Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled is out now and you may be wondering how to unlock all the characters. Find out now in this guide
Starting from June 21st Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled is finally available, the remake of the beloved racing game released in 1999. In this game we will have the possibility to use a large number of characters, both from the original Crash Team Racing than from its spiritual successor Crash Nitro Kart. In addition, new characters will soon be playable in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. Let's find out together in this guide the list of unlockable characters!
Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled, the unlockable characters of CTR
- Crash Bandicoot
- Statistics: Balanced
- Available from the start of the game
- Coco Bandicoot
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Available from the start of the game
- Dr. Neo Cortex
- Statistics: Balanced
- Available from the start of the game
- Dr. N. Gin
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Available from the start of the game
- Tiny Tiger
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Available from the start of the game
- Dingodile
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Available from the start of the game
- Polar
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Available from the start of the game
- Pure
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Available from the start of the game
- Ripper Roo
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Available after defeating him in Adventure mode
- Papu Papu
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Available after defeating him in Adventure mode
- Komodo Joe
- Statistics: Balanced
- Available after defeating him in Adventure mode
- Pinstripe Potoroo
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Available after defeating him in Adventure mode
- Fake Crash
- Statistics: Balanced
- Available after winning the Purple Gem Cup in Adventure mode
- Dr. Nefarious Tropy
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Available after defeating all of his ghosts in Time Trials mode
- Nitros Oxide
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Available after completing Adventure mode (In "Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled: Nitros Oxide Edition", available from the beginning)
- Penta Penguin
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Available after entering the following key combination in the main game menu:
- PS4 version: (While holding L1 and R1) Below, Right, Triangle, Below, Left, Triangle, Above
- Xbox One version: (While holding LB and RB) Down, Right, Y, Down, Left, Y, Up
- Nintendo Switch version: (While holding L and R) Down, Right, X, Down, Left, X, Up

Nitros Oxide, character from CTR, is finally playable in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled.
CTR: Nitro-Fueled, CNK's unlockable characters
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Pit Stop Cost: 1500 Wumpa Coin (In "Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled: Nitros Oxide Edition", available from the start)
- Krunk
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins
- Little Norm
- Statistics: Balanced
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins
- Grosso Norm
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins
- Nash
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins
- N. Trance
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin or 7200 Wumpa Coin (included in the Summer Package)
- Emperor Velo XVII
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins
- The earth
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Cost at Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (In "CTR Nitro-Fueled: Nitros Oxide Edition", it is available from the beginning)
- Zam
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Cost at Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (In "CTR Nitro-Fueled: Nitros Oxide Edition", it is available from the beginning)
- Geary
- Statistics: Balanced
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coins

Zem and Zam, CNK characters playable in Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled.
CTR: Nitro-Fueled, future unlockable characters
The number of characters will further increase in the future thanks to the Grand Prix Mode, which will allow you to unlock the following characters through limited-time challenges:
- Tawna Bandicoot
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Unlockable by earning 5000 Nitro Points during the "Nitro Tour Gran Prix" event
- Megumi
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Nitro Tour Gran Prix" event)
- To me
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Nitro Tour Gran Prix" event)
- Liz
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Nitro Tour Gran Prix" event)
- Isabella
- Statistics: Balanced
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Nitro Tour Gran Prix" event)
- Baby T
- Stats: Maximum speed
- Unlockable by earning 5000 Nitro Points during the "Back N. Time Gran Prix" event
- Baby Crash
- Statistics: Steering to the max
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Back N. Time Gran Prix" event)
- Baby Coco
- Statistics: Acceleration to the maximum
- Cost at the Pit Stop: 1500 Wumpa Coin (Only during the "Back N. Time Gran Prix" event)
- Spyro

Tawna Bandicoot and the Trophy Girls, playable in CTR: Nitro-Fueled.
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