PlayStation 2
Easily level up
Take your strong character (with a lot of energy, powerful weapon) but not the Ridepod and go to the dungeon, you can get little damage. Eliminate the enemies with your strong character and immediately after, press L3 to switch characters or R3 to switch to Ridepod
Borneo and Erik
Borneo and Erik can move into houses, when built in the Georama area in chapter 5
As the game progresses, Cedric gets many parts for the Ridepod in each new chapter
How to easily get the most powerful weapons in the game
You have to win 40 medals (in the various mazes) for each weapon. Go to the mayor (in the train) and exchange them for the name change coupon. Open the inventory of items and choose any weapon; if you open the weapon drop-down menu you will see that the change name option has been added. If you choose this option and type in the correct name, the weapon automatically changes to the chosen one with the related power parameters.
Per Max
Right hand LEGEND; left hand Supernova
For Monica
Right hand King of the Island; left hand Love
Quick upgrade
Go to a high level dungeon, defeat the monsters with your strongest weapons, and then when experience points appear, swap the strong weapon for the one you want to upgrade or level up, being in a high level dungeon all. 'weapon will come a great deal of experience
A way to defeat the Final Boss in the Zelmite mine
Use Max with a 300 attack pistol, dodge the mini genes and shoot the main target using Storm Energy Drinks. Alternatively, you can also use Monica's bracelet, but since you have recently recovered it, it will hardly have such powerful weapons
Easy money
This trick takes some time but it's worth it. First you must have the artificial fishing rod and at least two quantities of one of the four lures.
Equip the artificial fishing rod and put an artificial bait on it (you can buy them from Olivie, the little firbit that you can take on the train with you), then open the menu of its parameters (Status). In your inventory you should have another bait (which I remember must be the same as the one hooked). Now, still with the rod parameters screen open, press X to the inventory lure and then enter "put lure art.".
If you see the bait in the hook you will now notice that you have 2 plus one in your inventory.
Continue as described above until you have 999 in the hook so you can make new ones that come out for free.
Obviously then you take them from the hook and put them back in the inventory in order to have 999 units of that bait to be resold for 150 guilds each!

- ps4
- ps2
Exit date: 10 September 2003