Are you ready to destroy enemies in both PvE and PvP? Here is an updated guide on the best weapons to use in Destiny 2, their perks and how to get them!
Destiny 2 is one of the most played titles of the moment, partly thanks to the fact that it has become a real free-to-play. In fact, if you didn't know, the Bungie title has adopted a free-to-play economy and in this article you can read the details.
This guide will contain the stronger weapons present in the game, theirs perk, how to get them and always will be updated. Recall that weapons contain gods random perks, then you can drop weapons with some perks listed in the guide or even others! The Destiny 2 best weapons will be categorized into:
- Destiny 2 Best Weapons: Shotguns
- Destiny 2 Best Weapons: Shotguns
- Best Weapons Destiny 2: SMGs
- Destiny 2 Best Weapons: Hand Cannons
- Destiny 2 Best Weapons: Sidearms
- Best Weapons Destiny 2: Combat Bows
- Best Weapons Destiny 2: Destructive Weapons
Destiny 2 Best Shotguns - Destiny 2 Best Weapons
Izanagi's Burden
- How to get it: You will need to get the keys by entering all four forges.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Sniper Rifle.
The goodness of the weapon essentially lies in its exotic perk, which allows it to consume the magazine and charge a shot with additional damage and range. This shot has essentially the power of four bullets in one, making it one of the best weapons for PvE.
- Refined thread: Pressing and holding reload consumes the magazine and loads a shot with additional damage and range.
- Outlaw: Precision kills significantly reduce cooldown time.
Gravitational Lance
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams / can be chosen as a reward at the end of a main mission.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Pulse Rifle.
This Pulse Rifle has been in use for a long time and is still used by a myriad of players in order to dominate the lobbies in the Crucible, but with the latest update it has been debuffed. Despite this, it remains one of the best weapons, as well as one of the most used in PvP. Here is the list of Perks:
- Black hole: The second hit of a burst deals massive damage, even over long distances without losing power.
- Hammered stripes: increases the range.
- Finished bullets: increases the range.
- Cosmology: Enemies killed by this weapon will explode and this will cause void shells that will chase the enemies.
- Adjusted stock: increases stability - moderately controls recoil - slightly reduces handling.
MIDA Multi-Tool
- How to get it: through a Quest, after finishing the main story, in the European Dead Zone.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Scout Rifle.
This weapon was also present in Destiny, but in Destiny 2 it is different, as it focuses on agility. Also when aiming the radar will not disappear which is very useful in PvP. Here is the list of Perk:
- MIDA Multi-Tool: Weapon increases movement speed.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases handling - slightly increases range and stability.
- High caliber bullets: Bullets stagger enemies - slightly increases range.
- Radar MIDA: While aiming, the radar remains active.
- Handmade football: increases stability.
Wing of the Vigilance
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Pulse Rifle.
This weapon is really very strong since the bursts it fires are 5 shots, also it has a really good perk, since every face that your companion is eliminated your health regenerates very quickly. Here is the list of Perks:
- Hard truth: When an ally is killed, your health regenerates and your movement speed increases.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases range and stability - slightly increases handling.
- Alloy magazine: Charges faster when the magazine is empty.
- Until the very end: Being the last member of the squad alive improves the performance of the weapon and greatly increases the recovery.
- Composite football: slightly increases stability - slightly increases handling.
Midnight with no name
- How to get it: come on Engrammi di Zavala.
- Type of weapon: Legendary Scout Rifle.
This is one of the best scout rifles, as it is faster than others, plus it is very strong as the bullets detonate on impact. Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: The recoil of this weapon has a milder vertical swing.
- MOA laser sight 2: slightly increases range - increases handling.
- Micro laser sight: increases range - increases handling.
- Optics for SSF rifle: slightly increases range - slightly reduces handling.
- Flanged magazine: slightly increases stability - significantly increases charging speed.
- Stable bullets: greatly increases stability - slightly reduces range
- Explosive charge: bullets explode on impact.
Spite of the Tiger
- How to get it: through the Legendary Engrams.
- Type of weapon: Legendary Auto Rifle.
This is one of the weapons added with the latest update, Destiny 2: The Renegades. Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: the recoil of the weapon is more attenuated.
- Polygonal ruling: increases stability.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases range and stability - slightly increases handling.
- Infinite bullets: aincreases range.
- Stable bullets: greatly increases stability - slightly reduces range.
- Killer Charger: reloading after a kill increases the damage done by the weapon.
- Kill Counter Disabled: kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Kill Counter: kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: count the enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Polaris spear
- How to get it: through a mission given by Ana Bray.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Scout Rifle.
This weapon was introduced with the "War Mind" expansion and is very rare. The faster we manage to press R2 (or the button to shoot) the faster the weapon will fire. Also, if we inflict 4 headshots in a row, the next hit will be explosive, causing tremendous damage. Here is the list of Perks:
- Perfect fifth: Precision shots restore ammo to the magazine. After four accurate hits, the fifth hit will be an explosive hit.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Tactical loader: slightly increases stability - increases charging speed - slightly increases the charger.
- Momento zen: The more damage you do, the more stability increases.
- Adjusted stock: increases stability - moderately controls recoil - slightly reduces handling.
Whisper of the Worm
- How to get it: through a secret quest called The Whispers.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Sniper Rifle.
This is considered by many to be the Destiny 2 strongest sniper. A very special perk reloads the magazine if three shots are landed in a row. Here is the list of Perks:
- White nail: Base Accuracy Damage increased, landing three hits in a row causes the magazine to fill up.
- Polygonal ruling: increases stability.
- Refined bullets: increases range.
- Mulligan: Missed rounds can restore ammo to the magazine.
- Adjusted stock: increases stability - moderately controls recoil - slightly reduces handling.
Destiny 2 Best Shotguns - Destiny 2 Best Weapons
Inappropriate landing
- How to get it: through the Legendary Engrams.
- Type of weapon: Legendary Shotgun.
This shotgun deals arc damage, was introduced with season 4 and is, to date, the most used in the game. Here is the list of Perks:
- Quick frame: Shoot in automatic mode and reload faster if the magazine is unloaded.
- Full choke: Reduces the width of the cone of focus while looking through the viewfinder.
- Smooth barrel: greatly increases the range - increases the amplitude of the cone of fire.
- Flanged magazine: slightly increases stability - significantly increases charging speed.
- Stable bullets: greatly increases stability - slightly reduces range.
- Killer charger: Reloading after a kill increases damage dealt.
- Instant aim: Aiming becomes faster.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
- How to get it: beating some bosses in the Intensification Protocol it may be dropped.
- Type of weapon: Legendary Shotgun.
This weapon was added with the "War Mind" DLC, and it is possible that it will be dropped through a patrol mode. Here is the list of Perks:
- Quick frame: Shoot in automatic mode and reload faster if the magazine is unloaded.
- Helical barrel: increases the range - significantly reduces handling.
- Hammered stripes: increases the range.
- Polygonal ruling: increases stability.
- Perforated barrel: After a successful melee attack, the shotgun receives positive buffs, gains more damage, accuracy and handling for a short period of time, in exchange for ranged damage reduction.
- Tactical loader: slightly increases stability - increases charging speed - slightly increases the charger.
- Moving target: Increases target acquisition speed if you aim while moving.
- Threat Detector: Increases Reload Speed - Increases stability and handling when enemies are close.
Destiny 2 Best SMGs - Best Destiny 2 Weapons
- How to get it: through the Gunsmith's Legendary Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Legendary SMG.
This kinetic SMG is more oriented towards PvP than towards PvE.
Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: the recoil of the weapon is more attenuated.
- GB steel: agile metal viewfinder - reduced zoom - increases handling - slightly increases range.
- Olo SC: Häkke holographic viewfinder - medium zoom - significantly increases the range - slightly reduces handling.
- Bouncing bullets: Bullets bounce off surfaces - increases stability - slightly increases range.
- Tactical loader: slightly increases stability - increases charging speed - slightly increases the charger.
- Killer charger: Reloading after a kill increases damage dealt.
- How to get it: can be dropped in the Intensification Protocol.
- Weapon Type: Legendary SMG.
This, like the IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1, is part of the IKELOS set and is considered by many to be the best indoor SMG in PvP. Here is the list of Perks:
- Aggressive frame- Deals increased damage at close range.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases range and stability - slightly increases handling.
- Fluted barrel: significantly increases handling - slightly increases stability.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Violent interruption: If the enemy shield is broken, the enemy will be more vulnerable to kinetic damage.
- Seraphic bullets: Bullets penetrate deeper and bounce off surfaces.
- Profanatombe: Melee kills, in addition to reloading part of the magazine, provide primary, heavy and special ammo.
- Threat Detector: Increases Reload Speed - Increases stability and handling when enemies are close.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Exotic submachine gun.
This is considered the best SMG for PvE, if you wonder why here is the list of Perks:
- Ride of the bull: Kills with this weapon reload a portion of the magazine.
- Fluted barrel: significantly increases handling - slightly increases stability.
- Bouncing bullets: Bullets bounce off surfaces - increases stability - slightly increases range.
- Furia: kills increase damage dealt, this perk can be stacked up to three times.
- Short kick: significantly increases handling.
- How to get it: Get 2100 Glory in the Crucible.
- Type of weapon: Exotic Submachine Gun.
Although this weapon has been nerfed, it still remains a very good choice among the machine guns of the title. In fact, after we kill the enemies (with any weapon), Ascetic's damage will increase.
- Lightweight frame: excellent handling. You move faster when you equip this weapon.
- Weapons Mastery: Kills with any weapon improve their damage for a short period of time.
Destiny 2 Best Hand Cannons - Destiny 2 Best Weapons
Ace of Spades

- How to get it: through the heroic feat "Cayde's Will" in the "Forsaken" DLC.
- Weapon Type: Exotic Hand Cannon.
This is, for now, the most used weapon in PvP and with which the most kills have been made in absolute for some time now, so for now the stronger than the game. Here is the list of Perks:
- Memento died: If it is reloaded after a kill, the bullets placed in the magazine will be much stronger. In addition, the radar remains active when in target mode.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases range and stability - slightly increases handling.
- High caliber bullets: Bullets stagger enemies - slightly increases range.
- Dragonfly: If an accurate kill is made the target will explode, dealing Solar damage to surrounding enemies.
- Smooth grip: slightly increases stability - slightly increases handling.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Counter-kill of the Crucible: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Exotic Hand Cannon.
This was until the release of the Ace of Spades the hand cannon most used by players, this does not mean that it is no longer valid, on the contrary, it is enough to know how to use it to create chaos in the lobbies. Here is the list of Perks:
- Banned weapon: This weapon fires a three-round burst.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Finished bullets: increases the range.
- Cruel remedyPrecision kills reload the magazine, general kills reload health.
- Heavy handle: increases stability - reduces handling.
Solar Impact
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams / can be chosen as a reward at the end of a main mission.
- Weapon Type: Exotic Hand Cannon.
This is one of the best choices for PvE as it fires explosive bullets. Here is the list of Perks:
- Sunburn: fires explosive bullets.
- Content compensator: increases stability - moderately controls recoil - slightly reduces handling.
- Finished bullets: increases the range.
- Solar outbreak: Enemies killed by this weapon explode.
- Rough handle: greatly increases handling - slightly reduces stability.
Midnight Shot
- How to get it: through the Raid loot The Leviathan.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Hand Cannon.
This is the best legendary hand cannon to date. Here is the list of Perks:
- Lightweight frame: You move faster when you equip this weapon.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Spiral scratching: slightly increases range and stability - slightly increases handling.
- Extended barrel: increases the range. reduces handling - moderately controls recoil.
- Furia: kills increase damage dealt, this perk can be stacked up to three times.
- Ambitious assassin: The magazine gets overloaded based on how many quick kills are made.
- Outlaw: Precision kills make reloading faster.
Destiny 2 Best Sidearms - Destiny 2 Best Weapons
Rat King
- How to get it: through a Quest, after finishing the main story, on the planet Titan.
- Weapon Type: Exotic Sidearm.
This is the perfect weapon to use with your friends, especially if you are 6 in total, as it has a positive buff for every team member who uses it! Here is the list of Perks:
- Herd of rats: this weapon becomes stronger if used also by allies. Can be combined up to 6 times.
- Narrow caliber: increases range - increases stability.
- Tactical loader: slightly increases stability - increases charging speed - slightly increases the charger.
- Mouse: if it is recharged after a kill it becomes invisible for a short time.
- Smooth grip: slightly increases stability - slightly increases handling.
Vestian dynasty
- How to get it: is given as award from Petra at the end of the de campaign The Renegades.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Support Weapon.
This weapon is defined by many as the best of its kind, given its maneuverability and speed. Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: the recoil of the weapon is more attenuated.
- Extended barrel: increases the range. reduces handling - moderately controls recoil.
- Content compensator: increases stability - moderately controls recoil - slightly reduces handling.
- Alloy magazine: Charges faster when the magazine is empty.
- Armor-piercing bullets: Bullets cause more damage to enemy shields - slightly increases range.
- Killer charger: Reloading after a kill increases the damage done by the weapon.
- Dragonfly: If an accurate kill is made the target will explode, dealing Solar damage to surrounding enemies.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Kill Counters: Count-kills activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Autumn Anonymous
- How to get it: through the Engrammi di Lord Shaxx (Crucible).
- Weapon Type: Legendary Support Weapon.
This sidearm was added with the latest Forsaken DLC and is among the best of its kind. Here is the list of Perks:
- Lightweight frame: You move faster when you equip this weapon.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Counter-kill of the Crucible: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Destiny 2 Best Combat Bows - Best Destiny 2 Weapons
Arsenic Bite-4b
- How to get it: through the Legendary Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Combat Bow.
With the new DLC, bows have also been added: weapons that are difficult to use but capable of doing massive damage to enemies. Here is the list of Perks:
- Lightweight frame: while you tighten the rope you can move quickly. In addition, the shot can be canceled.
- Polymer rope: slightly increases the accuracy - slightly increases the extraction speed.
- Coal rod: increases stability.
- Gait of the archer: after each precise shot the speed in shooting arrows increases.
- Explosive head: arrows explode after a short time.
- Furia: kills increase damage dealt, this perk can be stacked up to three times.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Without return
- How to get it: after completing it second Forsaken mission, through Petra / subsequently through the Legendary Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Combat Bow.
Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: stretch the rope longer to increase the damage. In addition, the shot can be canceled.
- High tension rope: increases accuracy. slightly slows down the extraction speed - slightly reduces stability.
- Fiberglass rod: greatly increases accuracy - slightly reduces stability.
- Explosive head: arrows explode after a short time.
- Instant aim: Aiming becomes faster.
- Point-blank handle: An ergonomic handle that increases accuracy and stability when shooting without looking in the viewfinder.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Counter-kill of the Crucible: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Subtle Calamity
- How to get it: through the Legendary Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Combat Bow.
Here is the list of Perks:
- Precision frame: composite arch. Longer tension time optimized for damage. Press while pulling the string to cancel the hit.
- Flexible rope: light and easy to stretch - slightly increases extraction speed - slightly reduces accuracy - increases handling.
- Polymer rope: indestructible rope - slightly increases accuracy - slightly increases extraction speed.
- Coal rod: Lightweight and stable rod material - increases stability.
- Natural fletching: light and with good control - slightly reduces accuracy - greatly increases stability.
- Sneaky bow: Increase tension time and charging speed when squatting.
- Counter-kill Off: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Destiny 2's Best Destructive Weapons - Destiny 2's Best Weapons
Sleeper Simulator
- How to get it: obtainable after one series of missions date yes Ana Bray, in the DLC "The Warring Mind".
- Weapon Type: Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle.
This is the best linear fusion rifle in the whole game, great in PvE, especially against bosses, and also in PvP. Here is the list of Perks:
- sleeping Beauty: This weapon's laser penetrates enemies deeply and reflects off solid surfaces.
- Polygonal ruling: barrel optimized to reduce recoil - increases stability.
- Flanged magazine: optimized for fast charging - slightly increases stability - significantly increases charging speed.
- Moving target: Increase movement speed and target acquisition as you move by looking through the viewfinder.
- Composite football: This weapon has a versatile dual-function butt - slightly increases stability - slightly increases handling.
Best Action
- How to get it: through the Engrammi di Lord Shaxx (Crucible).
- Weapon Type: Legendary Grenade Launcher.
This weapon fires proximity grenades, which means that they will explode if there are enemies around or anything that can take damage. Here is the list of Perks:
- Adaptive chassis: a handle of excellent workmanship, reliable and resistant.
- Linear compensator: The launch tube of this weapon is well balanced - slightly increases the speed of the projectile - slightly increases the impact area - slightly increases stability.
- Limited launch: the launch parameters are particularly stable - significantly increases stability - increases the impact area - reduces the speed of the projectile.
- Hard throw: The launch tube is optimized for the speed of the projectile - greatly increases the speed of the projectile - reduces stability - slightly reduces the impact area.
- Proximity grenades: Grenades fired with this weapon have better proximity detection.
- Remote detonation: fires a slower grenade that bounces and explodes when you release the trigger - increases the impact area - reduces the magazine.
- Threat Detector: Increases reload speed, stability and handling when enemies are close.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Sins of the past
- How to get it: through the loot of the Raid The Leviathan.
- Weapon Type: Legendary Rocket Launcher.
Here is the list of Perks:
- High impact frame: Low rate of fire and massive damage. This weapon is more accurate when firing from stationary and looking through the sights.
- Limited launch: the launch parameters are particularly stable - significantly increases stability - increases the impact area - reduces the speed of the projectile.
- Linear compensator: The launch tube of this weapon is well balanced - slightly increases the speed of the projectile - slightly increases the impact area - slightly increases stability.
- Intelligent recoil control: This launch tube is optimized for fire control - moderately controls recoil - increases stability - increases handling - slightly increases projectile speed.
- Cluster bomb: When rockets explode, they release cluster bombs.
- Ambitious assassin- Overcharges the magazine based on the number of quick kills made before reloading.
- Self-loading holster: the stowed weapon reloads automatically after a short time.
Black Claw
- How to get it. through the Exotic Engrams.
- Weapon Type: Exotic sword.
This sword was added in the latest update and among the perks it hides a gem! Here is the list of Perks:
- Wings of the Raven: Press to fire a cross combo of energy blasts.
- Hardened wire: Increases sword damage and ammo.
- Heavy Guard: Sword parry provides high efficiency and high defense.
- Tireless blade: Charged Sword kills provide sword ammo.
- Kill counter disabled: Kill counter disabled for this weapon.
- Counter-kill: Kill counter activated for this weapon.
- Crucible kill counter: Counts enemies killed with this weapon in Crucible PvP mode.
Destiny 2 Best Weapons: How to Destroy Enemies in PvE and PvP
These are, for now, the strongest weapons in Destiny 2, do you have any? What do you use to destroy lobbies in both PvE and PvP? For more guides / news on Destiny 2 and other games keep following Holygamerz!