DeadSpace Remake while remaining very faithful to the original work, it introduces a series of changes and innovations that enrich Isaac Clark's horrifying adventure aboard the USG Ishimura. One of these is the introduction of a new level of security, which can only be bypassed by obtaining a special card, linked to side mission "You are not authorized".
This is an optional quest that you can start from Chapter 4 but which will only be possible to complete in the advanced stages of the game. The objective is to recover seven RIGs of as many members of the USG Ishimura crew. Once you have met this requirement you will obtain a special card which guarantees thegeneral cancellation of security, necessary to open some doors and chests scattered throughout the game. You will also unlock the "Free Access" trophy/achievement.
In this article we will explain where to find all the RIGS of the "You are not authorized" mission from the Dead Space remake, how to get the general security override and which doors/chests it allows to open.
How to start the mission "You are not authorized"

There are basically two ways to start the "You Are Not Authorized" side quest. The first and most direct is to interact with the console within the Captain's Nest, on the Bridge, where you will meet up with Hammond in Chapter 4, which will automatically trigger the mission. Alternatively, if you forgot to activate the console or didn't see it, just interact with any door or chest that requires the general cancellation of security to start the quest.
As mentioned at the beginning you will have to recover 7 RIGS in total. Although it is more efficient to collect them as you progress through the adventure, you can also obtain them later with a bit of backtracking using the tram. However, keep in mind that once you have passed the "point of no return" of Dead Space Remake at the end of Chapter 11 (don't worry, the game itself will warn you) you will no longer be able to recover the RIGs and therefore not even complete the mission and obtain the loot up for grabs .
Where to find all RIGS

RIG di Voelker
The mission "You are not authorized" starts from Chapter 4, but already in the previous one you can recover Voelker's RIG. At the beginning of Chapter 3, while you find yourself floating in mid-air on the flight deck of the hangar, take the left path and continue for a few dozen meters. The RIG is located near an oxygen tank and since it glows purple it won't be difficult to spot it.
RIG the White
The second RIG, that of first officer White, is found towards the end of Chapter 4. When you are asked to exit the USG Ishimura to calibrate the SDA Cannons, float forward and pass the third set of cannons. The RIG is on a ledge on the left.
Holt's RIG
You will find Holt's RIG in Hydroponics in Chapter 6. Immediately after injecting the enzyme into the fourth gasp, continue towards the East Development Chamber, eliminating that sort of tentacle blocking the door by shooting the yellow bag on the left. Once you pass the door you will have to eliminate a tentacle that is on the left, shooting at four other bags that are in the immediate vicinity. Once done, the obstacle will disappear and you can pick up the RIG from the ground.
RIG in Dallas
You will get the Dallas RIG in Chapter 7 simply progressing through the adventure as it is a key item. This is in fact the administrator's RIG that you will be asked to find while you are trying to activate the beacon. Among other things, it will grant you the level 3 security clearance, necessary to find the next RIG.
RIG di Rosseau
Once you found the Dallas RIG in the Chapter 7 and consequently obtained level 3 authorization, return to the Technical Bridge and head towards the command room, until you reach the multi-storey area with the walls covered in adorable alien organic mass. From here use the elevators to reach the fifth floor where the fuel depot is located (south of the map), which you can now access thanks to the level 3 security pass. Rosseau's RIG is located on the ground in this room.
RIG the Bailey
You will find Bailey's RIG during the Chapter 8. Once you reach the communications command room, enter Bailey's office on the left and pick up the RIG on the desk.
Benson RIG
The last RIG is located in the Chapter 10. Once back on the Ishimura, head to the crew deck and then into the Transport Tunnel. Go down the stairs on the left and once on the lower floor turn right. Continue for a few meters until you find Benson's RIG on the ground.
How to get the general security override and what it unlocks

Once you have obtained all seven RIGS, all you have to do is return to the Captain's Nest and interact with the console to create a special card that guarantees thegeneral cancellation of security (which is unrelated to classic security levels). Once this is done, the secondary mission "You are not authorized" will be concluded and you will also unlock the "Free Access" trophy/achievement.
But what is the purpose of the general cancellation of security? As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the special card is necessary to open some special doors and boxes scattered throughout the various sections of USG Ishimura. You will probably have noticed them during your explorations.
In total there are 8 loot to recover thanks to the general security nullification, six of which are upgrades for Isaac's weapons, which we recommend you get as soon as possible, especially if you are interested in the "Build to order" trophy/achievement, which requires you to obtain all 21 If you want to know more, here's our guide to finding all the weapons and upgrades in the Dead Space remake.
Six of the loot linked to the special card can be obtained already in Chapter 10, immediately after completing the secondary mission. The last two, however, can be found in Chapter 11 and 12 respectively.
- In the lobby, take the elevator that takes you to the Water Purifier - East Hull. Once you arrive, exit the elevator and enter the room immediately to the right. You will find a Pulse Rifle upgrade inside a cabinet.
- Use the tram to reach the Mining Sector / Technical Bridge. Once at your destination, exit the vehicle on the left and go forward to take the elevator until you reach the corridor that connects the Hydroponics to the tram station. You will find a upgrade for the Multi Beam Gun inside a crate with an orange lid.
- Use the tram to head to the Mining Bridge and in the first room use the Chinese to move the crates and create a passage to the equipment storage. Inside a cabinet you will find a Contact Beam upgrade.
- Use the tram to reach the Technical Bridge and head to the Machinery Center. In this area you will find an orange chest with a upgrade for the Ripper.
- Reach the Deluxe Staff Quarters on the Crew Deck. You will have to open the door to a room to the south by connecting it to the power via the battery located near the bathrooms. Inside you will find a chest with a Flamethrower upgrade.
- Still in the accommodation area, after obtaining the Executive Area Badge in the bathrooms, enter Holt's room which is located in the same area. Here you will find a chest with a Semiconductor in Gold, which yields 3.000 credits.
- At the beginning of Chapter 11 you will find a Force Field Gun upgrade inside a chest in the cargo hold near a guardian Necromorph (i.e. those stuck inside the walls).
- The final loot is found in Chapter 12. While carrying the Mark you will reach the Transfer Crossing area. Here on the left you will find yet another chest with an orange lid, with inside 3 nodes.