In Cyberpunk 2077, fights are a fundamental element of gameplay. As a result, choosing the right arsenal to take with you through the streets of Night City becomes almost an obligation for the player, which becomes complex as you progress through the criminal undergrowth of the city.
Let's see what are the peculiar characteristics of this system and how to exploit them to our advantage in this one Cyberpunk 2077 weapons guide.
The classes
In Cyberpunk 2077 there are two macro-groups of weapons: those from the distance and those for body to body. The former are divided into three main classes: Traditional, Smart and Technological. The latter, on the other hand, are differentiated into Blades and Blunt Weapons.
Traditional Weapons

This category includes all weapons that require gunpowder to function. The bullets of the latter have the possibility of bouncing off the surfaces, so as to be able to hit the enemies that take cover behind the covers.
They are some of the most readily available weapons, as they have been around for much longer and their cost is much more affordable for the citizens of Night City.
Traditional weapons are very effective against humans with few implants.
Smart weapons

Smart weapons are all those guns that shoot homing micro-bullets in very tight gusts. With these devices it is not necessary to be precise in aiming, as the bullets will automatically reach the targets that fall within the large crosshair that appears on the screen when you hold this pistol or rifle.
They don't deal the same amount of damage per shot as traditional or tech weapons, but they can be pretty efficient, especially if you find one that does a lot of damage.
Note that you have to stay a bit away from the target to allow the homing bullets to hit.
Technological Weapons

Technological weapons are essential for breaking down enemy defenses and for piercing particularly resistant armor or layers of metal. As a result, they're great at fighting drones, mechs, and all those "no longer too human" humans. Furthermore, shots can be loaded, so as to inflict further damage.

This category includes all those sidearms capable of cutting and, therefore, killing. Here we find katanas, knives, machetes and everything that is a bit sharp.
If saving your opponents isn't your style, then blades are the choice for you.
Blunt Weapons

Blunt weapons are all those weapons that, unlike blades, they are not lethal, but they will still KO your enemies. This category includes weapons such as batons and baseball bats.
Crucial if you have to deliver a few live criminals, or don't like killing anyone.
The types of firearms
As per tradition, even in Cyberpunk 2077 we find the most common types of firearms, appropriately adapted to the setting period of the title. So there are pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and so on.
Each of these types can be found within the three main classes. So there may be smart shotguns with tracer bullets, traditional pistols or devastating tech sniper rifles.
We recommend that you always have a traditional weapon equipped alongside a smart or technological one and a melee weapon, but it is up to you to apply the various combinations to the events you are about to face.
Rarity system
Also in Cyberpunk 2077 we find a rarity system for the weapons that we get during our game.
The latter can be:
- Municipalities (White)
- Uncommon (Greens)
- Rare (Blue)
- Epic (Purple)
- Legendary (Orange)

Additionally, some weapons will be classified as Iconiche. This basically means that you won't find any others in the game world.
For this reason, when you acquire them, you will also be provided with the project to recreate these weapons (sometimes at a higher level), in the unfortunate event that you lose or sell them carelessly.
Mod and accessories

Some weapons can be improved with the help of accessories and mods, which can be purchased or found within the game world.
With accessories more properly identifiable elements are added, such as the presence of a more performing viewfinder or a silencer.
Le againstInstead, they are improvements that allow you to increase certain parameters of the weapon, such as critical damage or damage to the limbs, or to make, for example, the bullets non-lethal.

Some weapons will have more or less slots available to add such modifications. Obviously, this depends on the type of weapon and, sometimes, also on its rarity.
Some implants can be equipped in place of weapons, such as lame da mantide, the gorilla arms or projectile launch system.
The management of weapons in the inventory

By opening the inventory, you can choose your equipment.
On the left, you can find three slots, unlocked right away. In these you can choose to equip as many weapons.
Each weapon has its own power and its own damage value per second, sometimes accompanied by several peculiar characteristics, such as additional damage or different multipliers.
If you have already equipped a weapon, once you want to replace it, the game will organize the inventory in such a way that the weapons are shown in descending order of DPS, so as to be able to understand even with a quick glance if you have picked up something better than what you are using.

The greater or lesser power of a weapon is also underlined by an arrow in the upper right corner of that object's icon (green if more powerful, red if less powerful).
Returning to the inventory menu, at the bottom right you can find the quick access objects. The slot on the left is dedicated to the type of grenade, while the one on the right is reserved for inhalers, which allow you to access various temporary upgrades, such as restoring health.
Level and reputation
To use certain weapons you will need to have an appropriate level and reputation. If you do not meet these requests, you will have to wait until you reach the goal necessary to take up these weapons.
The role of skills

Within the attribute tree, you can purchase talents that improve skills with a certain type of weapon.
For those from the distance it is necessary to refer to the branch of Reflexes, where it is possible to unlock, through the talent points, new skills in the three subclasses of the latter, namely Assault, Pistols and Blades.
For hand-to-hand combat and low-range weapons, however, we must refer to the branch of Physical and its three sections: Athletics, Annihilation and Street Fighter.

This was ours Cyberpunk 2077 weapons guide. We hope it has been of help to you.
Let us know in the comments what you think about the management of the paraphernalia implemented by CD Projekt.

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Exit date: December 10 2020