In cyberpunk 2077, registered work CD Project Red of which you can find our review here, Cyberware are physical technological modifications that improve. In this guide we will see the most important ones, in which part of the body they will be inserted and the advantages that will derive from them V.
For more information on the game, we refer you to our specific section of Cyberpunk 2077, here is the link to access it, we also attach below all our guides on the game.
- Guide to all love affairs in the game
- Complete guide to all Tarot graffiti
- Guide to trophies and Platinum
- Guide to the endings and how to unlock them
- Guide to all legendary and unique weapons
- Guide to all legendary and unique armor
- Complete guide to the skills, attributes and talents of the game
- Complete guide to all vehicles in the game
- Complete guide to all bosses in the game
- Complete guide to tutti i Cyberpsicopatici
- Drive the Porsche 911 and Johnny Silverhand's pistol for the Samurai Jacket
- Guide on how to repair your car
- Guide on how to make money quickly
- Guide for quick travel and points on the map
- Guide to creating objects
- Guide on how to get infinite money
- Here are some builds that are ideal for the game
- Guide on how to take the Akira inspired motorcycle
- Guide on how to unlock the secret ending
- Guide for resetting Skills, Attributes and Talents
- Beat on the Brat side mission guide
- The Prophet's Song side mission guide
- I Fought the Law side mission guide
- Tune Up & Epistrophy side mission guide
- The Beast in Me side mission guide
- Complete guide to all Contracts
- Guide to the choices to be made in the story
- Complete Guide to Legendary Cyberware
- Guide to all websites related to missions
- Guide to the Colombario and who you can find us
- Guide to the most interesting Easter Eggs
- Guide to all side missions
- Complete guide to hacking and hacks
Before leaving you to guide, we remind you that in the following text you could read some major or minor spoilers related to Cyberpunk 2077, regarding various playful sections and different details on the story created by CD Projekt Red. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution before completing the game's campaign in its entirety.
Circulatory system of cyberpunk 2077
Blood Vessels in Bioplastic - Health regeneration out of combat + 50% per second, physical needed 14.
Synthetic Lungs - Stamina regeneration + 25%, physique needed 16.
Bioconductor - Cyberware recovery time -30%, physical required 18.
Additional Heart - Revives you when you run out of health by fully restoring the gauge, 2 minutes cooldown, 16 physical needed.
Blood Pump - Activate it to instantly restore 90% health, 30 second cooldown, 16 physical needed
Biomonitor - Restores 100% health if total value drops below 15%, cooldown 120 seconds, physique needed 18.
Microgeneratore - When health drops below 15% it originates an EMP boost that damages nearby enemies by 50% of their maximum health, and they are also electrocuted, technical skill required 16.
Adrenaline Booster - Defeating an enemy restores the stamina by 50%, physical required 18.
Feedback circuit - By unloading a fully loaded weapon, stamina is restored by 50%, physical required 18.
Frontal cortex
Strengthening the Limbic System - Chance of critical hit + 25%, intelligence needed 15.
Visual Cortex Support - Critical damage + 45%, intelligence needed 16.
Ex disk - Maximum RAM + 5%, necessary intelligence 18.
Kill-and-Heal - Defeating an enemy restores health by 10%, intelligence needed 18.
RAM management Camillo - Instantly restore 30% RAM when it is less than 2 drives, 4 minutes cooldown, 18 needed intelligence.
Mechatronic core - Damage dealt to drones, droids and mechs + 50%, intelligence needed 18.
Ballistic coprocessor - Additional bounces of bullets 2.
Link Smart - Chance of smart bullets to track target + 15%, critical damage + 25%.
Mantis blades - Third mod slot available / universal.
Single cable - Third mod slot available / universal.
Gorilla arms - Third mod slot available / universal.
Projectile launch system - Third mod slot available / universal.
Immune system
Catharsist - Increases all resistances by 35%, necessary coolness 35.
Strike and Terrify - When hit you have a 10% chance to generate an electric shock that deals 20% damage to nearby enemies equal to their maximum health, 15 required coolness.
Pain relief - Reduces all damage taken by 10%, necessary coolness 16.
Nervous system
Kerenzikov - 5 seconds cooldown, when sliding or dodging, attacking, aiming or parrying activates a 90% time dilation for 3,5 seconds, reflexes needed 18.
Synaptic Accelerator - Cooldown 60 seconds - when you are spotted by enemies a 50% time dilation is activated for 4 seconds, reflexes required 20.
Reflex Tuner - When health drops below 25% a time dilation of 80% is activated for 4 seconds, reflexes needed 18.
Neofibra - Evasion + 15%, reflexes needed 18.
Integumentary system of cyberpunk 2077
Subdermal Armor - Armor +200.
Optical Camouflage - When activated it makes it almost invisible for 15 seconds strongly reducing the chance of being spotted, cooldown time 60 seconds.
Microrotori - Melee weapon attack speed + 25%, reflexes needed 18.
Endoscheletro - Maximum health + 60%, physical needed 20.
Bionic Lungs - Maximum resistance + 60%, physical required 18.
Cyberpunk 2077 operating system
Sandevistan Dynalar
- Legendary Activating it expands time by 75% for 16 seconds, when active the critical hit chance + 15% and damage dealt + 15%, cooldown 30 seconds, reflexes needed 15.
Sandevistan Qiant
- Legendary Activating it expands time by 75% for 12 seconds, when active the critical hit chance + 15% and damage + 15%, 15 second cooldown, 15 reflexes required.
- Legendary / Iconic - Activating it expands time by 90% for 8 seconds, when active the critical hit chance + 10%, critical damage + 50% and damage dealt + 15%, cooldown 30 seconds, reflexes required 18.
Sandevistan “Falcon” Militech
- Legendary / Iconic - Activating it expands time by 70% for 20 seconds, when active the critical hit chance + 20%, critical damage + 35% and damage dealt + 15%, cooldown 30 seconds, reflexes required 18.
Berserk Biodyne
- Legendary - Activated, ranged weapon recoil and swing -25%, melee damage + 5% and armor + 5% for 30 seconds, ranged damage + 20%, defeating enemies restores health by 4%, time recovery 60 seconds, physical needed 16.
Berserk Zetatech
- Legendary - Activated, recoil and swing of ranged weapons -10%, melee damage + 10% and armor + 5% for 10 seconds, defeating enemies restores 5% health, cooldown 60 seconds, physical required 16.
- Legendary / Iconic - Activated, -20% ranged weapon recoil and swing, melee damage + 20% and armor + 10% for 30 seconds, defeating enemies heals 5%, cooldown 30 seconds, physical required 18.
Berserk Militech
- Legendary / Iconic - Activate it, ranged weapon recoil and swing -15%, melee damage + 15% and armor + 10% for 60 seconds, max health and stamina + 40%, defeating enemies restores health by 5 %, recovery time 60 seconds, physical required 18.