PlayStation 2
Codes and unlockables
L1 L2 R2 R1
On the wall in front of the bar in mission 3
On the platform in mission 9
Kalina Ann
Delivered by Lady in mission 16
Dante Must Die
Complete Hard
Complete Easy or Normal
Gallery update
Complete Hard
Complete Normal
Heaven o Hell
Complete Dante Must Die
Unlock all modes, costumes and galleries (Japanese version)
At the start menu keep pressed L1, L2, R1, R2 and rotate the left analogue lever
Devil May Cry 1 Dante, Shirtless Dante
End the game once and press L1 or R1 in the mission selection screen
Finish the game once
Hard Mode
Finish the game once
Location of secret missions
First secret mission
In the third mission, on the door before the statue of the god, on the way to the tower, approach and press Circle.
Second secret mission
In the fifth mission, on a wall of the room where there is the elevator to get to Agni and Rudra, there is a carved red skull, approach and press Circle.
Third secret mission
At the beginning of the seventh mission jump near the door that leads into the room where there are all those springboards that join the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of the tower, you will find a niche with a statue, approach and press Circle.
Fourth secret mission
In the eighth mission under the ship in the belly of the leviathan break the wooden beams and approach the blue door and press Circle.
Fifth secret mission
In the ninth mission in the cave before the Nevan amphitheater jump on the wall where there is a hole, you will find yourself in a tunnel where there are red crystals, approach and press Circle.
Sixth secret mission
In the tenth mission after having made the bridge up into the underground lake, go to the right side of the big statue, there is a blue skull, approach it and press Circle.
Seventh secret mission
In the eleventh mission in the gear room there is a corridor with a red gear, approach and press Circle, to get there you have to jump, it is better to also use the Trickster style "air push" move.
Eighth secret mission
In the thirteenth mission in the spiral staircase there is a red lamp, approach it and press Circle.
Ninth secret mission
In the thirteenth mission in the corridor of the Vestibule, the room where there are the mirrors of light and the stone of orihalcon, jump on the wall where there is a hole, there you will find a face of a bull carved in the wall, approach and press Circle .
Tenth secret mission
In the sixteenth mission in the room where the golden sun is, after opening the hidden wall on the right side of this there is a yellow door, approach it and press Circle.
Eleventh secret mission
In the eighteenth mission on the left side of the giant foot in the underworld is a board with engravings carved into the ankle, approach and press Circle.

- ps2
Exit date: March 24 2005