Inside cyberpunk 2077, registered work CD Project Red of which you can find our review here, there are many vehicles. These can in most cases be recovered in the same way, through dedicated secondary missions, which ultimately lead V to purchase one for certain amounts of money. We want to talk to you today about how to take the bike inspired by Akira from Cyberpunk 2077, which can fortunately be unlocked from the very first beats of the game.
For more information on the game, we refer you to our specific section of Cyberpunk 2077, here is the link to access it, we also attach below all our guides on the game.
- Guide to all love affairs in the game
- Complete guide to all Tarot graffiti
- Guide to trophies and Platinum
- Guide to the endings and how to unlock them
- Guide to all legendary and unique weapons
- Guide to all legendary and unique armor
- Complete guide to the skills, attributes and talents of the game
- Complete guide to all vehicles in the game
- Complete guide to all bosses in the game
- Complete guide to tutti i Cyberpsicopatici
- Drive the Porsche 911 and Johnny Silverhand's pistol for the Samurai Jacket
- Guide on how to repair your car
- Guide on how to make money quickly
- Guide for quick travel and points on the map
- Guide to creating objects
- Guide on how to get infinite money
- Here are some builds that are ideal for the game
- Guide on how to take the Akira inspired motorcycle
- Guide on how to unlock the secret ending
- Guide for resetting Skills, Attributes and Talents
- Beat on the Brat side mission guide
- The Prophet's Song side mission guide
- I Fought the Law side mission guide
- Tune Up & Epistrophy side mission guide
- The Beast in Me side mission guide
- Complete guide to all Contracts
- Guide to the choices to be made in the story
- Complete Guide to Legendary Cyberware
- Guide to all websites related to missions
- Guide to the Colombario and who you can find us
- Guide to the most interesting Easter Eggs
- Guide to all side missions
- Complete guide to hacking and hacks
Before leaving you to guide, we remind you that in the following text you could read some major or minor spoilers related to Cyberpunk 2077, regarding various playful sections and different details on the story created by CD Projekt Red. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution before completing the game's campaign in its entirety.
You will receive calls to purchase vehicles when you have achieved certain levels of notoriety within Night City. To get the Akira-inspired bike you will need to have reached the grade 12, it won't take long, you will get there all in all in the first part of the game (although almost certainly after finishing the long prologue). At this point you will receive the usual call to buy the vehicle, which will add a dedicated secondary mission to your journal.
All you have to do is go to the position as usual, already sure you have ben in your virtual account 22.000 verdonthe. There Steal the CT-3X Sensor it is a rather fast bike, one of the best of the whole work, which can therefore accompany you during your raids with great style.