On August 5, 2020, COD Warzone released the first part of the information search mission "Lost Team". The second part, released on August 25, 2020, completes the story of these clues left by Ghost in Verdansk, and sees its crowning with an interesting easter egg.
Why go in search of these objects? Why undertake this mission knowing that then there will also be another one to complete and so uff, who makes me do it? Well, because like any other objective of the battle pass, completing this mission will make you earn extra points and related rewards.
Information and their location

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Before setting off in search of this information scattered around the map, some precautions should be taken. Surely it must be taken into account that, as in the previous mission, information can be collected only one per game e necessarily in order. In short, a chain. To be as efficient as possible you have two ways:
- Collect the information and exit the game. My opinion, it doesn't seem like a very good idea, but who am I to say?
- Play until you die and defeat the opponent that happens to you in the Gulag. Once this is done, go to the place where the information is, collect it and continue the game.
The second thing to keep in mind is that, being the spawn place of objects The same for everyone, the places may be crowded. So to get the information you need as soon as possible, study the map and try to land as close as possible to the point of interest. Wait a few minutes, look around and, when you are sure that everything is ok, pick up the object and run away like a rabbit.
Information n ° 1
After receiving a picture and the clue, go at the airport located west of the map. You will have to reach the underground tunnel. The simplest way is to enter from the north. Exit the terminal, look to the right and you should find a ramp leading right into the tunnel. Once inside, continue south until you find one of those sandbag bunkers. A little further on you should find various radios piled on crates. By interacting you will get the first information and 2500 XP.
Information n ° 2
After receiving the clue, you will have to go to the roof of a building southwest of the Superstore. This is an unnamed area, but it should be easy to find the building as it has a colorful roof. Once you have landed, enter and inspect some sheets of paper on the ground. You will find the information and with it 5000 XP.
Information n ° 3
After receiving the clue, you will have to go to Dowtown, a location southwest of the map. You will need to look for a building with columns to the west. To the south there should be a three-way intersection. There should be a destroyed helicopter, land, crouch and enter the wreck. Here you will find the information and 5000 XP.
Information n ° 4
This mission is a bit more complicated than the others. To overcome it, after receiving the clue and an image, you will have to reach three radio towers in three different places in one game. They are easy to spot: they are tall, slender and red. Once you have climbed these towers, reach the top and collect the three pieces of information necessary to complete the mission and get the 5000 XP. Once the mission is over, you will also get a final clue that links to the second part of the mission.