As we have already exhaustively explained in our review, Death Stranding is not an open world like the ones we have come to know in recent years, but it more closely resembles the freely explorable map structure of Metal Gear Solid V and who before it (with all the necessary improvements, of course). After finishing the prologue, we will find ourselves in Capital Knot City, the place where our journey through America will start, as well as the first hub of the chiral network. The map, called the Eastern Region, extends to Port Knot City, the destination of the first section of the game. In this Death Stranding map guide we will try to illustrate the conformation of the territory, the hostile areas and all those elements that can help you to exploit to your advantage this inaccessible terrain that you will find yourself plowing several times.
Mosses, lichens… and sharp rocks
La first macroarea of Death Stranding is not too varied in terms of the playing field. Sparse green grass contrasts with dark, protruding rocks. From the heights gush out streams that pour north-west into the Atlantic Ocean, passing through wide valleys torn by these small streams, never too deep and which allow a fairly safe passage in all their points, even if it is always advisable. reach the areas where the banks are closest to each other. This is the area that was shown the most during the game's advertising campaign. The combination of the suggestive Icelandic territories is very apt, also because the influence that the latter have had on the artistic team of Death Stranding is evident.

The territories of the MULES
I MULES, or the "common bandits" according to Kojima, are the basic enemy of the game. These, "addicted" to deliveries, do everything to be able to take possession of the loads transported by couriers. The places they control are delimited by sensor-posts that warn of the immediate access to the area of loads that can be stolen. The areas they cover are very large, but not impossible to get around.
In this map they are present two outposts of the MULES. The first is located in the area just south of the Secondary station west of Capital Knot City, the northernmost node of the region. The fight can be avoided by passing over the plateau in the center of the map (east of the area controlled by the MULES). Otherwise, the best way to cross quickly it corresponds to the wide flat passage in the western part of the field, directly under the secondary station mentioned above. However, it is advisable to follow this path aboard a vehicle, so as to be able to reach the opposite border of the outpost more quickly and to end the chase that will inevitably be created. We also remember that in this area there is always at least one enemy who will stand between you and the end of the hostile area.

The second MULES camp is located south of the Logistics center west of Capital Knot City. The covered area extends in height, on the side of the central plateau. The area is very steep and complicated to navigate, but it is also full of repairs where to avoid enemy gazes, as long as they haven't scanned you. The big one is very useful cave near the central structure (to the left of the camp), where you can hide while waiting for the best time to circumvent and infiltrate the enemy camp, so as to recover the loads they have stolen. If, on the other hand, you don't have to do anything special in the area, it is extremely easy to completely avoid the area, as you can safely evade if you pay attention to the arrangement of the border posts.

Areas infested with Stranded Creatures
The first enemies with which we will come face to face in the game are the Stranded Creatures (CA), of which we have already written a guide to help you deal with them. The first area where we will meet them is the one immediately adjacent to theIncinerator west of Capital Knot City.

Another area where you will always be able to find CA is the pass to the southwest which you have to cross if you want to reach Port Knot City. The terrain here is very bumpy and full of rocks, so vehicles are not recommended, as they will only waste you more time than necessary and will most likely also lead to capture by the CAs.

Territory infested by stranded creatures is also that of the forest immediately adjacent to the wind farm. Here, too, vehicles are strongly discouraged. An occasional area, where the rain does not fall constantly, is the coast north-west of Capital Knot City. It will be luck to decide whether the passage will be free for you or hampered by the presence of the CAs.

Last, but not least, the stretch of road that you will have to follow to reach the aforementioned Logistic center. The ground is furrowed by the fork of the river that flows further north, so be very careful about the vigor, which you will have to manage between holding your breath and fording the various waterways.

Settlements and points of interest
Capital Knot City: The city where it all begins. It is located to the east, near the coast;
Secondary station west of Capital Knot City: The northernmost place of delivery in the area;
From the day of Ludens: It is located between the Logistics Center and the secondary Station, just south of the MULI field and east of the Incinerator;
Incinerator west of Capital Knot City: our first destination, between Capital Knot and the Logistics Center;
Logistics center west of Capital Knot City: the central hub of the region, between the MULI field to the south and the area on the river infested by CA. It is a main structure, so you can find a garage and private room where to rest Sam and the BB;
wind farm: the most isolated and difficult to reach settlement on the map, preceded by a forest infested with CA;
Port Knot City: the last node of the first region.

Tips for getting around the Eastern Region in the best possible way
Get rid of ropes and stairs: First, it is important to always have at least two climbing ropes and two ladders with you, to be placed preferably on the four slots of the suit. This is because the ground is structured very vertically and it is not difficult to find high rocky walls that prevent you from passing and that force you, therefore, to retrace your steps even for several hundred meters;
Hold on to the backpack: It is highly recommended to hold the backpack with both hands (just keep L2 and R2 pressed) to avoid losing balance on the rough ground, characteristic of this area;
Pay attention to the shelters for the rain show: Given the predominantly rocky structure of the area, it is not too difficult to find shelter from the rain, as long as you are near a plateau or some imposing rock. In fact, it will be difficult to find natural structures that protect you in the flat areas. Therefore, always carry at least one repair spray for the speakers with you, to avoid that the rain timer catches you unprepared;
Scan the surrounding area from an elevated spot: The conformation of the region allows you to have a very broad point of view on the territories you have to cross. So do not hesitate to waste some time to reach a good vantage point that allows you to plan your route with greater precision. Especially from the central plateau, it will be much easier to ascertain the extent of the territory of the MULES and CAs, as well as the potential paths to follow to avoid them completely.
Take all the tasks from the wind farm: Once you reach the Wind Farm, before returning to the Logistics Center, take as many tasks as possible. Given its extremely isolated location, making only one trip to complete most deliveries is much better than having to continually back and forth, with the risk of facing even more than once the stranded creatures that haunt the woods.

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Exit date: November 8, 2019