The new Call of Duty Mobile offers players the chance to enjoy some unique features in the mode Battle Royale. Featuring zombies, deadly combat and fast-paced action, Call of Duty Mobile it's up to admirably, with other mobile battle royale games.
One of the keys to winning in Call of Duty Mobile's battle royale mode is know all the class skills. In fact, at the beginning of each game, we will have the possibility to choose between six classes, each with unique abilities that can make a difference on the battlefield. The players of Apex Legends, they will surely recognize some very familiar ones among them. But let's see each class and its skills together. Remember, knowing the enemy is the first step to victory.
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The Scout is an extremely strong class and it is great for beginners. Allows the player to hold track of enemy positions, un po’ come fa Bloodhound in Apex Legends.
The active skill briefly shows the enemy positions on the map, and recharges in about a minute. Very useful for tracking down enemy hiding places. The passive ability instead, show the footprints of enemies on the ground for some time since their passage.
Knowing where the enemy is going is a huge tactical advantage. Precisely for this reason it is the recommended class to start and great for beginners.
The Clown class is absolutely not to be underestimated. If used well, his abilities can turn the phases of a game upside down. The Toy Bomb ability allows you to make the character call three zombies on the game map which will track down nearby players, as well as pinking a bomb that detonates after 15 seconds. Following zombies can often lead to enemies, who will be distracted by the player's undead allies.
The passive ability of the Clown makes them simply harder for zombies to notice, reducing distractions. It's fun and interesting classes like this one that are part of what makes Call of Duty Mobile so unique and fun.
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Il medical health insurance he can be a very strong component in teams but not always the most viable choice, given the massive presence of healing elements on the map. The skill of the medical station heals the player and his teammates in a small radius for ten seconds.
The passive ability instead, it simply reduces the cooldown time of teammates by 25%, thus allowing a greater but not essential speed of self-healing. In general, the lack of offensive skills and the limited utility of the doctor they don't make it very competitive. On a large team, however, there is always room for a healer and when in the hands of a high-level player, this class is as viable as any other in the game.
Il Ninja it is one of the most difficult classes to use, but it is still very rewarding. The skill Grappling hook turns out to be like that of Pathfinder in Apex Legends. Player in fact he throws a grappling hook, useful for quick movements during battle, or to get on the roofs of buildings and behind enemies. It can also be enhanced via chip terminal to increase the charges from two to three.
The Dead Silence passive ability instead, prevents enemies from hearing the player's footsteps. This reduces the field in which user footprint icons appear on enemy player mini maps. While knowing where the enemy is going is a powerful advantage, hiding your tracks can be very useful for making surprise attacks.
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The defender class can be very useful in several situations. Similar to the character of Gibraltar in Apex Legends, the ability Transform Shield puts a large shield in front of the player for a long time and only a thirty second recharge. The only drawback is that it turns out to be very visible even from a distance. However, before it is activated, the player can see the size of the shield when it is deployed.
The passive ability, on the other hand, provides one 20% damage reduction from all non-shooting damage. This skill could be better, but it is useful when dealing with grenades or zombies sent by the Clown class as seen above.
The mechanic turns out to be a class extremely strong (perhaps the most unbalanced?). His drone EMP can disable enemy abilities like Transform Shield and Sensor Dart, providing a significant advantage to the team. It can be easily knocked down, but it can also deliver information on the position of enemies during his flight.
The passive ability allows the mechanic to see vehicles, traps and equipment through walls up to 80 meters. It can also detect enemy equipment, providing even more valuable information. Mechanic could be defined as the strongest class in Call of Duty Mobile.
With all the classes seen above and the gameplay variety of the new Call of Duty Mobile, it's clear how the game can be a strong competitor of Fortnite and any other mobile battle royale. We also remember our previous guide on how to play with the controller or with a mouse and keyboard.
Are you playing with it? How do you find the new creation Tencent Games e Timi Studio Group for iOS and Android? You having fun?
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