Defined as one of the best DLC of the PS4 generation and in general one of the best ever released, Bloodborne: The Old Hunters not only hides several hours of gameplay inside, with new locations, new bossfights and new types of enemies, but clearly also new weapons to be found. Please note that these are not only edged weapons, but also firearms for the left hand and even a shield. In the guide that follows we will show you how to get them all, and during the search you will also win the trophy linked to the collection of all the weapons of the Church. Once you have collected these too, after having collected all the deadly weapons of the base game (here the dedicated guide), what for many is the masterpiece of FromSoftware it will have no more secrets for you ... or almost.
ATTENTION: we clarify immediately that by continuing to read you will run into some SPOILERS related to the plot of Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, and consequently we invite you to read the weapons guide only if you know the story and / or if you have already finished it.
All weapons from The Old Hunters DLC will be available within the Hunter's Nightmare. To access it you will first need to have defeated the Vicar Amelia in the main story. Once done, go back to the Hunter's Dream: on the stairs leading to the workshop (where you received the initial weapons, so to speak) you will find a servant who hands you an object, namely theBloodshot Eye.
This object will be the "key" to access the DLC. Go to the lantern of Cathedral Ward (Odeon Chapel), exit the door on the left and let yourself be grabbed by the monster with the long arms (if the monster is invisible, follow the railing on the right side of the square), so as to be teleported into the Nightmare of the Hunter. ATTENTION: given the difficulty of the challenge and the strength of the enemies present, it is advisable to face the entire DLC only after having almost completed the run in its entirety (just after defeating the Nurse of Mergo, but BEFORE you face Gherman).
Right hand: sidearms
When you have climbed the stairs to the Great Cathedral in the Hunter's Nightmare, turn left onto a small platform, roll and walk across a section of barren ground to find the weapon on a corpse.
Explosive Hammer
You will find it inside the Hunter's Nightmare, in the house identical to the one you encountered in Central Yarnam that served as a shortcut for the Cleric Beast. Beware of traps and explosives!
Arm of Amygdala
When you are on the river of blood, instead of proceeding to the bridge, walk it backwards. You will find yourself in a cave. Defeat the hunter with the submachine gun. At the bottom of the cave you will also find a Bloodthirsty Beast. The weapon is found on a corpse in the Beast area.
Beast Hunter Saif
Along the river of blood you will come to an area where you will be attacked by some dogs and where there are many crawling crows. Climb up the ladder next to the crows. Instead of continuing down the road, turn left and drop into the spot where you see a drop, but with a hunter guarding it. Collect the drop while paying attention to him or defeat him.
Pinwheel saw
From the Nightmare Church lantern in the Hunter's Nightmare, go down the stairs and follow the path. Drop down into the pools of blood and follow the road until you reach the Executor (kill him or avoid him), continue down the road and the weapon will be at the end.
Sword of the Sacred Moon
The sword will only be obtainable after the bossfight against Ludwig in the Hunter's Nightmare. Once you defeat him, his head will lie on the ground in a corner of the arena. The sword (one of the most useful in Bloodborne: The Old Hunters) can be obtained in three ways:
- Kill the head and get the Sword.
- If you are wearing a garment from the Church sets and are going to talk to him, he will ask you a question. If you answer "YES" you will get the Sacred Moon Sword directly
- If you are wearing a garment from the Church sets and are going to talk to him, he will ask you a question. If you answer "NO", you will have to come back later and talk to Simon who will be at the back of the room, and he will give you the Sword.
ATTENTION: this weapon is MISSABLE, because if you do not collect it before defeating Laurence, it will no longer be obtainable.
Church pickaxe
The Pickaxe from the Church will be dropped by the hunter in the prisons after the bossfight with Ludwig. In one of the cells, a hunter dressed in a set of Yahar'Gul will hide in the shadows. To open the cells you will need the Key to the Cells of the Dungeons, you will find it on the third floor of the Laboratories.
Simon's sharp bow
You can get the weapon in two ways.
- Kill Simon in the Hunter's Nightmare or in the Research Lab hall.
- Collect the weapon from Simon's body in the lantern area inside the lighthouse house in the Fisherman's Village, after choosing the FIRST option by answering his question.
To get it, the first thing to do is get the Brador's cell key (the one at the bottom of the stairs in the prison that go down). You will get the key from Simon's body after you talk to him the third time (near the lantern of the lighthouse house while he is dying). If you killed him earlier, you can find the key on the ground inside the lighthouse house.
Once you get the key, go back to the prisons and open his cell with the key. Kill Brador to get the weapon.
WARNING: Brador will be unharmed in his cell, but he will not miss the chance to invade you when you are out.
It is located at the bottom of the well in the Fisherman's Village, which is located in the large area between the shacks. Go down into the well using the ladders, and get ready to a very difficult battle. At the bottom of the well you will start a fight against a Giant Shark (like the one you met just before on the surface), but which will be reached shortly after by a second (just by shooting down the second you will get the weapon). The battle is definitely complicated: a tip could be to play the tactic of ranged attacks with weapons such as Simon's Sharp Bow or the Sword of the Sacred Moon if you are using an arcane build. The Shamanic Bone Blade Item may also come in handy.
Parasite of Kos
It will be dropped after the bossfight against the Orphan of Kos.
Left hand: firearms
Armor-piercing rifle
You can buy it in the Hunter's Dream after obtaining the Symbol of the Hunter with the Flaming Hammer.
You will find the badge by defeating one of the hunters in the Hunter's Nightmare, immediately after passing the area with the three turrets. It will be dropped by the hunter with the Claw of the Beast.
Machine gun
When you are on the river of blood in the Hunter's Nightmare, instead of proceeding to the bridge, walk it backwards. You will find yourself in a cave. Defeat the hunter with the machine gun. Defeat him and he will drop the weapon on you.
Fist of Gratia
You will find him on a corpse inside the last cell inside the Prison, just after the bossfight area with Ludwig.
Church cannon
You will find it after activating the elevator altar that takes you to the Research Labs. Activate the elevator but don't go up. When the elevator below it reaches your floor, you will find an altar with Laurence's Skull and pick it up. Now activate the lever and go up the elevator, so you will be taken downstairs, where you will find a chest with the weapon inside.
Shield of the Lake
You will find it in the Research Laboratories. After you activate the lever that moves the stairs, follow the path going down, and you will find it on a platform.
These were all weapons to be found within the Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC. If you need help with Bloodborne or other games, we refer you to our guides section!