of the Grantebridgescire, between Grantebridge and Walden.
- Beorhtsige (Level 280) - Found in the Glowecrowth, on the road that passes through the Tana del Ladro.
- Wealdmaer (Level 160) - Nello Reduce, in the territories south of Lake Bomere.

- Cola (Level 90) - Scour the streets north of Lincoln, in Lincoln exit, near Aelfgarstun.
- Callin (Level 280) - Nello Eurvicscire, a sud di Picheringa.
- Eorforwine (Level 90) - In the northern Grantebridgescire, between the viewpoint of Duroliponte and the Monastery of the Isle of Ely.
- Redwalda (Level 90) - Found at the ruins of Venonis, in Ledecestrescire.
- Wuffa (Level 160) - Patrol the territories ofEast of England, between Grantebridge and Theotford.

Tips for defeating the Acolytes
Let's start immediately by telling you that the Acolytes they cannot be murdered in any way. We tried over and over again, but it always led to the fight starting without the surprise effect.
So, avoid even trying, as the only result you will have will be that of being discovered.
Instead, as a first step, we recommend that you mount your horse and approach the target from behind. Once close enough, climb onto the saddle (by pressing the Circle or B key, depending on the playing platform), jump over to the acolyte and press the light attack key.
This will allow you to take a lot of life from your opponent and knock him to the ground, allowing you to land a few more attacks.

Once the fight has begun, pay attention to the opponent's movements. These warriors are fearsome even at much lower levels than yours (especially if you are playing on a high difficulty level), so never take the fight lightly and, above all, don't be reckless.
The characteristics of the Acolytes are almost always the same, with slight variations in the level of weapons and skills. Some use toxic substances to weaken you, others smoke or stun devices, still others devastating javelins or booby traps.
The best ways to avoid these attacks, often carried out from a distance, is to use the skill Reversal of the bullet which allows you to "return the package to the sender" by pressing the parade button at the right moment. By doing this you will not only avoid losing a lot of health, but you will also be able to inflict massive damage on your opponents.

The most challenging Acolytes are those with shields. It doesn't matter what weapon they have at their disposal: what will cause you the most problems is their defense.
The best way to break it is to use a hunting bow and charge the blow to the maximum, so as to make the enemy stagger and make a momentary melee approach possible.
But the most important advice that we feel like giving you, especially if you don't have too much desire to waste hours and hours facing these warriors, is to use the loaded shot with the hunting bow, unlockable in the talent tree.
This move will allow you to fire two arrows simultaneously, with a devastating impact force that will stop your enemy's advance.
Using this method, it takes about three or four well-placed shots to defeat your opponents, especially if you have improved your bow. A tactic that can be applied to any other battle, from legendary animals to drengr.
But be careful! Once charged, the shot can no longer be stopped, so make sure you can hit the target before issuing the command.

This was ours guide to the location of the Acolytes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
We hope you find it useful and look forward to hearing your experience with these fearsome warriors below in the comments.

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Exit date: November 12, 2020